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It is a known fact that when fabric is left exposed to sunlight photodegradation occurs. However, no study has ever looked at the photodegradation that occurs to individual fibre filaments as commonly recovered from a scene of crime. To look at photodegradation of individual fibres, wool and cotton fabric were dyed using CI Acid Red 27 and CI Direct Red 80 respectively at two depths of shade, 0.25% and 2.0% owf. Pieces of fabric and individual fibre samples were then placed in a Light Fastness Q-Sun 1000 Xenon test chamber which simulated exposure to sunlight over two time periods, 64 h (equivalent to one weeks sun exposure) and 128 hrs (equivalent to two weeks sun exposure). The resulting pieces of fabric and fibres where then examined using high power comparison microscopy, as well as graded for colour fading using SDC Grey Scale for Assessing Change in Colour (including half steps). Results show that in both fibre types, photodegradation occurs in all samples, however, the degree of fading is shown to vary within a given fibre population showing it is unpredictable in nature.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(4):468-476
This study investigated the transfer and persistence of salivary DNA under fingernails. This was performed to address a common alternate hypothesis presented to scientists in court, asserting that a relatively large quantity of DNA detected beneath the fingernails, typically from a victim of crime, originates from innocuous transfer of saliva in a casual setting.It was determined through these studies that contact with liquid saliva was an effective way to transfer foreign DNA beneath fingernails. However, when saliva was dried, DNA did not readily transfer through casual contact.When liquid saliva was placed directly beneath fingernails the amount of DNA detected from the saliva donor twenty-four hours later was several hundred-fold lower than the amount detected when sampling occurred immediately following deposition. Furthermore, when the recipients’ hands were washed immediately following the deposition of liquid saliva beneath fingernails, the majority of foreign DNA was removed following one hand washing and all detectable foreign DNA was removed from most recipients’ hands after three or six hand washings.This study demonstrates that casual contact with wet saliva can result in the transfer of substantial quantities of DNA beneath fingernails but that it does not typically persist for extended periods of time and is mostly removed if the hands are washed soon after deposition.  相似文献   

The transfer of DNA from hands to objects by holding or touching has been examined in the past. The main purpose of this study was to examine the variation in the amount of DNA transferred from hands to glass, fabric and wood. The study involved 300 volunteers (100 for glass, 100 for fabric and 100 for wood) 50% of which were male and 50% female. The volunteers held the material for 60 s. The DNA was recovered from the objects using a minitape lift, quantified using the Quantifiler kit assay, extracted using a ‘Qiagen® QIAamp DNA mini kit’ and amplified using the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus™ Amplification Kit at 28 cycles. The results show that using ANOVA there was a significant difference (F = 8.2, p < 0.05) between the three object types in the amount of DNA recovered. In terms of DNA transfer and recovery, wood gave the best yield, followed by fabric and then glass. The likelihood of success of obtaining a profile indicative of the holder was approximately 9% for glass samples, 23% for fabric and 36% for wood. There was no significant difference between the amount of DNA transferred by male or female volunteers. In this study good shedder status, as defined by obtaining useful profiles of 6 or more alleles, is estimated at approximately 22% of the population. The phenomenon of secondary transfer was observed when mixed DNA profiles were obtained but the incidence was low at approximately 10% of the total number of samples. DNA profiles corresponding to more than one person were found on objects which had been touched by only one volunteer. Although secondary transfer is possible the profiles obtained from touched objects are more likely to be as a result of primary transfer rather than a secondary source.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found that the general public perceives forensic evidence to be relatively inaccurate and to involve high levels of human judgement. This study examines how important the general public finds forensic evidence by comparing decisions on guilt and punishment in criminal cases that involve forensic versus eyewitness testimony evidence and examining whether a CSI effect exists. Specifically, this experimental survey study utilized a 2 (crime type: murder or rape) × 4 (evidence type: DNA, fingerprint, victim eyewitness testimony, or bystander eyewitness testimony) ? 1 (no victim testimony for murder scenario) design, yielding seven vignettes scenarios to which participants were randomly assigned. Results indicate that forensic evidence was associated with more guilty verdicts and higher confidence in a guilty verdict. Forensic evidence did not change the expected sentence length and did not generally affect the ideal sentence length. However, for rape, respondents believed that the defendant should receive a longer sentence when forensic evidence was presented but forensic evidence did not alter likely sentence that respondents expected the defendant to receive. The results of this study did not support a CSI effect. Overall, this study suggests that forensic evidence – particularly DNA – has a stronger influence during the verdict stage than the sentencing stage.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(2):221-228
It is well established that a large proportion of paper banknotes in circulation contain traces of cocaine. Being able to discriminate between the innocent transfer of illicit drug particles acquired through everyday interactions with surfaces such as banknotes, as opposed to transfer resulting from criminal activities can provide valuable intelligence that can inform an investigation. With many countries adopting polymer banknotes as legal tender, it is important to consider the transfer of cocaine from these surfaces as well as the retention of these particulates on polymer banknotes for evaluative interpretation in crime reconstruction. This comparison study assessed three contact variables (force, time, and rotation) on the transfer of cocaine particulates from paper and polymer banknotes onto a human skin proxy. The persistence of cocaine particulates was assessed through a realistic scenario which mimicked a cash transaction. Quantifiable amounts of cocaine were transferred onto the human skin proxy across all of the contacts assessed, with a greater transfer observed with contacts involving polymer banknotes and those contacts which involved rotation. Following extensive handling, cocaine persisted on both banknote types, with paper banknotes retaining larger amounts of cocaine than polymer banknotes. These findings show that cocaine can persist on both paper and polymer banknotes for extended periods of time following handling and is therefore available for transfer. This transfer then readily occurs, even when contact is brief and involves relatively small forces. A key distinction between the banknote types was that cocaine particulates are more likely to transfer from polymer banknotes due to the lower retention rate of particulates on this surface. Such insights can aid in evaluating the relevance of illicit drug particles identified on items or persons of interest in crime reconstruction approaches.  相似文献   

Textile fibres were transferred to a pig skin carcass and their persistence determined at daily intervals for up to a 12 day period during which time the carcass was left outdoors exposed to the prevailing weather conditions and animal activity. In the absence of strong winds and precipitation, the loss of fibres was found to be exponential. Stronger winds and heavier precipitation caused an increase in the rate of loss of fibres. The results of this study showed that the majority of fibres transferred to a body deposited outdoors, can be expected to be lost after the first 2 days, however, none of the experiments performed resulted in a complete loss of fibres, even after 12 days exposure. These persistence characteristics differed from those observed in a similar study using small sections of skin, rather than carcasses.The implications of the results of the present study in relation to the examination of fibre evidence in cases of homicide are discussed.  相似文献   

In this research a chemical marker powder, based on Lycopodium clavatum spores, was studied to determine its transfer and persistence on a T-shirt. Such chemical marker powders are used to provide evidence that a person has handled a covertly marked object, such as a drug package. The powder was found to transfer readily between a marked item and the person handling it. The powder was found to persist on a T-shirt for up to 13 h; however, there was only a very small amount of powder remaining at this time. The rate of loss of the L. clavatum spores was found to follow a decay curve. The largest decrease in spores from the T-shirt was seen in the first 2 h after the marked item had been handled.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mechanisms governing transfer, persistence, and recovery of trace evidence, together with background prevalence in the population of interest, and other task relevant information, is key for the forensic interpretation and reconstruction of what happened at the activity level. Up to now, this informational “toolkit” has largely been developed through empirical forensic studies on specific trace materials such as glass, textile fibers, and soil. Combined with the identified systemic siloing between disciplines, while valuable, such research tends to be very material-dependent, introducing specific parameters and interpretations that may have actually impeded the recognition of underlying foundational factors applicable to most material types. In Australia, there has been a renewed interest in developing a discipline-independent framework for the interpretation and/or reconstruction of trace evidence to interpret specific circumstances in casework. In this paper, we present a discipline agnostic “way of thinking” that has been anchored in foundational science underpinning the trace evidence discipline. Physical and mechanical material properties such as material geometry and surface topography, strength, stiffness, and hardness collectively influence contact interactions through underlying friction, wear, and lubrication cause and effect mechanisms. We discuss how these fundamental factors and parameters stemming from materials science and tribology may be adopted and adapted by forensic practitioners and researchers to contribute to a better understanding of transfer, persistence, and recovery mechanisms irrespective of evidence discipline and material type. Examples are provided to demonstrate the practical significance to real-life casework and academic research.  相似文献   

The presence of Cannabis sativa DNA was detected on the skin of persons who have recently handled both leaf and resinous material. The persistence of C. sativa DNA was examined on the skin. The subjects were asked to either repeatedly rub their hands on their trousers, place their hands repeatedly into their pockets or wash their hands in soap and water. After rubbing the hands on trousers or placing them in pockets C. sativa DNA could still be detected. No DNA could be detected after washing the hands.  相似文献   

Fibres were transferred to the bare arms of living subjects and their persistence determined at intervals up to 24 h, during which normal daily activity was undertaken. Decay curves showed an initial rapid loss followed by an apparently exponential decay. No target fibres were found to remain after 24 h. The length distribution showed a shift towards shorter fibre lengths and the differential shedding results for a polyester/cotton mixture showed a small bias towards the retention of cotton. The population of coloured fibres on bare skin was classified according to perceived colour, length, generic class and the presence or absence of delustrant.  相似文献   

Forensic scientists are faced with the problem of estimating the frequency of cotton fibres recovered in casework, in relation to those in the general population. One way of doing this is to consider the degree of spectral variation that occurs within a "block of colour". When a spectral pattern occurs very frequently, the evidential value of the fibres may be so low, that it is not worth considering them as target fibres. Using UV-visible range microspectro-photometry (MSP) spectra were recorded from 88 known black cotton dyes and 225 samples of black cotton taken from various textiles. UV-visible spectra originating from sulphur dyes and from the great majority of reactive and direct dyes can be easily recognised. Vat dyes present a little more difficulty. The degree of spectral variation and consequent discriminating power of MSP varied according to the dye class, from 0.13 for sulphur dyes to 0.93 for reactive dyes. From 99 textiles dyed with reactive dyes, the spectra could be divided into at least 40 varieties showing that these fibres have a high degree of individuality. Within the few direct dyes (11.5%) that were encountered, one basic spectral form predominated, but a number of minor variations were observed. Spectral information below 400 nm (UV-range) is important for making distinctions and is critical in the case of direct dyes.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(1):53-62
It has recently been established that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) successfully transfer between clothing even with a short contact of 10 s, highlighting the potential to use VOCs in forensic reconstruction scenarios, such as sexual assault cases. The mid and low volatility compounds transferred in greater amounts than high volatility compounds. This study presents empirical data addressing the persistence of transferred VOCs on clothing for the first time. A series of experiments were carried out to determine the persistence of VOCs on clothing for time periods of up 4 weeks, on natural and synthetic fibres, and at three different environmental temperatures. The data indicate that the highest VOC amounts are generally obtained for shorter persistence times of up to 1 d. Whilst high volatility compounds were not recovered in sufficient amounts to allow quantification, the four other transferred VOCs were successfully quantified for persistence times of up to 4 weeks. The persistence for mid-volatility compounds follows decay curve trends in line with those previously obtained for fibres, glass and pollen. When comparing the persistence of VOCs on a natural and a synthetic fibre, for a persistence time of 1 h, the transferred VOCs were retained on a natural fibre in higher amounts than on a synthetic fibre. However, for longer persistence times the concentration of VOCs was similar between the two fabrics. Lastly, lower environmental temperatures resulted in higher recoveries for most VOCs, especially for short persistence times. These findings demonstrate that optimal recovery of VOCs from clothing occurs when the fabric is kept at cooler temperatures and analysed soon after the fragrance transfer occurred, although VOC recovery was possible at higher temperatures and after longer persistence times. Given the transfer and persistence characteristics of VOCs from fragrance, there is potential for fragrance to be used as a form of trace in forensic reconstruction approaches.  相似文献   

The paper follows on from earlier work [Taroni F and Aitken CGG. Probabilistic reasoning in the law, Part 1: assessment of probabilities and explanation of the value of DNA evidence. Science & Justice 1998; 38: 165-177]. Different explanations of the value of DNA evidence were presented to students from two schools of forensic science and to members of fifteen laboratories all around the world. The responses were divided into two groups; those which came from a school or laboratory identified as Bayesian and those which came from a school or laboratory identified as non-Bayesian. The paper analyses these responses using a likelihood approach. This approach is more consistent with a Bayesian analysis than one based on a frequentist approach, as was reported by Taroni F and Aitken CGG. [Probabilistic reasoning in the law, Part 1: assessment of probabilities and explanation of the value of DNA evidence] in Science & Justice 1998.  相似文献   

本文从三个方面进行论述,即法医学鉴定意见的案情趋向性;法医学鉴定中的案情资料价值;法医学鉴定的科学局限性。从而说明法医学鉴定在很多情况下依赖案情,对法医学鉴定意见进行审查判断十分必要。  相似文献   

根据证据学的观点提出法医鉴定结论是一种科学证据,指出无论是民事诉讼还是刑事诉讼中,对其进行质证对维护司法公正的必要性和重要性。由于法医鉴定结论的专业性,对其质证时,当事或控辩双方,以及法院聘请法医专家顾问,协助对法医鉴定结论的质证具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

法庭科学家和证据法学者所处的是两个不同的世界,就像英国和美国一样,由一种共通的语言划分开来。虽然在一些重要方面彼此关联,但法庭科学和证据法学作为两个独立的学科,有着各自独特的构造和演进,关注不同的问题并运用各具特色的认识论。因此,这两个学科之间存在着自说自话的重大风险。该风险的迹象体现在了法庭科学家与证据法学者之间时常沟通不畅。“证据法”的概念对于法庭科学和证据法学而言均至关重要,且在这两个学科中均被高频地运用。本文通过聚焦“证据法的法域范围”之基础概念讨论,希望造成该学科间冲突的个别成因能够明朗化,并诚挚地期盼这样做能有利于法庭科学与证据法学学科之间更有效地交流。  相似文献   

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