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职业经理人在很多行业遇到危机时都起到谋臣策士的作用,近年来一些优秀的职业经理人开始跨行进入安防业,相当一部分安防企业尝到了引进职业经理人的甜头,随之而来的就是职业经理人与企业之间双向选择的复杂关系。  相似文献   

随着民营企业规模的扩大,私营企业主在企业规模做大后,希望聘用职业经理人的同时,又担心由此引起的一些不良后果。本文运用实物期权理论,在分析了企业选择职业经理人的实物期权特征的基础上,建立了民营企业选择职业经理人价值评估模型,通过实例分析与比较,得出选择职业经理人的价值所在。  相似文献   

相对于庞大的商法体系,职业经理人制度就是极为渺小的一个方面,但是随着时代的进步和经济的发展,众多的法律学者开始重视到了人才的价值,并且对职业经理人产生了极大的兴趣.学者们发现从公司财产的评估上对于人才价值的缺失,提出了公司破产了人才的价值不能成为公司财产来偿还这一类问题.本文的研究主要是从正面入手论述职业经理人的价值,并且从职业经理人制度这一法律问题入手提出如何能够更好地实现职业经理人的价值.  相似文献   

武引娥,1963年出生于河北省邯郸市,曾系统学习了煤矿机电、工商管理及法律专业,并参加了全国高级职业经理人的专业培训和考试,取得了由“中国职业经理人资格评审委员会”及“中国人才研究会经济人才专业委员会”联合颁发的“中国高级职业经理人资格证书”。  相似文献   

安防职业经理人如何界定计算机世界传媒集团总裁刘九如在《远见》一书中是如此评论外企里的职业经理人:职业经理人是一个特殊的群体,他们是老板,但不是自己完全说了算的老板;他们有事业,但不完全是自己的事业。他们既是打工者的老板,又在给老板打工。作为双重的专业老板,理性是他们  相似文献   

所谓职业经理人,即以经营管理企业为职业、将所经营企业成功视为自己人生成功、通过管理企业来实现自身价值的专职管理者。职业经理人作为企业管理高度专业化、职业化的产物,是企业的高级人力资源并逐渐成为现代企业中具有决定性作用的特殊群体,作为企业战略性资  相似文献   

正内容简介:有"中国第一职业经理人"之称的李玉琢,在书中将他在失败与成功,沉沦与奋争,痛苦与欢欣,失望与坚持中摸索出来的一些原则与规律,有关职业经理人和企业家、资本家和实业家、公司政治和个人价值观、信任和授权等问题的思考,一并记录下来与读者们分享。在他看来,"每个企业家心上都结满了茧",把企业当作自己事业的职业经理人也不例外。  相似文献   

当前的互联网革命是人类发展历程的一个重点拐点,素有“计算机业王国”之称的硅谷处于这场科技革命的最前沿.在2016年全球最具价值品牌百强榜上,谷歌公司位居第一,脸谱网名列第五.作为职业经理人,桑德伯格在这两家公司的发展过程中都有过人表现. 桑德伯格的经历反映了美国职业经理人制度自身的特点.随着中国市场经济的日渐成熟,这一制度在中国也开花结果了.就中美两国职业经理人制度的特点,中国人民大学商学院企业管理系教授、公司治理研究专家吕景胜在接受本刊记者采访时进行了具体阐述.  相似文献   

职业经理人制度已经相当成熟的美国涌现了大批诸如苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克、哥伦比亚广播公司首席执行官莱斯·穆维斯等优秀职业经理人.在这些以男性为主的职业经理人群体中,桑德伯格作为一位女性脱颖而出. 无论是在位于全球最具价值品牌百强榜首位的谷歌公司,还是在全球最大的社交平台脸谱网,桑德伯格均跻身于领导层,她甚至成为进入脸谱网董事会的第一位女性成员.在与男性的激烈竞争中,桑德伯格有着自己的主张.她认为,女性在任何时候都应该向前一步,不仅要学会在职场上大胆发表见解,遇到困难时也应该积极寻找解决办法.  相似文献   

夏业良 《法人》2004,(6):122-122
如果说中国的市场经济正在不断走向成熟,那么企业家或职业经理人队伍一定是走在最前列的那一批敢于冒险、开拓和善于学习、沟通、利用有效信息,灵活应变并且能够把握关键时机的人。然而,在我们的企业家或职业经理人队伍中,还存在着许许多多不如人意的地方,甚至还经常能够听到诸如“中国目前根本就没有企业家!”之类“恨铁不成钢”式的感慨。  相似文献   

职业素质与司法考试   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
司法统一考试应当从职业素质着眼 ,以法律职业素质为考核的中心目标。法律职业素质包括职业语言、职业知识、职业思维、职业技术、职业信仰和职业伦理。只有这些职业素养的统一方能保证形成一个统一的法律职业共同体。  相似文献   

This article offers insight into the universality of professionalism in legal education. It does so in the context of an evaluation of a unit that forms part of the Australian National University's Legal Workshop Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. The evaluation is undertaken with reference to a Scottish vocational course and experience upon which the ANU Legal Workshop course is based. It also seeks to inform the debate about including the development of professional identity in pre-practice legal education. The evaluation of the ANU Legal Workshop unit involved a comparison of experiences in both ANU and the University of Strathclyde. The comparison indicates that legal professional identity has universal elements and that professional working can be embedded in students' learning even where that occurs wholly online. This suggests that the development of professional culture and professional identity can be encouraged to start prior to admission to practice.  相似文献   

机构改革背景下公务员职业生涯规划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过分析机构改革引起的公务员职业环境的变化,明确了新环境对公务员职业素质的新要求。提出公务员的职业生涯规划应当契合职业环境的发展变化,结合工作实际,及时调整合适的职业奋斗目标。并为实现这一目标做出行之有效的安排。  相似文献   

The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (the National Law) imposes the obligation on nurses and midwives to have appropriate professional indemnity insurance coverage as a condition of applying for, or renewing, their registration to practise in Australia. The National Law also empowers the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to develop a registration standard and guidelines in relation to professional indemnity insurance and to enforce compliance through the registration process. Though not previously a requirement for their registration, nurses and midwives must now understand the nature and extent of the professional indemnity insurance under which they practise and declare that they will not practise their profession unless they have appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements which cover the full scope of their practice. This column provides an overview of the obligations and responsibilities imposed on nurses and midwives under the National Law and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia's registration standard and guidelines. It is imperative that nurses and midwives understand the National Law provisions and the standard and guidelines developed by the Board before making decisions about their professional indemnity insurance and self-declaring that they have "appropriate" professional indemnity arrangements in place.  相似文献   

Earlier studies haw shown that professional orientations are related to individual compliance with laws and regulations. However, no quantitative studies have focused on compliance at the organizational level and the professional orientations of the chief executive officer. Studies on dues and law breaking at the individual level have focused on professional orientations, but within an organization there are other aspects of professionalism that will be of import in determining the organization's compliance with the law. We posit that professionalism is a more complex notion for individuals located in an organizational setting. Utilizing data collected from 410 Australian nursing homes, which are characterized by a flat management structure, the data show that of three aspects of professionalism—orientation, values, and autonomy—it is professional autonomy that directly affects organizational compliance. However, the data do suggest that the relationship between professional orientations and organizational compliance are mediated by the complexity of the organization. Organizational culture is also shown to be an important factor in explaining compliance with the law.  相似文献   

The LETR urged UK law schools to consider how they might do more to encourage the development of professional ethics. This article engages with that call and reflects on the experience of teaching professional ethics through popular culture. It begins by outlining some of the theoretical work that has been undertaken in establishing law and popular culture as a discipline more generally, before focusing on professional ethics in particular. The course itself is designed to encourage students to understand the changes to professional ethics over the past 100 years and how these changes have pushed law away from a model of professionalism towards one of commercialism. These changes are mirrored by a subsequent downturn in cultural representations of the lawyer. The module encourages students to see professional ethics as a possible reason for these negative portrayals. The paper then considers student evaluations of the first two years that the course has run, highlighting its positives and also looking at how it may be improved for the future.  相似文献   

黄凯 《行政与法》2010,(10):70-72
本文对我国足球职业化改革的历史进行了回顾,总结了影响我国足球职业化改革的几个重要因素,在此基础上,提出符合我国实际情况、促进我国足球职业化稳步进行、推动我国足球体制改革的相关建议。  相似文献   

It has been argued that sports act as a social institution in the United States, encompassing many network headlines and reports. Resulting from the popularization of sports entertainment has been an enhanced insight into the criminal behavior of professional athletes. This research sought to understand how the general public perceives alleged professional athlete criminality. Utilizing household mail surveys with residents in Pennsylvania, respondents rated the seriousness, wrongness, and punitiveness of alleged athlete criminality depicted in five different vignettes. Results indicated that the strongest predictor of attitudes between professional athletes and non-athletes was offense type; more specifically gambling, which this sample rated more serious and wrong for professional athletes compared to non-athletes. This indicated that alleged offenses that may be perceived as attacking the integrity of the sport may be viewed more harshly.  相似文献   

This article uses interviews and comparative professional histories to explore the stakes of the battle- pre-Enron and seen in reactions to the Enron crisis - between the organized bar and the multidisciplinary practices (MDPs) associated with the Big Five accounting firms and their law firms. The paper examines modes of professional practice - family, Continental corporate law, and the Cravath model – to describe the tensions and potential solutions to maintaining professional legitimacy without appearing too close to business or economic power. The paper then seeks to explain preliminarily why the MDP debate became so strong in the United States despite the fact that the actual threat to U.S. corporate lawyers appeared relatively small. It suggests that the interjection of the Big Five potentially threatened a relatively precarious professional legitimacy with different impacts for different sectors of the bar.  相似文献   

论不当职务行为的个人连带责任   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
殷洁 《行政与法》2004,(12):92-93,96
对于不当职务行为的民事责任分配存在着不同的学说和立法例。采行为人负独立民事责任的立法例,既不利于保障交易安全,保护善意第三人的利益,也不利于调动和提高行为人的工作积极性和创造性。采行为人无民事责任的立法例,既弱化了行为人的责任感,同样也不利于切实保护第三人的利益。建议改革我国现行相关规定,确立不当职务行为的个人连带民事责任制度。  相似文献   

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