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吉卜林、福斯特和奈保尔是殖民与后殖民文学的三位重要作家,其创作与印度关系紧密。他们的印度书写不同程度地带有东方主义的思想痕迹,其作品均体现了文化身份认同之思考。探讨三位英语作家的印度书写及其文化身份思索对于深化殖民与后殖民文学研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

印度移民作家芭拉蒂.穆克吉的创作可以分为三个时期,这清晰地展现出她对第三世界移民、对东西文化冲突和融合的思考轨迹。某种程度上,她基本上覆盖了从奈保尔早期创作到拉什迪近期创作关于流亡和移民的全部思考内容。  相似文献   

奈保尔曾经三次到印度进行文化寻根,对于印度文明自有比较独特的观察和论述.他的印度叙事与殖民文学时期西方人的印度书写存在着暗合之处.本文即以后殖民理论为方法,对于奈保尔的印度书写进行分析对比,找寻殖民文学与后殖民书写中的学理关联.  相似文献   

联合国是维和行动主要的组织者和实施者。冷战结束以来,西方主导的联合国维和的目标由维护和平逐渐转变为战后重建,并开始承担复杂的国家建构任务。一方面,维和给目标国带来了和平,维和人员的日常开支对目标国经济的恢复和发展作出了一定贡献。但是维和任务的速成性和维和经济造成的收入两极分化等因素,都对目标国的经济发展产生了消极影响。另一方面,维和人员的税收豁免权、维和人员与其他社会群体的收入差距以及由此导致的政府部门人才流失和腐败、平行行政部门的出现等都严重削弱了政府对社会的渗透和控制能力。不仅如此,维和人员税收豁免和收入两极分化显著地降低了民众的纳税意愿,使得逃税和抗税盛行,提高了征税难度。维和部队对于目标国政府军向民众单方面使用暴力采取的不干涉态度,也强化了社会抗税心理。所以,西方主导的联合国维和行动既缩小了目标国的税基,降低了官僚机构的效能,又打击了民众的纳税意愿,显著地降低了目标国的财政汲取能力。本文对1980—2015年126个后殖民国家的大样本统计分析表明,无论是短期还是长期,西方主导的联合国维和行动和后殖民目标国的汲取能力都呈显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

丁海笑  杨睿 《东南亚》2011,(3):29-32
紧急状态是政府的一种公告,宣布可能暂停一些行政、立法和司法权力的基本功能,警告公民改变他们正常的习惯,或者命令政府机构实施紧急应急预案。在印度,紧急状态是指变更宪法体制的一个统治时期,当印度总统认为有来自内部和外部以及金融危机的严重威胁时,可以宣布紧急状态。1975年6月25日至1977年3月21日,印度紧急状态持续了21个月,这是印度在独立后最有争议的时期之一。本文以此为例探讨印度后殖民时代的紧急状态法。  相似文献   

梵语诗学是世界古代三大文艺理论体系之一,它有许多独特的诗学概念与范畴,由此产生许多既富有普遍意义、也具有独特东方文化魅力的诗学命题。本文选择几个非常重要的诗学命题进行剖析。这些诗学命题包括对文学本质或功能的认识、对诗歌灵魂的认识、对审美情感机制的剖析以及对文学作品或诗歌成因的探析。本文借助比较诗学研究方法,探究印度古典诗学命题的普遍价值和现代意义。  相似文献   

作为世界诗学的重要组成部分,以梵语诗学为代表的印度古典诗学话语谱系具有非常鲜明的民族特性。印度古典诗学的民族特色归纳为以下几点:依神演绎、依经立论、形式至上、情味中心、科际渗透。本文拟对这些基本特色进行较为详细的分析,以资中国文论发展借鉴。  相似文献   

英国作家吉卜林是典型的殖民文学作家.他的作品某种程度上遮蔽了印度被殖民的历史本貌,其滋生于帝国心态的帝国话语使其以一种居高临下的姿态表述印度主题,并以东方主义的视角对印度进行艺术直陈.本文分析了吉卜林的印度书写,探讨了他在殖民文学创作中反映的诸多问题.  相似文献   

印度梵语诗学在中国学界的译介还不到一个世纪。由于语言的问题,中国学界只有极少数人从事梵语诗学的翻译和介绍。迄今为止,这种翻译介绍已经取得一些可喜的成果。伴随对梵语诗学的译介,一些学者开始了对梵语诗学的系统研究或专题研究,有的学者还进行中印、印西诗学比较研究。这使梵语诗学在中国学界逐渐受到关注。还有两住学者利用梵语诗学进行文本阐释。  相似文献   

西方的哲学与诗学是体系完整且成熟的,哲学与诗学既有区别又有联系,二者之间 是一种相互衍生、相互依存、相互烘托的关系。中国没有西方文化范畴中的“诗学”,而是文、史、哲 三者的巧妙融合。西方以人文主义为核心,中国则是儒释道的融合。中国的哲学、诗学、宗教、思想 文化和理念与西方人的整体思想文化理念存在的分歧不仅不会彻底消除,而且会越来越明显,这 表明中国文化已经成为了世界多元文化格局中的重要的一极。我们只要在面对外国文化的冲击之 时,构建起自己独具民族特色的文化大厦,就能开创中国在世界文化格局中的新局面  相似文献   

Prior to 1995, when the World Trade Organization (WTO) superseded the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), a number of states took advantage of GATT Article XXVI:5(c), which allowed them—as former colonies or component territories of existing GATT members—to quickly and simply join the multilateral trade regime. The speed with which these post-colonial accessions took place, however, varied widely: some states joined immediately upon independence, while others joined much later. Still other post-colonial states passed on this opportunity, only to subsequently begin the longer, more onerous accession process required of other GATT/WTO applicants. Our paper seeks to explain this variation in the timing of post-colonial states’ accession to the GATT/WTO. We argue that three key variables explain the timing of accession decisions: 1) a country’s trade ties with existing member-states; 2) its existing preferential trade agreement (PTA) commitments; and 3) its domestic political institutions—specifically, the country’s level of democracy. Furthermore, we argue that the effects of these variables are conditional upon each other: post-colonial countries with more extensive trade ties to existing member-states were more likely to accede rapidly under Article XXVI:5(c), but only under specific conditions—namely, when they had not already locked in ties with key trading partners through bilateral or regional PTAs, and when they were governed by a more democratic regime. We test this argument empirically using an original dataset of 61 post-colonial states from 1951 to 2004. Our results strongly support this explanation of GATT/WTO accession and help to clarify the pattern of participation in the multilateral trading system that we have observed over the last half-century.  相似文献   

梵语诗学味论经历了漫长的发展过程。随着时代的发展,具有客观含义的味逐渐演变为主观色彩浓厚的味,最初带有审美意味的文学味论不断地宗教化,进而在中世纪演变为彻底的宗教美学即虔诚味论。虔诚味论的出现给梵语诗学的晚期发展与中世纪印度方言文论的萌芽和发展施加了双面影响,它也对近现代印度宗教文学的发展产生了不可忽略的影响。泰戈尔的宗教诗歌集《吉檀迦利》便是一例。  相似文献   


There are debates on the relevance of Eurocentric normative frameworks for studying the media in post-colonial Africa. Emerging from these debates is a rebuttal of the dominant Western-derived paradigms for the conceptualisation of journalistic norms, values and practices. Given that the dominant Western liberal models for normative media ethics are incongruent to the needs of Africa, there is a growing call to reconceptualise media ethics anchored upon alternative epistemologies and moral foundations such as ubuntuism. Although there is existing scholarship on ubuntuism as a framework for media ethics in Africa, none of these studies has focused particularly on Zimbabwe. Using the 16 August 2019 (hereafter August 16) protests as a photojournalistic “moment” as a frame, this article explores the views and perspectives of Zimbabwean journalists on their understanding of media ethics and professionalism. Further, it probes the possibilities of ubuntuism as a moral foundation of journalistic practice in the country. Journalists’ views are diverse and contested on the nature and practice of media ethics in the country. Although ubuntuism is touted as a normative framework for media ethics, the Western liberal perspectives remain dominant. As such, post-colonial theory offers a useful approach to understanding the interconnections, contradictions and tensions underpinning media ethics in post-colonial Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal - This article argues that Indonesia-EU economic relations have been accompanied by a post-colonial narrative, which has led to a transposition of anti-colonial sentiment...  相似文献   

As Britain prepares to leave the European Union after the popular vote of June 2016, the government is embarking on the revision of foreign policy. Boris Johnson, or ‘just Boris’, has been entrusted with forging the new ‘Global Britain’ for the post-Brexit era and reinventing British economy around new relationships. Boris has a track record of misrepresenting and offending foreign peoples, leaders and countries. This article assesses the prospects for Africa in Johnson’s vision for ‘Global Britain’ as presented in his foreign policy speeches. The paper unpacks Johnson’s discursive construction of ‘Africa’ and inserts it into a broader historical and political context of British relations with Africa. It argues that, by constructing Africa as a ‘problem’ and offering liberal values as a condition for development, Johnson is continuing British imperial and post-colonial discourses of ‘developing’ or ‘civilizing’ Africa. In the post-Brexit world of a changing global balance of power, democratic conditionality serves to sustain and reproduce British forms of power and policies.  相似文献   

印度文学理论经历了萌芽期、古典梵语诗学、印度中世纪文论、印度近现代文论和当代文论(印度独立以来)等几个发展阶段。印度文学理论的发展具有自己的特色,它既受到宗教、语言、文学等传统文化的渗透和影响,也受到近现代西方文化的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the nationalistic authorship of space in Sri Lanka’s post-conflict Northeast as part of the state’s nation-building strategy and as a continuation of a post-colonial process of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalistic revival. Exploring issues of historiography, conflict resolution, physical vehicles of ideology and collective memory, the article demonstrates how land policies, development and the tourism industry in a post-conflict context can go hand-in-hand with dispossession, militarisation and the humiliation of a ‘defeated’ minority community.  相似文献   

This article highlights the challenges development aid donors can face in Bangladesh’s post-colonial culture, as well as substantiating how lack of quality control in an aid project can influence local values, beliefs, and subjective experiences. The article also suggests that improving quality control, such as through monitoring and evaluation (M&E), can generate greater impact of development aid resources.  相似文献   

爱德华.W.萨义德(Edward.w.Said)于20世纪末阐发的东方主义理论作为后殖民主义文化批评理论之一引发了东西方学者的共鸣,因而风靡世界。在这一理论热潮的背景下,不免会出现套用或者误用的嫌疑,生搬硬套地阐释某一具体文本或作家的现象;或者出现以偏概全,完全被东方主义理论而障目,不见更丰富的文本含义等现象。为此,有必要阐明萨义德东方主义理论的缘起,从而明确"东方主义"理论具体的使用语境;通过对西方唯美主义思潮中表现出来的"日本风"等文学文化现象的解析,从另一个角度来阐释"东方主义"的丰富内涵;对唯美主义者追求的东方艺术与萨义德的东方主义理论进行比较研究,从而为同行们提供一个新的视角来理解唯美主义乃至东方主义。  相似文献   

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