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二分髌骨较罕见,系因青春期二个或多个髌骨骨化中心(化骨核)未融合而形成,临床误诊为骨折的屡有报道。为提高对二分髌骨影像征象的认识,避免法医学鉴定失误,现分析行法医学鉴定的3例二分髌骨资料并结合文献,阐述其形成原因、组织学变化、影像学征象及临床症状体征。3例被鉴定人均为成年,因膝关节外伤后出现膝部疼痛,曾被医疗单位诊断为髌骨骨折,委托损伤鉴定2例,伤残评定1例。依据Saupe’s分型法,其中Ⅲ型2例,Ⅱ型加Ⅲ型1例。在法医学鉴定实践中,熟知二分髌骨影像学征象并与髌骨骨折鉴别,可确保鉴定结论的客观、准确。  相似文献   

In cases of partial or poor print recovery and lack of database/suspect print, fingerprint evidence is generally neglected. In light of such constraints, this study was designed to examine whether ridge density can aid in narrowing down the investigation for sex identification. The study was conducted on the right‐hand index digit of 245 males and 246 females belonging to the Punjabis of Delhi region. Five ridge density count areas, namely upper radial, radial, ulnar, upper ulnar, and proximal, were selected and designated. Probability of sex origin was calculated, and stepwise discriminant function analysis was performed to determine the discriminating ability of the selected areas. Females were observed with a significantly higher ridge density than males in all the five areas. Discriminant function analysis and logistic regression exhibited 96.8% and 97.4% accuracy, respectively, in sex identification. Hence, fingerprint ridge density is a potential tool for sex identification, even from partial prints.  相似文献   

目的 探讨CT技术的应用对鼻区骨折法医学鉴定的影响,发现现行鉴定标准存在的问题提出修订意见.方法 运用x2检验比较两个不同时期分别以X线和CT为主要鉴定依据评定为轻伤的案件,探究医学放射影像检查技术对鼻区骨折鉴定意见的影响程度.结果 发现CT技术对鼻区骨折的鉴定结果的影响,与X线比较,其差异有统计学意义,并暴露出基于X线影像技术的鼻骨损伤鉴定标准条款不再适应目前鉴定实践状况的问题.结论 在CT技术广泛应用后,现行的鼻骨损伤鉴定标准条款不能很好地适应医学发展,有必要重新制定基于CT技术的鼻区骨折鉴定标准.  相似文献   

Abstract: An online forensic dental identification exercise was conducted involving 24 antemortem–postmortem (AM–PM) dental radiograph pairs from actual forensic identification cases. Images had been digitally cropped to remove coronal tooth structure and dental restorations. Volunteer forensic odontologists were passively recruited to compare the AM–PM dental radiographs online and conclude identification status using the guidelines for identification from the American Board of Forensic Odontology. The mean accuracy rate for identification was 86.0% (standard deviation 9.2%). The same radiograph pairs were compared using a digital imaging software algorithm, which generated a normalized coefficient of similarity for each pair. Twenty of the radiograph pairs generated a mean accuracy of 85.0%. Four of the pairs could not be used to generate a coefficient of similarity. Receiver operator curve and area under the curve statistical analysis confirmed good discrimination abilities of both methods (online exercise = 0.978; UT‐ID index = 0.923) and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient analysis (0.683) indicated good correlation between the results of both methods. Computer‐aided dental identification allows for an objective comparison of AM–PM radiographs and can be a useful tool to support a forensic dental identification conclusion.  相似文献   

目的探讨医学影像资料法医学同一认定的鉴定原则、思路及方法。方法总结华西法医学鉴定中心1992—2012年受理的30例医学影像资料同一认定案例,对影像资料数量、种类,鉴定利用的识别点及其类型、间隔进行回顾性统计分析。结果胸部X线片为最常见的鉴定资料类型。利用的识别点共有33处、6种类型,包括:自身惟一性特征、骨骼自身结构的变异或发育畸形、疾病或退行性变、创伤后病理变化、医疗后果和正常形态的多处一致。结论影像资料常规审查是案件受理前提之一,同一认定时结合资料类型、投照部位及案情特点选择相应识别点,自身惟一性识别点最佳,多种类型识别点联合使用,识别点多处表现一致得出肯定结论者可应用于鉴定实践。  相似文献   

Odontological identification consists of the comparison of antemortem dental information regarding a missing person with postmortem data from an unidentified corpse or human remains. Usually, the comparison concerns morphologic features that the operator chooses among all the visible characteristics because of inter‐individual uniqueness; for this reason, implants can be of enormous assistance. A case concerning the recovery of a burnt oral implant, connected to a bone fragment, among 2780 charred bone fragments, suspected to have belonged to a victim of homicide, is presented to demonstrate that dental implants and their site of bone integration represent a very precious element for personal forensic identification. Because of their morphological invariability in time and because of their morphologic uniqueness, they were used as evidence to associate unidentified human charred remains to a missing person where DNA analysis failed to do so. The case illustrates the fundamental contribution, not yet described in literature, given by the clinical aspects of tooth replacement with dental implants to a forensic discipline. Clinical practitioners should therefore be aware of the great importance of their work and of dental records in a forensic identification scenario.  相似文献   

In the forensic science community, microRNA (miRNA) profiling has started to be explored as an alternative tool for body fluid identification. Several origins of body fluid can be distinguished by measuring differential expression patterns of particular miRNAs. However, most of reported saliva miRNAs are nonoverlapping and debatable. The aim of this study was to develop a strategy of identifying saliva using miRNA biomarkers for forensic purpose. Eight miRNA candidates were selected to examine expression abundance in forensically relevant body fluids using hydrolysis probes quantitative real‐time PCR (TaqMan qPCR). Results revealed that none of them was truly saliva specific, and only miR‐200c‐3p, miR‐203a, and miR‐205‐5p were higher or more moderate expression in saliva. A stepwise strategy that combines each of three miRNAs with different body fluid‐specific miRNAs was developed, and three miRNA combinations could effectively differentiate saliva from other body fluids.  相似文献   

The decomposed body of a woman discovered beneath a collapsed structure was examined at the C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. Despite a mix of rib fractures with and without indications of healing, it is most likely that all fractures occurred as a result of a single, compressive event. Signs of intramembranous, and possibly direct, fracture healing at the incomplete fractures without signs of endochondral ossification at the complete fractures suggest the individual died very shortly—but not immediately—after injury. Given the case circumstances, the findings inform immediate cause of death. This case study highlights that differential healing as a result of a single event is possible. Further, it illustrates the importance of careful examination of micro‐discontinuities/cracks that can occur in association with major fractures. Fracture healing and dating data are discussed, as is the possible need for critical evaluation of the antemortem/perimortem boundary.  相似文献   

再现技术在道路交通事故鉴定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
事故再现是近年来交通安全领域研究的热点和难点,利用再现技术重建事故发生的碰撞瞬间及人体运动过程,对于法医分析交通伤致伤方式、损伤特点等具有重要价值。本文从我国道路交通事故鉴定的现状入手,通过对再现技术相关碰撞试验、假人模型和碰撞模型等的介绍,探讨事故再现技术在道路交通事故鉴定中的应用前景,进一步为事故责任认定服务。  相似文献   

刑事技术、刑事技术鉴定与司法鉴定作为科学技术发展到一定程度和阶段的产物,因其自身技术手段应用的结果被理论与实践模糊与混用而衍生弊害,影响了"侦查的科学化"、制约了"审判的科学化",甚至阻碍了司法鉴定制度改革的深化。对其模糊而混用的成因与流变进行追溯、考察发现,对它们在技术涉及的范围、可靠程度及其结果的功能上的差距,应当予以区分。在深化司法鉴定制度改革过程中,除应对刑事技术、刑事技术鉴定与司法鉴定在理论上作出初步界分外,还需要建立司法鉴定技术准入制度及淘汰制度、刑事技术鉴定向司法鉴定的转化机制以与之调适。  相似文献   

Atherosclerotic calcifications, as calcified atheromatous elements, are markers of cardiovascular disease. However, the literature gives little information regarding their morphological aspect, making their identification very rare in skeletonized cases. In this paper, we document the morphological, histological, and SEM aspects of atherosclerotic plaques collected from unclaimed cemeterial skeletal remains from an identified osteological collection and extracted from well‐preserved cadavers autopsied at the medico‐legal institute of Milan. Each of the three analyses provided similar results: atherosclerotic calcifications are convex‐concave plaques with a stratified structure, a pale‐yellow coloration in autopsy cases and yellow to brown when recovered in dry bone. Histologically, undecalcified and decalcified sections showed a stratified aspect formed by superimposed layers. Lastly, the SEM analysis showed a precise view of the stratified structure of the plaques in transverse section. As markers of disease, atherosclerotic calcifications can provide important antemortem information on the deceased that may be compared to antemortem data.  相似文献   

掌骨骨折致伤方式法医学鉴定附27例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨掌骨骨折的形成机制,为掌骨骨折致伤方式的法医学推断提供参考。方法通过对27例致伤方式明确的掌骨骨折案例进行回顾性分析.对不同部位、性质的掌骨骨折结合其致伤方式进行损伤机制分析,并分类统计。结果诸掌骨中以第5掌骨骨折最为常见。就部位而言,又以基底部骨折最为常见,多见于间接暴力传导作用所致;其次为掌骨颈骨折.往往为纵向暴力作用所致。常见于攻击伤、撞击伤;掌骨头骨折常见于握拳时暴力直接打击所致;掌骨体横行或粉碎性骨折为直接暴力作用所致.斜形或螺旋形骨折多为旋转暴力作用所致。结论根据掌骨骨折的部位、性质,通过分析其骨折的形成机制,可以推断其致伤方式,从而为司法鉴定提供有力证据。  相似文献   

司法鉴定的基本理论即支持司法鉴定存在与发展的内在要求,是司法鉴定最基础的内容,而与司法鉴定有关的其他理论和价值都是建立在这一基础之上的。不从基础着手而擅对司法鉴定制度进行改革与完善,则如空中楼阁,缺少理论基础的支撑。进一步讲,也不会达到真正有效的改革与完善,因为这些理由和建议难免牵强、无力。只有从根本出发,抓住司法鉴定的基本问题,才能从根本上对司法鉴定制度进行改革与完善,并且使这种改革与完善更加具有说服力。  相似文献   

从证据学角度探讨法医学及其分支学科的重新定义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从证据学角度,对法医学及其分支学科进行了重新定义和划分。同时,为了从人文科学和自然科学两个方面理顺法医学的学科定位,尝试澄清了"证据科学"与"法(庭)科学"、"应用医学"与"特种医学"等相关上下位学科和平行学科的概念。  相似文献   

法医毒物鉴定报告是毒物鉴定结果的表述模式。通过对国内外毒物鉴定报告形式和内涵的比较分析,认为我国现行按照《司法鉴定程序通则》规定出具的通用型的毒物鉴定报告尚不够专业、严谨、科学、充分,由于毒物鉴定报告的简约性和模糊性,证据的可靠性、科学性尚存在质疑,毒物分析结果的有效、充分利用尚不能实现。据此,提出毒物鉴定结果表述模式的建议。  相似文献   

李战成  惠娜 《法医学杂志》2009,25(5):368-369
目的探讨眼外伤的特点及其损伤程度法医学鉴定要点。方法对60例眼外伤的法医学鉴定案例进行回顾性分析,对所有案例按照性别、年龄、职业、致伤物及损伤类型进行分类研究。结果眼外伤中农民、工人占61.7%,钝性损伤达85.0%,且大多属单纯挫伤,占63.3%。结论眼外伤大多属钝性外力所致,眼底病变是影响视力的重要原因,对外力与视力受损关系的评价要充分考虑致伤物种类、打击部位及伤前眼病史等诸多因素的影响。  相似文献   

对司法鉴定领域开展科学、有效的分类,进行统一规范的能力范围表述,有助于建立完整的司法鉴定标准化体系,能为司法鉴定机构合理规划组织结构、准确定位发展方向提供指引,也能为司法鉴定行业管理部门的规范化管理提供帮助。对该领域分类和能力表述开展国内外比较分析,是实现上述目标的基础性研究。目前我国在司法鉴定领域的分类方法尚未统一,与国外法庭科学认可分类方法相比,尚有部分项目未纳入分类范围之内;国内能力范围表述在目的、方式、详细程度上与国外相比亦有不同。本文对国内外行业管理组织和国际权威认可机构司法鉴定领域分类及能力范围表述进行了比较分析,研究解析其内容及差异,并提出了制定司法鉴定领域分类国家标准、扩展司法鉴定领域分类内容、适时调整司法鉴定能力范围表述内容等建议。  相似文献   

Medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) in the United States hold statutory responsibility to identify deceased individuals who fall under their jurisdiction. The computer‐assisted decedent identification (CADI) project was designed to modify software used in diagnosis and treatment of spinal injuries into a mathematically validated tool for ME/C identification of fleshed decedents. CADI software analyzes the shapes of targeted vertebral bodies imaged in an array of standard radiographs and quantifies the likelihood that any two of the radiographs contain matching vertebral bodies. Six validation tests measured the repeatability, reliability, and sensitivity of the method, and the effects of age, sex, and number of radiographs in array composition. CADI returned a 92–100% success rate in identifying the true matching pair of vertebrae within arrays of five to 30 radiographs. Further development of CADI is expected to produce a novel identification method for use in ME/C offices that is reliable, timely, and cost‐effective.  相似文献   

随着DNA检验及影像学技术的进步与发展,以及各种证据规则的演变,引发了影像资料个体识别是否过时的讨论,以及影像学证据能否适用于当代证据规则、能否解决放射体位差异等诸多争论。本文结合近20年来国内外影像资料个体识别的研究,对以上问题进行综述。  相似文献   

One of the goals of the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) is to map the existing education and practice opportunities in the field of forensic anthropology in order to support the development of the discipline and to optimize the training courses provided by the Society. To address this goal, an online questionnaire was sent to European and South African practitioners of forensic anthropology and related disciplines in 2016. The results of the questionnaire showed that the status and roles of forensic anthropologists vary depending on the national legal systems, education, and employment status of the practitioners. Despite the fact that the expertise of forensic anthropologists has been increasingly requested in a variety of investigations and the spectrum of tasks has become broader, including identification of living persons, specialized education in forensic anthropology is still restricted to a few graduate and postgraduate programs in European countries and to annual FASE courses.  相似文献   

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