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“我老汉,八十五,养儿男,真辛苦;零八年,逢拆迁,父暂时,住外边,父在外,应回还,要回家,难上难;我老汉,真可怜,找村组,无法管;找政府,也难办,才向法院把冤喊;好庭长,王建安,好法官,孙勇安,与政府,协同办,数名公仆下乡问。左手扶,右手搀,送老汉,回家园;村民们,齐夸赞,我老汉,心喜欢:法为民,解困难,人民拥护千万年。”  相似文献   

法律监督,天镜悬,照耀国泰民安。挺胸担当,神圣事,案卷凝于笔端。侦监公诉,监所反贪,定案弹指间。人民满意,可经历史考验!有人询问秘诀,检察官笑答,秉公执法。公平正义,齐维护,崇尚法治理念。基本路线,一百年不变。科学发展,宽严相济,和谐社会实现!  相似文献   

具有开拓意识的徐都峰同志,为了当地农民脱贫致富,不辞辛苦,自带干粮费用,前往广州,河北,山东等地考察学习,回来后,顾不得休息,利用当地得天独厚的陶土资源,联合村民,集资4.3万元建成了富平县乔山玻璃总厂,  相似文献   

一位涉嫌抢劫犯罪的农民,为逃避法律制裁,外出潜逃,8年多时间,没理过一次发,没洗过一次脸,没涮过一次牙,没有洗过一次澡,须发飘蓬,形同野人,饱受折磨。疾病缠身,无力乞讨之余,为避免暴尸异乡,终于踏上了回家的归途,在儿女们的劝说下,到公安部门投案自首。在县看守所,他声泪俱下地向我们讲述了不堪回首的一幕。现照录于此。  相似文献   

作为政治家,免不了面责人过,折冲争锋,但如果攻人之恶太严,或攻其一点不及其余,势必到处树敌,引人嫉恨,也不利团结他人,教育他人。周恩来终其一生,从不在自己阵营中搞“残酷斗争,无睛打击”,把自己推向与他人誓不两立的境地,而是事事留有余地,考虑后果,适可而止,不走极端。  相似文献   

一个副处级干部,见有人购买彩票一夜暴富,他也痴迷上彩票,以至达到痴迷不悟的疯狂地步,他越买越赔,越赔越买,一直赔得债台高筑,倾家荡产,为躲避债主,他东躲西藏,有家不归,有班不上,最后,名誉扫地,不但丢了官,还被告上法庭……  相似文献   

张卫荣,男,生于1968年9月,自2005年担任张王村主任以来,勇于开拓,艰苦创业,公正直言,秉公办事,关心群众的精神品质,早以传为佳话,在人民群众中有着良好的口碑。  相似文献   

延庆县地处北京市西北部,东邻怀柔,南接昌平,总人口27万,总面积1992.5平方公里。延庆县法院坐落在县城风景秀美的莲花湖畔,审判办公楼2003年9月落成,占地10000平方米,建筑面积10800平方米,楼高40米,共8层,大楼实行审判,办公分区,外观设计和内部结构设施充分体现了以人为本,便民诉讼的司法理念。  相似文献   

保定清源实业有限公司下设清河管厂,开源钻井分公司,远达运输分公司,清源酒店,北店奶牛小区等分支机构,是集制管,钻井,养殖,餐饮,住宿,房地产开发,地源(温)中央空调安装等多元化经营的企业。  相似文献   

刘建宏,中共党员,大专学历,1971年8月29日出生在东大村一个普通的农家。他勤奋好学,直率坦诚,为人豪爽,内心无私善良忠厚,乐于助人,在农村的经济发展中,凭着全心全意建设社会主义新农村的乡情,带领着村民勤劳致富,使东大村的面貌发生了脱胎换骨的变化,村民们的生活越来越富裕,近年来,他用自己的企业支持着村里的工作发展,为东大村的群众,开辟出了属于他们自己的天地,  相似文献   

"无讼"法律文化与中国公众的法律认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"无讼"作为中国传统法律文化的重要价值取向,对当代中国公众的法律认同,产生了许多方面的消极影响,从而导致公众的狭隘工具性法律认同、单一性法律认同和对法律的不认同.但同时,"无讼"法律文化对当代中国公众的法律认同,也有许多方面的积极影响和有益的启示.它对社会安定与秩序的追求,是人们产生法律认同的基本前提.我们可以批判地借鉴它对传统道德、民间习惯等社会调节手段的运用,从而建立法律的内在权威,促进公众的自觉认同;它所推行的多规则统治模式,有利于我们避免"法律万能主义"的非理性认同,建立对法律的理性认同.我们在法治化进程中,要坚持"权利本位"的宗旨,提供良好法律产品;执政党和政府要厉行法治,做法律认同的典范;进一步促进国家法律对民间规则、习俗的认可、接纳力度,使法律成为公众内心习惯的一部分,增强法律的亲和力.  相似文献   

The Law on the Protection of Disabled Persons is the first social security legislation in China, with more than 50 laws directly related to the legal protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and career development for people with disabilities. In terms of employment protections for people with disabilities, it is important to focus on effective legal implementation, utilizing legal rulings to limit employment discrimination against people with disabilities. Educational protections are an important precondition for enabling people with disabilities to live with dignity; it should be guaranteed that people with disabilities are provided “reasonable accommodation” in educational conditions. A barrier-free environment is a necessary condition for social integration of people with disabilities. At the same time, it also benefits other members of the society such as the elderly. Through rehabilitation and exercise, most people with disabilities can return to the society to a significant degree. China should gradually expand the legislative scope of rehabilitation service fee reductions and legal categories of auxiliary appliances, issuing guiding documents that provide specifications for the relevant “dormant” legal provisions.  相似文献   

彭凤莲 《法学杂志》2012,33(6):66-76
惩治犯罪与促进社会发展的统一是刑事政策的精神。新中国成立以来,随着情势变迁,刑事政策审时而变。新中国的基本刑事政策经历了由"镇压与宽大相结合"至"惩办与宽大相结合",再至"宽严相济"的演进历程。镇压与宽大相结合刑事政策,主要针对反革命分子适用,其精神内涵是:镇压反革命,巩固新政权;恢复国民经济,保障三大改造。惩办与宽大相结合刑事政策则适用于所有的犯罪分子,并成为新中国第一部刑法典的立法指针,其精神内涵是:惩治各类犯罪,保障改革开放。在构建"和谐社会"的语境下,宽严相济的刑事政策应运而生,其精神内涵是:打击犯罪与保障人权相统一;以宽济严,构建和谐社会。三种基本刑事政策,不仅仅是在时间上的接续,而且就具体精神内涵而言,后者都是对前者的传承与超越,但总体精神都是惩治犯罪与促进社会发展相统一。  相似文献   

The behavior of academic researchers who engage in cooperation with industrial partners has already been the subject of considerable research. A lack of understanding exists regarding the motivations of scientific research groups to engage in cooperation with other types of external non-academic organizations and the perceived barriers that may inhibit this activity. In this paper we analyse the motivations and perceptions of risks that shape scientific research groups’ cooperation with industry and government partners. We find that motivations to cooperate are partly dependent on the type of partner organization involved, with advancing research goals mainly acting as an inducement to cooperate with government agencies, while searching for opportunities to apply knowledge motivates partnerships with firms. We also find that the majority of research groups cooperate with both firms and government, with their major motivation being to apply their knowledge. Among research groups that only cooperate with firms, interaction effects between motivations influence the likelihood of cooperation. Research groups do not consider risk to scientific autonomy a barrier to cooperating with firms, while risk to scientific credibility inhibits cooperation independently of the type of external partner. However, being motivated to advance research can reduce the effect of perceived barriers, independent of the type of partner organisation.  相似文献   

"保护伞"研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄立 《河北法学》2005,23(8):91-94
黑社会性质组织往往通过金钱贿赂、感情联络、跑官要官、美色引诱和威逼就范等途径寻找"保护伞";"保护伞"则采取消极放任、袒护包庇、避重就轻、相互勾结、滥施影响和鼓励放纵等形式,对黑社会性质组织进行保护.虽然面临发现线索、执法、取证和结案处理等多方面的困难,但我们可以从坚持"三个彻底"、实行党政一把手负总责、相关部门密切配合、运用多种侦查谋略和严格把握法律界限等五个方面着手,彻底打击"保护伞".  相似文献   

Indented writing on thermal paper made with either one, two, or three sheets of paper above the thermal paper has been visualized by the controlled application of heat to the thermal paper at temperatures below the paper's normal color change temperature. Indentations created by applying a variable pressure to a steel letter stamp showed that, with one sheet above the thermal paper, indentations were more visible at lower pressures than with either two or three sheets above. Handwriting from 20 volunteers produced indented writing graded with most of the text clear and easy to read for all samples with one sheet above, half the samples with two sheets above and eight samples with three sheets above. Comparison with ESDA showed that, with three sheets above, there was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.01), with heating producing more samples than ESDA with most of the text clear and easy to read.  相似文献   

莫纪宏 《中国法律》2008,(4):7-9,57-61
在现代法治社会中,政府的各项活动都应当依法进行,即便是在突发事件应对期间,政府需要采取紧急措施来对付各种突发事件,仍然需要贯彻“依法办事”、“依法行政”的原则。  相似文献   

Parents with disabilities contend with bias within the family law system, often threatening their custody and visitation rights. The overarching goal of this article is to explore the experiences of parents with disabilities involved in custody and visitation disputes and the application of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in these cases. This article begins with an overview of parents with disabilities and their interactions with the family law system. Next, the article examines the ADA and its applicability to custody and visitation disputes. Finally, the article offers thoughts about strategies that can be utilized by attorneys to ensure that the rights of parents with disabilities are protected.  相似文献   

高勇  于逸生 《北方法学》2017,11(3):84-90
劳动教养制度废止后,将原来就被视为轻微犯罪的那部分劳动教养内容由刑法接纳,同时将与其同等强度的其他剥夺人身自由的强制措施一并纳入刑法并建立轻罪制度,是完善刑事法律制度体系、使行政处罚与刑事处罚合理衔接、与人权保障国际公约和多数国家刑法普遍立法例接轨、打击预防腐败犯罪建设清廉社会,以及发挥刑法导引作用提升道德水准、应对风险社会的现实需要。从我国社会现实出发,建构轻罪法律制度十分必要。  相似文献   

The central questions in the present study are (i) when comparing themselves with the partner, to what extent do women feel more deprived than men in their relationship with regard to relational inputs and life outcomes; (ii) do these perceptions affect relationship satisfaction among men and women in similar ways; (iii) have these patterns changed in the period 1977–1987; (iv) to what degree do comparisons with the same-sex others affect relationship satisfaction? Three studies were conducted in samples that were all heterogeneous with regard to age, length of the relationship, and educational level. Study 1, conducted in 1977, indicated that, compared to their partner, women felt more deprived and men more advantaged with respect to relational inputs and life outcomes. Further, being deprived and advantaged compared to the partner was accompanied with less satisfaction than being equal, whereas being advantaged was more satisfying than being deprived. However, being advantaged with regard to life outcomes was less rewarding for women than for men. Study 2, a replication of Study 1, 10 years later, indicated that this pattern had not changed over the years. In Study 3 it appeared that comparisons with same-sex others have a strong influence on relationship satisfaction. In general, most people consider themselves as better off than others, and the better off they feel in comparison to others, the more satisfied they are with their relationship. This seems to apply more to men than to women.  相似文献   

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