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杨军 《南风窗》2008,(18):43-44
中国的体育产业没有得到很好的发展,在很大程度上,是因为相关资源没有完全市场化,体育的经济功能、产业功能没有得到充分的开发。  相似文献   

税改将给企业带来快速发展的良好机会,希望东北新老企业借这个东风走出困境。  相似文献   

老伦敦没瘫痪的秘诀事实上,伦敦依然很堵,尤其是风雪过后,但老当益壮的伦敦依然能维持,原因何在呢?……尽管城市交通设施陈旧,但得益于早年市政部门很有远见的规划,所以伦敦虽然老朽,但依然能够维持。如果换作北京或上海,交通可能早就瘫痪了。  相似文献   

政府部门一再出台“稳定住房价格”的政策,并且越来越严厉,一部分原因是抑制房地产投资的过快增长以及防范金融风险,但显然也有平息社会情绪的考虑。这两年一些城市房价快速上涨,激发了很多人的不满情绪。不满情绪主要有两个方面,一是因为自己可能要多花钱或者买不起房子而抱怨  相似文献   

10月1日,连绵秋雨中,55岁的梁金牛穿着胶鞋,打伞到公路上迎接记者。老梁是灵宝市焦村镇卯屯村体育协会会长,国家一级社会体育指导员。他家离公路有两里多地,途中经过有3000个座位看台的卯屯村篮球场。听说这个球场主要是梁金牛从上面跑来资金修建的,记者提出参观一下,梁金牛跑去找钥匙,好半天才回来,尴尬地笑道:“拿钥匙的人不在,下午咱再看吧!”  相似文献   

珲春,地处祖国的东北疆。东南与俄罗斯滨海边疆区哈桑区接壤,中俄边境线长232.7公里。西南隔图们江与朝鲜成境北道的移城、赛别尔、恩德、先锋四个郡相望,中朝边境线长139.5公里,被称为东北亚的“金三角”,是发展外向型经济难得的好地方。然而,如此优越的地理位置在历史上却成了阻碍经济发展的因素。在中苏关系紧张的时期,受政治因素的影响,珲春是一个有争议的、敏感的地方,连进进出出都要持边防通行证,厉行严格的检查制度。在“打完仗再建设”的指导思想下,经济建设被摆在次要地位,珲春人把主要力量投在战备建设上。 改革开放后,珲春与外界的联系有所加强,经济有所发展,但起色不大。1988年5月经国务院批准撤  相似文献   


Intelligence estimates based on models keyed to frequency and recency of past occurrences make people less secure even if they predict most harmful events. The U.S. presidential commission on WMDs, the 9/11 commission, and Spain's comisión 11-M have condemned the status quo mentality of the intelligence community, which they see as being preoccupied with today's “current operations” and tactical requirements, and inattentive to tomorrow's far-ranging problems and strategic solutions. But the overriding emphasis in these commissions' recommendations is on further vertically integrating intelligence collection, analysis, and operations. Such proposals to further centralize intelligence and unify command and control are not promising given recent transformations in Jihadist networks to a somewhat “leaderless resistance” in the wake of Al Qaeda's operational demise. To defeat terrorist networks requires grasping novel relations between an englobing messianic moral framework, the rootless intellectual and physical mobility of immigrant and diaspora communities, and the overarching conceptual, emotional, and logistical affordances of the Internet. Britain's WWII experience provides salutary lessons for thinking creatively with decentralized expertise and partially autonomous approaches.  相似文献   

<正>(北京)今天,BMW携手中国绿化基金会在京正式启动BMW绿荫行动。BMW绿荫行动是BMW在环保领域履行企业社会责任的又一力举。作为活动发起方,BMW不仅身体力行积极参与植树造林,同时还号召广大BMW和MINI车主加入到此次活动中来,为改善环境、共创美好家园做出努力。宝马集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官史登科博士、华晨宝马汽车有限公司总裁兼首席执行官康思远先生、中国绿  相似文献   

Economists have moved away from thinking of development in terms of growth of per capita GNP. The most influential alternative conception of development ‐ due to Amartya Sen ‐ involves judging the quality of life in terms of capabilities and viewing development as a ‘capability expansion’. This article argues that Sen's approach is an inadequate account of development. It is further argued that other versions of the approach ‐ involving the work of Nussbaum and Frankfurt ‐ also fail. The most promising foundation for an account of human development derives from James Griffin's recent writings on well‐being.  相似文献   

今年珠海航展展览大厅中,一辆涂着全新绿色伪装漆的导弹全系统吸引了许多人的目光。这种导弹系统看起来十分眼熟,熟悉中国导弹或多次参加航展的人轻易地认出,这不是中国自制的KS- 1“凯山”防空导弹系统吗?这种导弹系统自1998年以来,已经五次在珠海航展上亮相了,这次还是旧瓶旧酒吗?但是,看到展牌大家才明白,这是最新改进的KS-1A型。只见该导弹在发射车上呈一定角度昂首斜指青天,仿佛就要射向高空,一举将任何入侵者击落,真是令天狼胆寒!  相似文献   

This article presents a spatial analysis of the parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic between 2006 and 2013. Among most political parties with long-term parliamentary representation, right-wing parties had higher support in areas with a high development potential and left-wing parties in areas with a low development potential. However, similar congruence between electoral support and development potential was not found in the case of most new parties. Spatial regression analyses then show that class conflict has ceased to be the unambiguous primary factor of political competition in the Czech Republic. This finding is further supported by the often inconclusive estimates for most new parties, which showed their ability to mobilise voters from different social classes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates relationship between migration and human trafficking in Germany by analyzing macro-level data from 150 countries. The empirical results suggest that migrant networks of a specific source country pull human trafficking from that respective country. However, the migration effect varies across different income levels of source countries. The positive effect of migration on human trafficking decreases as income increases, and furthermore, the effect is irrelevant to high income countries. In addition, the migration effect is particularly significant on the criminalisation side of human trafficking, but the evidence is less clear when it concerns the victimisation side.  相似文献   

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