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Accompanied by Chen Wenzhao, Chinese ambassador to New Zealand,and PeterWilliam Trelawney Adams,NewZealand ambassador to China,New Zealand Governor-GeneralMichael Hardie Boys and hisparty visited the former residenceof Rewi Alley and the FriendshipMuseum of the CPAFFC on themorning of December 2, 2000. When the motorcade droveinto the compound of theCPAFFC, CPAFFC vice presi-  相似文献   

My family and I were invited to Nanjing inorder that I be resident at the printing facility.MY wife Jane and I, and our four children Michelle, Melinda, Niki and Shane, have been living in Nanjing for close to 15 years. I made my first visit to Nanjing in 1992, when I assisted the Amity Printing Company. I felt immediately that I liked Nanjing and its people. My family and I were invited back to Nanjing in order that I be resident at the printing facility. We have been living in Nanjing since May 1993, at which time we had two children. Within two years, however, we doubled our offspring when twins Niki and Shane arrived!  相似文献   

Based upon China-New Zealand Young Leaders Exchange Program signed in June 2010 by the CPAFFC and the Asia New Zealand Foundation, the 2nd Chinese Young Leaders Delegation paid an 11-day visit to New Zealand (NZ), from May 27 to June 6.  相似文献   

On February 22,an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale struck Christchurch,the second largest city in New Zealand,  相似文献   


In 1998, New Zealand's Internet Safety Group established a national initiative to prevent cyberviolence through education. This organization developed a comprehensive program that included sending an Internet Safety Kit to every school in the country, stimulating research on Internet use in New Zealand, and co-hosting a national symposium on the social impact of the Internet. This article looks at who is participating in the Group, what strategies they have used, what they have been able to achieve and their plans for future development.  相似文献   

New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark who was on an official visit to China and her en-tourage visited the Friendship Museum of theCPAFFC on the morning of April 20. At the welcoming ceremony, CPAFFC VicePresident Li Xiaolin extended warm welcome tothe Prime Minister and her party on behalf of theCPAFFC. She briefed the guests on the work of  相似文献   

A46-member China Tibet Art Troupe orga-nized and sent by the CPAFFC and headedby Chonpel, vice chairman of the Tibet Au-tonomous Regional Government, with TsedenDolma, well-known singer and vice chairpersonof the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee ofthe Chinese People's Political Consultative Con-ference, as chief art supervisor, made a perfor-mance tour in Australia and New Zealand fromJune 11 to June 26, 1999. The Troupe gave fiveformal performances, one informal performance,eight small-scale performances at get-togethersattracting an audience of over 10,000 people in  相似文献   

新西兰是联合国《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书》(OPCAT)签署国中实施公约较为成功的典范之一,其国家预防酷刑机构(NPM)体系的设置主要体现为中央协调机构领导下的多部门分工协作模式;工作报告是反映NPM羁押场所巡查工作及相关活动的主要形式。借鉴新西兰的经验,我国在准备加入OPCAT的过程中,应建立起较为独立的巡视机构体系,科学设置巡视程序与配套制度,并通过宣传引起社会关注。  相似文献   

A China-Oceania Friendship Association (COFA) delegation led by its president Liao Hui, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and  相似文献   

Invited by the Australia-China Council (ACC)and the New Zealand-China Friendship Society(NZCFS), a CPAFFC delegation led by its presi-dent Qi Huaiyuan paid a 2-week friendly visit fromApril 6 to Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

新西兰非法证据排除规则有两个主要特色:排除模式由自动排除转向裁量排除;法官行使裁量权时遵循行政上的“比例原则”。这两个特色启示我们,我国非法证据排除规则的建构应采取裁量排除模式,法官在考量对非法获取的证据是否排除时应遵循“比例原则”。  相似文献   

A meeting marking the 104th birthday of Dr.He Ming Qing was held in Beijing.He Ming Qing was the Chinese name ofKathleen Hall,a New Zealander.She hadpracticed medicine in the rural areas whereconditions were very hard and doctors rarefor nearly 20 years in China before Libera-tion.She set up the He Ming Qing Clinic inSongjiazhuang village of Quyang County,  相似文献   

This study examines the association between schools and student bullying behaviors and victimization among a nationally representative sample (N = 9,107) of New Zealand high school students. In particular, the study sought to explore the role of characteristics of schools and school culture with respect to bystander behavior, while controlling for individual student factors related to victimization and bullying behaviors. Results indicated that a total of 6% of students report being bullied weekly or more often and 5% of students reported bullying other students at least weekly. Results of multilevel analyses suggested that schools characterized by students taking action to stop bullying were associated with less victimization and less reported bullying among students. In contrast, in schools where students reported teachers take action to stop bullying, there was no decline in victimization or bullying. Overall, these findings support whole-school approaches that aid students to take action to stop bullying.  相似文献   

Predictive risk modeling to identify children at risk of maltreatment has attracted considerable interest internationally. Using the example of the development of the predictive risk model in Aotearoa/New Zealand, the potential of such approaches to provide new insights into the causes of child maltreatment is explored with reference to what were identified as the main predictors of child maltreatment. The implications of these main predictors are considered both for the reform of child protection services and the future use and development of predictive risk modeling.  相似文献   

Rewi Alley is honoured in New Zealand as a great NewZealander, and as a symbol of thelong standing people to people linksbetween New Zealand and China. It is fitting that we are heretoday at the Friendship Museum,built in honour of Rewi, to launcha new stage in the New Zealand-China relationship. The beginnings of New Zea-land's strong relationship with  相似文献   

作为一部经典的女性主义文本,《简·爱》既有向传统挑战的叛逆一面,又有与社会妥协的保守一面。本文分析了《简·爱》中的疯女人就是男权社会中另一个被压抑的简·爱,简·爱与疯女人这两个形象正是夏洛蒂·勃朗特本人分裂的女性意识的体现,论文进一步揭示了女性作家内心的冲突及其双重的写作策略。  相似文献   

Zhihua Shen  Yafeng Xia 《当代中国》2011,20(72):861-880
Utilizing recently available Chinese and Russian archival sources and pertinent media reports, this article attempts to unravel the truth on the connection between the Great Leap Forward/the People's Commune Movement and the Sino-Soviet split. It aims to address the following questions: what are the actual divergences between China and the Soviet Union on the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune Movement? How did Mao react to the Soviet attitude? How did Mao's reaction directly connect to the Sino-Soviet split? It reveals the actual divergences between Mao and Khrushchev over the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune Movement.  相似文献   

离婚案件中,解决房屋权利确认及分割问题,一直是化解婚姻矛盾、平息财产纠纷的重点。但房屋权利问题往往涉及各种情况,包含多方利益,同时也是司法认定中的难点。目前,在离婚房屋诉讼审判实践中,对于"父母出资购房"的含义,按福利政策购买的房改房权利的确认,登记在未成年子女名下房屋是否构成赠与,离婚时尚未分割遗产的处理,对一方出资装修价值的认定等等,均存有较大的争议。对于此类案件,处理好保护个人财产和尊重家庭伦理这两种价值的平衡,最大程度的符合当前中国社会普遍认可的价值观,是解决争议的关键。  相似文献   

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