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This paper reports on triad activities in Hong Kong from 1997 to 2004. In opposition to the popular view that mass triad migration to Western countries would occur around the period when Hong Kong was turned over to Mainland China in 1997, what has actually happened is that in the last decade Hong Kong triad members have increasingly been found to enter the Chinese market. There are three general trends of triad activities in Hong Kong. First, triad members from various societies group together to run profitable criminal projects. Second, they team up with legitimate entrepreneurs to monopolize a newly developed market. Lastly, triad members increasingly invest in legitimate businesses. Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, and 14K are selected to be three case studies that illustrate the latest development of triad societies. The data for this paper are largely based on the author's research on triads in the last ten years, and on recent in-depth interviews with anti-triad police officers and different informants in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

苏绍聪 《河北法学》2005,23(2):94-99
在香港回归以前,由于国内判决只享有"外国判决"的地位,因此在香港只能按照普通程序执行。香港回归以后,根据《外地判决(交互强制执行)条例》所订登记制度的规定,却不能适用于内地判决。基于此,讨论了在大陆和香港两套法律体制并存的情况下,怎样承认及执行双方的民事判决,以及由此所遇到的困难和产生的问题。深入研究了最高人民法院的《关于内地与香港特别行政区法院相互委托送达民商事司法文书的安排》以及最高人民法院与香港律政司签署的《关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的安排》两份文件,并通过与其他国家处理国内区际司法协助的做法以及香港回归以前所适用的国际条款作比较,推导和分析了回归后国内与香港特区之间在司法协助问题上所应遵循的一般原则。  相似文献   

叶氢 《政法学刊》2009,26(3):112-118
粤港澳出入境管理制度在体制、模式等方面有各自的特点,三地应相互借鉴和融合,把握今后内地往来港澳管理制度的设置方向,加强出入境领域的合作,方便人员往来,共同打击出入境领域的各类违法犯罪,维护出入境秩序。  相似文献   

Hong Kong — Britain's Crown Colony in Asia — is reputed to be one of the world's leading centers for the laundering1 of drug money. Located on the southeast coast of China, Hong Kong is not far from the Golden Triangle in Burma, Laos and Thailand, the source of much of the world's heroin supply. Ethnic Chinese criminal organizations based in Hong Kong and elsewhere have long been involved in the refining, transporting and financing of Southeast Asian heroin. With its bank secrecy laws, its large and sophisticated international banking industry, and its complete absence of currency exchange controls, Hong Kong has all of the necessary components of a modern financial secrecy jurisdiction. It is alleged that billions of dollars are being washed in Hong Kong by both local and overseas drug traffickers, to be reinvested eventually throughout the world. Hong Kong government officials deny the allegation, and cite other reasons to account for the vast sums of U.S. currency that are being repatriated to the West Coast. This paper examines critically the arguments for both positions.  相似文献   

Decolonization should be viewed as a process that both precedes and follows a change of sovereignty rather than as a discrete, historic event. Seen in this light, decolonization is now well advanced in Hong Kong. One of the major institutions engaged in this process is the Hong Kong legal system. In this paper I analyze the constitutional arrangements for Hong Kong's post-colonial legal system; describe Hong Kong's most sensational cross-border criminal case of the 1990s; and evaluate Hong Kong's prospects for retaining a separate legal system under Chinese sovereignty. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper explores the policing of a traditional wholesale fruit market located in a densely populated neighborhood of urban Hong Kong. Based on ethnographic and historical research, we outline the political arrangements that govern the discretionary arrangements of police power at the market. A historically developed system maintains an informal status quo against various pressures to change. We identify crucial features in the contemporary policing system that emerge from a fusion between the democratic ethos of community policing ideals and non-democratic aspects of local administration in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. These features of this historically developed mode of order-maintenance, we suggest, might be seen as broadly characteristic of a “Hong Kong style” community policing.  相似文献   

香港、澳门回归后,内地与港澳之间区际商事仲裁裁决的相互承认与执行不再适用过去的法律依据,内地与香港已达成《关于内地和香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的安排》,与澳门至今未达成有关承认与相互执行仲裁裁决的安排。本文通过分析自1999年6月以来执行《安排》的问题,探讨区际间商事仲裁裁决的相互承认与相互执行的途径。  相似文献   

我国宪法和香港特别行政区基本法共同构成香港特别行政区的宪制基础。宪法规范彼此间的形式冲突不足以否认宪法在香港特别行政区的适用,香港特别行政区基本法不足以结构性取代宪法在香港特别行政区的适用。宪法中关涉社会主义制度的内容不适用于香港特别行政区,凝聚和承载着"一国"精神的内容在香港特别行政区具有适用性。厘定宪法适用于香港特别行政区的内容时应秉持"一国"的原则。"占中公投"既违反香港特别行政区基本法,也违反宪法。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, Hong Kong has witnessed unprecedented economic prosperity, a decrease in family solidarity, an increase in social problems, and a dramatic rise in the incidence of divorce. Under colonial rule for 150 years, which ended with the return of sovereignty to China in 1997, the identity of the Hong Kong Chinese is a combination of traditional Chinese and modern Western culture. Despite Western influences, Chinese cultural heritage remains the major source of influence in all aspects of life. This article presents a summary of traditional Chinese culture, characteristics of contemporary Hong Kong society, factors believed to influence the high divorce rate, and the impact of divorce on Hong Kong families. The development, use, acceptability, and effectiveness of mediation in Hong Kong is reviewed, and suggestions for adapting it to Chinese families are proposed. Direction for future development of mediation in Hong Kong focuses on the need for further research to develop a scientifically sound knowledge base that will help to inform culturally competent mediation practice.  相似文献   

借着上海主办世博会的良机,香港律政司联同香港贸易发展局、香港大律师公会、香港律师会、香港国际仲裁中心以及国际商会国际仲裁院举办此次以“香港法律服务——环球视野”为主题的“论坛”,目的是希望向内地的企业和法律界介绍香港的法律和仲裁专业的优势及最新情况,与内地同行分享我们的经验,以及共同探索进一步加强合作的途径。  相似文献   

王楠 《行政与法》2010,(6):108-111
2007年2月,解决投资争端国际中心受理了香港投资者蔡叶深与秘鲁政府之间的投资争议。本案仲裁庭作出的管辖权裁定认为香港永久居民可以享受中国政府1994年与秘鲁缔结的双边投资协定的保护。该观点忽略了在一国两制的框架下,香港永久居民在国际法上某些权利的来源,并且违反了条约解释的国际法原则,造成对缔约方的原意曲解。本案也间接反映出香港特区在双边投资协定实践方面的不足。  相似文献   

促进港澳青年"北上"内地发展,融入国家发展大局,最终实现"人心回归",是"粤港澳大湾区"政策体系中的重要内容和目标。回归以来,中央已累计推出100多项鼓励香港青年到内地发展的政策,其效果和机制亟需进行评估。论文基于香港社会动态追踪调查HKPSSD数据,以国家认同作为政策效标,评估现有内地发展政策对香港青年国家认同的效应,并从心理层面考察其作用机制。研究发现,频繁返回内地对青年国家认同确有提升作用,心理融合在此过程中起到完全中介作用。该机制在通过倾向值匹配进行稳健性检验后依然稳健,并且心理融合的中介效应量有所上升。研究表明,香港青年内地发展政策已取得了一定程度的积极效应,心理融合在机制中起到关键的效能转化作用。在粤港澳大湾区"融合发展"的战略目标和制度框架底下,做好心理融合工作,将是香港青年内地发展经历转化为国家归属感的重要抓手。  相似文献   

香港回归祖国,体现“一国两制”精神的香港基本法在香港施行。以“居留权案”为开端,全国人大常委会共对基本法进行了三次释法活动。每次的释法都会引起内地与香港法律界的巨大争议。内地与香港法律解释制度的巨大差异性是基本法解释权问题产生的根本原因,以此提出协调方法,以保持香港高度自治的同时,维护基本法的权威。  相似文献   

考察了中国"船舶挂靠"现象所导致的船舶的登记船东与实际船东不一致的问题,以及这样的登记船东和实际船东在香港的对物诉讼中会遇到的法律问题,结合2000年至2006年分别涉及香港的高等法院海事庭、上诉法院及终审法院的几个判例,分析香港不同等级的法院及不同的法官如何认定"船东"一词所指为谁及他们有否及如何考虑在涉及"船舶挂靠"关系时登记船东与实际船东究竟谁是香港法律中所称的船东,并提出香港的法院应根据事实而非登记册认定真正船舶所有人的观点。  相似文献   

A struggle has been underway in Beijing, othering Hong Kong’s British common law legal system by rhetorically subordinating it as a foreign colonial relic. How did the British develop their Hong Kong governance policies for proper law, as they ruled Hong Kong? These policies developed without resort to all the available scholarship, so that they could other the Hong Kong people into a subaltern group. Hong Kong was already constituted as a township with its own continuing township liturgy, customary ritual and social structure. The colonial administration ignored this, creating a Hong Kong subaltern.  相似文献   

本文通过对香港反假币机构和反假币现状的考察,分析比较了内地反假币机构设置和反假币运行模式与香港的差异,借助于对差异点的深入分析得到的启示,探讨提高反假币能力的方法和途径.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is an administrative and economic entity under the sovereignty of the People’s Republic of China, and has developed to be an international center for finance, trade and shipping for history reasons and international favor. Essentially, the local political system adopted by Hong Kong is that of a non-sovereign state as well as a non-political entity. In terms of its makeup, the political system is neither entirely occidental nor completely oriental but an administrative dominative system developed according to Hong Kong’s peculiar characteristics, which has been proved to be effective. It was true when the United Kingdom held the reins of power and it still continues since its territory was returned to the People’s Republic of China. This paper is delivered in the conference “The Evolution of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ in Hong Kong and Macao: Implication for Canada” held by University of Waterloo, Canada on March 24, 2006.  相似文献   

意识形态是文化的核心,又离不开文化的形塑.中国传统文化、岭南文化、西方现代文化和商业文化在香港独特的社会历史条件下相互交融的过程,从侧面反映了香港文化的发展历程,又为探讨香港群体意识形态的形成史提供了线索.因此,解构香港群体意识形态的文化脉络,洞察港人观念体系形成的内在规律,有助于内地和香港思想文化的对话与交流.  相似文献   

2009年期间,香港法院审理了一定数量的海商海事案件,案件领域包括提单运输、《汉堡规则》的解释、承运人在普通法下的责任、船舶碰撞和海上保险等。大部分案件在香港高等法院原诉法庭审结,部分上诉至香港高等法院上诉法庭,甚至香港终审法院。通过对若干代表性案件的描述和分析,一方面展现香港海商法判例的发展,另一方面有助于对中国内地海商法的比较研究。  相似文献   

祖国大陆与我国香港地区毒品犯罪比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒品犯罪是全球性的问题,引起了全世界的关注。如何减少和预防毒品犯罪,各国和地区都在作不懈努力。从香港地区毒品犯罪的历史发展,比较香港和大陆地区在持有毒品犯罪,走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪,毒品原植物犯罪,非法提供麻醉品、精神药品罪等犯罪上的不同,及香港毒品犯罪的综合治疗措施的差异,有助于大陆和香港地区在求同存异的基础上加大司法领域的合作,共同应付毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

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