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刘健  刘璋 《时代法学》2009,7(5):87-91
近年来,WTO体系下贸易与环境的冲突频繁,成为国际社会广泛关注的热点。对于DSB是否能适用MEAs这一问题,无论在理论界还是实践中都存在极大争议。WTO并非独立封闭的法律体系,将MEAs引入贸易与环境争端解决程序不失为一条新的解决思路。且DSB报告在WTO体系内具有事实上的先例作用,因此MEAs的适用有着充足的法理基础和实践支持。  相似文献   

分歧与和谐:析WTO争端解决机制的法律适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺小勇 《现代法学》2005,27(5):182-187
关于WTO争端解决机制的法律适用问题,目前学术界存在“并入说”与“自足说”之争。两种学说分歧实质在于WTO法的属性是开放性还是自足性。从WTO争端解决机制发展而言,似应取两种学说之长,这一方面可以使DSB有效解决成员方之间的贸易争端;另一方面可以使DSB的裁决报告受到WTO成员方更广泛的接受,从而使WTO法随着时代的发展而与时俱进。  相似文献   

The World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement systemhas been making substantial contributions to improved compliancewith the WTO Agreements. Of particular note are the elaboratemultistage mechanisms installed in the system that facilitateand ensure the implementation of the DSB recommendations. However,these multistage mechanisms are not devoid of problems and shortcomings.Several improvements are proposed by Members and scholars buta number of disagreements exist, reflecting varied understandingof the nature of the dispute settlement system. Against thisbackground, this article first analyses the nature of the disputesettlement system. It argues that the primary purpose of thedispute settlement system is not to secure compliance in abstractobut to settle a dispute and remedy injury, and its compliancefunction is exerted only in the course of dispute settlement.Thereafter, in the light of the nature of the dispute settlementsystem, this article presents a comprehensive analysis of themanner in which the multistage mechanisms currently functionand how they should function.  相似文献   

GATT/WTO争端解决的判例显示,WTO成员的立法行为本身、尚未生效的法规措施、没有法律约束力的行政指导在WTO体制中都具有可诉性。已失效的法规措施通常不具有可诉性,但若相关措施是在进入专家组程序后失效的,专家组或上诉机构仍可能对之作出裁决。以上行为具有可诉性体现出了多边贸易体制保护竞争条件的精神。  相似文献   

利用WTO争端解决机制处理的国际贸易纠纷中申诉方完全败诉的案件占专家组处理案件的10%强,主要原因是申诉方未能完成举证义务,申诉方没有正确提出诉请,被申诉方政府的声明使得专家组不支持诉请。  相似文献   

1944年《芝加哥公约》第18章赋予国际民用航空组织理事会裁判与公约的解释与适用有关的国际争端的权能。但过往裁判实践表明,国际民用航空组织争端解决机制的结构性缺陷导致理事会司法功能未有效发挥。一方面,《芝加哥公约》第54条与第84条存在适用冲突,使得理事会在实践中更愿意以政治角色介入争端解决,导致《解决分歧规则》的司法效能被弱化。另一方面,理事会成员国代表司法能力不足且缺乏司法中立性,使得理事会对争端的解决难以提供高效的法律产出。国际民用航空组织应在2018年所启动《解决分歧规则》修订进程中对争端解决机制进行司法化改革,避免国际民用航空业沦为国际政治对抗的工具。  相似文献   

International debate about the problems of defining terrorismhistorically centred on the General Assembly. Yet, between 1985and 2001, the Security Council adopted a range of measures addressingterrorist threats to peace and security, and analysis of theincidents involved reveals much about the Council's understandingof "terrorism". After September 2001, problems of definitionbecame acute, since the Council adopted general legislativemeasures against terrorism—with serious legal consequences—withoutdefining it. The Council has encouraged States to unilaterallydefine terrorism in national law, permitting wide and divergentdefinitions. A non-binding Council definition of late 2004 failsto remedy the serious difficulties caused by the lack of anoperative definition in Council practice.  相似文献   

WTO规则下跨国公司行为规制方式分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张瑞萍 《现代法学》2005,27(3):168-174
主权国家与跨国公司是影响当今社会的两大力量,其权力行使互为消长。WTO在为其成员国家设定义务、限制其管理权的同时,却没有对跨国公司的行为进行规制。国际社会一直在寻求对跨国公司行为进行统一的法律调整,但由于各国利益上的差异,在短期内很难出现具有约束力的国际统一立法。跨国公司行为的规制基本上依靠国内法进行。但由于东道国政府行为是受到WTO规则的限制的,因而,其权力的行使只能是在法定的框架下进行并受到严格的约束,东道国对跨国公司行为的管制方式需要从硬性的限制转向刚柔相济,更具有弹性的方式上来。  相似文献   

Trade negotiations conducted in the World Trade Organization(WTO) offer the significant benefit that their results can bemade legally binding and enforceable through an effective disputesettlement system. If negotiators wish to avail of this benefit,they must follow the correct procedures to give legal effectto their work. This article critically evaluates the main methodsof converting the results of WTO trade negotiations, with aparticular focus on the ongoing Doha Round, into WTO law. Itdemonstrates that amendments to the WTO agreements are procedurallycumbersome and have significant limitations. The article thereforeanalyses several alternative methods including modificationsto schedules, decisions of the Ministerial Conference (suchas waivers, authoritative interpretations, and Other Decisions),and the incorporation of new agreements into WTO law (whethermultilateral, plurilateral, or reference rules accepted throughschedules). The choice between these various methods is complicatedas each has advantages and disadvantages. By comparing and evaluatingthe available options, this article aims to assist negotiatorsand lawyers in making that difficult choice.  相似文献   

Children can be unreliable witnesses, and they are especially vulnerable to questionable interview practices. However, in some crimes like child sexual abuse, children may be the only person capable of providing testimonial evidence. States must balance the needs of bringing criminals who target children to justice and ensuring that due process is upheld to reduce the chances of false convictions. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has published a set best-practices for the interviewing of children to achieve this balance. This article conducts a statutory analysis to determine if states are currently following the recommendations of the OJJDP.  相似文献   

This article reports on two related studies about varying pathways to the resolution of family disputes and the effects of family justice reforms in Ontario: a survey of family court professionals (n = 118) and an analysis of 1,000 closed court files of family cases involving children. Both studies reveal that the vast majority of cases are resolved without a trial, often by negotiation. While professionals generally support family justice reform initiatives, there remain significant gaps in the implementation of these strategies. For example, many litigants do not attend information programs despite the requirement for mandatory attendance; there is limited use of mediation; the views of children are being sought in only a small number of cases; and there is a large proportion of self‐represented family litigants. Despite the increase in shared care and joint decision‐making arrangements, a majority of cases in the court file study were sole custody arrangements to the mother, whether the case was settled or resolved by trial. Mediation was associated with greater time of contact with the non–primary residential parent (usually the father).  相似文献   

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