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Mainstream criminology has traditionally focused on poverty as an isolated variable, whose effects are typically explored by inserting a limited measure of this variable in a multivariate analysis. Peacemaking criminology, however, offers an alternative perspective. In this paradigm, poverty is seen as a source of suffering and, to a degree, a “crime” in and of itself. Furthermore, the suffering poverty engenders is an enveloping social experience that exposes its victims to concentrated disadvantage—or, to use Jonathan Kozol’s (1991) term, to a range of “savage inequalities.” Thus, poverty is best understood not as an isolated variable, but as a master status of fundamental social reality that subjects people to lives filled with suffering—suffering that can engender criminal behavior. From a peacemaking perspective, a key avenue for preventing crime is, in the short run, diminishing the suffering poverty causes and, in the long run, embracing social policies that reduce the prevalence of economic suffering in contemporary society.
John F. WozniakEmail:

于志葵 《犯罪研究》2006,(5):19-23,29
由于历史的局限性与犯罪现象本身的复杂性,一直没有理论科学解释犯罪发生的原因、发展的规律,也没有找到科学防治犯罪的对策。随着科学发展观的提出,犯罪研究与许多复杂性研究一样,迎来了发展的春天。不良内驱与自控冲突原理,以科学发展观为指导,以个体自身和谐为切入点,整合现有犯罪生物学派理论、社会学派理论、环境学派理论,综合分析社会、自然、个体诸因素的影响,探索犯罪生成机制原理、模型、作用方式。  相似文献   

The increased prevalence and enrichment of comparative analysis would invigorate criminology generally as a scientific field because comparative criminology is a movement toward a “true science of criminology.” But, at least at its present stage, comparative criminology awaits the institutionalization of criminology at a level sufficient for the essential availability of criminologists capable of and competent for meeting the peculiar demands of transnational research.

“Comparative, coordinated and interdisciplinary research should be carried out to determine the relative effects of programs in different countries” and through cooperation between researchers from different countries…to develop a highly promising new field of comparative criminology”, in order to determine “uniformities and differences in causal influences, in predictive factors, and in results of preventive and treatment programs” and to develop “a true science of criminology.”  相似文献   

While interest in green criminology has rapidly expanded over the past twenty-five years, much of this growth has occurred on the periphery of orthodox criminology. This article suggests that green criminology’s marginalization is partially a result of its non-quantitative methodology. We hypothesize that non-quantitative tendencies within green criminology distance it from orthodox criminology because orthodox criminology values quantitative methods (Tewksbury et al. in J Crim Justice Educ 16(2):265–279, 2005). Here, we examine how neglecting quantitative research methods may contribute to inattention to green criminology within orthodox criminology, and we consider what can be done to change that situation. We suggest that employing quantitative approaches within green criminology is one way to increase its appeal to mainstream criminology, and that quantitative studies, in conjunction with other research methodologies, can also enhance generalizability of findings, influence policy, and advance theory construction and hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

The article deals with the history, distribution and ideology of Balkan patriarchy; the Balkan agnatic kinship system; and with the most significant patriarchal family structures. The demographic analyses are based primarily on the Serbian state census of 1863 (the first available census listing women) and the Federal Yugoslav census data for 1948, 1953, and 1961, coupled with archival and field data for the central Serbian village of Oras?ac for 1818–1975. Balkan patriarchy has much in common with similar well-documented systems in Asia and the Middle East. The Balkan situation was differentiated, however, in that this system existed both within and outside formal state structures. The patriarchal ideology shaped kinship and family patterns, as well as coresidential patterns within households. These patterns reproduced patriarchal structures, but the full reproduction of the system was constrained by economic circumstances.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,由于“人类基因组计划”的实施,遗传学再次成为显学,媒体上几乎每周都可以看见科学家发现某一遗传因子与某种疾病相关的报道,与此同时,遗传对人类行为的影响也为广大民众所关注。事实上,遗传与犯罪关系的研究早在19世纪就已开始,并在20世纪初年进入顶峰状态,但因为行为遗传学与优生学的近亲关系,遗传与犯罪在二战后沉寂了20多年。20世纪70年代,关于犯罪遗传的研究又一次进入遗传学家和犯罪学家的研究领域;并一直持续到现在。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):260-270
For more then thirty years, "tax havens" have allowed major players form the political and financial spheres, as well as from the criminal one, to act in a "sovereign" way, that is to say, in a determinant way, so that their decisions become decisive in the historical course. "Offshore sovereignty" designates the opportunities that actors off all stripes have in the offshore centres, legal havens, free zones and free ports of the world, to conduct their activities unhampered by state structures, which they do by investing their money in recognized economic entities, or financing political parties.  相似文献   

学科的研究视角及理论框架,是学科发展的平台。本文立足于刑事科学之上,对刑事侦察 学、犯罪学、刑法学、刑事诉讼法学等学科的研究视角、体系架构、理论层次等学科理论的最基本问题, 进行了较为深入的比较、剖析。  相似文献   

This special issue of Psychological Injury and Law on disability presents state-of-the-art conceptualization and empirical research that will help psychologists and attorneys in the area of disability determination. This paper constitutes an introduction to and contextualization of the articles in the issue. It focuses on key advances in the field of disability research that are anticipated to move forward the practice of psychological injury and law. These new advances include the following: (1) a theoretical shift toward an integrative and dynamic biopsychosocial framework of health and disability, (2) development of complex multidimensional constructs of motivation, including primary, secondary, and tertiary gains and losses involved in disability claims, (3) increased emphasis on the perception of fairness and justice in disability claims from both psychological and legal perspectives, (4) increased understanding of the functional impact of psychological impairment, (5) inclusion of age-related factors in predicting disability, and (6) the interdisciplinary growth of this field.  相似文献   

Brown  Mark 《Critical Criminology》2021,29(3):451-467
Critical Criminology - What does it mean to “do” southern criminology? What does this entail and what demands should it place on us as criminologists ethically and methodologically?...  相似文献   

One of the significant shortcomings of the criminological canon, including its critical strands—feminist, cultural and green—has been its urbancentric bias. In this theoretical model, rural communities are idealised as conforming to the typical small-scale traditional societies based on cohesive organic forms of solidarity and close density acquaintance networks. This article challenges the myth that rural communities are relatively crime free places of ‘moral virtue’ with no need for a closer scrutiny of rural context, rural places, and rural peoples about crime and other social problems. This challenge is likewise woven into the conceptual and empirical narratives of the other articles in this Special Edition, which we argue constitute an important body of innovative work, not just for reinvigorating debates in rural criminology, but also critical criminology. For without a critical perspective of place, the realities of context are too easily overlooked. A new criminology of crime and place will help keep both critical criminology and rural criminology firmly anchored in both the sociological and the criminological imagination. We argue that intersectionality, a framework that resists privileging any particular social structural category of analysis, but is cognisant of the power effects of colonialism, class, race and gender, can provide the theoretical scaffolding to further develop such a project.  相似文献   

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