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The new decade also means a new chapter for personnel professionals. From our research, interviews and observations during the '70s come these predictions for the '80s.  相似文献   

This study seeks to provide an overview of drug trafficking in Iran, particularly as it relates to the Iran–Afghan and Iran–Pakistan border regions. Data were obtained from a systematic review of the academic literature and from open sources, including media reports and official documents. The Iranian government is credited with dedicating substantial resources to combating the drug trafficking. Despite these efforts, Iran continues to be the most significant transit country for opium and heroin from Afghanistan. Several factors are identified that help to explain why Iran, despite its efforts, continues to play a central role in the international drug trade.  相似文献   

During the last two decades The Bahamas have come to assume a central role in the transhipment of illicit drugs into the United States. This has occurred concomitantly with the dramatic development and escalation of the War on Drugs by the U.S. government. The author investigates the reasons why the United States has done so little to curb the blatant participation of this tiny island nation in these drug activities, while going so far as to invade Panama in order to remove Manuel Noriega from power, allegedly over his drug-related actions. The answers may be found, it is argued, in traditional fears of communist expansion in the Western Hemisphere, leading to the militarization of the region in the name of the War on Drugs.  相似文献   



Cocaine: a European Union perspective in the global context  相似文献   

中国共产党自“二大”提出建立民主共和国的主张以来,就一直致力于将马克思主义的民主思想与中国革命的实际相结合,在实践中创造性地发展了马克思主义的民主学说,创立了民主立国思想。主要包括民主建国论,代表式的民主体制和自治性的民主治理结构的构想,以及民主立国的原则与框架的创设等。这些思想作为中国共产党集体智慧的结晶,为新民主主义的胜利和中华人民共和国的建立奠定了坚实的理论基础。在今天。它仍有重要的政治导向意义,是当代中国民主政治发展中宝贵的思想资源。  相似文献   

The pro-competitive antitrust doctrine has originated in the free-market economies of Western capitalist countries but with economic transformations in Eastern Europe the doctrine ceased to be an exclusive Western concept. Using the example of the Polish law on combating Trust in the National Economy of 1987, the author demonstrates the spread of the antitrust doctrine from capitalism to socialism. Apart from these changes, the doctrine has been spreading on the international level because increasingly it has found application not only within particular countries but also with regard to trade and commerce between and among countries. The multidimensional nature of the antitrust doctrine has important implications for combating both domestic and international antitrust crime. The efficiency of efforts to combat abuse of a dominant market position, limiting access to the market or other forms of restraining competition will depend increasingly on the degree to which organs responsible for fighting antitrust crimes are willing to benefit from the multi-dimensional nature of the antitrust doctrine.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):233-259
For much of the past twenty-five years, the US-led war on drugs has been premised on a fundamental misunderstanding of Colombian drug trade. Instead of being run by a handful of massive, price-fixing ‘cartels’, the Colombian drug trade, then and now, was characterized by a fluid social system where flexible exchange networks expanded and retracted according to market opportunities and regulatory constraints. To support this interpretation, I draw on primary and secondary source data I collected in Colombia and the US, including interviews with several dozen hard-to-reach informants. I analyze these data to analyze the organisational form and functioning of ‘Colombian’ trafficking networks, focusing on how these illicit enterprises communicate, coordinate their activities, and make decisions, with an eye towards deflating some of the more persistent myths that have grown up around these transnational enterprises.  相似文献   

王立 《法学家》2002,(2):96-101
一、台湾知识产权法律制度变化的背景 蒋介石政府自1949年败退台湾后,至80年代中后期,一直实行"一党专制"的反共戒严体制,这种专制独裁统治引起了岛内受西方政治思想影响较深的知识分子、中产阶层和新兴党外政治势力的强烈不满,求新求变政治改革的愿望日益增强,参与意识也在不断提高,并逐渐形成一股社会潮流;台独势力也有增大的势头;同时,美国出于其国家利益和全球性战略考虑,敦促国民党政府尽快解除戒严,开放党禁、报禁,加速美式民主政治,给台湾当局施加了压力,严重地影响了台湾政局的稳定.  相似文献   

A case is presented of a 26-year-old female who died as a result of cocaine intoxication. A blood cocaine concentration of 330 mg/l, about 1.5 times greater than the highest concentration previously reported, was found. Blood benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester concentrations were 50 and 18 mg/l, respectively. The unusually high blood concentrations of cocaine and the metabolites are suggestive of a massive administration, however, the history suggests a series of recreational uses. The manner of death was undetermined.  相似文献   

Adverse obstetrical outcomes are often associated with maternal cocaine use. These have included intrauterine growth retardation, abruptio placentae, and an increased incidence of spontaneous abortion and pre-term labor. This report details the case of an 18-week-gestation fetus recovered from a sewage treatment plant. A brain specimen was positive for cocaine. With the present epidemic of cocaine abuse, it is important for the forensic pathologist to seek toxicologic evidence of cocaine in all suspicious fetal and neonatal deaths.  相似文献   

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