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王磊磊 《法人》2010,(5):54-58
败走南宁给急于扩张的王府井敲响了一记警钟。如何维护形象,重塑其品牌价值,现时正考验着这个高傲的百货巨头  相似文献   

当嫩黄色的迎春花俏立枝头的时候,三月的北京已经春味十足。3月21日,阳光明媚,风和日丽。本刊记者来到了让艾绪强“仇恨”的王府井。当时他就是在这里抢劫了出租车,致使司机李文发死亡,随即他又开车撞死两人、撞伤六人。虽然不是周末,王府井依然车水马龙,半年前的那幕悲剧已被春风一扫而空。抢劫出租车2005年9月11日,一个星期天的上午,王府井灯市西口一切如常。10点左右,一辆伊兰特出租车停靠在西侧路北的肯德基旁,乘车人名叫艾绪强,当时他就坐在副驾驶座上。车停稳后,艾绪强没有下车,也没有交钱,而是大声地威胁司机李文发,让他下车。竟然在…  相似文献   

“9.11”王府井撞人案一审宣判;人体运毒女;“梦里花落”的精神赔偿;烦恼的“蜡笔小新”;愤怒的李兰草;法院开放日;  相似文献   

_定格幽I 2001年第1期LAW&LIFE二LAw&uFE 2001年弟1期 一 一1酹丽_王府井街头众生相@康泰森  相似文献   

高志海 《法庭内外》2006,(12):61-61
因为一处房产的归属问题屡起争执,北京工业大学外国语学院学生吴江竟将同校的女朋友掐死,并连人带车弃于王府井东方广场地下停车场。轰动一时的”东方广场地下停车场女尸案“在北京市第二中级人民法院开庭审理。  相似文献   

国产知名手机制造商VS音乐作品著作权人《香水有毒》是北京太格印象网络技术有限公司(以下简称太格公司)享有著作权的一首红极一时的歌曲。2007年6月太格公司在北京九大洲通讯设备有限责任公司王府井分公司(以  相似文献   

陆涛 《法治纵横》2011,(16):42-43
近日,有网友在微博上曝光,前国家队体操选手、北京大学生运动会男子吊环金牌得主张尚武在王府井地铁口卖艺乞讨,在被驱赶之后离开。随后媒体跟进证实了这一消息的真实性,昔日赛场上为国争光的冠军现在为生计而奔波,着实令网友唏嘘不已。  相似文献   

2011年7月中旬,在北京王府井地铁内,一名乞讨者面前的白纸上写着鲜红的几个士字:为爷爷看病。与普通乞讨者不同的是,这位一身黑色运动衫的乞讨者肌肉结实、身手每捷,会不时来个“倒立”、“托马斯全旋”等体操动作。  相似文献   

从亲眼目睹艾绪强被处死刑到现在已经过去一个月时间,在这一个月里,我一直没有动笔记录这个在王府井制造血案的河南人,因为我还没有给这个人做一个准确的定位。我不希望引导读者误读这个河南人,尽管他血债累累,尽管他也曾博得过很多人的同情。  相似文献   

王府井正在举办一个景德镇的陶瓷展,怀着看热闹的心情,我走了进去。走进去就看见了它——一套精美的青花餐具。我看了它的价签,3980元,对于我的收入而言,它当然太贵,但对于让我一见倾心的它的精美而言,我觉得值。而且,我  相似文献   

Democracy,Subsidiarity, and Citizenship in the ‘European Commonwealth’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Is there a ‘constitutional moment’in contemporary Europe? What if anything is the constitution of theEuropean Union; what kind of polity is the Union? The suggestionoffered is that there is a legally constituted order, and that asuitable term to apply to it is a‘commonwealth’, comprising a commonwealthof ‘post-sovereign’ states. Is it a democraticcommonwealth, and can it be? Is there sufficiently ademos or ‘people’ for democracy to be possible?If not democratic, what is it? Monarchy, oligarchy, ordemocracy, or a ‘mixed constitution’? Argued: thereis a mixed constitution containing a reasonableelement of democratic rule. The value of democracy isthen explored in terms of individualistic versusholistic evaluation and instrumental versus intrinsicvalue. Subsidiarity can be considered in a similarlight, suggestively in terms of forms of democracyappropriate to different levels of self-government.The conclusion is that there is no absolute democraticdeficit in the European commonwealth.


This article examines the role of external inspection in enhancing the quality of a criminal justice system. It seeks to answer six foundational questions: how should we understand the nature and purposes of criminal justice inspection? what methodologies ought it to employ? who should do it? what values should it respect? how much does it cost? and does it ‘work'? The article reveals that the difference between inspection and other forms of scrutiny activity is largely a matter of emphasis; that the same is true of the difference between inspection and research; that ‘lay’ involvement in inspection can be beneficial; that independence is a core value for inspection, albeit one that is best understood as independence of judgement; that transparency is a further key value but not always honoured; and that evidence that inspection improves service delivery and hence justifies its costs is weak and further research is needed.  相似文献   

Love supplants power as it is often understood in contemporary justice practice, obliterating it utterly. What, then, fills the vacuum? How can justice hope to endure without any mechanism for coercion? By what mechanism can justice hope to function? This essay will explore briefly Foucault’s thought about power as it functions in contemporary criminal justice, but will then develop a theoretical foundation inspired by Simone Weil, as well as a practical guide for a power modality that is consonant with the creation and sustainment of a loving justice.  相似文献   

石世峰 《法律科学》2006,24(2):25-34
宪法比较解释方法虽已被一些国家的宪法解释机关在实践中所采用,但其适用性仍是一个倍受争议的问题。这种争议反映出目前人们对这种新的宪法解释方法缺乏必要的理论上的把握与认识。因此探讨什么是宪法比较解释,为什么需要宪法比较解释及宪法比较解释如何可能等关于宪法比较解释的基本问题,并作相应的理论概括与论证,提出这一新的宪法解释方法具有一定程度的普适性,对于我国具有重大的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

Abstract: Securing energy supply for Europe has been for decades at the forefront of the energy policies of individual European Community member countries. However, dealing with energy issues in general and securing energy supply in particular is a new phenomenon within the EU's regulatory framework. One important issue which has not yet been discussed by legal scholars and which has been questioned repeatedly by energy experts, is the question who is actually responsible to guarantee security of energy supply in Europe? Is it the European Community alone? Is it the Member States alone? Or is it both? This question cannot be answered without a detailed legal analysis of the EU law in general, and EU law on division of competences between the Community and the Member States in particular. This article seeks to highlight the complications of this area of law within the EU and expand it to cover the energy sector in order to determine who and under what circumstances is responsible for guaranteeing security of energy supply for the consumers within the EU borders.  相似文献   

Cyberspace is a new frontier for both international and domestic family law. On the one hand, it presents great opportunities for society and, on the other, great dangers particularly for children. This paper explores a number of issues from a domestic and international family law perspective. These issues include:
  • ? What is cyberspace, how has it emerged, and where is it likely to go?
  • ? What are the potential dangers for children that arise from children's engagement with cyberspace?
  • ? What is the nature and extent of domestic and international family laws that protect children from the dangers of cyberspace?
  • ? What are some of the present and emerging policy issues that impact on these matters?
Cyber‐abuse is a term that encompasses a wide range of aggressive online activities.  相似文献   

Is asking the Better Regulation Agenda (BRA) to answer the same preconditions it requires for any regulatory action a proper treatment? Does any assessment of the agenda necessarily imply a thorough definition of the costs and the benefits deriving from its application or is it enough to provide a few key insights to perform it? Is the BRA really so ideological, deriving from “a liberal analytical framework that considers no regulation/state intervention” as the preferred option? Is regulatory quality an issue that “cannot realistically be solved”? Does the principle of subsidiarity as a policy objective need some revision? Several questions come to mind when reading a very thought‐provoking article that is very critical of the BRA but that in the end recognises some of its main qualities.  相似文献   

Editors' Note     
So, what do our readers think? Is the state of the capital marketsa blip or is it the start of a slowdown? As your Editors penthis note, it sure is a little choppy out there. Whichever way you would place your bet on where it all goesfrom here, it would be difficult for any of us to complain aboutthe deal flow over the period that Capital  相似文献   

It is difficult for our compatriots—living under conditions ruled by chaos, petty tyranny, and utter lawlessness—to answer this question, not to mention the fact that many today cannot even pose it. What does the word "church" mean? How is it related to Him whom we call Christ?  相似文献   

One of the fundamental purposes of Pennsylvania's juvenile justice system is to develop “competencies” in delinquent youth. But what does that mean? Why is it important? How is it done? The White Paper. originally published in 2005, attempted to answer those questions, articulating basic principles and identifying research‐supported practices for competency development, the least understood of the three balanced and restorative justice goals. Practitioners and policy makers in other states who are interested in helping juvenile offenders acquire the knowledge and skills they need to become productive, connected, and law‐abiding community members will find it directly relevant.  相似文献   

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