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Recent research on racial profiling has renewed attention on how police officers develop suspicions about citizens, and how these suspicions influence the official behavior of police. In order to guide the current research, a review of the wealth of existing qualitative and quantitative research on this topic is necessary. This literature review examines the existing international research in psychology, sociology, and criminology on police officer development of suspicion. It also lays out a framework for organizing the findings with four broad methods of suspicion development: stereotypical perceptions about typical criminal offenders, prior knowledge about specific citizens; incongruent circumstances, and suspicious nonverbal cues. It concludes with the few studies linking officer suspicions to official police behavior.  相似文献   

行政法是密切关注社会现实的法律。中国行政法的历史发展受着宗教、道德、理论与意识形态的综合影响。由于在效率观上存在的误区,当代中国的行政法制发展受到阻滞。由此,我们需要重新审视行政法的发展历史,深入分析行政法制建设的病灶所在,反思制度设计的弊端与法律实践的问题,重塑法制系统的研究范式,更新效率观,并最终以此推动行政法学步入哲学思考的发展进程。  相似文献   

经济法体系问题的结构分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张守文 《法学论坛》2005,20(4):21-27
经济法体系如何确立,直接关系到人们对于经济法的直观认识。对经济法体系的结构分析,可以有多种路径。研究经济法体系的内部结构,需要考察其结构的特定性。认识经济法体系,同样应当持开放的心态,以应对开放社会所产生繁杂问题。为此,应当“一分为二”地看问题,特别是对处于“中间地带”的一些法律规范,使其在性质上各得其所,在调整上又能够相互为用,以共同实现其整体上的调整目标。  相似文献   

侯利阳 《法学》2022,(1):159-176
行政诉讼在我国反垄断执法体系中居于重要地位。通过165份司法判决文书的实证分析,表明我国反垄断行政诉讼虽有发展,但总体呈现发展起点低、案件总量低、执法机构被诉比例低、原告胜诉率低等"四低"现象,这与反垄断行政诉讼的原告资格认定困难与合法性审查范围偏窄等内因不无关系。反垄断立法条文模糊、执法专业性强等特点易使反垄断执法存在不确定性,要消除这种不确定性,除了实体规范的细化保障外,程序保障亦不容忽视。所以说,为反垄断行政诉讼确立特殊的程序规则不但具有理论必要性,也存在现实紧迫性。申言之,在反垄断行政诉讼中应当尽快确立以程序参与为基础的利害关系认定制度,建立司法审查对程序性执法细则制定的督促机制,并适度加强法院实质审查的力度。  相似文献   

体系视角:地役权研究的一个文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文献综述是研究的一个基本步骤,对研究方向、深度、广度具有重要的意义。法学研究中的文献综述尚未得到充分的重视。就地役权而言,在研究过程中作文献综述同样是必不可少的。就我国地役权研究情况而言,既有成绩,也有不足。成绩主要体现为:对地役权的基本概念、历史沿革、与相关制度特别是相邻权等,功能与意义等做了较为深入的研究,普及了地役权基本知识,为物权法立法提供了基本的理论素材,推动了物权理论研究的深入。不足之处主要在于:一是在研究方法上比较单一;二是在研究内容上存在着"四多四少";三是从文献语种来看,比较偏颇;四是法学内相关学科的研究进度不一。我国未来的研究应该着力克服现行研究存在的不足,推动理论、立法与实践的良性互动。  相似文献   

Biomedical research, no matter how well designed and ethically conducted, carries uncertainties and exposes participants to risk of injury. Research injuries can range from the relatively minor to those that result in hospitalization, permanent disability, or even death. Participants might also suffer a range of economic harms related to their injuries. Unlike the vast majority of developed countries, which have implemented no-fault compensation systems, the United States continues to rely on the tort system to compensate injured research participants—an approach that is no longer morally defensible. Despite decades of US advisory panels advocating for no-fault compensation, little progress has been made. Accordingly, this article proposes a novel and necessary no-fault compensation system, grounded in the ethical notion of compensatory justice. This first-of-its-kind concrete proposal aims to treat like cases alike, offer fair compensation, and disburse compensation with maximum efficiency and minimum administrative cost. It also harmonizes national and international approaches—an increasingly important goal as research becomes more globalized, multi-site trials grow in number, and institutions and sponsors in the United States move to single-IRB review.  相似文献   

洪冬英 《法学家》2012,(2):111-120,179
以调解解决纠纷是多元化纠纷解决机制的重点,调解协议的效力是有效解决纠纷的关键,对调解协议效力的司法审查则是诉调对接、多元化纠纷解决机制成功构建的关键一环。调解协议的司法确认包括赋予调解协议强制执行力和对调解协议变更、撤销及无效认定的正反两方面。调解制度的完善,必须规范调解协议的司法审查制度和相关程序。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内贸易自由化进程的推进,传统的非关税壁垒的作用被逐步削减,绿色贸易壁垒以其鲜明的时代特征日益成为国际贸易发展的主要技术性贸易壁垒。它是一把双刃剑,一方面体现了消费者保护环境、维护健康等正当合理的要求,另一方面又可以成为某些国家推行新的贸易保护主义、阻止外国商品进口的"挡箭牌"。法经济学认为,处理经济问题的法律规则,其实质内容的合理性和必要性,应靠科学的经济理论与实践来鉴别。本文运用法经济学供给需求、成本收益、公共选择等理论,对绿色贸易壁垒进行规范分析和实证分析,探讨绿色贸易壁垒的形成机制及其制度的公平性和效率。  相似文献   

Although Max Weber's review essay of the first part of Philipp Lotmar's The Labour Contract may appear peripheral to his overall contribution to legal sociology, it contains important insights on the relationship of law to economics, the utility of sociological empirical research for jurisprudence, the epistemological gap between 'legal dogmatics' and the sociology of law, and the fundamental distinction between state and non-state law in properly understanding the developmental logic of labour law.
In the review, far from appearing as a rigid partisan of positivistic legal formalism, Weber admits of a kind of 'legal pluralism' as a necessary path to the sociology of law, and allows some measure of realism, when celebrating Lotmar's analysis of the social facts of law as a precondition for proper juristic treatment of the labour contract. Nevertheless, Weber remained distrustful of legal realism which, for him, was founded on an epistemological confusion between 'is' and 'ought'.  相似文献   

作为宪政实践机制的合宪性审查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢进杰  石静  王斌 《行政与法》2005,8(11):104-106
合宪性审查作为一种宪政实践机制,蕴涵了宪法的“高级法”观念、自然正义、宪法保障、分权与权力理性、宪政民主、人权保障等思想基础,集中展示它的宪政性与现代意义。为此,应当认真对待宪政生活中的合宪性,当前我国的关键问题不在于应否创制,而在于如何创制合宪性审查机制。  相似文献   

回顾与展望:社会危害性理论研究三十年   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
改革开放三十年以来,我国刑法学界在社会危害性的概念等方面的研究取得了一定的共识,在社会危害性与刑事违法性的关系等方面的研究日益深入。但是,从整体来看,社会危害性理论的研究中还存在一定的问题,需要学术界在革新研究方法、转换研究进路的基础上把社会危害性理论的研究推向更高的层次。  相似文献   

Abstract: The forensic sciences are under review more so than ever before. Such review is necessary and healthy and should be a continuous process. It identifies areas for improvement in quality practices and services. The issues surrounding error, i.e., measurement error, human error, contextual bias, and confirmatory bias, and interpretation are discussed. Infrastructure is already in place to support reliability. However, more definition and clarity of terms and interpretation would facilitate communication and understanding. Material improvement across the disciplines should be sought through national programs in education and training, focused on science, the scientific method, statistics, and ethics. To provide direction for advancing the forensic sciences a list of recommendations ranging from further documentation to new research and validation to education and to accreditation is provided for consideration. The list is a starting point for discussion that could foster further thought and input in developing an overarching strategic plan for enhancing the forensic sciences.  相似文献   


This review provides a cross-sectional analysis of the police literature for years 2000 to 2014. It represents the ninth special feature review of police research published in Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. The study reports on trends over time in police literature according to substantive categories, publication medium, and methodological typology. The study also relies on findings from prior police research reviews as a basis for a discussion of the long-term patterns of police research over time from 2000 to 2014. A topically organized bibliography of the 2010 to 2014 police literature reviewed is also provided.  相似文献   

In this article, we provide an introduction to child eyewitness memory issues that are frequently discussed and debated, both within the research and practice communities. We review several of the central areas of research on child eyewitness memory and some of the most promising protocols aimed at standardizing and improving child forensic interviews. We focus primarily on memory in young children, because they pose particular challenges. Research on the use of props and external cues to prompt young children's memory is discussed. We also review research on professionals' knowledge and attitudes about children as witnesses. It is concluded that we must guard against overly negative or overly optimistic views of children's abilities.  相似文献   

曾代伟 《现代法学》2007,29(5):180-186
西方经济—社会史学经典著作《英国庄园生活》,是对中国法律史学研究状况进行反思的一面镜子。通过研读该书可以得到一个重要启示:当下中国法律史学研究方法应做出必要的转向。《英国庄园生活》所体现的经济—社会史学研究方法即其中一个可能的选择。  相似文献   

特区立法机关应根据基本法制定法律,特区法院审查特区立法机关制定的法律是否违反基本法的权力被称为"违基审查权"。香港的普通法传统为特区法院的违基审查权提供了法理依据,特区的新法治秩序激活了普通法中法院的司法审查权,而全国人大常委会审查权的不完整性使特区法院的违基审查成为必要。司法实践表明,特区法院的违基审查权无法挑战全国人大常委会的审查权,对基本法的实施总体上是有利的;损害特区行政主导体制的主要因素并非是法院的违基审查,而是立法会的强势地位。作为植根于普通法传统、已有十多年运行实践的权力,特区法院的违基审查权无须再通过全国人大常委会释法确认。当然,基于其在特区法治秩序中的地位,特区法院违基审查权应受到特区外部与内部两方面的制约。  相似文献   

In 2005 a Legislation Review Committee, known as the Lockhart Review, undertook a review of the Commonwealth legislation regulating human embryo research. The report that emanated from the review was released in December 2005. If the report recommendations are implemented by the Federal Government, Australian scientists will be permitted to create human embryo entities currently known as "human embryo clones" by the process known as somatic cell nuclear transfer to develop stem cell lines for research purposes. Many argue that stem cells have the potential to be developed into valuable medical therapies that could assist with, or cure, serious diseases such as Type 1 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. This article analyses the evidence presented to the Lockhart Review and the report recommendations. It assesses where the Lockhart recommendations would place Australia in terms of worldwide embryo research. It is argued that the Federal Government should fully embrace the recommendations so that Australia can progress stem cell research to its fullest potential.  相似文献   

Classifying an activity as research has considerable normative consequences: On the one side research activities are especially protected ("freedom of research"), on the other side stricter ethical rules legal regulations may apply to such activities, e.g. compulsory review by ethics committees. It is therefore important to find criteria to delimit research from non-research activities. The aim of the present study is to analyse some European guidelines and recommendations for biobanks and to see whether these documents provide comments that help to elucidate the research/non-research distinction.  相似文献   

对行政诉讼撤诉申请予以司法审查是达致行政诉讼宗旨、塑造行政审判权威、保障诉讼程序公开公平、力避非正常撤诉现象的必然要求;一元化僵硬的撤诉申请审查规则,不具有司法实务可操作性,虚置了撤诉申请审查规则,代之以多元化灵活的审查规则是必要的;多元撤诉申请审查规则之建构应考量诸种因素,对实务中存在的种种申请撤诉情形认真分析、归纳总结,予以妥当设计。  相似文献   

Abstract:  As a result of the rapid development of EU–China relations, an increasing amount of scholars in China focus their research on the European Union and the nature of the bilateral relationship. As most of them publish their research results in the academic journals in China, it is necessary to have a review of these journals in order to understand Chinese perceptions of the European Union. In order to fulfil this task, this article first briefly examines the Chinese journals to be reviewed, and explains why these journals have been chosen. Via the analysis of the articles published in the leading Chinese journals in the past five years, the article presents how the Chinese perceive the EU and its global role, explores EU–US relations and EU–China relations. By presenting the most up-to-date research on the EU studies in China, the article serves as a timely and meaningful piece to help enhance mutual understanding between the EU and China.  相似文献   

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