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Respondents in a 1969 survey (N=400)of undergraduate men at the University of Michigan were resurveyed as alumni in 1979 (N=215).Of the 400 surveyed in 1969, 50 were active in political organizations (organization activists) and 57 had been in demonstrations. These were rank- and-file student activists in the 1960s, not leaders. The demonstration activists were the more extreme in attitudes in both 1969 and 1979. In 1979 the demonstration activists were still more interested in political affairs than the nonactivists, more suspicious of free enterprise ideology, more opposed to current fears of communism, and more alienated from the military. Former organization activists were disproportionately employed in the human services areas of government, disproportionately absent from the business sector. In 1979 the former activists were no longer critical of the universities or of American society as a producer of poverty. They had shifted their main involvement from national to community affairs. While still distinctive in some attitudes, they were generally less radical than earlier.Financial support was provided by the Spencer Foundation.Received Ph.D. from Harvard University. Research interests include sociology of religion and youth.Received M.A. from Catholic University. Research interests include social movements and sociology of the arts.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the process of gender-equality policy in Sweden and Australia, from 1960 to 1990. It is suggested that the comparative gender analysis must be more susceptible for civil rights issues. A second argument is that the in-depth achievements of the Swedish gender equality policy and the relative weaknesses in other respects are better understood if Swedish gender policy is analysed from an institutional perspective. Finally, the analysis provides an institutional explanation of why it is problematic to establish and maintain policies that do not build on the dominant political tradition of the welfare state in question.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study of 134 female high school seniors investigated the relationship between attachment cognitions and school and work functioning two years later. School functioning was indexed by interviewer-rated strain, stressful events, academic performance, and self-reported attitudes toward college. Work functioning was indexed by interviewer-rated strain, stressful events, and self-reported attitudes toward work. Attachment cognitions were found to be correlated with school strain, number and stress of school-related events as well as self-reported satisfaction, stress, and problems meeting deadlines. Attachment cognitions were found to be correlated with work strain, work satisfaction, tendency to overcommit, and performance anxiety. Most of these relationships persisted even when initial symptomatology was accounted for. These findings lend support to the hypothesis, derived from attachment theory, that secure attachment cognitions provide a secure base that allows the late adolescent to negotiate the challenges of college and work successfully.This research was supported by a PHS National Research Service Award to the first author, and by a grant from the W. T. Grant foundation to the second.Postdoctoral fellowDoctoral candidate  相似文献   

To understand the effects of TV on youth, it is important to know the context in which they view it. This paper reports findings from an Experience Sampling study of 100 urban, middle-class Indian families to elucidate the context of use for this group. Mothers, fathers, and 8th graders carried alarm watches for 1 week and provided 13,674 reports on their activities and subjective states at random times across waking hours when signalled. TV viewing occupied 10.9% of these adolescents' time (about 12 h per week). Ninety percent of this viewing occurred at home, with majority of it, 73%, done with other family members, including 7% with grandparents, uncles, or aunts. This indicates that TV viewing for these youth is typically a family activity, occurring in a context in which parents' supervision and influence is likely. Adolescents' rates of viewing were correlated with mothers' rates of viewing, with rates for both higher when mothers were unemployed. Adolescents' TV rates were also correlated with fathers' rates and with fathers' type of employment. During TV viewing, adolescents reported lower than average challenge, worry, and paying attention, and higher than average choice, calm, and relaxation. As a whole, the findings indicate that the TV viewing of middle-class Indian youth is typically a relaxed antidote to the stresses of the day that they share with their families.  相似文献   

Divergent perceptions (or disagreements) within the mother-daughter dyad and the association of such divergence with daughter's affective and behavioral well-being were examined in the current study. One hundred sixty-one mother-daughter dyads (daughters aged 14–18 years; mothers aged 37–59 years) completed paper- and-pencil measures assessing their perceptions of family cohesion and family conflict; daughters also rated their own depressive affect and dieting behavior. While the means for groups of mothers and daughters on family cohesion and conflict were similar, dyads varied substantially in their level of agreement. Disagreements on family cohesion were associated with daughter dieting behavior; maternal employment status was more highly associated with daughter depressive affect than either family conflict or cohesion. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for studying the divergent perceptions of family members, and for family systems and relationship approaches to understanding the family.The research presented in this paper was supported by the W. T. Grant Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. Portions of this paper were presented at the 3rd biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Atlanta, Georgia.Received Ph.D. in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Research interests include the interplay among developmental processes during transitions into and out of adolescence.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Minnesota. Research interests include familial adaptation to chronic illness and the role of family processes in self-image and depression during adolescence.Received Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include girls' psychological adaptation to pubertal change, biosocial aspects of female reproductive events, and development of biologically and socially at risk children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Thirty male subjects, given identity status interviews 6–7 years previously, were reinterviewed for identity status, as well as intimacy status, life style, and participation in the 1969–1970 campus demonstrations. High identity status appeared more vulnerable to change than did low. The Moratorium status showed a 100% change rate. The establishment of intimate relationships was related both to previous identity status (when that status remained stable) and to current identity status. In life style, Identity Achievement and Moratorium subjects were open; Foreclosure subjects were closed; and Identity Diffusion subjects tended to be diffuse. Subjects currently high in identity tended to feel more positively about and participated more in the 1969–1970 demonstrations than did lower identity status subjects. A new status, Foreclosure/Diffusion, is described. The theoretical anomaly of Identity Achievement and Moratorium subjects moving into the Foreclosure status has led to the suggestion of a process, as opposed to typological, approach to identity. Brief sketches of individuals as they currently appear in the identity statuses conclude the study.This research was supported by a President's Research Fund Grant from Simon Fraser University.Portions of this article were presented at the 1975 EPA Convention in New York City.Received his Ph.D. from the Ohio State University in 1964. Presently Professor of Psychology, Simon Fraser University. Research interests are in construct validation of ego psychoanalytic theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, I take up the lives of women with persistent vulvar pain for what they can reveal about the enmeshment of gender, (hetero)sexuality and bodily practices. Women with vulvodynia are unable to perform the central heterogendering act of penetrative intercourse with a male partner. They describe this inability as rendering them effectively ‘genderless’, described as being ‘not a real woman’ or a ‘fake woman’. I analyse their perceptions of gender and bodily performance in relation to feminist theorizing about gender and sexuality, and I argue for the centrality of the lived body to the epistemology of feminist efforts to theorize gender. This paper is based on in-person interviews with 20 women and web-based open-ended interactions with 70 women with vulvodynia.  相似文献   

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