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强制执行力是行政取缔在实证中呈现的最重要显性特征之一,对其正当性的解读有助于从法理上厘清取缔的内部权力构造,即存在对行政机关的实质性"包裹授权",包括授权做出行政禁令及禁令之即时强制执行,二者共同诠释了取缔非制裁性、终局性和实效性等权力特性,非仅为执法目的的宣示。此为我国取缔的法律治理指明了路向。基于新时期"管理与预防、控制"等"管控"价值的需求,取缔作为聚合了意思行为和实力行为而"处执合一"的综合执法行为仍然有其生命力和存在正当性,应该在法治引领和规范作用下对取缔的规范设定、规范清理与适用,以及其与《行政强制法》程序冲突的解决等问题做出清晰的处理和释解。通过法律治理有效回应取缔执法中的诸多困局和废除取缔的论说,并建议把取缔作为一个严格的法律概念使用,避免生活中的滥用和法律意义虚化。  相似文献   

取缔行为的法律属性探微   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相当一部分行政法律规范规定 ,行政机关可以对当事人未取得许可而从事某项活动的予以取缔 ,但取缔行为的法律属性则众说纷纭 ,取缔行为的法律属性不能到位 ,则必然影响执法质量和难以收到预期的社会效果。通过对取缔行为各种观点的评析 ,可以认为其具有行政处罚的法律属性。  相似文献   

卫生行政执法文书是卫生行政机关或由法律授权的卫生防疫机构在卫生监督执法过程中,针对管理相对人和其行为依法制作的具有法律效力或法律意义的公用文书。卫生行政执法文书的制作是实施卫生监督执法工作的重要环节,文书的质量直接关系到卫生监督执法工作的权威和效力,关系到卫生行政机关维护"公众健康权"的卫生行政职能的实现。监督检查本行政机关和下级卫生行政机关以及法律授权机构制作的卫生行政执法文书,是市级卫生行政部门卫生法制工作的重要内容之一。现就我市1998年卫生行政执法文书进行分析讨论。1、材料与方法材料取自武汉市13个区(县)卫生行政部门和市卫生防疫站1998年涉及食品卫生、公共场所卫生、眼镜卫生、消毒卫生及医政、药政、传染病管理等方面的卫生行政执法文书共2160份,其中监督文书1573份,处罚文书587  相似文献   

卫生监督文书是卫生监督机构在卫生监督执法中依法制作的、具有法律效力的公文,也是卫生监督机构运用法律、法规进行卫生监督执法及处理案件的文字凭证,涉及到当事人的权利义务,关系到法律的尊严和国家的权威,是代表国家行使法律授予的法律的神圣权力,卫生行政处罚决定书一经签发,将会对当事人和社会造成一定的影响。因此,卫生监督文书应将违法事实、情节记述清楚,语言表达要准确,用词应恰如其分,执法用语要完整,文风应庄重、严谨,不能出现文意残缺。为了正确使用全国统一的卫生监督文书,加强卫生监督执法工作,加大监督执法的力度,提高卫生监督执法人员的素质及卫生监督文书制作的质量,使它在卫生监督活动过程中能充分发挥卫生监督文书的法律效力,保证卫生法律的具体实施。对全省各级卫生防疫站制作的主要卫生监督文书进行考核,现将考核结果报告如下:  相似文献   

在《行政强制法》颁布前很长一段时间以来,国内对行政取缔的法律属性争论激烈,时至今日仍未能形成共识,造成卫生行政执法行为混乱,影响了取缔执法的效果。本文对国内学者对取缔法律属性的三类观点进行了介绍、分析与讨论,提出取缔的实质是具有强制特点的行政措施,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

实施取缔的程序和方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在卫生行政执法实践中,对于未取得卫生许可证的生产经营者,《食品卫生法》等卫生法律法规赋予了各级卫生行政部门实施取缔的权力和义务。笔者依据卫生行政法律法规规章的规定,将取缔分为查封性、临时性、初步性的取缔阶段和收缴性、禁止性、最终性的取缔阶段,灵活运用《卫生监督意见书》,共采用7种文书经过7步骤,对收缴性、禁止性、最终性取缔的实施程序和方式进行了探讨与分析。  相似文献   

《卫生行政执法文书规范》(以下简称规范)于2003年5月1日起施行,该规范及文书的执行,使卫生行政执法文书更加符合《行政处罚法》等法律的规定,但此规范在某些地方仍存在一些不足。  相似文献   

食品卫生执法文书中的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品卫生监督执法文书是法律文书的一种,是卫生行政执法机关代表国家实施食品卫生监督的具体表现,是卫生行政机关适用法律、法规处理具体案件的文字凭证,涉及到当事人的权利和义务,关系到法律的尊严和国家机关的权威,一经签发或送达,将会对当事人和社会产生一定影响。因此,制作好执法文书对于正确贯彻执行《食品卫生法》及相关法律法规,保证当事人法律行为的顺利进行,强化卫生行政执法,完善卫生法制建设具有非常重要的意义;同时,执法文书制作的好坏,也反映出卫生监督员的素质和执法机构的水平,因此,提高食品卫生监督执法文书的制作质量对提高卫生监督机构的社会地位有重要的意义。存在的问题  相似文献   

将公证送达应用于卫生行政执法工作中,对法律行为、事实和文书进行公证,提高证据的证明效力,可有效提高卫生监督执法工作效率。  相似文献   

张枫 《法制与社会》2021,(2):124-125
我国的法律体系中,大量刑事案件的侦查工作要由公安部门完成,在后续的诉讼中,要采用侦查过程形成的法律文书作为参考资料,并取得审判结果.基于对刑事法律文书在公安执法中发挥作用的分析,本文全面总结了在整个系统的构造过程,今后如何采用更为优秀完善的方法,在公安执法中可以进一步提高刑事法律文书的制作质量.  相似文献   

The legal landscape surrounding adoption by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning/queer (LGBTQ) parents continues to be dynamic and variable across the United States, yet the topic is generally viewed favorably by Americans and increasing numbers of LGBTQ adults are becoming adoptive parents. In this essay, we explore intersections of sexual orientation, gender identity, and adoption law. We discuss connections between parenting (including adoption) and marriage rights, highlight the influence of varying legal contexts and discrimination for LGBTQ adults who pursue adoption (including case examples from Florida after the gay adoption ban was lifted), and incorporating the perspectives of adoption‐agency personnel working with LGBTQ clients.  相似文献   

Most people in the United States believe that sexual harassment should be illegal and that enforcement is necessary. In spite of such widespread support for antiharassment regulations, sexual harassment policy training provokes backlash and has been shown to activate traditional gender stereotypes. Using in‐depth interviews and participant observations of sexual harassment policy training sessions, this study uncovers the micro‐level mechanisms that underlie ambivalence about the enforcement of sexual harassment law. I find that while the different locations of men and women in the status hierarchy lead to different manifestations of resistance, gender stereotypes are used to buttress perceptions that sexual harassment laws threaten norms of interaction and status positions that men and women have an interest in maintaining. The research has implications for understanding the role of law in social change, legal compliance, and the potential/limits of law for reducing inequality.  相似文献   

完善执法司法制约监督体系已成为政法领域全面深化改革的重要内容,强化检察机关法律监督职能是其中的重要一环.检察机关对执法司法的制约监督包含了刑事检察、民事检察、行政检察、公益诉讼检察“四大检察”内容.提升检察机关对执法司法的制约监督能力主要应从加强法律监督制度供给和创新法律监督方式两个方面来进行.检察机关开展执法司法制约...  相似文献   

Britain claimed full territorial sovereignty over New Zealand, even though substantive enforcement of its authority against Maori often faced significant challenges. Alarmed at the weakness of British governance in relation to Maori, Governor Thomas Gore Browne proposed a Native Offenders Bill. The Bill proposed giving the New Zealand Governor sweeping powers to ban ‘any communication’ or trade with any Maori within a specified district, or with a particular tribe. Such a ban would, it was claimed, ensure compliance with colonial law. However, the bill was twice rejected by the settler legislature (1856 and 1860), on both constitutional and practical grounds. The paper places the bill in its political and legal contexts, and examines some of the ways colonial administrators and politicians responded to the difference between the government's claim to extensive legal authority and its more limited substantive power.  相似文献   

论行政执法中的的法律价值观冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳庆芳 《行政与法》2005,(10):49-50,53
行政执法人员的法律价值观是行政执法行为的思想基础和行为依据,直接影响着法律执行的价值状态。行政执法中的法律价值观冲突严重影响着价值观功能的发挥,制约着行政执法的效果。必须强化行政执法人员的法律信仰,确立解决行政执法中法律价值观冲突的基本准则。  相似文献   

论行政执法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
行政从“管理”到“执法”的转变是我国二十多年经济体制和政治体制改革的产物 ,是从几千年的人治逐步走向法治的标志。行政的“执法”性质和“依法”特征是由市场经济、民主政治和法治国家的发展目标所决定的。“行政执法”的实质是行政主体实施行政行为要有法律根据 ,受法律规范制约。行政执法改革不仅涉及执法方式、方法 ,而且涉及执法体制、范围、目标及执法主体与相对人的关系 ,是整个执法机制的转换。  相似文献   

Conservative estimates suggest that 40% of working women and 15% of their male counterparts have experienced some form of sexual harassment; and law enforcement personnel are no exception. Police officers are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards and are subjected to greater public scrutiny than civilians. With criminal and civil remedies readily available to deter police misconduct, police agencies should be establishing policies that take a strong, pro-active stance against sexual harassment in the workplace. Surprisingly, though, 34% of police agencies in this country are still without formal policies regulating such behavior. This article is a guide to the legislation and case law that regulates those behaviours. Recommendations for policy formulation and implementation also are included. sexual harassment in the workplace presents a clear and present danger to law enforcement agencies. A recent survey found that thirty-four percent of law enforcement agencies in the United States have yet to formulate a written sexual harassment policy.  相似文献   

This paper describes how peer-to-peer sexual harassment rapidly was transformed from an unremarkable reality of secondary school life into a serious social and legal problem. First, it shows how organizations and professionals served as an entry point for social change and legal mobilization. I argue that schools were quick to address peer sexual harassment because activists framed it as a moral and pedagogical issue that resonated with educators' deeply held professional values. Second, the paper shows how law and organizations developed endogenously. Without any legal mandate, schools created and institutionalized harassment policies. Courts then looked to these organizational practices to determine the content and scope of Title IX. In this way, schools literally "enacted" the law through their practices. This finding goes beyond previous work on endogeneity in that school policies influenced law at the level of doctrine, not simply at the level of meaning, enforcement, or application.  相似文献   

隐性超期羁押的法律规制研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
岳岭 《河北法学》2007,25(10):185-189
隐性超期羁押是超期羁押的一种,是指采用违法的手段,规避刑事诉讼法的办案期限,以形式上的不超期掩盖实质的超期羁押.其产生的原因有主观和客观两个方面.纠改隐性超期羁押的对策是:树立现代法治社会的执法理念;修改法律,建章立制;强化检察监督等.  相似文献   

“警察人性化执法”刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍玉功 《时代法学》2007,5(5):87-94
警察人性化执法,是指警察在执法过程中,在依法保障当事人合法权益的前提下,依照法定的职权和法定的程序,改变执法观念和执法方式,以人为本,实现执法公正的一项专门活动。在警察人性化执法中,严格执法是前提,依法保障当事人的合法权益(包括警察自身的合法权益)是核心内容,人文关怀是方式,实现执法公正是终极目标。而"懦弱执法"、"人情执法"、"不平等执法"和"首次不罚"的执法都不是警察的人性化执法。警察人性化执法实现的途径主要有三:一是完善公安法律制度;二是提高人民警察自身的素质;三是加强监督,从严治警。  相似文献   

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