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刘长秋 《证据科学》2002,9(4):216-219
伴随着辅助生殖技术的诞生,许多社会问题得到了解决.然而,因该技术而引发的犯罪却也接踵而至,从而促使我们去寻求相应的策略.为了防范这类犯罪,作者认为 ,应在我国刑法中设立辅助生殖罪,并规定相应的法律责任.本文分析了这一建议的必要性 ,并对该罪在我国刑法中的构建提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

浅论辅助生殖犯罪及其法律防范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伴随着辅助生殖技术的诞生 ,许多社会问题得到了解决。然而 ,因该技术而引发的犯罪却也接踵而至 ,从而促使我们去寻求相应的策略。为了防范这类犯罪 ,作者认为 ,应在我国刑法中设立辅助生殖罪 ,并规定相应的法律责任。本文分析了这一建议的必要性 ,并对该罪在我国刑法中的构建提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术的飞速发展及其在医疗临床上的广泛应用给传统刑事责任理论与制度带来了挑战,但从刑法学的视角来进行考察,辅助生殖具有伦理上的正当性。人类胚胎、精子、卵子是一种介于人与物之间的一种特殊人格体,对这种特殊人格体,法律应承认其特殊地位,并给予特殊保护。强制采精、采卵、供精都具有犯罪性。代孕不具备伦理正当性,应为刑法明文禁止。为了应对辅助生殖技术的挑战,我国刑法应增设辅助生殖犯罪及其刑事责任制度,并应利用好现有刑法中的一些规定。  相似文献   

张又山 《法制与社会》2013,(10):249-250
伴随着经济的快速发展,出现了各种各样的社会现象。招募女性捐卵事件不乏为其中之一,就此国家卫生部也做了批示即禁止任何商业化的捐卵行为,然而基于该行业的巨大供需求和利益链条,逐步使它成为了商家追求经济利益的手段,并逐步走向产业化发展的方向。基于此种现象的发生,是鼓励其发展;是禁止其发展;亦或是稳健中规定其发展的限制性条件这都是一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术的飞速发展不仅是医学上的一场革命,它同样冲击着现有的法律制度。和所有的科学研究成果一样,辅助生殖技术犹如一把双刃剑,一方面,辅助生殖技术的发展有助于个人更好地行使生育权,但如果被滥用,就会侵害到他人的利益或社会利益。因此,必须通过立法来规范、调控这些新兴技术,使之更好地造福于人类。  相似文献   

生物基因工程学科的最新发展,为人类福祉的增进,提供无限广阔的前景,人类辅助生殖技术即属其一,它在造福人类的同时,也带来了大量涉及社会、道德、伦理和法律方面的问题。本文通过对自然生殖状态亲子关系的剖析,对照性分析如何认定人工辅助生殖的子女在法律上的地位。  相似文献   

施晓玲  王平荣 《证据科学》2006,13(4):279-283
生物基因工程学科的最新发展,为人类福祉的增进,提供无限广阔的前景,人类辅助生殖技术即属其一,它在造福人类的同时,也带来了大量涉及社会、道德、伦理和法律方面的问题。本文通过对自然生殖状态亲子关系的剖析,对照性分析如何认定人工辅助生殖的子女在法律上的地位。  相似文献   

选择性别堕胎的行为违反了宪法男女平等原则、严重危及人类自身的可持续发展。现有的行政处罚手段不能有效制止日趋严重的人口出生性别比失衡,刑法立法机关不能无动于衷,应当将选择性别堕胎而非单纯的性别鉴定行为犯罪化,否则,立法机关有违自己的义务。选择性别堕胎罪应当通过单行刑法或者附属刑法的刑法立法模式而非修正案的模式予以规定。  相似文献   

国家地质公园法律规制的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国家地质公园既具有“地质”内容,又具有“公园”特征,建立国家地质公园既可以保护地质遗产,又能够促进区域社会经济可持续发展。本文首先阐述了国家地质公园的概念及理论基础,接着分析了国家地质公园现状及建设中存在的问题,最后提出了国家地质公园立法的若干建议。  相似文献   

汪丽青 《政法论丛》2014,(5):121-129
随着现代生殖医学技术的发展,死后人工生殖已成为现实。在死后人工生殖的法律规制方面,美国走在了世界前列。死后人工生殖的前提是死后配子的支配问题,对此,生前取精和死后取精各有不同。死后人工生殖主要涉及家庭法、继承法、保险法等方面的法律问题,美国法院对这些问题的处理各有不同。我国应当借鉴美国的经验,有条件地许可死后人工生殖,并在相应的立法文件中有所体现。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the development of theories on European integration by testing and exploring statistical models on the long-term development of legislative activity of the European Commission. Drawing on legal information gained from the European Union’s PreLex database and analyzing it with the help of statistical analyses, we map out growth patterns of EU law between 1976 and 2003. We construct time-series models and models based on non-linear regression. While the performance of models based on the traditional theoretical approaches, intergovernmentalism and neo-functionalism, is rather poor, the analysis suggests that nonlinear dynamic models might be an interesting avenue for future conceptualizations of the EU integration process. This article is based on a paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union Second Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, “Implications of a Wider Europe: Politics, Institutions and Diversity”, 24–26 June 2004, Bologna, Italy. We would like to thank the seminar participants for useful comments.  相似文献   

人工辅助生殖技术的应用动摇了传统的亲子关系认定规则。本文主要介绍因人工辅助生殖技术而产生的亲子关系认定新规则和国外相关法律与司法实践。  相似文献   

完善我国传染病疫情防控法律规制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对严峻的新冠肺炎疫情,依法科学有序防控至关重要。系统分析我国《传染病防治法》在本次疫情防控中暴露出来的一些短板和不足,从法律定位、压实地方政府责任、充实地方政府疫情应对应急处置措施、明确应当立即启动应急处置程序的特定情形、完善疫情防控的保障和监管机制等方面提出立法建议。  相似文献   

商标淡化理论与立法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹西明  易萍 《法学论坛》2005,20(3):45-50
作为一种立场选择,立法者将驰名商标淡化纳入商标侵权行为之列,而将其他商标(包括著名商标)淡化排斥在外,其理念基础是驰名商标内含有较为丰富的价值。判定驰名商标淡化既不需要考虑淡化行为人的主观过错,也不需要考察驰名商标是否存在被淡化的可能性,而只需考察驰名商标是否被“另类使用”。我国商标淡化立法需要在商标淡化的性质评判、法律后果以及特殊情形等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

离婚诉讼中的股权分割问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于立法的疏漏及股权本身的复杂性 ,股权分割已成为离婚诉讼中亟待解决的一大难题。应当根据离婚诉讼涉及的各种股份形态 ,采取不同的分割方法 ,特别应当对现行立法上的缺陷进行修改与完善  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to draw attention to the widespread variation in legislation and regulation of assisted conception services throughout Europe and the implications that this may have for what is understood as 'a family'. At present, access to assisted conception services appears to rely on a 'traditional' notion of the family with the consequence that large numbers of potential service users are excluded. We believe that the existing state of assisted conception legislation already demonstrates a turn to the postmodern. This paper aims to make this turn to the postmodern more explicit and take it further towards what we argue is its inevitable conclusion. It is argued that a postmodern approach should benefit both assisted conception service providers and, perhaps more importantly, service users through an emphasis on localized knowledge, acceptance of difference and 'otherness', and a recognition of the complexity and ambiguity of human behaviour.  相似文献   

Unification of legal rules in Europe is not a new phenomenon. However, nowadays, Europe is still an area with many different jurisdictions. This paper studies the process of unification of legal rules in the European Union within a non-cooperative game-theoretical framework. This paper contributes to the understanding of the process by concentrating on the role of the European Commission. In the law-and-economics literature, it is argued that national legal rules will converge more or less spontaneously through the works of legislators and judges. But legal convergence in the European Union is not inevitable: preferences toward legal rules differ across nation-states; substituting a legal system for another one is costly; a coordination problem may arise. We first study the interactions of two nation-states who choose non-cooperatively their legal rules. We shall argue that the action of the Commission is, at first sight, likely to eliminate the coordination problem (under certain conditions). Two factors are at work. First, the Commission has a certain expertise which enables it to propose new and perhaps more efficient rules (so that the choice of unification does not reduce to select a particular nation-state legal system). Second, the Commission may use a system of fines that induces nation-states to abide by its rules (once these rules are adopted by nation-states). Next, we refine our first model: the process of legal unification is viewed as a game where nation-states choose the game that they will play. They choose if they will try to reach an agreement without resorting to the actions of the Commission, or if they will play the game implicitely proposed by the Commission. This captures more precisely the action of the Commission, its ‘right of initiative’’, the publication of proposals in ‘green’’ or ‘white papers’’. In this second model, a coordination problem may arise. JEL Classification C72 · K00  相似文献   

欧盟国家地方税立法权问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一个主权国家而言,地方税立法权是一个既重要又复杂的问题。一个国家的地方税立法权制度不仅在很大程度上取决于其宪政体制,而且与该国的历史与传统也紧密相关。欧盟国家的地方税立法权体制因各国的国情不同而不尽一致,德国、英国、西班牙和法国所采行的模式颇具代表性,基本囊括了目前世界各国实行的主要几种模式。对欧盟这几个主要国家,特别是法国的地方税立法权进行考察,有利于对中国在构建本国的地方税立法权体制时将其作为参考借鉴的资讯。  相似文献   

Current international legal instruments recognise the use of advance directives to carry on the will of the dementing research participant beyond the boundaries of her present legal capacity. Advance directives are gaining greater recognition in patient care than in medical research, where their legal status is still somewhat unclear. In particular, the three major international documents on medical research - the Council of Europe Convention on Biomedicine and Human Rights (ETS 164), its Additional Protocol on Biomedical Research (ETS 195), and Directive 2001/20/EC on Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products--give conflicting messages on the legal status of advance directives in medical research. This article examines the provisions in these documents and their national applications in Finland and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

柴鹏 《证据科学》2015,(2):161-171
通过对法律职业共同体成员的约束和引导,法律职业伦理能够促进共同体成员的自律,有利于提高其道德水平和综合素质,有利于腐败遏制和公正司法,对于法治建设具有重要意义。调研显示,法律职业群体,尤其是律师遵守职业伦理状况不容乐观。实践中存在律师乱收费、虚假承诺、虚假宣传,公检法人员办理人情案现象等;这些行为对法律职业群体的形象产生影响。通过加强法律职业伦理教育、对法律职业群体进行职业伦理培训、引导等方式加强法律职业伦理的培育,能够促进法律人的职业化和法治建设。  相似文献   

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