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《The Political quarterly》1995,66(3):211-231
Book reviewed in this article:
T he S tate W erein . By W ill H utton .
S ocial J ustice : S trategies for N ational R enewal ; the R eport of the C ommission on S ocial J ustice .
T heatres of M emory , V olume I: P ast and P resent in C ontemporary C ulture . By R aphael S amuel .
A ge of E xtremes : T he S hort T wentieth C entury 1914–1991. By E ric H obsbawm .
T he C onstitution of L iberty : C ivil S ociety and its R ivals . By E rnest G ellner .
F rustrate T heir K navish T ricks : W ritings on B iography , H istory , and P olitics . By B en P imlott .
E xplaining E conomic P olicy R eversals . By C hristopher H ood .
L ondon's B urning : L ife , D eath and A rt in the S econd W orld W ar . By P eter S tansky and W illiam A brahams .
S ocialism for a S ceptical A ge . By R alph M iliband .
E galitarian T hought and L abour P olitics : R etreating V isions . By N icholas E llison .
B eyond L eft and R ight : the F uture of R adical P olitics . By A nthony G iddens .
C onservative C entury : T he C onservative P arty S ince 1900. Edited by A nthony S eldon and S tuart B all .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
P arliamentary R eform , 1933–1960: A S urvey of S uggested R eforms .
O rganised G roups in B ritish N ational P olitics . By A llen M. P otter .
P arliamentary S ocialism : A S tudy in the P olitics Of L abour . By R alph M iliband .
K ey P roblems of S ociological T heory . By J ohn R ex .
M emoires of a P ublic S ervant . By L ord S alter .
H anged by the N eck . By A rthur K oestler and C. H. R olph .
H anged in E rror . By L eslie H ale , m . p .
T he C old W ar and its O rigins , 1917–1960. By D. F. F leming .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he S trotegic A ir O ffensive A gainst G ermany , 1939–1945. By S ir C harles W ebster and N oble F rankland .
F rom the D readnought to S capa F low . V olume I: T he R oad to W ar , 1904–1914. By P rofesser A rthur J. M arder .
T he K enyatta E lection : K enya 1960-61. By G eorge B ennett and C arl R osberg .
S outh A frica in M y T ime . By G. H eaton N ocholls .
A frica and the V ictorians . By R onald R obinson and J ohn G allagher with A lice D enny .
T he Y oshida M emoires : T he S tory of J apan in C risis . By S chigeru Y oshida . Translated by K enichi Y oshida .
A dvertisements for M yself . By N orman M aller .
C harles B ooth , S ocial S cientist . By T. S. S imey and M. B. S imey .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he W ar at S ea . Volume III, Part II. By C aptain S. W. R oskill .
C ouncil of E urope . S tatistical D ata , 1960.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1989,60(3):374-393
Book reviewed in this article:
T he K eynesian R evolution in the M aking 1924–1936. By P eter C larke .
I nside the T hink T ank by T essa B lackstone and W illiam P lowden .
L ondon 2001. By P eter H all .
C o -O peration and C onflict : P olitics in the H ung C ounties . By Steve L each and C hris G ame .
S elwyn L loyd , By D. R. T horpe .
C ountdown to W ar : A P ersonal M emior of E urope 1938–40; B y G eoffrey C ox .
M aking S ense of E urope . B y C hristopher T ugendhat .
O ptions for B ritish F oreign P olicy in the 1990s. B y C hristopher T ugendhat and W illiam W allace .
C ollusion A cross the Jordan: K ing A bdullah, the Z ionist M ovement, and the P artition of P alestine . B y A vi S hlaim .
D omestic P olitics and R egional S ecurity : J ordan , S yria and I srael . B y V alerie Y orke .
E vangelicalism in M odern B ritain : A H istory from the 1730s to the 1980s. B y D. W. B ebbington .
T he P ostmodern P resident : T he W hite H ouse M eets the W orld . B y R ichard R ose .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(4):441-464
Book reviewed in this article:
M ichael F oot . By M ervyn J ones .
J apan A mong the P owers 1890–1900. By S idney G iffard .
E xperiences of C hina . By P ercy C raddock .
S owing the S eeds of D emocracy in C hina . By M erle G oldman .
C ultural P olicy and U rban R egeneration : T he W est E uropean E xperience . Edited by F ranco B ianchini and M ichael P arkinson .
U rban P olicy in B ritain : the C ity , the S tate and the M arket . by R ob A tkinson and G rahamoon .
C itizens and S ubjects . By T ony W right .
P olitics in an A nti -P olitical A ge . By G eoff M ulgan .
A C onservative R evolution : T he T hatcher -R eagan D ecade in P erspective . By A ndrew A donis and T im H ames .
P olitical I slam : R eligion and P olitics in the A rab W orld . By N azih A yubi .
T he R evenge of G od : T he R esurgence of I slam , C hristianity and J udaism in the M odern W orld . By G illes K epel .
R eligion in T hird W orld P olitics . By J eff H aynes .
T ower B lock : M odern P ublic H ousing in E ngland , S cotland , W ales and N orthern I reland . By M iles G lendinning and S tefan M uthesius .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1961,32(2):193-207
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C onstitutional S tructure of the C ommonwealth . By K. C. W heare .
T he I ntellectual O rigins of E gyptian N ationalism By J amal M ohammed ahmed .
C orruption in W ashington . By B lair B olles .
T he R ising A merican E mpire . By R. W. V an A lstyne .
L ugard : T he Y ears of A uthority , 1898–1945. By M argery P erham .
T he C ity . By M ax W eber . Translated and edited by D on M artindale and G ertrud N euwirth .
M ax W eber , A n I ntellectual P ortrait . By R einhard B endix .
T he F rench R adical P arty : F rom H erriot to M endegs -F rance . By F rancis D e T arr .
C ommand D ecisions : Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Department of the Army.
M odern B ritain , 1885–1955. By H enry P elling .
T he Two N ations . A spects of the D evelopment of R ace R elations in the R hodesias and N yasaland . By R ichard G ray .
A M anual of I nternational L aw . By G eorg S chwarzenberger . Two vols. Fourth Edition.
M ust L abour L ose ? By M ark A brams and R ichard R ose , with a Commentary by R ita H inden . Penguin Special.
T he O verseas S tudent I n B ritain . By A. S. L ivingstone .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1977,48(1):106-124
T he G overnance of B ritain . By H arold W ilson .
T wilight OF A uthority . By R obert N isbet .
P ower A nd P olitical T heory . Edited by B rian B arry .
T he A uden G eneration : L iterature A nd P olitics I n E ngland I n T he 1930s. By S amuel H ynes .
R evolutionaries W ithout R evolution . By A ndré T hirion .
T he P olitical P olice I n B ritain . By T ony B unyan .
A squith . By S tephen K oss .
N orthern I reland : A T ime O f C hoice . By R ichard R ose .
M r . S peaker , S ir . By S elwyn L loyd .
T he R oad to 1945. B ritish P olitics and the S econd W orld W ar . By P aul A ddison .
B ritain's E conomic P roblem : T oo F ew P roducers . By R obert B acon and W alter E ltis .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1987,58(2):217-238
Book reviewed in this article:
C oercion and C ontrol in C ommunist S ociety : T he V isible H and of B ureaucracy . By M aria H irszowicz .
W histleblowing in the S oviet U nion : C omplaints and A buses U nder S tate S ocialism . By N icholas L ampert .
L enin A nd T he E nd of P olitics . By A. J. P olan .
O rdinary S talinism . By R onald T iersky .
M ayday . E isenhower , K ruschev and the U-2 A ffair . By M ichael R. B eschloss .
T he W orld O f S cience and the R ule of L aw . By J ohn Z iman , P aul S ieghart and J ohn H umphrey .
S cience S peaks T o P ower . By D avid C ollingridge and C olin R eeve .
R ace A nd E mpire in B ritish P olitics . By P aul B. R ich .
R acism and R ecruitment . By R ichard J enkins .
R acism , E ducation and the S tate . By B arry T royna and J enny W illiams .
E thnicity and E ducational A chievement in B ritish S chools . By G ajendra V erma W ith B randon A shworth .
T he N ational W orld of L ocal G overnment . By R. A. W. R hodes .
L ocal G overnment in the M odern S tate . By M artin L oughlin .
P arliament and T erritoriality . By J. B arry J ones and R. A. W ilford .
M aking S ense of M arx . By J on E lster .
P rofqrtional M ispresentation : T he C ase A gainst P r in B ritain . By P eter H ain .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : P olitical S cience . A Report prepared by W illiam A. R obson .
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : I nternational R elations . A Report prepared by C. A. W. M anning .
A n E ssay on R acial T ension . By P hilip M ason .
S cience and S ocial A ction . By W. J. H. S prott . ( Watts. 164 pp. 15 s .)
T he P sychology of P olitics . By H. J. E ysenck .
G ladstone : A B iography . By P hilip M agnus .
T empestuous J ourney : L loyd G eorge , his L ife and T imes . By F rank O wen .
G eneral U nion : A Study of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers. By H. A. C legg .
T he S ystem of I ndustrial R elations in G reat B ritian . Edited by A llan F landers and H. A. C legg .
A n I ntroduction to A merican P olitics . By D. W. B rogan .
F ive H undred B orstal B oys . By A. G. R ose .
I nternational R elations : T he W orld C ommunity in T ransition . By N orman D. P almer and H oward C. P erkins .
T he S py W eb : A S tudy in C ommunist E spionage . By F rancis N oel -B aker .
S ocial S ecurity in T he B ritish C ommonwealth . Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. By R onald M endelsohn .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1973,44(3):353-382
Book reviewed in this article:
K ingsley : T he L ife , L etters and D iaries of K ingsley M artin . By C. H. R olph .
V irginia W oolf . A B iography . By Q uentin B ell .
A dministrative T heories and P olitics : A n I nquiry into the S tructure and P rocesses of M odern G overnment . By P. J. O. S elf .
L ocal G overnment : M anagement and C orporate P lanning . By T ony E ddison .
T he S cottish P olitical S ystem . By J ames G. K ellas .
L egal C ontrol of G overnment : A dministrative L aw in B ritain and the U nited S tates . By B ernard S chwartz and H. W. R. W ade .
L egal P roblems and the C itizen . By B rian A bel -S mith , M ichael Z ander and R osalind B rooke .
T he E nglish I deology : S tudies in the L anguage of V ictorian P olitics . By G eorge W atson .
T he V ictorians and S ocial P rotest . Edited by J. B utt and I. F. C larke .
T he Q uest for N ational , E fficiency
L iberals , R adicals and S ocial P ohitics
D emocratic T heory : E ssays in R etrieval . By C. B. M acpherson .
M ind and P olitics . By E llen M eiksins W ood .
T he M anagement of B ritain's E xternal . R elations . Edited by R obert B oardman and A. J. R. G room .
B ritish D efence P olicy E ast of S uez
T he L ong R evolution . Ry E dgar S now .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1986,57(2):195-225
Book reviews in this article:
T he D iary of B eatrice W ebb . Edited by N orman & J eanne M ackenzie Volume One 1873-1892 G litter A round and D arkness W ithin
Volume Two 1892-1905 A ll T he G ood T hings of L ife
Volume Three 1905-1924 T he P ower to A lter T hings
Volume Four T he W heel of L ife
T he L ast D issenter : H. N. B railsford and his W orld . By F. M. L eventhal .
K eir H ardie : R adical and S ocialist . By K enneth O. M organ .
C arrington : A L ife and a P olicy . By P atrick C osgrave .
T he R eturn of G rand T heory in the H uman S ciences . Edited by Q uentin S kinner .
A P reface to E conomic D emocracy . By R obert A. D ahl .
Y ears of R ecovery : B ritish E conomic P olicy 1945–51. By A lec C airncross .
T he N ew S elect C ommittees : A S tudy of T he 1979 R eforms . Edited by G avin D rewry .
W ork and I nequality . BY S usan L onsdale .
W omen's R ights at W ork : C ampaigns and P olicy in B ritain and the U nited S tates . BY E lizabeth M. M eehan .
R eduntant W omen . BY A ngela C oyle .
B eyond E mployment : H ousehold , G ender and S ubsistence . Edited by N anneke R edclift and E nzo M ingione .
U nions and E conomic C risis : B ritain , W est G ermany, and S weden . By P eter G ourevitch , A ndrew M artin , G eorge R oss , S tephen B orstein , A ndrei M arkovits, and C hristopher A llen .
I ndustrial R elations in B ritain . Edited by G eorge S ayers B ain .
H istory and H eritage ; T he S ocial O rigins of the B ritish I ndustrial R elations S ystem . By A lan F ox .
T he B ritish S tate and T he U lster C risis : F rom W ilson to T hatcher . By P aul B ew & H enry P atterson .
I reland : A P ositive P rosposal . By K evin B oyle and T om H adden .
B ritish P olicy T owards I reland 1921–1941. By P aul C anning .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1987,58(1):102-120
Book review in this article:
C abinet . By P eter H ennessy .
W orld A rmaments and D isarmament : SIPRI Y earbook 1986.
N uclear W ar , N uclear P roliferation and their C onsequences . Edited by P rince S adruddin A ga K han
S ecurity or A rmageddon : I srael's N uclear S trategy . Edited by L. R. B eres .
N uclear R ights /N uclear W rongs . Edited by E. F. P aul et al.
T he D ecline of C lass V oting in B ritain . By M ark F ranklin .
H ow B ritain V otes . By A nthony H eath , R oger J owell & J ohn C urtice .
C lass and the B ritish E lectorate . By D avid R obertson .
M ountbatten : the O fficial B iography . By P hilip Z iegler .
T he P rice of W ar : B ritish P olicy on G erman R eparations 1941–1949. By A lec C airncross .
R educing E ducational D isadvantage . By P aul W idlake .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P hilosophy and P olitics . By B ertrand R ussell ( National Book League and Cambridge University Press . 29 pp.25. 6d.) E thical and P olitical T hinking . By E. F. C arrot
P ersonality in P olitics .Studies of Contemporary Statesmen, By S ir A rthur S alter .
F arewell to E uropean H istory or the C onquest of N ihilism . By A lfred W eber .
A rgentina . By N orman M ac K enzie .
J ustice and A dministrative Law. By W illiam A. R obson .Second edition, revised and re-written, 1947.
M inorities in the A rab W orld . By A. H. H ourani .
S alaries and C onditions of W ork of S ocial W orkers . A Report by a Joint Committee under the Chairmanship of T. S. Simey.
I taly . By E lisabeth W iskemann .
T he E conomic P roblem in P eace and W ar : S ome R eflections on O bjectives and M echanisms . By L ionel R obbins . Macmillan  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(3):317-335
Book review in this article:
U nions , C hange and C risis : F rench and I talian U nion S trategy and T he P olitical E conomy , 1945–1980. By P eter L ange , G eorge R oss, and M aurizio V annicelli .
T he M edical E ffects of N uclear W ar : R eport of T he B ritish M edical A ssociation's B oard of S cience and E ducation .
N uclear W ar : T he A ftermath . Edited by J eannie P eterson .
T he F ate of T he E arth . By J onathan S chell .
T he S urvival O ption : A G uide to L iving T hrough N uclear W ar . By I van T yrrell .
U nderstanding the U nited K ingdom : T he T erritorial D imension in G overnment . By R ichard R ose
T he T erritorial D imension in U nited K ingdom P olitics . Edited by P eter M adgwick and R ichard R ose
T he E nglish W orld : H istory , C haracter and P eople . Edited by R obert B lake .
E urope's N uclear P ower E xperiment : H istory of the OECD D ragon P roject . By E. N. S haw .
F usion : S cience , P olitics and the I nvention of a N ew E nergy S ource . By J oan L isa B romberg .
T he P relude to the T ruman D octrine : B ritish P olicy in G reece 1944–1947. By G. M. A lexander .
U nder J apanese M anagement . By M ichael W hite and M alcolm T revor .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(4):447-462
Book reviewed in this article:
"D ownhill A ll T he W ay ." By L eonard W oolf .
T he R oyal C ommission on L ocal G overnment : E vidence in B rief . Edited by L aurence W elsh .
L ocal and C entral G overnment P olice A dministration . By J. C onlin .
E nforcing the L aw . By R. M. J ackson .
T he G overnment of H ousing . By D. V. D onnison .
T he O rigins of M odern T own P lanning . By L eonardo B envolo . Translated by J udith L andry .
R ussia in R evolution : 1890–1918. By L ionel K ochan .
M arxism : 100 Y ears in the L ife of a D octrine . By B ertram D. W olfe .
M arxism in the M odern W orld . Edited by M ilorad M. D rachkovitch .
H istory of the I nternational : 1860–1914. By J ulius B raunthal .
E conomic P erformance under P ublic O wnership . By W illiam G. S hepherd .
F reedom and T he C ourt : C ivil R ights and L iberties in the U nited S tates . By H enry J. A braham .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(3):353-369
Book reviews in this article:
U nited S tates –E ast E uropean R elations in the 1990s. Edited by R ichard F. S taar .
D emocracy and D isorder : P rotest and P olitics in I taly 1965–1975. By S idney T arrow .
P arliament : F unctions , P ractice and P rocedures . B y J. A. G. G riffith and M ichael R yle . With M. A. J. W heeler -B ooth .
T he E conomic S ection 1939–1961: A S tudy in E conomic A dvising . By A lec C airncross and N ita W atts .
T he S ocial E conomy and the D emocratic S tate . Edited by T he S heffield G roup .
T he R ight to P rivate P roperty . By J eremy W aldron .
T he G reatwar of W ords : L iterature as P ropaganda 1914–18 and A fter . By P eter B uitenhuis .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1985,56(2):202-222
Book reviews in this article:
T he A ttorney -G eneral , P olitics and the P ublic I nterest . By J ohn LI. J. Edwards.
C ontrolling the C onstable : P olice A ccountability in E ngland and W ales . By T ony J efferson and R oger G rimshaw .
A lternatives to P rison : A n E xamination of N on -C ustodial S entencing of O ffenders . By S tephen S tanley and M ary B aginsky .
T he S hare E conomy : C onquering S tagflation . By M artin L. W eitzman .
T he R econstruction of W estern E urope 1945–51. By A lan S. M ilward .
EEC E nvironmental P olicy and B ritain : A n E ssay and a H andbook . By N igel H aigh .
T he B enn I nheritance : T he S tory of a R adical F amily . By S ydney H iggins .
W ritings on the W all : A R adical and S ocialist A nthology 1215–1984. Edited by T ony B enn .
R eading from R ight to L eft . By H. S. F erns .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1975,46(1):113-120
B etween S overeignty and I ntegration . Edited by G hita I osescu .
T he D eath of C ommunal L iberty : A H istory of F reedom in a S wiss M ountain C anton . By B enjamin R. B arber .
T he S ecurity C ouncil . A S tudy in A dolescence . By R ichard H iscocks .
T he R ise and F all of the L eague of N ations . By G eorge S cott .
L essons F rom A merica . Edited by R ichard R ose .
P rivacy . Edited by M ervyn J ones .
T otal W ar . C auses and C ourses of the S econd W orld W ar . By P eter C alvocoressi and G uy W int .
T he P olitics of the E uropean C ommunity . By R oy P ryce .
B idwell's G uide to G overnment M inisters . V ol . I, T he M ajor P owers and W estern E urope , 1900–1971; V ol . II, T he A rab W orld , 1900–1972; V ol . III, T he B ritish E mpire and S uccessor S tates , 1900–1972. Compiled and edited by R obin B idwell .
B ritain and H er A rmy , 1509–1970. A M ilitary , P olitical and S ocial S urvey . By C orelli B arnet .
S ocial D emocracy in P ost W ar E urope . By W illiam E. P aterson and I an C ampbell .
T he SPD and E uropean I ntegration . By W illiam E. P aterson .
B eyond C ontract : W ork , P ower and T rust R elations . By A lan F ox .
T he C onservative L eadership 1832–1932. Edited by D onald S outhgate .
T he P olitical I mpact of M ass M edia . By C olin S eymour -U re .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1960,31(4):509-524
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E dge of the S word . By C harles de G aulle . Translated from the French by G erard H opkins .
F rance : T he N ew R epublic . By R aymond A ron .
F rance : T roubled A lly : D e G aulle's H eritage and P rospects . By E dgar S. F urniss , J r .
D e G aulle's R epublic . By P hilip M. W illiams and M artin H arrison .
T he F ifth F rench R epublic . By D orothy P ickles .
N either W ar nor P eace . By H ugh S eton -W atson .
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1959. By D. E. B utler and R ichard R ose .
F ive E lections in A frica . Edited by W. J. M. M ackenzie and K enneth R obinson .
E lections in D eveloping C ountries . By T. E. S mith .
T he H undred F lowers . By R oderick M ac F arquhar .
T rade U nions and the L abour P arty . By M artin H arrison .
T rade U nions and the G overnment . By V. L. A llen .
T rade U nions , the E mployer and the S tate . By H enry W elton .
W orkers and T echnical C hange . By O live B anks .
T he P olitics of M ass S ociety . By W illiam K ornhauser .
O ut of A pathy . Editor: E. P. T hompson .
R ace and P olitics . By E dward C legg .
C entral A frican E mergency . By C lyde S anger .
A N ew E arth . By E lspeth H uxley .
K enya : T he T ensions of P rogress . By S usan W ood .
C oloured I mmigrants in B ritain .
C hina Y earbook 1959–1960.
P olitical H andbook of the W orld . Edited by W alter H. M allory .
O xford R egional E conomic A tlas : T he M iddle E ast and A frica .
S tatistical Y ear B ook 1959.
D ocuments on I nternational A ffairs , 1957. Selected and edited by N oble F rankland .
T he U nited N ations . By L eland M. G oodrich .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1989,60(2):239-242
Book reviewed in this article:
W aging W ar ; A P hilosophical I ntroduction . By I an C lark .
T he F irst W orld W ar and I nternational P olitics . By D avid S tevenson .
A t D uty's C all : A S tudy in O bsolete P atrotism By W. J. R eader .
E nglish E thical S ocialism : T homas M ore to R. H. T awney . By N orman D ennis and A. H. H alsey .
M aking M ondragon . T he G rowth and D ynamics of the W orker CO-O perative C omplex . By W illiam F oote W hyte and K athleen K ing W hyte .
T he T hird W ay : T he P romise of I ndustrial D emocracy . By D ennis L awrence .
W orker C ooperatives in T heory and P ractice . By M ary M ellor , J anet H annah and J ohn S tirling .
G overnment and P ressure G roups in B ritain . By A. G. J ordan and J. J. R ichardson .
T rade U nions and P olitics in the 1980s. By D erek F atchett .
B usiness and P olitics in B ritain . By W yn G rant (with J ane S argent )
P ressure for the P oor , T he P overty L obby and P olicy M aking . By P aul F. W hiteley and S tephen J. W ynyard .
C itizens , P arties and the S tate . B y A lan W are .  相似文献   

Book Review     
《The Political quarterly》1947,18(2):169-189
C riminal J ustice and S ocial R econstruction . By H ermann M annheim .
T he J uvenile C ourts : T heir W ork and P roblems . By F. T. G iles .
F rench P ersonalities and P roblems . By D. W. B rogan .
T he N uremberg D ocuments by P eter de M endelssohn .
C ounty T own : A C ivi c S urvey for the P lanning of W orcester . By J anet G laisyer , T. B rennan , W. R itchie , and P. S argant F lorence .
D emocracy and I ndustry . By C onstance R eaveley and J ohn W innington .
G erman Y outh : B ond or F ree . By H oward B ecker .
E ducation in F ascist I taly . By L. M inio -P aluello .
D emocracy in A merica . By A lexis de T ocqueville . Edited with an Introduction by H. S. C ommager .
In D arkest G ermany : the R ecord of a V isit . By V ictor G ollancz .
T he C hurch and H umanity
T he P roblem of E ducation in D ependent T erritories . T he J ournal of N egro E ducation . Y earbook N umber
T he S oviet I mpact on the W estern W orld . By Professor E. H. Carr
W orld O rder or C haos , By W. H. C hamberlain .
Y ears of C risis . By K enneth I.
L and , L aw , and C ustom in the C olonies . By C . K. M eek .  相似文献   

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