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Watching the locals do business in the same houses as their ancestor did centuries ago is akin to stepping into a time machine.p INGYAO is located in Shanxi province, to the west of its capital Tai- yuan. All of the city walls, streets, buildings and shops are well preserved from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today, the town looks much the same as it did when it was the county seat in ancient times. china’s Past Revealed to Foreign Eyes pingyao particularly appeals to two kinds of people.…  相似文献   

周一渤 《台声》2005,(6):84-89
夏暑刚退,秋凉即生。在参加平遥国际摄影节逗留在古城的几日里,非阴即雨,没见过太阳几回面。摄影节结束了,房东老董热情地给我介绍说:“来平遥,不去看看双林寺和镇国寺,那算白来。”我说:“为什么?”他说:“你去看看就知道了。”这句话倒真的逗得我有点神往了。这天,阴云遁去,阳光明媚,我决定去双林寺一睹神采。于是,我在老董的指引下找了一辆三轮车往西出了古城,一路秋阳中,我的心儿早已游走在双林寺了。从平遥古城往西南行约6公里,穿过一条栽着两排高耸的杨树的林荫道,远远望去,便可见一座红墙碧瓦的寺庙掩映在一片树木葱茏里了。粗看之下…  相似文献   

THE Dujiangyan Irrigation System that has turned the 733,300-hectare Chengdu plain into farmland with constant good harvests, was actually constructed 2,200 years ago. As an exceptionally good example of water conservation works both in China and in the world, the ancient project has functioned perfectly, serving as a method of flood prevention, irrigation, navigation and power generation. Thus, it is one of the wonders in the history of hydraulic engineering, embodying ancient Chinese civi…  相似文献   

山西省是中华民族的发祥地之一,历史悠久,人文荟萃,拥有丰厚的历史文化遗产,素有"中国古代艺术博物馆"之称。而被称为"东方彩塑艺术宝库"的双林寺就坐落在平遥古城西南6公里处一个古老而幽静的村落——桥头村。  相似文献   

Asectionofhighwallsepa-rateshistoryfrommodernity;acou-pleofstreetsmakeoneforgetthereality,butletoneharkbacktothepast.Andinarainyandfoggyevening,weembarkedonthisplotofland,aplaceofindescribablebeauty,andthatevokesdeepre-flection.Keepingtheirappointmentsmadeatthistimelastyear,friends,oldandnew,ofdifferentcolorsandnationalities,arrivedasifoncueonSeptember20.Maybefortheseguestsandfriends,andthesepho-tographymasters,theyhaveat-tendedmanyaphotographyfesti-valsheldindifferentplacesintheworld.However…  相似文献   

THE Chinese film Raise the Red Lantern made the Qiao family courtyard where it was shot into a famous tourism destination. There are over 4,000 such siheyuan (family courtyards surrounded by rooms) in the ancient city of Pingyao, just a few dozen kilometers away. It was only when the film went on release that the owners of these properties became aware of their architectural and cultural value, and it was Zhang Yimou's film of ten years  相似文献   

QU Xinghu, a park employee, lives in a small cottage near Yuping (JadeScreen) Pavilion on Huangshan(Yellow Mountain) in China's Anhui Province. He looks after Huangshan's most famous tree, the Guest Welcoming Pine, of which a huge iron picture hangs in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.The Guest Welcoming Pine has been assigned guardians since the  相似文献   

THE city of Chengdu,Si-chuan province hosted the First international Festival of intangible Cultural Heritage  相似文献   

AT the 34th World Heritage Committee annual meeting held in Brasilia, two more places in China were added to UNESCO's World Heritage List - the Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in the "Center of Heaven and Earth" in the cultural category and China's Danxia Landform in the natural category. This decision brought the tally of world heritage sites in China to 40, including 28 cultural heritage sites,  相似文献   

WUYI Mountain, with its stunning sceneryand wealth of cultural relics, is located innorthwestern Fujian Province. InDecember 1999, it was designated by theUN World Heritage Committee as a World Culturaland Natural Heritage site, thus becoming the fourthin China after Mt. Taishan, Mt. Huangshan, and Mt.Emei.Wuyi Mountain's 108 scenic spots, includingits Jiuqu (Nine-Bend) River, Tianyou Peak,Waterfall Cave, Huxiao (Roaring Tiger) Rock,Wuyi Palace, and Lianhua (Lotus) Peak, are sc…  相似文献   

公路两边全是开花的石榴树,似是欢迎我们的挥舞鲜花的仪仗队。四千多年前,大禹是不是也从这条路上山的?涂山是大禹会盟诸侯,锁支祁、斩防风、劈山导淮之地,也是他娶妻生子、留下“三过家门而不入”的佳话的地方。我进入了大禹的领地,准确些说是进入了他精神的领地。尘世苍苍,史海茫茫,每个伟人在留下他的盖世功勋和诸多遗迹后,更多的是留下了他的精神和思想。  相似文献   

徽州山区有一个小县,坐落在深山密林之中。因为山多人稀,且交通不便,长期鲜为人知,如今说出来又大大有名,她就是被人戏称为“黑多”县的黟县。  相似文献   

<正>晋中市有着丰厚的文化历史和璀璨的民族文化。例如平遥古城,我国难得的一座保留完整的古代城郭;大寨,全国农业的旗帜;王家大院、乔家大院等晋商的巨贾大院,我国北方少见的现代文化遗存地、晋商文化的重要信息载体;左权县麻  相似文献   

碧波 《人民公安》2010,(12):57-57
据说,亲人也只有一次的缘分,下辈子,无论爱与不爱,都不会再见。今天又陪客人去了一趟平遥古城。迄今,究竟来平遥古城有多少次,到底是记不清楚了。可以说说的是,每次来平遥,全然是自在悠然的欣喜心,  相似文献   

张鹏  张妮娜 《中国减灾》2014,(19):39-41
正2014年7月中旬,湖南部分地区遭遇了严重的洪涝灾害,其间最引人关注的,莫过于凤凰古城被淹事件。这只湘西青山中展翅的丹鸟,在滂沱的雨涝中折翼,不禁让人扼腕叹息。面对日益复杂的自然灾害形势,如何保护我国仅存的古城,是当下防灾减灾和城市规划必须面对的挑战。  相似文献   

AT the beginning of 2010, Fu Ying, Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom, learned of her new mission to take effect January 4, 2010. A promotion would make her vice minister of foreign affairs, the second female in China ever to take the post. The first one was appointed over 30 years ago.  相似文献   

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