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I was a little bit uncertain choosing "They Need to Work!" as the title for this article. Do they really need to work? Do they want to work? Do they care? I’m talking about young people of course. Theoretically they need jobs, right? They should want to join the workforce and they should care about this issue, but this doesn’t seem to be the truth, at least not the whole truth. Generation Y, the Net Generation, the Echo Boomers, the Millennials. Whatever you want to call them, one thing is for  相似文献   

‘You’re not my type;I’m just being honest with you.""Need someone to take care of you?Get a babysitter!"...These are some of the golden zingers brought to audiences by participants in the dating show Serendipity Will Not Come Too Late.Unlike similar programs focusing on young people,this one hosts senior citizens looking for intimate relationships;for them,age is just a number.  相似文献   

正I would like to thank you for publishing my letter in your issue of Janu-ary 2014.It sent an excellent message about the good international relations not only between China Today and myself,but also between thePeople’s Republic of China and the Republic of Rwanda in particular,andthe African continent as a whole.I wish to express my appreciation for the series of career articles by Robert Parkinson,CEO and founder of RMG Selection.I would,there-fore,like to take this opportunity to suggest that China Today considers publishing job announcements in every issue.I am convinced that this would increase the magazine’s readership exponentially and readers would benefi t from the opportunity to seek new jobs,get new jobs and  相似文献   

I thank the CPAFFC for the invitation to be with you and speak on this important occasion of your fiftieth anniversary. I congratulate  相似文献   

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, Let me begin by expressing heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Harper for hosting this grand banquet and delivering warm remarks. I also wish to take this opportunity to extend appreciation to the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) for their efforts to organize the Fourth China Canada Business Forum. Over the years, the CCBC and all of you present have made active contributions to deepening mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples and pushing forward relations between our two countries. I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you and, through you, to the people from various sectors of Canada who have cared for and supported the growth of China-Canada friendship.  相似文献   

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Dear Colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to attend the fourth G20 Summit in Toronto and discuss with you the important subject of promoting full recovery of the world economy. Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian Government for their active efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting. I also wish to take this opportunity to express thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and assistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai.  相似文献   

正HEARING the keyword"performance,"you might think about your favorite drama show,TV series,or key performance index.But our topic today is a different type of performance.Here,what I mean is how you perform in interviews with Chinese HR professionals.Having advised you how to prepare for the pre-interviews in the last article,this time I will go through the interview process to give you more practical tips.Hopefully,you will find them useful when you take to the interview"stage."  相似文献   

It is a great pleasure to join you all today as we mark the 150th birth anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.Allow me,at the outset,to thank the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for organizing this commemorative function.  相似文献   

IMAGINE being promoted to managing director for your company in China.How would that make you feel?Perplexed,pleased,excited,or perhaps a mix of all of these feelings?This possibility might seem pretty remote for most young expats.That is why I am sharing this story to help you prepare for that moment in the future.In 2002 I joined a very reputable recruitment company to establish branch  相似文献   

I have been a reader of China Today since my student years and am a huge fan.I am a teacher now and often recommend the magazine to my students and friends.I would like to extend warm greetings to all the staff at China Today and my appreciation for the efforts you make to bring this wonderful publication to readers all over the world.Patricio Lozano  相似文献   

正I am delighted to have this opportunity to say a few words about the blossoming of the Canada-China relationship,and to tell China Today readers about the joint Canada-China commitment to hold a series of cultural activities in our respective countries over 2013-2014.Let me begin by telling you that this is my third posting to Beijing.I was f irst here in the mid-80s and then again in the late 90s.As such,I’ve witnessed extraordinary changes  相似文献   

I am a teacher of politics who enjoys reading and speaking the English language. I have been a loyal reader of China Today for many years, and take this opportunity to thank you for producing such an attractive and informative magazine.  相似文献   

I will start my speech greeting the event organizers for the opportunity to meet you in this so prosperous city and an example of development and industrialization to the world.I believe that everyone who is here for the first time is impressed with the development of the region and the selected audience that is present.I am a Brazilian parliamentarian from the State of Acre,in the region of the Brazilian Amazon,and I chair UNALE—National Union of Brazilian State Legislators and Legis-  相似文献   

Your Excellency President Karimov, Dear colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to meet you all in Tashkent, a city with a history of several thousand years. Since assuming the chairmanship of the Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO), Uzbekistan has done a large amount of effective work for the development of this organization. China highly appreciates its efforts.I wish to express heartfelt thanks to President Karimov and the government of Uz-bekistan for the thoughtful reparations and arrangements for this meeting.  相似文献   

正There are a lot of online shopping platforms across the globe,but one popular site that caught my attention after coming to C hina from Ghana is Taobao.China’s largest online shopping platform,Taobao is known for being very userfriendly,especially if you can read Chinese characters.I love their services as they are committed to making it a pleasurable experience for the shopper.If you cannot speak Chinese,or you have diffi culties with Taobao’s English transla-  相似文献   

I am now yearning for my second home.China,you are very hard to get out of one’s system,and I will return in a couple of weeks!I have just spent three months back in Australia,where the cost of living is so high that it is almost impossible to live without a second source of income.Fortunately,in my case this comes from my writing.While in Australia I negotiated two contracts,one of which was  相似文献   

<正>If you’ve worked hard and played hard this year,the JW Marriott Beijing presents the perfectly crafted annual party just for you!Located at the center of the city,JW Marriott Beijing offers a pillar-less Grand Ballroom of 1,230 square meters,state-of-art meeting facilities and specialy crafted dining options.A dedicated event management team is delight to prepare a superb party for you!  相似文献   

Yoga,Pray, Love     
<正>Former ELLE editor forgoes the high life in quest of enlightenment following a journey to India If you have seen the movie Eat,Pray,Love,you must remember Liz Gilbert,a writer and the movie’s main character who gives up almost everything and starts a totally new life in her 30s.In today’s material world,how many people would possess the courage to do this for real?Well,51-year-old Yin Yan for one.In 2003,Yin was editor in chief of ELLE  相似文献   

正"Let’s go out for a drink tonight,what do you say?"I ask my friend Anne-Sophie.She answers:"Oh no,sorry,I’d prefer to stay home tonight,to watch Feicheng Wurao on TV."THIS conversation made me realize just how enthralling this show must be,for many people.Indeed,each episode–broadcast on Jiangsu TV every Saturday and Sunday evening–scores almost 40 million viewers,not including those who watch it online after its initial airing.Feicheng Wurao,translated into English as If You Are the One,is among the three most popular TV shows in China.  相似文献   

Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, I feel truly pleased to get together with Vice Premier Wang Qishan, Secretary Clinton and Secretary Geithner in Beijing in this blooming and enchanting month of May to co-chair the Second Round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogues. And I look forward to joining you for the address of President Hu Jintao, who will soon be with us in the opening session, and for themessage from President Obama.  相似文献   

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