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The Development of System Justification in the Developing World   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
System justification theorists have proposed that under some circumstances ‘‘people who suffer the most from a given state of affairs are paradoxically the least likely to question, challenge, reject, or change it’’ Jost et al. (2003). These claims are contrary to theories that suggest that group members seek to enhance their self-interest or group-interest (e.g., realistic group conflict theory, rational choice models). The present study, conducted in one of the poorest countries in the world, Bolivia, tested if even the most impoverished people of the world will endorse beliefs justifying the status quo. A survey of 356 Bolivian school children found that low-status children endorse beliefs in the effectiveness of government in meeting the people’s needs more than their high-status counterparts. The results suggest that system-justifying beliefs are endorsed by low-status group members in even the most extreme cases of poverty, and even among the youngest politically aware members of society, and they raise questions about the capacity for true social change in those parts of the world that may need it the most.
P. J. HenryEmail: Phone: +1-773-325-4148Fax: +1-773-325-7888

According to system justification theory, stereotyping is an ideological process that serves to justify the status quo and bolster the legitimacy of the existing social order. The present research investigates the system-justifying role of complementary stereotypes in which high-status groups are represented as agentic and achievement-oriented and low-status groups as communal and interpersonally oriented. We demonstrate that such complementary stereotypes: (a) reflect a high degree of consensus across high- and low-status perceiver groups; (b) are endorsed more strongly to the extent that system justification motives are chronically or temporarily activated; and (c) serve an ideological function by enhancing the perceived legitimacy of the existing social system. Evidence concerning regional and ethnic stereotypes in Italy, England, and Israel provides converging evidence for the system-justifying function of complementary stereotypes and reveals remarkable similarity in the contents of stereotypes of different groups that happen to occupy similar status positions in their respective societies.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine some factors that may motivate support of or opposition to affirmative action programs for women. In the first study, a sample of 96 French-speaking male managers and professionals were presented with one of three versions of an affirmative action program to benefit women in blue-collar jobs. The men were asked about their endorsements and beliefs about the program described to them and (using a neosexism scale) about sex equity. Results indicate that neosexist attitudes influence support of the program presented, and articulating adherence to a merit principle in affirmative action influences perceptions of fairness. The second study evaluated reactions to an affirmative action program targeting jobs similar to those of the participants. Four conditions were designed to determine which element or combinations of elements of information presented in the first merit condition might have a stronger impact on fairness evaluations. A total of 131 francophone male managers and professionals participated in this study. Results reveal that neosexist attitudes influence level of support for the program. Both neosexism and the four conditions had an impact on evaluations of fairness.  相似文献   

王立民 《现代法学》2014,36(5):3-13
以《唐律疏议》与《中华民国新刑法判解汇编》为例,对中国古代的律文解释与近代刑法法条解释的比较以后可以发现,它们有相似之处,具体表现为:刑法原则、罪名和刑罚等的解释十分相似。同时,在解释主体、解释结构和解释效力等方面存在相异之处。这些相似、相异之处还有自己形成的原因。形成相似之处的原因主要有两个,即相似的解释宗旨、解释技术。形成相异之处的原因也主要有两个,即相异的历史时期、相异的法制。经过这一比较还可以得出这样的结论:它们的这种解释都源于中国古代的经学。从中亦可见,中国古代经学影响之深远。  相似文献   

所有权理论发展的每一步都伴随着民法解释学的推动,而民法解释学所经历的不同发展阶段,正是基于实用法学的出发点——如何能动地解释和发展法学理论以解决现实中存在的问题——而出现的。但是民法解释学要发挥其对理论的推动作用,也需要借助于民法理论的质变,仅仅是民法解释学本身所能起到的作用是有限的。在修正的绝对所有权的阶段,民法解释学不断地突破绝对所有权观念的限制,当绝对所有权观念基本上被打破的时候,必须有一个新的所有权观念来支撑所有权理论的进一步发展,这种理论就是相对所有权观念所负载的民法理论。  相似文献   

解正山 《现代法学》2020,(1):179-193
算法决策正成为经济与社会体系的一部分,一方面,它创造了显著的社会与经济价值,但另一方面,不公不义的预测或推断会损及个人自主与尊严从而使算法备受质疑。由于算法无法解决自身导致的妨害问题,且算法控制者与数据主体间存在明显的信息或权力不对称,因此,有必要赋予个人一项具体的数据权利——算法“解释权”,以强化其对于己不利的算法决策提出异议的权利,进而促进算法正义、保护个人自主与尊严。不过,利用“解释权”对抗算法妨害虽然必要但并不充分,其在技术上面临可解释性难题,且与商业秘密存在紧张关系。因此,算法决策需要统合规制,需要进一步增强算法决策的社会控制,优化算法应用监管。  相似文献   

为了维持权威地位,企业管理者必须获得企业权力的合法性.权力的合法性是被下属认同的权力,权力的合法性不仅源于产生权力的资源或制度,而且还来源于对权力的价值认同和权力运作效果的接受.因此,企业权力的合法性基础来源于企业文化、企业制度和企业经营的有效性,企业文化是企业权力获得合法性的价值前提,企业制度是企业权力获得合法性的根本保证,企业经营的有效性是企业权力获得合法性的诱导力量.企业文化、企业制度和企业经营的有效性相互联系、相互支持,共同影响着企业权力合法性水平的高低.  相似文献   

在加大反腐败力度的同时 ,应重视在责任追究制度中说理机制的建立及其完善。其内容涉及到方方面面 ,它在体现一种人文关怀精神的同时 ,反衬出现代法治对人的尊重。说理机制不仅是国家法律对于公民基本权利的一种保护 ,而且也有助于责任人或腐败者的纠错或改造。重视消除因规范体系内部的矛盾或法律制度上的某种缺陷 ,所导致的适用法律或规则上的种种问题 ,对于说理机制的完善和责任追究制度的健全有着重要的现实意义  相似文献   

中国法理学发展的理论诠释——三十年的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国法理学在三十年的发展中逐步从萧条走向繁荣,从理论的单一化走向理论的多元化,并且在理论前提的变迁中日益呈现出自主性的品格,这表现为法理学的知识面貌、思维方式、论证风格都获得了前所未有的发展。中国法理学在培育人们的理论思维、指导部门法学、构造法律实践等方面都取得了一定的效果,这是衡量法理学是否有用的重要标尺。中国法理学应当发展出自主性的法律理论,这就需要法理学融合多元理论、坚持历史与现实相统一的理念并调整自己的话语方式,创造真正具有独立性思想品格的法理学。  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the role of emotions and perceptions in determining the overt behavior of disadvantaged group members. Three limitations to the existing psychological research are presented as a possible reason for the present inability to describe a consistent relationship between the emotions and perceptions of those faced with intergroup inequalities and their subsequent actions. The present experiment attempted to address these limitations by employing a laboratory paradigm in which subjects actually engage in overt behavior. As well, a broader array of emotions and perceptions were assessed and subjects were offered a variety of behaviors from which to choose. The findings point to a relatively strong relationship between emotions and perceptions on the one hand, and overt action on the other. Feelings of frustration and anger, the perception of one's personal treatment as satisfactory and just, and hope of future improvement of one's position combined to discriminate between subjects who accepted their disadvantaged position, those who took normative forms of action, those who reacted in an individual nonnormative way, and those who chose collective nonnormative behavior.  相似文献   

在我国高等教育大众化进程中,出现了较严重的高校趋同化现象。虽然目前对这种趋同化现象所带来的后果还不能作出最终判决,但作为一种已经出现并在不断强化着的现象,则需要我们从理论上作出解释。组织社会学的新制度主义认为,在不确定的环境中,组织为了生存和发展,其外部形态、内部结构、运行模式等会在环境的逼迫和诱导下走向趋同,这是组织追求合法性的表现。我国高等教育大众化阶段出现的高校趋同化现象,正是高校在竞争激烈、环境不确定的情况下寻求合法性的本能反应。深刻认识和正确分析高校这种趋同性,对优化高等教育生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

错误解读本国优先权制度的原因分析及立法建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本国优先权是优先权制度的重要组成部分,国内部分学者对本国优先权作用的研究,形成"三点论"和"六点论"两种观点,其中不乏错误的结论。有必要对产生错误的根源进行分析并研究相应的法律规定,以此维护建立优先权制度的初衷,再现法律的公平理念和鼓励发明的创新精神。  相似文献   

Whether individuals evaluate a distribution of outcomes to be unfair and how they respond to it depends upon the social context and their perceptions of why the objective injustice occurred. Here we examine a general feature of the situation that highlights what is often overlooked in distributive justice research: the impact of the group. We conceptualize such impact in terms of the group value model of procedural justice (Lind and Tyler, 1988) and in terms of collective sources of legitimacy (Walker and Zelditch, 1993). The former highlights how the extent to which one feels valued by the group may enhance perceptions of distributive justice (net of actual outcomes) and thus ameliorate the impetus to respond to objective injustice. The latter considers how the dynamics of group influence may reduce the propensity to respond behaviorally to perceived injustice. Our analysis shows how procedural justice and legitimacy (in the forms of authorization and endorsement) may affect attributions in a work setting, and, in turn, influence individuals' justice perceptions and reactions. By combining these elements, we chart for the first time the relative impact of two factors representing elements of the group on an individual's evaluation of and response to distributive injustice.  相似文献   

张斌 《证据科学》2009,17(2):184-191
“被告人的客观证明责任”作为分析工具,可以对被告人的刑事辩解问题和刑事推定问题进行知识论的解释。解释结果分别是,被告人刑事辩解可分为纯粹的权利型和纯粹的义务型两种,认为刑事辩解既具有权利性质又具有义务性质的观点,似是而非;违法阻却事由和责任阻却事由的刑事辩解,是否需要被告人承担客观证明责任,由我国特有的犯罪构成要件理论和刑事诉讼结构来确定;确定刑事推定的合理语义,需要分析我国刑事推定特有的语用环境,刑事推定的语用分析是其语义分析的充分必要条件。应当把刑事推定的转换证明责任规范功能,作为刑事推定规则的主要功能定位.以此确定刑事推定的合理语义。对此有两种理论选择,激进的做法是直接取消刑事推定的概念,因为此概念既无用也有害,可以用“被告人的客观证明责任”概念来代替有关刑事推定问题的分析:温和的做法是改变学界多数学者遵循的从“语义”到“语用”的研究路径,应反其道而行之,由“语用”到“语义”来进行研究.这是克服学界在刑事推定问题上众说纷纭、确定刑事推定合理语义的适当办法。作为分析工具的“被告人的客观证明责任”,有着自身的理论适用范围以及相应的理论分析局限。  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, the U.S. inmate population has increased dramatically, and the penal system has acquired growing attention in accounts of recent trends in economic stratification. As the prison system has expanded, its population has aged; incarceration rates have risen sharpest among older age groups. A large body of research documents differences in criminal offending and incarceration over the life course, but little attention has been paid to how the effects of spending time in prison depend on the timing of incarceration in the life course. Using state administrative data that provide significant variance in the age of offenders, this article investigates how the timing of incarceration in the life course influences its effects on post‐release employment and wages. We do not find consistent evidence that incarceration effects vary by age at admission. Instead, incarceration appears to have important consequences for employment and wage outcomes regardless of when individuals are admitted to prison. Even the most motivated offenders suffer sizeable and significant wage penalties and, over time, decreased likelihood of employment. These findings underscore the relevance of legal and institutional shifts associated with carceral expansion and the aging of the inmate population for life course theories of criminal desistance, accounts of labor market inequality, and prisoner reentry programs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates why the effectiveness of works councils varies across firms. Drawing on a large body of literature on justice in organizations, and on the basis of the premise of methodological individualism, we present the groundwork for a justice-based theory of workplace codetermination. The theory focuses on workers' attitudes toward justice in organizations, the structural reasons behind these attitudes, and their consequences for the effectiveness of codetermination. Results from a qualitative employee survey in four German firms provide first empirical support for the theory presented.  相似文献   

Corporate crime is not the only means by which business can escape legal control. Law and legal definitions can also be used and manipulated to legally avoid both control and penalties or stigma associated with outright crime. This articl analyses such ‘legitimate rackets’ via a study of tax avoidance practices among business and ‘high net worth’ individuals. It describes some of the techniques employed, analyses the difference between tax evasion (an offence) and tax avoidance, explores the ‘grey area’ at the boundaries, and draws out the implications for theory and policy.  相似文献   

以诉权、审判权相互契合为内核的民事诉讼制度是利益分配的主要平台,当带有鲜明国家干预色彩的民事检察权回应社会需求介入该场域时,应保持理性,具备存在的正当性和运行的适当性。为此,通过考察民事检察权的过去和现在,剖析正当性的历史渊源及现实依据,进而转变理念、完善机制、规范手段,能动化解应然与实然间的分离,满足适当性要求,实现权力与权利的有效表达与整合。  相似文献   

基于监察机关法定职权的监察建议,应当区别于广泛意义上的监察建议来专门研究。监察建议以法治化反腐为逻辑起点,对监察决定无法触及的内容予以补充(督促型监察建议)、对内部处置明显失当的内容予以纠正(纠错型监察建议)、对个案暴露的廉政制度缺陷予以优化(整改型监察建议),从而成为监察全面覆盖与自主惩戒权之联结枢纽及标本兼治、综合治理之实现路径。监察建议的合理定位是立足监察职能、结合执法办案、遵循依法监察,避免沦为一般监督,由此在性质定位上全面区别于行政监察建议。立法不宜对监察建议作开放式列举。监察建议的法律规制体系应从主体限定、前提条件、程序控制、异议程序和救济机制等五个层面共同构建。监察建议之设计实践还需维系既有宪制格局并尊重内部自治秩序,在惩治腐败行为、构建监察权威与尊重自治规律之间寻求价值平衡。  相似文献   

This article deals with (i) changes in the objective and subjective life-chances of people in Eastern Europe as affected by the transformation of their economic and political systems, and (ii) the emergence of a new dominant meritocratic ideology of distributive justice and the survival of a now old subordinate egalitarian one. We investigate whether, and if so, how and to what degree, changes in people's (perceived) life-chances influence their (de)legitimation of the market economy and the pluralistic system of democracy as well as their (de/re)legitimation of the ancien regime. Especially, the question of whether, and if so, how and under which conditions, a phenomenon that has been called split-consciousness will occur with respect to people's choices between those opposing systems is answered. Several hypotheses are presented that deal with the above mentioned topics. The hypotheses are tested empirically by using cross-national data stemming from the International Social Justice Project.  相似文献   

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