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浅析欧洲空间政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间科学研究在军事及经济方面的价值日益增大,欧洲国家相继联合或独立制定空间政策。2007年,欧盟委员会出台空间政策,强调欧洲必须更加努力以保护和改善其全球竞争能力,欧洲必须作为空间系统的领先者,作为空间领域一个不可或缺的国际伙伴,成为全球有关空间活动的倡导者,同时要为共同的外交与安全政策提供支持。因面临缺少统一管理机构、成员国彼此掣肘、缺乏资金以及工业政策支持的困扰,欧洲空间政策的执行存在诸多困难。  相似文献   

"中美太空冲突论"的危害在于它仍然以冷战思维为出发点,片面夸大对抗与军事冲突的必然性.无论从长远还是现实来看,中美两国避免太空潜在冲突的最有效的途径就是加强双边的太空合作.未来中美在太空领域会发生某些摩擦,但它不可能主导中美关系,那些可能的摩擦或矛盾仍从属于中美两国之间的经济和政治上的合作关系.  相似文献   

在转型和发展经济体中,制度竞争经常被作为建立和保障市场的工具而加以讨论.后苏联地区(post-Soviet space)为这一问题的研究提供了一个有益的案例:国际投资流入不断增加,同时缺少政策协调,造成一种各管辖主体之间制度竞争日趋激烈的局面.不过,在后苏联地区,制度的质量看起来还不高.本论文主要分析后苏联地区内各管辖主体就制度质量所展开的竞争的潜在影响,并从两个层面进行分析:理性选择因素(经济不平等和学习效应)以及正式与非正式制度间的相互作用(对自由市场的理解,对公共权威的信任,深层次制度与浅层次制度间的相互影响).  相似文献   

Little is known about the ideological relationship between the Swiss political elite and the general public. Based on the Selects 2007 candidate and voter surveys, we compare the value orientations of both groups by applying ordinal factor analysis. First, we test whether political leaders or their supporters are more ideologically polarized. Second, we investigate whether ideological congruency between the electorate and representatives varies from party to party. Third, we examine whether winning candidates are ideologically more remote from their party supporters than unsuccessful candidates. We find that ideological polarization is larger within the political elite than within the general public. As a consequence, representatives of parties with rather extreme value orientations represent the moderate electorate rather poorly. Similarly, successful candidates are found to be more distant from their party supporters than unsuccessful candidates. These findings challenge traditional spatial voting theory but accord nicely with the directional model of voting behavior.  相似文献   

外层空间军备控制的进展与障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外空武器的发展成为国际形势中的一种不稳定因素,并导致大国之间的关系更加复杂.长期以来国际社会在外层空间军备控制方面做了许多努力.但由于美国的阻挠,近年来日内瓦裁军谈判会议在防止外空军备竞赛而强化外层空间法律体系方面停滞不前.  相似文献   

近年来在欧洲不断发生的穆斯林社群与欧洲本土主流社群之间的冲突,实质上是一场双方对公共空间的争夺战,问题的核心是公共空间的归属。这种争夺产生的原因有三个方面:首先,痛苦的历史记忆与负面的现实认知的双重发酵形成缺乏信任的社会观念结构;其次,多元文化的价值观与平等、自由的价值观在理论和现实层面上存在的冲突使公共政策不能很好地平衡双方利益;最后,欧洲公民不仅是一个法律概念,还应该融合文化与价值理念,而欧洲穆斯林的这种双重身份并没有得到欧洲主流群体足够的理解和关注。这些问题的解决应立足于对公共空间的重新分配、对公共政策失衡的审视及对公民身份的重新定义和建构,这也是欧洲主流群体与欧洲穆斯林群体和解和合作的关键。  相似文献   

从90年代初的俄罗斯激进改革直至普京执政以后逐渐形成中的稳定局面,表明一种曾经在20年代“新经济政策”时期之后以及法国大革命中出现过的激进—稳健—“政治保守”的历史逻辑,正在当代体制与社会转型的俄罗斯重演;通过对当前俄罗斯政治力量结构的分析,上述历史逻辑正在现存的俄各方的政治互动中得以实现。  相似文献   

This work addresses the dimensions and content of ideological space in Portugal and Greece after the onset of the sovereign debt crisis and the imposition of austerity policies in the two countries. By examining both elite interviews and public opinion data, the article principally attempts to determine whether the economic crisis has created a new division in ideological space by cross-cutting or completely replacing older ones. In addition, we attempt to gauge the position of crisis-related issues relative to issue divides on European integration and globalisation which, up to now, have been dormant in Southern European countries.  相似文献   

"博洛尼亚进程"是数个世纪以来欧洲高等教育最根本的结构变革.2003年,出于多方面的考虑,俄罗斯也加入到了这一计划之中.在取得一些积极成效的同时,整体的发展并不顺利,这主要是由于俄罗斯教育界的不积极.追踪俄的博洛尼亚进程,有助于提高中俄教育交流的针对性和成效.中俄教育交流合作有着众多的相似性和互补性,并在合作办学、人才交流、学术交流等方面取得了进展,但仍存在着相互认知、留学生培养质量等方面的问题,需要有针对性地加以解决.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special edition and the ideas of regions and regionalism.  相似文献   

This article analyses evangelical identity politics and more generally religious competition in contemporary Mexico through a specific focus on the construction, dissemination and imagination of space. The imagination and occupation of a particular space determines the specific identity of its followers. Since the identity–space construct is primarily anchored in the political, religious, economic and funerary contexts in most societies, these four rubrics are woven together to assess of the evangelical Christian space–identity construct. The paper furthers research on religious space creation, dissemination and demarcation amongst evangelical Christians in Mexico, and it emphasises the extent to which the strategies of spatial expansion can lead to rigorous intra‐faith competition and conflict.  相似文献   

A single highway connects the Caribbean province of Limón to mainstream society in the highlands of Costa Rica. This paper explores the ways in which that highway affects the status hierarchy of mainstream society in Costa Rica, and how the construction of whiteness as an unexamined racial qualifier for total social incorporation constrains the perception of blacks as social liminars and blackness as a state of communitas. The argument elaborates the work of Victor Turner on ritual liminality to suggest the structural ambiguity of Afro-Latin Americans in the context of Costa Rica.  相似文献   

苏联解体后,在后苏联空间国家突然拥有国家主权的条件下,新政治精英需要建立一个新的政治-法律空间。对这些国家而言,设计与现实相适应的政治-法律制度、建立稳定的国家体制、制定和实施有效的国家政策的过程过于拖延,前景令人质疑,而且即将面临政治代际更替的全新挑战。后苏联空间非常复杂,但也因此是研究和政治设计的重要地区。20多年的实践表明,不应期待后苏联空间的快速转型。大多数后苏联空间国家未完成国家建设和制度建设,这使形势复杂化,可能导致巨大的变数,包括冲突和诉诸武力。但是,外部环境仍逼迫变革。对于后苏联空间国家而言,变革具有政治理性化和政治制度形式化的目的,包括以法律形式固定政治制度和强制政治设计者更多地在正式法律范围内行事,而达到上述目的的选择包括革命性变革或自上而下的革命。  相似文献   

On the edge of Stirling Gardens in central Perth, Western Australia, five large, old-fashioned pen nibs stand in a curved line, their tips in the ground. Anne Neil’s sculpture, Memory Markers, commemorates the history of this site, which includes the Supreme Court. Taking this sculpture as an emblem of writing, which in the context of its setting highlights the relationship between literature and law, this article explores the image of the pen in the ground. As a symbol of literacy, it evokes the powerful network of discourses—particularly law, science and religion—that underwrote the imperial project. It signals, in Michele Grossman’s terms, “the event of literacy [that] radically interrupts and disrupts—but never eliminates—pre-existing Aboriginal epistemologies”. The article goes on to explore the sculpture as a symbol of the assertion of jurisdiction, the speaking of law in and over colonised space. It analyses a group of written texts associated with this site, from colonial legal assertions of jurisdiction over Aboriginal people in Edward Landor’s The Bushman (1847), through a proclamation under the Aborigines Act 1905 (WA), to Stephen Kinnane’s Indigenous family memoir of life under that act, Shadow Lines (2004).  相似文献   

网络和太空是信息时代关键的战略空间。近几年美国国家安全文件拓展了美国战略利益的范围,将网络和太空作为其战略利益的新纬度。美国在信息空间推行先发制人的进攻性政策,以追求全方位优势地位。在网络与太空领域,中美之间存在着巨大的科技鸿沟。未来中美双方合作可以从不敏感的非军事领域起步,采取多边合作的形式,运用创造性思维开拓新的合作议程,共同构建更稳定的信息空间秩序。  相似文献   

This paper draws on recent research examining feminist and everyday geopolitics to focus on the relatively neglected domestic sphere as a space where geopolitical events like the Falklands/Malvinas war are learnt, (re)produced, remembered and contested by young people. It presents qualitative data drawn from interviews with young people from Argentina (Río Gallegos) and the Falkland Islands (Stanley), locations with intimate connections to the 1982 war. It argues that research in domestic environments that engages the familial relations, objects and practices that embody geopolitical pasts can help make sense of how young people (are able to) express geopolitical agency.  相似文献   

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