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The unprecedented municipal corruption scandals that occurred in Oslo in 1989–91 illustrate the contrasts and interrelationships between publicly-perceived scandal and actual corruption. What was depicted at the time as massive corruption has resulted in no convictions of politicians; on close examination the corrupt behavior appears to have been limited in both significance and scope, though official reports do suggest the possibility that more serious wrongdoing may have occurred. The case illustrates not only the mechanisms by which scandal is propagated, but also the contrasts between legalistic and other definitions of corruption. Analysis of four possible categories of corrupt behavior shows the difficulties of applying legalistic definitions to actual practice, and offers a clearer understanding of how corruption and scandal can diverge so sharply.  相似文献   

梁根林 《法学研究》2013,(2):131-150
刑法修正案八生效以来,扒窃应否一律入罪、但书是否得为扒窃的出罪依据之争,困扰着我国刑法理论研究与司法实务。解决这一问题的理论前提是,建立对但书及其规制下的罪量类型、政策机能、体系定位、出罪机制的基本共识,消除刑法知识转型时代不同话语系统囿于语境差异的对话困难。通过以阶层犯罪论体系与我国刑法规定为背景,立足于刑法教义学与刑事政策的融通,分析我国刑法特有的罪量要素的类型与政策功能,可以认为,扒窃包含为但书所规制并须结合刑法的规范保护目的进行涵摄的罪量要素。从扒窃行为的客观不法与“扒手”的人的主观不法两个维度,才能揭示扒窃的规范含义,并据以依次判断扒窃行为是否该当扒窃型盗窃罪的构成要件。扒窃作为盗窃罪的不法行为定型,既表明我国刑法包含涵摄罪量要素,也展现了我国刑法以行为不法为基础,重视人的不法的新动向。  相似文献   

The American Bar Association is considering a revision of its Code of Professional Responsibility. One revision deals specifically with lawyers whose clients are organizations; it attempts to delineate the ethical responsibilities of such lawyers when they discover an employee or a member of one of their clients is engaged in wrongdoing on the organization's behalf. Because the proposal suggests that corporate counsel may be justified in public disclosure of the wrongdoing when the organization itself fails to rectify the problem, it has sparked much controversy in the profession and much speculation as to whether and when corporate counsel will "blow the whistle." The article offers a sociological perspective on the act of a corporate counsel's public disclosure of organizational wrongdoing. The act of disclosure is treated as a social behavior, the likelihood of which is increased or decreased by a number of factors including the attorney's awareness of the wrongdoing, the attorney's orientations to the larger profession, the structure of the professional practice setting within which the counsel is located, and the supports for disclosure offered by the legal profession through its formal organizations. These factors are described and then combined into a general predictive model of disclosure by corporate counsel. A concluding discussion of the general ramifications of the proposed revisions focuses on the social implications of the attorney-client privilege, in which the client is as unique an actor as is the large organization.  相似文献   

This article examines the Section 1983 civil damage remedy and the Bivens-type action — the direct claim of the victim of official wrongdoing to obtain compensation for the denial of his or her Fourth Amendment rights. Using court records of cases filed under this statute from 1983 to 1987 in the Eastern and Southern districts of New York, the study determined: (1) the nature and volume of damages awarded by the courts in Section 1983/Bivens actions, (2) the differences in the amount of damages recovered from bench trials, jury trials, and settlements, (3) the parties involved in Section 1983 suits, (4) the trials and settlements, and (5) the time and resources spent by the parties and the courts on these cases. The analysis of the data was used to gauge the impact of these suits on individual police and police administrators.  相似文献   

崔志伟 《法学家》2022,(1):156-171
“不法是客观的,责任是主观的”之主张既无法合理应对“中立”帮助行为的可罚性问题以及行为人主观上存在特别认知的侵害情形,也不契合处罚不能犯未遂的司法现状。“先客观后主观”的审查顺序在自然科学上的合理基础不复存在,权利保障理念与不法的客观性间也不存在必然关联。客观优先的审查顺位的优势主要体现在程序法而非实体法。主客观二分法并不现实:“目的性动词”使主客观要素无法完全割裂,主观要素缺位可能无法评价不法的有无,主观要素还能够影响到具体的不法类型判断以及行为危险的程度。主观故意和行为人的特别认知在不法判断中的地位已然无法撼动,至少在故意的作为犯中,客观归属论已名实难副。主客观二分式的犯罪构成模式并不符合事物的本来面目,两者也不存在绝对的先后次序,主客观相结合的不法判断才更加贴合实际。因此,应当重新审视责任要素的范畴,故意、目的等要素实际上应归入构成要件的领域。否定客观不法论,“不法与责任的区分”才得以真正确立。  相似文献   


Contemporary and alternative justice paradigms lead to definitions of wrongdoing as "lawbreaking" and "harm to social relationships" respectively. The retributive model within the contemporary justice paradigm results in strategies to accomplish justice that focus almost exclusively on the wrongdoer. In contrast, the restorative model within the alternative justice paradigm yields justice practices that focus on the relationships among all individuals harmed by the wrongdoing. Calgary Community Conferencing is an example of a restorative approach to wrongdoing. The relational emphasis of this program is operationalized through its organizational location, intended outcomes, and program activities. The challenges faced by Calgary Community Conferencing provide other agencies with ideas about dilemmas they might encounter in attempting to develop restorative justice programs.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):149-165

Lawbreaking by professionals remains an understudied area in the field of white-collar crime. This article presents a review of crime in the practice of medicine, focusing on the misdeeds of physicians. The role of physician power in producing such acts is analyzed from both historical and theoretical perspectives, and a brief inventory of forms of medical wrongdoing is presented. The article also considers the ways in which formal medical training can influence later wrongdoing, and discusses issues related to the control of medical crime.  相似文献   

Are congressional committee investigations into alleged executive‐branch wrongdoing more common during periods of divided government? We analyze original data tracking congressional committee investigations into alleged fraud, waste, and abuse by the executive branch between 1947 and 2004. Countering David Mayhew's (1991) empirical finding, we show that divided government generates more and more‐intensive congressional investigations, but this relationship is contingent on partisan and temporal factors. Our findings shed new light on the shifting dynamic between partisan institutional politics and congressional oversight.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will critically assess the expressive justification of punishment recently offered by Christopher Bennett in The Apology Ritual and a number of papers. I will first draw a distinction between three conceptions of expression: communicative, motivational, and symbolic. After briefly demonstrating the difficulties of using the first two conceptions of expression to ground punishment and showing that Bennett does not ultimately rely on those two conceptions, I argue that Bennett’s account does not succeed because he fails to establish the following claims: (1) punishment is the only symbolically adequate response to a wrongdoing; and (2) punishment is permissible if it is the only symbolically adequate response to a wrongdoing.  相似文献   

This paper examines conditions and structures that led to abuses in the American mutual fund industry. The scandals unfolded in 2003 when a whistleblower alerted authorities to illegal and unethical trading practices between institutional investors and mutual fund companies. The abuses included late trading, market timing, illegal sales practices, and excessive fees, with damages estimated at well over US $4 billion per year. While this scandal involved American companies, there are indications that other countries could be at risk of similar wrongdoing. Archival data are used to understand the regulatory conditions that allowed for illegal practices to proliferate throughout the American mutual fund industry. These conditions are compared to those in Japan to assess the potential for similar abuses and how they might best be prevented.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that people's need for punishment does not preclude a desire for restorative sanctions that address the repairing of the harm to victims and communities caused by wrongdoing. Study 1 showed that although people felt it was important to punish the offender to achieve justice, they viewed additional justice goals as equally necessary. Study 2 revealed that people viewed sanctions as differentially able to fulfill various justice goals. Study 3 showed that the target on which respondents focused—the offender, victim, or community—determined which sanctions they selected to achieve justice; and that people did tend, by default, to focus on punishing the offender when responding to crime. These findings, taken together, suggest that people view the satisfaction of multiple justice goals as an appropriate and just response to wrongdoing, which allows for a possible reconciliation between the "conflicting" goals of restorative and retributive justice.  相似文献   

倪铁 《犯罪研究》2011,(6):13-19
在传统中国的法律体制和刑事司法实践中,隐含着预防和惩治“冤假错案”的法文化逻辑,并具体化为一系列错案治理机制。其中,以传统犯罪现场勘查的相关机制最为典型,错案治理的法文化逻辑就贯穿于这一系列机制之中。中国传统法律严厉打击可能导致侦审错误的违法行为,形成了勘查官不亲临、报案不如实、现场保护不力、勘查延宕违限、勘查错漏等非违行为的治理机制,在一定程度上压缩了刑事错案的生存空间。即使在现今刑事司法活动中,这些法文化资源仍具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The presumption of innocence has often been understood as a doctrine that can be explained primarily by instrumental concerns relating to accurate fact-finding in the criminal trial and that has few if any implications outside the trial itself. In this paper, I argue, in contrast, that in a liberal legal order everyone has a right to be presumed innocent simply in virtue of being a person. Every person has a right not to be subjected to criminal punishment unless and until he or she has done something that is criminally wrong. Since disagreements about allegations of criminal wrongdoing are inevitable, the liberal legal order requires a process for determining whether wrongdoing has occurred. In order to preserve the right not to be punished without wrongdoing, the accused person must be presumed innocent throughout this process. The presumption of innocence is therefore as much a basic human right as, for example, the right to bodily integrity or the right to freedom of expression. Specifications of and limitations on the right should therefore be justified not primarily in terms of their instrumental effectiveness in fact-finding or crime control but in terms of the role of the criminal process in a liberal legal order. I consider some implications of this view of the presumption of innocence for the pre-trial process and for substantive criminal law. I argue that the presumption of innocence, understood as a basic human right, should condition the entire pre-trial process; it has, however, minimal implications for the definition of offences.  相似文献   

Data from interviews at the head offices of Japanese companies are used to illustrate the highly varied ways in which large organizations hold individuals and subunits responsible for corporate wrongdoing. Noblesse oblige, captain of the ship responsibility, nominated accountability and fault-based responsibility are identified as important types of individual accountability all of which can be unjust and ineffective when decisionmaking is more or less collective. In the face of immense diversity in varieties of responsibility for organizational crime, different strategies for bringing law and organizational culture into alignment are tentatively evaluated.  相似文献   

David O. Brink 《Ratio juris》2012,25(4):496-512
This article examines whether a retributivist conception of punishment implies legal moralism and asks what liberalism implies about retributivism and moralism. It makes a case for accepting the weak retributivist thesis that culpable wrongdoing creates a pro tanto case for blame and punishment and the weak moralist claim that moral wrongdoing creates a pro tanto case for legal regulation. This weak moralist claim is compatible with the liberal claim that the legal enforcement of morality is rarely all‐thing‐considered desirable. Though weak moralism has some plausibility, it does not follow from weak retributivism if legitimate state functions are limited in certain ways.  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which poor relief supported families and households in two contrasting European (and predominantly Roman Catholic) countries, Ireland and Italy, over the long nineteenth century. The main focus of the article is on the poor law in Ireland and the extent to which it provided support to families and households. While nuclear and extended families dominated household structures in late nineteenth-century Ireland (at least in rural areas), we show that by 1900, the majority of persons supported in workhouses were single. However, outdoor relief also formed an important part of the Irish poor law system and data on the household composition of persons supported is not available from official sources. Drawing on a data-matching exercise for one poor law union, this article suggests that the household structure of persons on outdoor relief may have been more complex than the official data would indicate and, in contrast to indoor relief, much more representative of overall household structures. In order to put these findings in context we compare the Irish approach with that adopted in Italy.  相似文献   

European Journal of Law and Economics - In many areas such as consumer law or competition law, legislators can opt between two alternative forms of sanctions to remedy wrongdoing: they can impose...  相似文献   

陈甦 《法学研究》2020,(3):39-60
公章的意义在于使特定的意思表示与特定的主体相联结,是书面法律行为的重要标识方式。因经济活动中存在真公章无权使用和假公章冒用等现象,公章名义人因此或借此对公章真假及使用效力提出抗辩。但实践中对公章效力的判定却常有偏差,其重要原因之一就是对公章抗辩缺乏系统有效的处理规则。公章抗辩包括公章确认抗辩和公章效力抗辩,公章效力抗辩又可分为真公章效力抗辩和假公章效力抗辩。不同类型的公章抗辩在抗辩事由、举证责任等方面,均有不同的规则内容与处理要点。实务中对公章抗辩的处理与认定,应当有效把握不同公章抗辩类型的基本规则与特殊情形,并妥当辨识及运用公章效力与表见代理或表见代表之间的互证关系。  相似文献   

In this article, I ask whether the state, as opposed to its individual members, can intelligibly and legitimately be criminalized, with a focus on the possibility of its domestic criminalization. I proceed by identifying what I take to be the core objections to such criminalization, and then investigate ways in which they can be challenged. First, I address the claim that the state is not a kind of entity that can intelligibly perpetrate domestic criminal wrongs. I argue against it by building upon an account of the modern state as a moral agent proper, capable of both culpable moral and legal wrongdoing. I then consider objections to the intelligibility and legitimacy of subjecting states to domestic criminal processes, which primarily find their source in the assumption that such subjection would necessarily involve the state prosecuting, judging, and punishing itself. I argue that whether this (questionable) assumption is sound or not, it does not create the kinds of unsolvable quandaries its exponents think it does. I then move on to reject the distinct, yet related, objection that, at least in aspiring liberal jurisdictions, treating the state as a criminal objectionably involves extending to it various substantive and procedural guarantees that, given its nature and raison d’être, it should not have. Finally, I discuss three central objections to punishing the state. First, that organizations like states do not have the phenomenal consciousness required to suffer punishment. Second, that the constant possibility of dispersion of state punishment amongst individual members stands in the way of its justification. Lastly, that whatever justification there may be for making things harder for the state in response to its culpable wrongdoing, such treatment need not be understood as punishment. While partially conceding the strength of these objections, I strive to loosen their grip in ways that show that justified punishment of the state, meaningfully understood as such, remains a distinct possibility. I conclude by contrasting supposed alternatives to the criminalization of states, and by contending that my analysis leaves us with enough to keep the possibility of state criminalization on the table as a justifiable response to state wrongdoing.  相似文献   

In 1980, a jury returned “not guilty” verdicts on three counts of reckless homicide against the Ford Motor Company. The company was indicted when three girls were killed after their Ford Pinto burst into flames following a rear impact collision. This paper re-examines the consequences of this landmark case involving corporate wrongdoing from the perspectives of the participants 20 years later. Interviews were conducted with 22 individuals directly involved with the litigation, as well as with insightful observers and experts. The lasting impact of this case is demonstrated through its influence on the development of corporate liability, even though the company was found “not guilty.”  相似文献   

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