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Zainimenguojia,shenmeJierizuizhongyao?(Whatisthemostimportantholidayinyourcountry?)ZaiJierili,renmendonyoushenmehuodong?(Whatactivitiesareheldduringthatholiday?)Zhegejierifangjiama?(Doyouhavedaysoffduringtheholiday?)ZaiJierili,renmenzenyanghuxiangzhuhejieri?(Howdopeoplegreeteachotherforthatholiday?)n6riholidaygu6ji6tospendaholidaychu6nt6ngtraditionjinidnricommemorationdayXmni6nNewYear'sDayChunji6SpringFestivalSh6ngd6uli6Christmasqingzhbtocelebratezh6ngShitopayattention(to)in6nyu6ntogett…  相似文献   

广东是改革开放前沿阵地,广东的发展在全国地位举足轻重。习近平总书记非常关心广东的发展,对广东的发展充满自信,充满新期待。习近平总书记在参加十三届全国人大一次会议广东代表团审议时提出了"四个走在前列",指出推动广东发展要善于抓住重点、发挥优势、补足短板、把握新机遇。  相似文献   

The New Term     
Russian President Vladimir Putin secured his fourth term with a land-slide victory in mid-March, winning around 76 percent of the vote. According to Russian law, Putin wil hold the post for another six years until 2024, at which point he wil have ruled the country for 20 years. During his fi rst three terms, Putin has com-mitted to rejuvenating the once powerful country. He likely intends to make several more notable contributions to guarantee his legacy in the history of Russia and the world. In his fourth term, can Putin finally realize his dream of reviving Russia, and what internal and foreign policy will he adopt to crown his long career as the head of the Russian state?  相似文献   

The New Breed     
正The debate on GM food continues,raising more concerns over food safety among the public On March 30, the Hainan Provincial Agricultural Department released a statement on its website, saying that nine corn and cotton samples out of 107 specimens planted in the southernmost Chinese province were identified as genetically modified (GM) last December and that they had been immediately destroyed The department also revealed that the samples came from il-  相似文献   

The New EU     
正The european bloc strives for balance in its newleadership amid challengesWith Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk elected as president of the European Council and Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini appointed the EU’s foreign affairs chief at the European Council special meeting on August 30,the new leadership  相似文献   

<江泽民论建设有中国特色的社会主义>(专题摘编)中所阐述的新理论主要围绕着建设有中国特色社会主义的政治、经济、文化和党的建设等重大理论和现实问题而展开,进一步回答了"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义?"、"建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党?"等一系列重大理论和现实问题.这一理论创新对我们具有深刻的启示.  相似文献   

IN addition to being a big hit with female urban professionals, the recently released film Perpetual Motion is a main source of feminist discussion. The film's four main characters are successful career women. One of them, middle-aged Niuniu, discovers that her husband is having an extra-marital affair. She invites her three woman friends - fashion model Qinqin, real estate dealer Ye and artist Lala - one of whom she suspects is emotionally entangled with her husband, to her siheyuan home at Spring Festival. The four talk, comparing emotional experiences and the men they have known. The suspense aspect of the film i.e. which of the women is having an affair with Niuniu's husband, is superseded by this frank, unequivocal baring of emotions and repressed desires. The  相似文献   

HEY,oldfolks,getup!Weareheretopurchasefish."Thisisthelocalcrack-of-dawn"wake-up"callinBaimapuTOwnshipofMeishanPrefecture,SichuanProvince.Withinafewminutes,oneafteranother,farmerscomeoutfromtheirhousesshoulderingbasketsandbuckets.TheyheadforthefishpondcontractedbytheyoungfarmerXuGangandaresoonbusycatchingfish.AfterXuGangandtheothervillagersloadthefishontoapeddler'struck,Xugoestohelpoutinapaddyfieldcontractedbyanotherfarmer.Xufailedtogetintocollegeaftergraduatingfromhighschoolandbecameafa…  相似文献   

正China’s two silk roads help forge closer cooperation among CICA members By Li Xin It is now unquestionable that the Asia-Pacific region is becoming the global economic center of the 21st century,currently accounting for 57 percent of global GDP.However,severe security problems remain a challenge,resulting in the rise of geopolitical wrangling and distrust within the region.The Korean Peninsula  相似文献   

Ukraine’s new President Viktor Yanukovych faces daunting domestic and diplomatic challenges After a hard-fought campaign—and a narrowly won election—opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych was at  相似文献   

China is building a new countryside that will bring prosperity to its farmers and consolidate the country's overall modernization drive. Our staff reporter observed and recorded accomplished aspects  相似文献   

新小说是晚清被边缘化的文人和文学力图重新中心化的一种努力,同样处于边缘地位的女性也在进行中心化的努力,小说和女性在新小说时期形成了一种文化上的同构性,新小说中的女性想象成为文学现代化和女性现代化的尝试。但由于文化的脱序,女性的现代意识既有正面的提出,也有通过被妖魔化的描写从反面被提出。新小说时期的新女性形象塑造,对形成20世纪现代文学女性形象的传统,起着关键的作用。  相似文献   

对民主集中制的重新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民主集中制作为无产阶级政党的组织原则,至今已有近百年历史。但对其科学内涵及实质,一直没有一个一致的概括性论述。本文从对目前几种观点的质疑出发,进一步从组织原则本身、马克思、恩格斯时期和列宁时期对无产阶级政党阻织原则的内容和规则的论述三个层面,对民主集中制的实质进行分析。认为民主集中制是民主的集中制,实质是用政治上的充分民主实现组织上的内在集中和外在统一。  相似文献   

senior Chinese leaders embarked on foreign trips soon after China's Spring Festival.Premier Wen Jiabao visited Switzerland,Germany,Spain,Britain,and the EU head-quarters in Brussels from January 27 to February 2,after attending the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland.From February 10 to 17,President Hu Jintao toured  相似文献   

作风建设是党的建设的重要组成部分。党在长期革命和建设中形成的一系列优良作风是我党的一笔宝贵的精神财富和一切工作的法宝。新的发展形势和时代课题又给作风建设注入新的内涵。  相似文献   

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has approved the sale of local govern ment bonds directly to individuals as well as small and medium-sized institutional investors at commercial bank counters, triggering massive investor en thusiasm.  相似文献   

<正>Without a doubt, the sweeping financial crisis has reshaped the world’s economic order. The ripple effect is prompting profound changes to the global economic landscape. The question is:  相似文献   

符永雄 《新东方》2002,(1):47-49
马克思、恩格斯在《关于费尔巴哈提纲》和《德意志意识形态》中对旧唯物主义、人本主义进行了批判,阐发了辩证唯物主义的基本观点,特别是在马克思主义哲学史上第一次对唯物史观作了经典表述。从中我们可以更深刻地理解马克思主义新哲学的变革性和优越性,在反思中重新认识马克思主义新哲学的本质。  相似文献   

SUNITA DWIVEDI 《人权》2006,5(3):32-33
EDITOR'S NOTE: Sunita Dwivedi, writer from India, visited Tibet on June 8-19,2005. After she went back home, Sunita Dwivedi wrote a story for Amar Ujala of India. Following is her story.  相似文献   

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