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The Rhineland Agreement, which was formed at the Paris Peace negotiations in 1919, was in essence a compromise, lacking overall cohesion. Its implementation involved extensive practical difficulties for the British government. This paper examines the events surrounding the Kapp Putsch in 1920, the London Schedule of Payments in 1921 and the occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. It shows how the British zone of occupation in the Rhineland represented an area of vulnerability, exposing Britain to the dynamics of European politics and the increase in tension between France and Germany throughout the early 1920s. Analysis of these case studies also provides an insight into the impact of the Rhineland zone on Britain's policy-making process and the shift towards a more symbiotic relationship between the periphery and Whitehall.  相似文献   

From the Treaty of Versailles through to the Dawes Plan, France tried, at various times, to pursue an active policy in the territories on the left bank of the Rhine, hoping eventually to create an autonomous political body in the Rhineland detached from Berlin. The methods and objectives were not always the same under Millerand, Briand, and Poincaré, the latter in particular envisaging this as a prelude to the total disintegration of Weimar Germany. The final halting of this Rhineland policy, as part of the outcome of the Ruhr invasion, marked clearly the limits of French power in the post-war era, though it is not certain if all of France's rulers grasped this.  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法、历史资料分析法和产业推理法,探讨广西北部湾经济区建设背景下南宁、北海、防城港、钦州4城市企业对工商管理专业人才需求的新特征,提出了工商管理专业人才培养的对策建议:实施教育复合化战略,走内涵式和外延式相结合的道路;实行模块化教学,加大第三产业型工商管理人才培养;实施人才培养层次结构升级战略。  相似文献   

东北沦陷时期的朝鲜族宗教   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东北地区的朝鲜族宗教,特别是现代朝鲜族宗教,它与东北地区朝鲜族的社会生活、风俗习惯、思维方式等有着密切的联系。一个民族处于某种社会变动时期,宗教形态及社会作用都会发生变化。因此,研究并探讨东北地区的朝鲜宗教,特别是处于东北沦陷时期的现代朝鲜族宗教,深入发掘,整理这一时期的宗教变化、宗教作用,以填补这一空白,是大有益处的。  相似文献   

英国文化委员会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成立于1934年的英国文化委员会(BritishCoun cil),是英国促进国际文化教育交流的准官方文化组织。英委会在全球110个国家的220个城市设有办事处,2004年刚好走过70年的风雨历程。一、成立背景英国文化委员会成立于两次世界大战之间,那是一个短暂的和平年代,也是一个危机四伏的年代,这一时期的英国处境异常艰难,是“内外交困的20年”。①具体而言,促使英委会产生的背景主要有以下三个方面:第一、一战后,英国政府亟需通过建立文化组织来维系英联邦。当时的英国虽然取得了一战的胜利,但却失去了一个帝国。一方面,由于英国在战争中遭受重创,国力…  相似文献   

职业分类的应用涉及很多领域 ,且各国的职业分类也各具特色。目前 ,国际上通用的标准化的创业分类还没有形成 ,因此 ,也阻碍了各国使用者之间的交流。俄罗斯的职业分类正努力地向国际标准化靠拢 ,但前苏联遗留下来的职业分类仍然影响着俄罗斯 ,应尽快摆脱旧的职业分类 ,制定适合俄罗斯经济发展的职业分类 ,对俄罗斯国民将产生巨大的影响  相似文献   

This essay explores the social history of the “British Army of the Rhine,” especially their interactions with the German population, over the eleven-year period of occupation in Cologne and part of the Rhineland. It covers the initial, sometimes fraught establishment of the occupation and interactions with the civil population, especially the perennial problem of British soldiers' relations with German women. These were initially prohibited altogether, but the rule was quickly relaxed, and the British authorities even accepted and regulated the use of brothels, leading to criticisms back home. The essay also discusses the comparatively small number of serious violent crimes (including four murders) during the occupation, and concludes that the occupation was characterized on both sides by grudging acceptance and some degree of forbearance.  相似文献   

1967-1987年间以色列占领约旦河西岸和加沙地带对巴勒斯坦人产生了多方面的影响政治上,以色列试图永久控制两地,否认巴勒斯坦人的合法生存权,导致巴民族意识增强,反以斗争风起云涌;经济上,以色列控制两地经济发展,造成两地贫穷落后且经济畸形发展;以占领还使巴社会发生重大变化。  相似文献   

东北沦陷时期的民间宗教与秘密结社   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东北沦陷时期的民间宗教和秘密结社的产生、兴衰与当时东北的社会环境、政治环境、经济环境息息相关。在社会斗争、民族矛盾激烈复杂的形势下,民间宗教和秘密结社在政治倾向上出现明显的分化,有的成为社会进步力量,有的保持民间群众团体的属性,有的投靠日伪反动势力。大部分民间宗教和秘密结社受到当时日伪政权的排斥和打击,逐渐走向衰落。  相似文献   

This article assesses the British military effort in Afghanistan looking at three key elements in the campaign: strategy, military operations, and the inter-agency “Comprehensive Approach.” We start by recognising the scale of the challenge that has faced the British: of all the provinces in Afghanistan, Helmand is the toughest to stabilize and secure. We then examine the evolution of all three elements above and find significant improvements in each: a flawed strategy has been corrected; the military have received more resources and become significantly better at COIN; and there is significant progress in the development of the inter-agency approach. In short, what the Americans will find in Helmand is a British COIN machine; a little creaky perhaps, but one that is fit for purpose and getting the job done. We briefly conclude on the prospects and the key to success: namely the development of a more coherent international strategy that accommodates the challenges posed by both Afghanistan and Pakistan.  相似文献   

植物,是整个“生物金字塔”的基底,是所有动物赖以生存的基础。辽西热河生物群中发现了大量的动物化石,说明当时的植物非常繁盛。朝阳一带是热河生物群的腹地。科学家在这一带发现了难以计数的植物化石,从最低等的藻类植物到高等的苔藓植物、蕨类植物、裸子植物,特别是最高等的植物——被子植物,其中经过科学家研究命名的有37属56种。  相似文献   

Traditionally, there has been a rigid distinction made between British consular and diplomatic missions abroad: the former is concerned largely with trade, visas and the more mundane tasks of foreign representation, while the latter deals with the glamorous political world of interstate relationships at the highest level. As a general rule of thumb this may be true, but in accepting unequivocally this notion one overlooks those instances where a significant political role has been played by consulates. This article examines one such instance and in doing so raises questions relating to diplomatic and consular relations, disguised embassies, political reporting and the importance of experienced onsite personnel.  相似文献   

Balance of power theories have come roaring back into prominence in recent years as international relations theory grapples with new developments, including offshore balancing and soft balancing. Recent works demonstrate the importance of more than just the distribution of power, and have addressed the role that domestic politics plays in balancing. One overlooked aspect of this debate, with implications for offensive realism and the current discussion on the United States and soft balancing, is the role that nonintervention conventions play in decision making. British nonintervention during the American Civil War presents a case at odds with offensive realist theory, as Britain should have intervened to protect its national interests—cotton, trade, and shipping—while also restraining a regional hegemonic power. Domestic cleavages, democratic peace norms, and public opinion pressures do not sufficiently explain this behavior. Instead, this paper posits that nonintervention was a result of British adherence to precedents and conventions.  相似文献   

英国殖民初期缅甸掸邦的茶叶贸易在殖民者"分而治之"政策的统治下,在当地土司头人和代理商的重税盘剥下艰难地向前发展,最终迫于各种压力,困扰茶商的税费问题得到解决。同时,茶叶生产和茶叶贸易也带动了掸邦山区社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

从文化的发展和起源入手来探析一个国家、一个民族和一个文明发展的轨迹和脉络,才能真正从学理和实践层面对当下有着实际的启示作用。本文通过对英雄史诗《贝奥武甫》的英雄观这一角度来探讨英国早期文化精神的起源与发展。一个异教的民族英雄变成了一个虔诚的基督教护教者的形象,但又保留了日耳曼民族的独特性格特征,这本身就能说明到了8世纪至10世纪,英国文化已经形成了一种新的形态,不同于日耳曼民族传统文化,也不同于欧洲大陆的基督教文化,这种新的文化形态传统直接影响着英国历史的走向。  相似文献   

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