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Genghis Khan once said,It is easy to conquer the world from the back of a horse. With this in mind,I confidently mounted my first Mongolian horse at a camp two hours outside of Ulan Bator and settled into the wooden-framed saddle. Choo! I shouted,using the Mongolian  相似文献   

This year, the Mid-Autumn Festiva and the National Day holiday allowed many Chinese to enjoy an eight-day holiday in early October. Good weather con- ditions and the suspension of tolls on express- ways made this Golden Week (September 30-October 7) a good opportunity to travel However,  相似文献   

<正>The weeklong National Day holiday sees a record spending blowout, displaying the huge potential of the Chinese consumption market Rong Xinchun, 38, works at a research institute in Beijing. Recently married,he chose to have his wedding during the National Day holiday because both his family and guests had enough time to enjoy the festivities.  相似文献   

荆艳峰 《北京观察》2007,(10):36-39
"黄金周"旅游一经出现就成为带动旅游经济的强大动力。北京市黄金周旅游发展8年来,特别是进入新世纪,旅游市场已由原来的盲目应急转变为如今的有序发展,居民旅游行为也从过去的盲动回归到现在的理性。本文通过统计北京市近7年来各黄金周旅游市场数据,探讨黄金周旅游市场的发展特点。  相似文献   

<正>The Ninth BRICS Summit was held in southeast China’s coastal city Xiamen from September 3 to 5,laying a foundation for furthering partnership among member countries and working together to usher in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation.Over the past 10 years,which began  相似文献   

国庆假日前 ,旅游业厉兵秣马 ,准备迎接假日经济的“井喷”行情 ,事后的结果是希望变成了失望 ,出现了“黄金周难求黄金”的局面 ,令各界大跌眼镜。原因何在 ?虽然任何一个经济问题都是经济系统面临的约束条件综合作用的结果 ,但内因应该是矛盾的主要方面。国庆期间旅游业假日经济不景气的主要原因在于业界没能掌握旅游这一商品的内在特性 ,即旅游是需求富有弹性的奢侈品。旅游 :需求富有弹性的商品  经济学常识告诉我们 ,如果一种商品的需求价格弹性大于 1,即需求量变动的幅度大于引起需求量变动的价格变动的幅度 ,这种商品就是需求富有…  相似文献   

When Paul White first came to Beijing his plan was to stay for a year. That was in 1984. But now in 2019,"I'm still here,"the 76-year-old said with a smile.He arrived from Yorkshire, the UK, to work as a copyeditor for Xinhua News Agency, getting the job partly due to having studied Chinese as his major at the University of London.  相似文献   

YOU must frown at seeingsuch an incongruous title.At a time when globaliza-tion and stock marketfluctuations threaten the "bud"of the new economy, the goldenanniversary of a start-up soundsnonsensical. In terms of theextraordinary course of ChinaToday's 5…  相似文献   

The Great Wall     
Honorary president of the Matsuyama Ballet Troupe Shimizu Masao said in his letter to the China Great Wall Society, "The Great Wall is not only a great structure built by the Chinese people, but also a cultural gem that belongs to peoples of the world."  相似文献   

My China Week     
I can't believe that I just spent10 days in China.I had to keeptelling myself. "I am in China,CHINA." It was sounreal.So faraway from home, so differentfrom anything I was accustomedto. yet we are all alike, all part ofthe human family. Though wemay look different. We all come  相似文献   

Golden Couples     

Golden Changes     
正Besides rapidly increasing tourist numbers and revenue,the travel habits of people are also significantly changing When China’s National Day holiday(October 1-7)first became the socalled golden week in 1999,some  相似文献   

<正>The BRICS cooperation mechanism seeks further development and membership expansion Chinese consumer electronics giant TCL Technology Group Corp.has expanded its overseas factories making televisions,display modules and photovoltaic cells in countries including India and Viet Nam.  相似文献   

Golden Games     
China is not expected to sweep the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games the way it dominated the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.However,it has made Chinese Olympic history after winning three gold medals when the Games passed the halfway point of scheduled competition on February 20.On that day,18-year-old Zhou Yang overcame three South Korean rivals to win the women's short-track speed skating 1,500-meter final.  相似文献   

Golden Garbage     
The Chinese Government and green organizations look to regulate the electronic waste trade  相似文献   

Golden BRICS     
正THE BRICS countries have transformed since the turn of the 21st century from a group of emerging markets to a substantive cooperative mechanism of developing economies with growing global influence.Brazil is host of the fi rst Summit of the second cycle of BRICS Summits–the Sixth BRICS Summit–in mid-July.The event denotes the maturity of this cooperative mechanism.Expectations among the fi ve participating countries signify the group’s remarkable progress as regards pragmatic cooperation.Since 2013,when the Durban Summit decided to establish the BRICS Development Bank,the program has steadily progressed with support from all member countries.Preparatory work has been completed,so paving the way for the Brazil summit which will consolidate the BRICS mechanism and strengthen BRICS international development and cooperation.  相似文献   

<正>25.3 % China’s industrial enterprises with annual sales revenue of more than 20 million yuan ($3.2 million) saw their profits increase 25.3 percent year on year in the first 10 months of 2011, said the National Bureau of Statistics.  相似文献   

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