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Instead of always teaching students how to succeed—as is the norm in higher education—it might also be useful to teach them about failure. Understanding failure (that is, why actors fail to reach common objectives in inter-group settings) gives students deeper insight into how to resolve global problems, and the conditions under which success can be achieved. This enhances student awareness of complexity in world affairs, including the nature of inter-group relations. Simulations are a good way to teach students about the possibility of failure, and how to learn from it, because they allow students to go through the learning process on their own. In this article I discuss how a simulation I ran on Middle Eastern politics can be used as an example of how to instruct students about failure as much as about success.  相似文献   

Negotiation Journal - Do national leaders have an obligation to negotiate with enemies that have been villainized despite government policies and popular opinion that constrain them from doing so?...  相似文献   

When emotions run amok, negotiators lose perspective and make serious mistakes or perform poorly. The authors describe emotions, explore their origins, detail their physiology, demonstrate their key role in human behavior (particularly in negotiation), and propose a series of recommendations for dealing with fear and anger, two critical emotions in negotiations.  相似文献   

This article suggests that negotiation courses using traditional lectures combined with role plays and simulated exercises can be used to train students in understanding emotion and increasing their emotional intelligence. The article defines emotion and emotional intelligence; describes and analyzes one simulated exercise that has proven to be particularly potent in the classroom for teaching both the theory and practice of emotional intelligence; sets forth the rudimentary components of a possible curriculum for emotions training; and concludes with reasons why law schools and other professional degree-granting programs can and should make training in emotions a curriculum staple.  相似文献   

Recognition of the role played by emotions in negotiation is growing. This article synthesizes current research around four broad themes: moves and exchanges, information processing, social interaction, and context. The authors' review reveals that much of the research on this topic has focused on two key emotions, anger and happiness. More recently, negotiators have turned to other emotions such as guilt and disappointment, demonstrating that not all negative emotions have the same consequences, or activate the same regions of the brain. Focusing on social interaction, the authors note that negotiators may influence each others' emotions: whether negotiators converge to anger or happiness has different consequences for agreement. Researchers have broadened their examination of emotion by considering how external factors such as power, the number of negotiators, culture, and gender influence the impact of emotional expression. The authors also consider the function and impact of expressing authentic emotions, or choosing to use emotions strategically to gain an advantage — an issue that raises important ethical questions for negotiators. The article concludes with some practical implications of the research.  相似文献   

2008北京奥运的完美落幕进一步突出了中国改革开放以来的发展成就,标志着中国的国力、国势、国运进入新的上升轨道,中国与世界的关系再度成为国际热点话题。中国的发展、崛起将引起国际格局、国际体系发生什么样的变化?在变化中的世界,尤其是在中国发展本身就构成国际变局重要组成部分、国际上"中国威胁论"及"中国责任论"等此起彼伏的情况下,中国又面临着什么样的新任务、需要确立怎样的国家大战略、做出何种新的战略选择?要不要居安思危,继续坚持韬光养晦?对这些问题,不仅精英层在严肃思考,普通民众也极为关切。鉴此,《现代国际关系》杂志社2008年8月31日以"‘奥运后时代’中国与世界的关系"为题举办研讨会,邀请京津两地20多位相关领域专家、学者就上述问题展开深入讨论。现将会议主要观点辑录如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

实施素质教育的过程也是提高教师素质的过程。营造良好的师生关系是提高教师素质的第一要务,优化俄语课堂教学是提高教师素质的必然选择,课堂教学效率高低是衡量教师素质高低的重要尺度,能否善于在细微处入手开展教学活动是教师素质高低的具体体现。  相似文献   

抽象、概括是思维活动过程中不可缺少的重要组成部分。任何一个科学的概念和原理 ,都是通过抽象概念而逐步形成的。只有通过对事物的不断认识 ,经过反复的抽象概念 ,才能达到对事物本质和规律的认识。抽象思维是一种能力。这种能力的高低 ,一方面取决于学生“先天”的素质 ,更重要的还是在于“后天”的培养。当今社会的发展 ,大量功能完善、设备先进的电教媒体进入课堂 ,使很多抽象的理论和概念变得形象具体了。学生在获得大量知识的同时降低了相应的难度 ,然而我们在应用这些现代化的电教媒体组织教学时 ,不能忽视学生进行抽象思维能力的训…  相似文献   


This paper provides an alternative framework that conceptualizes the threat posed by terrorism based on an epidemiological approach that views it as a chronic disease like cancer rather than as a military, ideological, or socio-economic problem. After highlighting the similarities in the causes, behavior, treatments, and challenges of combating terrorism and cancer, this paper presents a staging system policymakers can use to educate the public and allocate counterterrorism resources more efficiently. This approach encourages policymakers to see terrorism for what it is (an all but inevitable facet of modern life that can be managed but never fully eliminated), and not what they wish terrorism to be (a national security problem that can be solved, defeated, or vanquished). It provides policymakers with a useful model to conceptualize the threat and treat terrorism in a comprehensive manner, from preventing future attacks to effectively responding to them when they will inevitably occur.  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychology offers a powerful framework for understanding the ultimate function of emotions, and that understanding can be applied usefully in the mediation context. In this article, we first introduce the relevant theoretical foundational assumptions of the evolutionary approach to emotions and then use anger and gratitude to illustrate the evolved functions and effects of emotions on cognition and behavior before exploring specific implications for mediation. We also discuss mediator strategies for leveraging anger and gratitude, as well as the potential for future research applying an evolutionary approach to understanding emotions in mediation.  相似文献   

正The World Art Museum of China Millennium Monument is aimed at collecting,studying and exhibiting treasures of world civilizations and arts.As an innovative type of museum,it was established in 2006 and has since then reached out extensively in international cultural exchanges,not only promoting its own development,but also facilitating China’s cultural  相似文献   

A New Use for Practitioners in Teaching Negotiation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article examines the role that practitioners as guest lecturers have traditionally played in the teaching of negotiation. The authors argue that, as seen from the perspective of student learning, this traditional role has not utilized the practitioner's expertise and experience to an optimal degree. Because of this, they have redesigned the role of the practitioner as guest lecturer in their negotiation course. They describe this new role in some detail. Their goal is to encourage students to understand how and why integrative negotiation techniques can work beyond the classroom in what students call the "real world."  相似文献   

Although important work is being done in the emerging field of negotiation architecture and "shaping the game," little of it has found its way into the classroom. Simulation exercises are among the most powerful pedagogical tools available to negotiation educators, but most existing exercises have static architectures in the form of fixed parties, issues, and interests. This article summarizes existing research on negotiation design and proposes a framework for designing "manageably dynamic" exercises that can be used to teach key game-shaping concepts. The framework is illustrated through an in-depth discussion of an exercise based on the negotiations to end the civil war in El Salvador.  相似文献   

现代汉语课程是留学生在学习汉语过程中必修的一门专业课。本文从笔者现代汉语教学的经验出发,选取东南亚留学生学习现代汉语的情况作为研究对象,从教学现状、教学内容和具体教学策略等角度对东南亚留学生的现代汉语课程的教学进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

Women are underrepresented at senior levels in most companies. This article examines whether gender differences in the propensity to negotiate contribute to this pattern. Based on a behavioral experiment run in a major investment bank in the United States, I found that fewer women than men are willing to negotiate, but employees who have a propensity to negotiate are promoted on average seventeen months more quickly than those who do not. Women advance more slowly than men, which accounts for the underrepresentation of women in senior positions. I conclude that gender differences in the propensity to negotiate partially explains why women are on a "slow elevator" to the top.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a growing body of research about how to effectively teach mediation by considering how best to use role-plays in the mediation classroom to encourage reflective practice with a particular emphasis on the role of the teacher as a facilitator of reflective learning. The author suggests that the process of teaching mediation as reflective practice starts with teaching as reflective practice and emphasizes the importance of teachers' critical self-reflection. The article provides some examples of how teachers can encourage students to engage in reflective learning and develop their skills as reflective practitioners for their continued professional development.  相似文献   

读者对象的确定可以简称为读者定位,即读物是给什么人读的.刊物的读者定位问题应该在办刊之初就予以解决.因为刊物的读者定位与刊物的内容和形式都有密切的关系,而且对整个的编辑工作都有一定的决定作用.刊物的读者定位不明确,其余的工作,例如组稿、改稿等工作都不太好展开.所以,读者定位应该是非常慎重的事.  相似文献   

How to Appraise?     
The world is complex and full of changes. This is the fundamental characteristic of the international situation. In the five years since September 11, the increase of the terrorist threat has impelled the United States to adjust its global strategy. Unilateralism, with preemptive measures as its core, has reached its zenith and, therefore a host of regional and global contradictions have appeared. This is the main thread of the international situation in the past five years.  相似文献   

This bibliographic review discusses and evaluates cost-free, reliable, quality online content useful to academics in international studies teaching and research at the college level, including how and where to locate such materials through guides, directories, gateway sites, repositories, and various types of search engines; considerations about Internet use in college classes; and undergraduate assignments that use sources of information from the Internet. There is also consideration of characteristics and trends of college student use of the Internet for research purposes, the "invisible" or deep web, electronic information literacy for academics, and maintaining current awareness on the fast-changing web.  相似文献   

一、外商投资的法律框架通过1994年9月23日的第15/94号法规,安哥拉政府建立了一套涉及外商投资的法律制度,并将这套制度日臻完善.这反映了政府认识到外商投资可以帮助实现安哥拉的政治-经济发展目标,而且,最为主要的是,安哥拉政府决心使安哥拉成为竞争激烈的南部非洲地区的投资中心.扩大优惠政策、简化手续、加快清除行政授权过程中的官僚作风将有助于实现这些目标.  相似文献   

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