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佚名 《刑警与科技》2005,(12A):99-101
“软肋”一:“短寿”之痛 中国的企业活不长。改革开放以来,虽然有少数企业实现了快速成长,但大多数企业则面临着“短寿”的困扰。我们来看一组数据,中关村平均每天诞生两家“海归派”企业,苏州工业园仅内资企业就每天诞生4家,深圳市2004年上半年企业数量新增17371家,平均每天诞生近100家。同时中国的企业每一天有1.2万家倒闭,每一分钟有近10家企业关门。  相似文献   

贺海燕  吕斌 《法人》2007,(11):84-85
企业做收藏注定不会百战百胜,面对风云变幻的收藏市场,如何规避风险是每个收藏企业必须该重视的事情  相似文献   

冷清 《法人》2008,(7):48-48
由于缺乏一种平等的意识和平等的精神,独裁企业很难做到群策群力,企业的发展就成为依靠有限的几个人或者一个人的智慧游戏  相似文献   

黄鸣 《法人》2010,(3):89-89
如果商场的一切都是被安排被计划被内定,那在市场中做企业的我们就失去了存在的意义  相似文献   

公元1086年,北宋政治家、思想家、文学家王安石在新法被废后忧愤而死.穿越时空隧道,审视王安石变法的前因后果,变法失败的一些主要的教训值得我们深思和借鉴.  相似文献   

企业的小富靠和,大富靠变在改革开放之初,艰苦创业的许多是家族企业。家族式企业一般的发家史多半是家里面出现一个能人,抓住了一个好的机会进行大胆尝试,积极经营赚得了第一桶金,为今后的发展奠定了资金基础。但是在刚刚起步阶段往往是自己的兄弟、姐妹和亲戚  相似文献   

晚清洋务运动时期,清政府为追求富强,花费巨额资金引进西方技术、设备、创办了一批近代企业。然而,由于整个官场吏治腐败得不到肃清,这些企业内部也相应存在着盲目决策、任用私人、管理混乱、贪污舞弊等弊端,使企业难以发挥应有的作用,最终导致洋务运动走向失败。这段史实,为在实现现代化过程中如何处理政治改革与发展经济的关系这一关键的问题,提出了重要的经验教训。  相似文献   

王占魁 《行政与法》2004,2(12):77-78
1894年中日甲午海战造成中国北洋水师全军覆没,军事上的失败缘于政治上的腐朽。因为清政府的国家管理制度一片混乱,最高统治者行使权力的行为不受任何监督,对最高统治者以下的权力监督制度形同虚设,人事监督制度十分落后,军队管理监督制度失灵是形成甲午海战中国失败的共同原因。  相似文献   

王军  张良 《刑事技术》2013,(6):55-57
1案件简介某年8月19日,某镇一机井中发现一疑似女尸,经现场勘查证实死者为郑某,死者双脚及右手被尼龙绳捆绑,口部被胶带缠裹后头朝下投入到该机井中,现场勘验人员在胶带上提取指纹1枚(见图1)。  相似文献   

用最小化获胜联盟理论来分析解放战争中国民党迅速失败的原因,主要是国民党对联盟各方分析的失误。对国民党自身、美苏分析的失误以及对农民这一最重要的潜在联盟的的忽视等因素造成了国民党在解放战争中最终的失败。  相似文献   

Gorbachev's finest hour was the period when, on the one hand, the harsh, centralized apparatus of state control still operated and, on the other, the country and the world watched in amazement as the "number one" Communist overturned all former dogmas, one after another. The image of a warrior fighting the forces of darkness, recognizing no taboo, ennobled the general secretary to an unusual degree. In those splendid years of 1985-87, it was as if he were astride the steed of history. Even Reagan, that master of communication, seemed like a wooden dummy next to him. Gorbachev read the delight in the faces of Moscow intellectuals and saw the rapture among crowds of people in the West, which could not believe its eyes.  相似文献   

民法自然债五题略议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然债是当事人负有的受一般道德标准支持、法律虽不强制其履行但在自愿履行后即维护履行效果,给付人不得请求返还给付的债.它与受强制保护的民事债一起,构成民法上债的体系.自然债是一种特殊的法律义务,介于完全法律义务与道德义务之间,它折射出社会关系"入法"具有不同状态,反映道德与法律交织的特殊融合关系,具有独特的法律意义.自然债具有历史与现代的法规范表现,我国民法体系中仅存在零散规定,迫切需要进行制度建构.  相似文献   

Motivated by Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill, but with one eye on any possible future legislation, I consider the justifications that might be offered for limiting assistance in dying to those who are suffering unbearably from terminal illness. I argue that the terminal illness criterion and the unbearable suffering criterion are not morally defensible separately: that a person need be neither terminally ill (or ill at all), nor suffering unbearably (or suffering at all) to have a right to assisted dying. Indeed: I shall suggest that the unbearable suffering criterion undermines the Bill (or any proposal like it) wholesale. On the other hand, the criteria taken together are defensible, and this defence would be built on a concern for the protection of the vulnerable. However, I also claim that this implies that the law might justifiably—and maybe even properly—aim to prevent a person from gaining access to that to which they have a serious moral right. This seems paradoxical, and, towards the end of the paper, I seek to tease apart the paradox.  相似文献   

For an academic, there is no greater reward than having one's scholarship taken seriously. The five distinguished scholars who have contributed to this symposium on The Force of Law (Schauer 2015 ) have done just that, with varying degrees of agreement and disagreement, praise and criticism. But even critical commentary, and perhaps especially critical commentary, is evidence of serious engagement. More importantly, the commentaries contained here have advanced our understanding of law in valuable ways. I respond to each in this reply, but with full acknowledgment that my responses cannot do justice to the full breadth of their contributions and challenges. My hope is not that I will persuade readers that I am correct and my critics mistaken, but rather that the reader who absorbs both the challenges and my response will come away with a greater understanding of the issues that The Force of Law seeks to place on the agenda of contemporary jurisprudence.  相似文献   

The doctrine of joint criminal enterprise is in disarray. Despite repeated judicial scrutiny at the highest level, the doctrine's scope, proper doctrinal basis and function in relation to other modes of complicity remain uncertain. This article examines the doctrine's elements and underlying principles. It argues that while joint criminal enterprise is largely used to make individuals liable for offences committed by their associates in excess of the common criminal purpose, its proper function is to police the limits of associate liability and thus to exculpate rather than inculpate. The doctrine governs not only instances of accessorial liability; it also applies where the parties involved are joint principal offenders. As this puts into question the prevalent view that joint criminal enterprise is a form of secondary participation that results in accessorial liability, the article concludes that it is best seen as a doctrine sui generis.  相似文献   

左传卫 《政法学刊》2011,28(1):74-79
作为新型企业组织形态的企业集团是企业结构演变过程的自然产物,它既有规模化、集约化经营的优点,更有掠夺局外股东、滥用从属企业独立人格逃废债务的隐患,对以单个公司为立法原点、以独立人格、有限责任、三权分立为主要特征的传统公司法提出了严重的挑战。对关系企业进行专门规制的德国股份法,直面企业结构变迁的事实,区分合同型康采恩与适格的事实型康采恩,按不同法律原则进行适应性规制,符合我国做大做强企业集团的政策取向,实为将来我国相关立法之典范。  相似文献   

阮加文 《法人》2009,(5):12-14,16,18,19
仅仅一个。月时间,在中国纺织行业最负盛名的华联三鑫、浙江纵横、江龙控股及其关联企业相继陷入风雨飘摇——整个绍兴为此如坐针毡。面对这场有可能继续蔓延的企业危机,这个纺织之城的管理者是否能够妙手回春?  相似文献   

我国法律解释中的五大悖论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国的法制建设中,存在着几个悖论,一是法律的整体化与立法现实;二是法律解释的科学化与法官的素质;三是正义价值的内生化与传统思想;四是成文法形式的发展与认识;五是法律解释的演进与我国法律建设。这些问题都需要我们进行长期的努力才能解决。  相似文献   

熊瑛 《河北法学》2012,30(2):99-106
道义、理论、哲学、实践、政策是支撑立功制度的五重根基,“善有善报,恶有恶报”的道义根据为其抹上了厚重、鲜明的正义色彩.辩证唯物主义关于物质是运动的及内外因辩证关系原理是其哲学基石.同时,立功契合了“为最大多数人谋取最大幸福”的功利主义学说,“立功折罪,立大功受奖”的政策及我国运用立功同犯罪作斗争的具体经验及实际情况为立功制度的发展及壮大提供了丰富的养分.  相似文献   

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