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杨青  宫淑艳 《法人》2005,(10):36-37
目前国资委大张旗鼓地推行央企的行政划拔、兼并,会否成为中石化借以兼并中海油良机昵?而扩大规模,增强自身力量,就成了中海油应对被兼并命运的顺理成章之举了  相似文献   

网络谣言治理体系中存在政府规制和市场机制的界分。我国当前仍以政府规制为主导,忽略市场机制的功能,也缺乏对两者的有效衔接与整合。为了实现保障言论自由和维护社会秩序之间的平衡,市场机制应在网络谣言治理中起基础性作用,政府规制宜在市场机制失灵或突发事件状态下介入。网络服务提供者、网络服务用户、网络服务技术是网络空间的基本构成,与之相对应的互联网行业自律、互联网教育和互联网技术等市场机制有着不同的治理功能和运行逻辑,进而建构起平台—用户—技术三位一体的网络谣言治理市场机制。  相似文献   

"谣言事件"的发生发展与政府和媒体有着密切的关系:前瞻性宣传的消极化倾向为谣言的滋生提供了条件;谣言事件发生过程中相关部门举措失当会加剧危机态势扩大;谣言平复后缺乏有组织的、系统化的反思和教育。对"谣言事件",需要政府和媒体高效互动:建立危机宣传预警机制,做好"防谣"、"辟谣"预案;将媒体联动和政府举措相结合,畅通信息沟通渠道;积极及时组织舆论开展系统讨论和反思,培育民众的理性素质。同时,由于自媒体在信息传播方面有着实时性、简化强化性和灵活性等特点,政府和媒体还要积极发挥互联网特别是"自媒体"在舆论引导中的作用:要完善自媒体信息传播的法律法规;积极开设并良好维护官方自媒体平台,构建新型信息传播渠道;重视网络"意见领袖"的作用。  相似文献   

突发公共事件中谣言传播与政府信息公开   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
突发公共事件发生时,各种谣言往往相伴而生,并造成很大危害。这其中,真实信息的不畅通是谣言传播的关键因素。由于政府信息具有信息量广、权威性高等特征,所以,在突发公共事件发生后,政府信息的公开应主动、及时、全面、准确,并通过多种渠道进行反复地公开,使民众能够获得关于事情的真相,从而避免谣言的传播。  相似文献   

Personal products, such as toothbrushes, have been used as both known reference and evidentiary samples for forensic DNA analysis. This study examined the viability of a broad selection of cosmetic applicators for use as targets for human DNA extraction and short tandem repeat (STR) analysis using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions. Applicator types included eyeliner smudgers, pencils and crayons, eye shadow sponges, mascara wands, concealer wands, face makeup sponges, pads and brushes, lipsticks and balms, and lip gloss wands. The quantity and quality of DNA extracted from each type of applicator were examined by assessing the number of loci successfully amplified and the peak balance of the heterozygous alleles in each full STR profile. While degraded DNA, stochastic amplification, and PCR inhibition were observed for some items, full STR profiles were developed for 14 of 76 applicators. The face makeup sponge applicators yielded the highest proportional number of full STR profiles (4/7).  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):146-157
Cyberspace and thus cybercrime know no boundaries. This chapter reviews some of the basic forms of cybercrime, draws specific attention to the issues that arise when offences occur across borders and in relation to organised criminal groupings, and provides illustrations based on some of the more celebrated cases of the past few years. The borderless nature of cyberspace and the exponential take-up of digital technology throughout the world guarantee that transnational cybercrime will remain a challenge. Fortunately, many nations are rising to this challenge, individually and collectively, but the web of international cooperation does have its holes and those nations that lag behind the leaders risk becoming havens for cybercriminals of the future.  相似文献   

王磊磊 《法人》2009,(5):72-75
围绕北京木樨园世贸中心这座11层的大楼,近700名业主与恒泰基业展开了长达两年的维权之战。最终平息这场纷争也许还要经历长久的等待,但隐含其中的中国地产业的阵痛和迷失已显而易见  相似文献   

This article discusses the U.S. Global Magnitsky Act, which was passed in 2016 and which provides a mechanism for the U.S. government to sanction foreign individuals and entities that are involved in human rights abuses and large scale corruption. It also discusses the opportunities that the Act provides for civil society organizations to influence the designation process and the additional due diligence measures that businesses should take in order to ensure compliance with the Act.  相似文献   

浅析内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张惠芳 《河北法学》2004,22(9):70-74
就修正后的刑法第 180条规定的内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪构成中的关键内容客观方面和主观方面作了分析 ,同时对应注意的理论和实践问题提出了自己的见解  相似文献   

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