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Abstract:  Three cases are reported of elevated postmortem blood morphine concentrations (189–3036 ng/mL) that were observed during the course of death investigations involving three children ranging in age from 1 week to 2 years, all of whom underwent withdrawal of life support. In all three cases, the presence of opiates in postmortem blood was indicated by immunoassay (ELISA) and quantitative confirmatory analysis of free morphine concentrations in postmortem blood was performed by solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in the selected ion monitoring mode. While the practice of withdrawing life support from terminally ill patients, with the accompanying administration of narcotics/analgesics has been reported in the medical literature, it has not been adequately described in the forensic literature. The implications of this practice on the forensic toxicological interpretation of morphine findings are discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of postmortem morphine concentrations arising directly from administration in conjunction with withdrawal of care in pediatric patients.  相似文献   

尿中吗啡常见检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了尿中吗啡的常见检测方法,主要是化学反应法、免疫分析法、薄层色谱法、高效液相色谱法、气相色谱法、高效毛细管电泳法,气相色谱-质谱联用法以及最新检测方法分子印记-化学发光法。这些方法对海洛因依赖者的尿中吗啡可进行定性、定量检测,也可作为海洛因依赖者诊断和脱毒疗效评价的有效手段。  相似文献   

Abstract: The relationship between postmortem concentrations of morphine and co‐detected psychoactive drugs in fatal overdoses is examined. Morphine and other drugs were detected in 161 medicolegal autopsy cases. Subsets of these morphine‐positive cases based on drug class were established, including opioids, antidepressants, ethanol, benzodiazepines, and “other.” Each subset was split into high or low concentration groups based on median drug concentrations. Morphine concentrations of the [high] and [low] groups were compared, with no significant difference in morphine concentration identified in the opioid, ethanol, or benzodiazepine subsets. The “other” drug class was too heterogeneous for statistical assessment. Morphine concentrations did show a significant direct relationship (p = 0.01) with antidepressants, namely increased concentrations of antidepressant drugs are associated with an increased concentration of morphine. This trend probably remains even after excluding cocaine‐positive cases. The unsuspected finding that postmortem concentrations of antidepressants positively correlate with morphine levels may be important in the treatment of depression in drug addicts.  相似文献   

Kratom is a plant originating in Southeast Asia that has been used for its dose-dependent stimulant and opioid effects. The main active compound in kratom is mitragynine, an alkaloid with affinity for the mu-opioid receptor. Toxicity and fatalities related to kratom use have increased substantially in recent years. In this case report, we describe a 44-year-old man who was found deceased in bed. The only significant finding at autopsy was abdominal distension with >4 L of ascites. Toxicology testing was performed on femoral blood which showed 79 ng/mL of hydromorphone, 560 ng/mL of mitragynine, and 240 ng/mL of olanzapine. In addition, creatinine and urea in vitreous humor were significantly elevated, consistent with renal impairment. Death was attributed to hydromorphone toxicity with mitragynine being a contributing factor.  相似文献   

When assaying for postmortem morphine concentration, significant site sampling variability exists between central and peripheral sampling sites and even within sampling regions of the body. To study the variation, 76 suspected heroin overdoses were identified. Each had femoral artery (FA) and vein (FV), left and right ventricle and pooled heart blood samples obtained at autopsy. Forty-four tested positive for morphine. Morphine concentrations were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, with sampling site differences reported as log-transformed ratios and compared by signed rank test.The mean FA to FV ratio for total morphine was 1.2 (range 0-4.5). The ratio for left heart to right heart total morphine was 1.1 (range 0.4-3.2). Left ventricular to FV total morphine ratio was 2.0 (range 0.6-6.9). In these opioid overdose deaths, FA and FV morphine concentrations are usually similar, although up to 4.5-fold differences were noted. Centrally obtained morphine concentrations are on average twice as high compared with peripheral morphine concentrations. Left and right ventricular morphine concentrations were usually similar, although up to 3.2-fold differences were noted (left side higher).  相似文献   

吸毒案件中的尿吗啡检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕杭 《刑事技术》2004,(3):10-11
目的 研究吸毒人员停止使用毒品海洛因后 ,尿吗啡含量自然递减的一般规律。方法 对确证的 1 82名吸毒 (海洛因 )人员在停止使用毒品后连续 9天采集尿样 ,用放射免疫分析法检测尿吗啡含量。结果  1 82名吸毒 (海洛因 )人员在停止吸毒后第 8天 ,尿吗啡平均含量降至 30ng/ml。 结论 在办案中 ,吸毒 (海洛因 )人员的尿样检测 ,建议最好在末次使用海洛因 8天之内  相似文献   

Cocaine is known to degrade in vivo and in vitro by several hydrolytic mechanisms. A previous study found that the initial amount of cocaine added to plasma could be accounted for by summing the molar concentrations of cocaine's hydrolysis products and the cocaine remaining after hydrolysis. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether or not relationships might exist between such molar concentration sums for different postmortem bodily fluids. Determinations of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, ecgonine methyl ester, and ecgonine were performed using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) with heart blood, femoral blood, vitreous humor (VH), and urine (UR). The results demonstrate a strong correlation between blood and VH concentrations (correlation coefficients of 0.88-0.94), weak correlation between the UR and blood concentrations (correlation coefficients of 0.61-0.64), and weak correlation between UR and VH concentrations (correlation coefficient of 0.59). The results demonstrate that ecgonine is a significant hydrolysate with concentrations on the same order of magnitude as benzoylecgonine. The results are consistent with rapid distribution of the parent drug and its hydrolysates in the blood and VH. The strong correlation between the blood and VH demonstrates that VH is an important medium for toxicology testing when attempting to make a determination of cocaine intoxication.  相似文献   

目的运用尿液代谢组学方法对溴鼠灵毒性进行研究,揭示溴鼠灵干预对大鼠毒性作用的分子机制。方法采用气相色谱-质谱建立大鼠尿液的代谢指纹谱,采用主成分分析和偏最小二乘法判别分析比较溴鼠灵给药前后的代谢谱差异,利用正交偏最小二乘判别分析法找出与溴鼠灵毒性作用相关的差异代谢物。结果 PLS-DA得分图显示大鼠不同时点尿液样本代谢物轨迹在各时间段内相似度较好,呈现各自聚类现象。溴鼠灵中毒后,可诱导DNA损伤和突变,机体对神经损伤、肾损伤也出现修复、保护性反应。结论该研究结果表明代谢组学可为溴鼠灵毒性作用机制研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Fatalities associated with fentanyl and co-administered cocaine or opiates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatalities associated with fentanyl hydrochloride are increasingly seen in Massachusetts. Between September 2005 and November 2006, 5009 medicolegal investigations associated 107 deaths with licit or illicit fentanyl use, along with a co-detection of an opiate/opioid or cocaine/benzoylecognine, or both. Deaths associated with illicit fentanyl use occur in younger people (39.4 vs. 61.5 years) with higher fentanyl (17.1 ng/mL vs. 4.4 ng/mL) and lower morphine (76.9 ng/mL vs. 284.2 ng/mL) postmortem blood concentrations, and more frequent cocaine co-intoxication (65% vs. 3%), than deaths associated with illicit fentanyl use. A wide range of postmortem blood concentrations of fentanyl was detected (trace-280 ng/mL), with a minimum concentration of 7 ng/mL of fentanyl strongly associated with illicit use of fentanyl in poly-drug cases. The most commonly detected opiates/opioids in illicit fentanyl users were: morphine (29%), oxycodone (14.5%), and methadone (14.5%). Ethanol, cannabinoids, diazepam, citalopram, and diphenhydramine were each detected in greater than 10% of the licit fentanyl cases. Most fentanyl abusers died at their own home and their deaths were most often classified as accidental. Mapping of primary residences of decedents revealed conspicuous clustering of the illicit fentanyl use cases, as opposed to the random pattern in licit use cases. Fentanyl misuse is a public health problem in Massachusetts.  相似文献   

Smoking of illicit drugs can produce unique metabolic biomarkers. Smoking conditions can be partially modeled via pyrolysis, a process that decomposes a chemical compound by extreme heat. Pyrolytic decomposition was found to be useful as a limited metabolic mimic in that analytical pyrolysis can be used to generate some of the same compounds produced by metabolic degradation. This project focused on the pyrolysis of cocaine and methamphetamine using a pyroprobe coupled with a GC/MS and more generally, potential applications of pyrolysis to forensic toxicology. Common diluents including lidocaine, caffeine, and benzocaine were pyrolyzed in mixtures with cocaine and methamphetamine. Correlations between pyrolytic and metabolic degradations revealed that this method has the capability to produce some of the reported metabolites such as norcocaine and cocaethylene for cocaine, and amphetamine for methamphetamine. The results demonstrate that analytical pyrolysis has the potential to identify some metabolic products and to supplement in vivo and enzymatic studies.  相似文献   

At The Office of the Cuyahoga County Coroner (CCCO), Cleveland, Ohio, it is customary to perform an autopsy and conduct toxicological testing on decedents less than 19 years of age. This study provides a retrospective evaluation of drugs detected in a pediatric postmortem population between the years 1998 and 2002 (n = 730). Demographic information, cause and manner of death, and toxicological results were examined. Blacks comprised 54% of cases, males 59%, and 48% were less than one year of age or stillborn. Forty-two percent of deaths were ruled natural, 27% accident, 13% undetermined, 5% suicide, and 2% homicide. Of the 640 cases subjected to comprehensive testing, 38% of the cases were positive for at least one compound. Resuscitative/treatment drugs were detected most frequently (56% of positive results), followed by illicit drugs (26%), ethanol (11%), carbon monoxide (8%), and antihistamines (6%). Eighty-seven cases contained more than one drug. The deaths of 47 individuals were drug related (6%). In this population, it is recommended that illicit drugs and ethanol are targeted for testing, especially when limited specimens are available for analysis.  相似文献   

Concurrent methods for identification of urine as being of human origin, and for DNA-typing from small stains of human urine were examined. A urine stain was extracted with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and the extract was filtered using a Centricon-100 device. The filtrate was subjected to electrospray ionization liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-LC-MS) for identification of human urine and a DNA-typing sample was obtained by dialfiltration of the residue using a DNA purification kit. After the purified residue was treated with an AmpflSTR Profiler PCR amplification kit, the DNA-types were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis using a Genetic Analyzer. It was possible to identify a urine stain as being of human origin, and complete DNA profiles could be successfully obtained from a urine stain which had been created by 50 microL of female urine. Serial analyses of urine stains found at a crime scene provide effective information for forensic investigation. This method is recommended for stain identification and for DNA-typing from a urine stain.  相似文献   

目的采用固相萃取、液相色谱一串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)检验方法,考察吗啡和葡萄糖醛酸吗啡(M3G)在一例体内藏毒致急性死亡者体内分布情况。方法提取死者心血、尿、胃内容物、肝、肾、脑等15种检材,经Waters HLB小柱固相萃取后,C18色谱柱分离,采用电喷雾电离(ESI)、多反应监测模式(MRM)检测目标化合物。结果所建方法在0.0l~101μg/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好,提取回收率大于75%。结果显示总吗啡含量(游离态+结合态)在胃内容物中最高,其次是尿、‘肾,在心血、胃组织、肺和腺体中居中,脑组织和心脏含量最低。结论本例检验结果验证了胃内容物、尿液和肾脏等是该类中毒案件的理想检材,其分布规律也可作为体内毒品分析实验依据。  相似文献   

目的建立用柱切换HPLC技术分析尿中吗啡和06-单乙酰吗啡的方法.方法尿样用硼砂缓冲液(pH9.2)稀释后进入预处理柱(YWG-C18,33mm×5.0mm,10μm),用H2O洗去杂质,再用CH3OHH2O(6040)将被分析组分洗脱进入分析柱(Lichrospher(R)100CN,125mm×4.0mm,5μm),分析流动相为CH3OH磷酸盐缓冲液(pH6.86)=2278.紫外检测器波长为286nm.结果尿中吗啡和06--单乙酰吗啡的线性范围分别为50~1 600n/ml和100~1 600n/ml.吗啡和O6--单乙酰吗啡的精密度均小于4%.吗啡和O6-单乙酰吗啡的检测限均为40n/ml.结论用CSHPLC测定尿中吗啡和O6-单乙酰吗啡,方法准确、灵敏、快速、简便.  相似文献   

尿中吗啡的氮磷检测——气相色谱分析法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立尿中吗啡的简便快速、灵敏可靠的GC/NPD分析方法。方法样品尿加内标烯丙吗啡,酶或酸催化水解,氯仿-异丙醇(9:1)液液提取或GDX403树脂固相提取,BSA衍生化,HP-5柱和氮磷检测器进行分析。结果 提取率62%~85%,检出限1.2~3.1ng/ml,线性范围20~2000ng/ml,回收率(97%~99%)±(6%~9%)(Mean±cv,N=5)。结论 方法适合于实际案件中尿样的检验。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A 54-year-old man was found dead with a bottle containing a brownish fluid near him. A toxicological screening was carried out in blood, urine, and stomach content. Only dichlorvos (2,2 dichlorovinyl O-O dimethylphosphate or DDVP) was found. A simple and rapid method, using DDVP-D6 as an internal standard, was developed for the determination of DDVP by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The method was linear from 1 to 10 mg/L. Intraday and interday precisions were all <15%. DDVP concentration in cardiac blood was approximately four times higher than in peripheral blood. A high concentration was found in the heart showing a cardiac tropism of DDVP, kidney and lung concentrations being much lower. No DDVP was found in liver. DDVP stomach content was 38 g. The amount presumed ingested was 82 g, c . 1000 mg/kg of body. The oral LD50 for DDVP ranges between 20 and 1090 mg/kg in animals but is not known for humans.  相似文献   

血液和尿液样品中海洛因代谢物稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对尿液和血液中海洛因代谢物3-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸吗啡(M3G),吗啡,O6-单乙酰吗啡(O6)在180d内的稳定性进行研究。方法准备空白添加血液、尿液、染毒动物(大白兔)血液、尿液和吸食海洛因者血液、尿液样本,分别置于20℃、4℃、-20℃下,分别于0、1、2、4、7、14、28、56、112、156、180d时间点测定样品中M3G、吗啡,O6相对含量。结果在3种不同温度下,随保存时间的延长,血液、尿液中的O6含量均逐渐下降至零;血液中吗啡含量升高(空白血液添加组)或下降(染毒动物组),在尿液则均升高;血液样中M3G含量均升高,尿样中则略有下降。下降和升高的幅度均随保存温度的下降而缩小。结论海洛因代谢物在-20℃时保存稳定性最佳。  相似文献   

Abstract: The demographic and toxicological characteristics of deliberate (SUI, n = 50) and accidental (ACC, n = 927) fatal heroin overdose cases were examined. SUI cases were more likely to be female, had lower body mass indices, were more likely to be enrolled in treatment and less likely to have hepatic pathology. The median blood morphine concentration of SUI cases was significantly higher than that of ACC cases (0.70 vs. 0.40 mg/L, p < 0.001). Blood morphine concentrations of >1 mg/L were seen among 38.0% of SUI cases compared to 13.9% of ACC cases. Being a member of the SUI group remained a significant independent predictor of higher morphine concentrations after controlling for the effects of potential confounders (p < 0.001), other significant predictors being the absence of alcohol (p < 0.001), the presence of methadone (p < 0.05), and the presence of cocaine (p < 0.05). The current data are consistent with the view that suicide forms a small, but distinct, category of heroin overdose cases, rather than overdose being a parasuicidal phenomenon per se.  相似文献   

随着法庭科学的发展以及近年来涉及毒品、毒物等中毒案件的增加,许多研究者对毒物代谢动力学进行研究,并取得了一定的成果.本文综述毒物代谢动力学研究及其在法庭科学中的应用状况,概要介绍毒物代谢动力学的研究现状、研究方法及研究成果,以期为相关研究及实践提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

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