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互联网新媒体的出现使大众传媒发生了革命性的变化。如果说小罗斯福是“广播总统”、肯尼迪是“电视总统”,那么奥巴马就是“网络总统”。奥巴马不仅将网络攻略成功运用到总统选举中,还频繁运用于施行内政和对外政策制定中。  相似文献   

关于新自由主义研究的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新自由主义区别于自由主义的特征就是坚决拒绝劳动价值理论 ,用边际效用价值论来取代劳动价值论 ,把资本的利益放在首要地位。今天所说的新自由主义是指与凯恩斯主义、弗赖堡学派完全对立的哈耶克主义以及里根—撒切尔主义。从一定意义上说 ,新保守主义也就是新自由主义 ,但新保守主义与新自由主义这两个概念还是有严格区别的 ,特别是在政治与社会文化领域。经济上的新自由主义与政治上的新保守主义合二为一 ,是当今西方国家中右政府或者中右政党的基本特征。  相似文献   

周琪  王欢 《当代世界》2011,(4):24-27
当前,美国国内政治和社会中正在出现明显的"极化"现象,这一现象引起了美国各方面的关注。一个典型的例证是,由奥巴马总统倡导的、民主党国会议员全力推动的医疗改革法2010年3月在国会通过时,  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,美国保守主义思想库发展迅速。无论在国家水平或者地方和州水平上,保守主义思想库在数量规模、议题范围以及影响上都优于自由派思想库,并赢得了美国政治观念战争的胜利。这些成就的取得主要源于保守基金会灵活的资助原则。尽管当前保守主义思想库已经主导了美国政治走向和公共政策辩论的话语权,但是它仍面临一系列挑战。  相似文献   

政治合法性对政党及其组阁而成的政府具有决定性的意义。20世纪80年代以来,新保守主义逐渐成为维系美国共和党政治合法性的基石。共和党在美国政坛的得势,与其在国内、国际两大政治舞台上利用新保守主义积极争取国内及国际的支持密切相关。  相似文献   

由于一系列特殊的社会历史条件,社会主义运动在美国没有生下根.美国独特的政党制度,使包括曾经出现的社会主义政党在内的第三政党从来没有在美国政坛上产生实质性的影响,并使得“社会主义”在美国一直是一个贬义的、异己的、反动的甚至是可怕的字眼.“罗斯福新政”就曾经被攻击为“偷偷摸摸的社会主义”,罗斯福本人也曾被指责为“斯大林分子”.20世纪80年代的“里根革命”虽然对国家干预主义有所冲击,但2007年金融危机事实上宣告了里根革命的破产.奥巴马政府执政以来,虽然推行了一些有利于社会下层的改革,但这些改革与社会主义几乎毫无关联.无论是罗斯福还是奥巴马,他们奉行的都不是社会主义,而是自由主义.  相似文献   

美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马3月31日在安德鲁斯空军基地发表讲话,宣布将扩大对美近海油气田的开发,以确保美近期能源安全。分析人士认为,这项政策一旦生效,将打破美国政府执行20多年的近海采油禁令。奥巴马之所以改变近海石油开采政策,是为推行其能源政策而妥协的结果。但解除近海采油禁令会有什么后果,目前还难以预料。  相似文献   

齐皓 《当代世界》2012,(10):49-52
2012年8月28日,美国共和党全国代表大会通过投票正式提名前马萨诸塞州州长米特·罗姆尼(MittRomney)为总统候选人,至此,罗姆尼与现任总统奥巴马的白宫攻防战正式展开。  相似文献   

吴洪森 《南风窗》2008,(23):94-94
历经3年综合16部门、洋洋13000言的《医改方案征求意见稿》发布后,虽然普遍反应看不懂,可操作具体措施太少,但刨去里面的空话、套话,其基本精神可以概括为"医改以国家包办为主"。新医改为什么要走国家包办的路子呢?  相似文献   

俞邃 《当代世界》2009,(8):20-22
2009年7月6日至8日,美国总统奥巴马首次出访俄罗斯。奥巴马此行引起举世瞩目,也引发笔者的若干思考。  相似文献   

The NHS internal market, introduced in an atmosphere of controversy, continues to generate much disagreement. This article examines the evidence on the impact of this policy with regard to a range of criteria, including efficiency, accountability, effective planning and co-ordination, patient choice and service quality, equity, and the culture of the NHS. It explores the different ways in which this evidence is perceived and seeks to make explicit the assumptions and biases of those involved in the debate about the reforms. The article also examines the policy process behind the reforms and the extent to which it has added to the problems of evaluation. By way of conclusion, the implications for future health care reform are considered and a number of procedural changes suggested.  相似文献   

President Barack Obama has extended the hand of engagement to the Muslim and Arab world, while warning Israel against new settlements in occupied Palestine and hedging his bets with remote drone strikes against Al-Qaida and the Taliban in Pakistan. The new CIA director, a military historian and the Somali-born feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali assess his strategy.  相似文献   

President Barack Obama pledged in his first TV interview—with the Arab satellite channel Al Arabiya—that America under his watch would "listen with respect and not dictate" to the world. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has further announced that this country will no longer just throw around its military might but will pursue a "smart power" approach by tempering the use of hard weaponry with the "soft power" of persuasion and cultural attraction. Or, as Madame Secretary's husband Bill has put it, America will now lead through the power of example instead of the example of power.
The first exceedingly complex test of Obama's smart power strategy will be how to end George W. Bush's misguided "war on terror" in Afghanistan and Pakistan, keeping al-Qaida at bay without being swallowed by the quagmire of tribal politics. An array of experts from New Delhi to Paris offers their views in this section.  相似文献   

Amid a period of increasing political anxiety generated by the BSE crisis, the Irish Government sought to replace a confusing medley of food regulations with a single agency responsible for regulating food from the 'farm to the fork'. Presented as a radical departure from a regime previously discredited, its remit would be to redefine the relationship between risk assessment, management and communication. In this context, the paper puts forward three principal arguments. First, that while the Minister for Health and Children was keen to extol both the scientific credentials of the agency, and the importance of shifting regulatory responsibility from the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAF) to the Department of Health and Children (DOHC), what remains novel is the manner in which reform has managed to retain political access for influential agri-business interests. Second, that any reform undertaken should be fully cognisant of the international agreements between the European Union and the World Trade Organisation which extended further a free market in food trade. The agency's institutional architecture therefore was framed with the intention of restoring market confidence without threatening the habitat of those multi-national companies that occupy this arena. Finally, that the role of science (and risk) in food regulation has altered. Rather than perform the task of sustaining order through responsible government, science now participates in (re)constituting order through the market.  相似文献   

A major review of public administration in Northern Ireland has resulted in proposals for radical reforms in health, education and local government services. Although originating from the devolved government of 1999, intermittent suspensions resulted in Direct Rule Ministers taking over responsibility for the review. This article traces the influence of a sizeable body of research evidence on the outcomes of the review, specifically controversial reforms to local government, and the significant influence attached to macro political factors in reaching key public policy decisions. It also highlights the asymmetry in power relations between Stormont and local government and how devolution has simply compounded regional centralism in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

The New Public Management (NPM) Theory is a rhetorical construction with diverse intellectual roots. That diversity means that it is open to reinterpretation and shifts in implementation across countries (Sahlin-Andersson, 2001 Sahlin-Andersson, K. 2001. “National, international and transnational constructions of New Public Management”. In New Public Management—The transformation of ideas and practice, Edited by: Christensen, T. and ægreid, P. L. 4372. Aldershot, , UK: Ashgate.  [Google Scholar]; Smullen, 2007 Smullen, A. 2007. Translating agency reform: Rhetoric and culture in comparative perspective, Rotterdam, , The Netherlands: PhD Dissertation, Erasmus University.  [Google Scholar]). This overview article critically investigates NPM application in various EU health care systems. NPM led to a greater focus on market forces and competition and improved information sharing and cooperation among health care networks, and changed the way care is delivered. This article also identifies significant misfits between policy announcements and NPM implementation. NPM has taken root much more substantially in the United Kingdom (UK) than in France and Germany. The variety of capitalism and institutional systems provides an explanation for divergences in NPM implementation.  相似文献   

奥巴马政府国家安全战略的新调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄海 《当代世界》2009,(9):36-38
冷战后美国国家安全战略经历了三次大的转型,从老布什政府的“世界新秩序”构想,到克林顿政府的“塑造一反应一准备”战略构想,再到布什政府的“先发制人”战略。当前,巨大的战争资源消耗、国际形象的急剧恶化和国际金融危机冲击下的力不从心,使得美国亟须调整国家安全战略。美国新任总统奥巴马上台后,  相似文献   

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