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Using data from a Canadian national representative sample survey of male university and college students, this study tested three hypotheses from a theoretical model which attempts to explain the relationship between male peer group dynamics and sexual assault in dating relationships. Consistent with previous research conducted in the United States, the findings reported here show that male peer support is a significant predictor of sexual abuse in post-secondary school courtship. This article concludes with several suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This essay reviews and assesses the methods used to conduct the National Study of Woman Abuse in University and College Dating Relationship. Funded by Health and Welfare Canada, Walter S. DeKeseredy and Katharine Kelly surveyed 1,835 females and 1,307 males in a stratified multi-stage cluster sample enrolled in University and College courses across the country in 1992. This essay examines the sampling design, reported response rates, data collection methods and frequency estimates of the study carried out by these two researchers in conjunction with the Institute for Social Research at York University. It is noted that while there are certain methodological difficulties associated with the study, these are problems that any survey of this type might encounter. The review of the methods suggests that while perfect surveys are not possible, good surveys are. The essay concludes with the observation that this survey should be qualified as the latter.  相似文献   

Several theorists contend that male university/college students who physically, sexually, and psychologically abuse their female dating partners are more likely than men who are not abusive to adhere to the ideology of familial patriarchy. These scholars also argue that men who hold familial patriarchal attitudes and beliefs, and who are supported by their male peers, are most likely to victimize their dating partners. This research provides quantitative data from a national representative sample of Canadian male undergraduate students that support these hypotheses. This study was sponsored by a grant from the family Violence Prevention Division, Health and Welfare Canada The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Health and Welfare Canada.  相似文献   

Many women are victimized by their boyfriends. Furthermore, male social networks may encourag e members to abuse their girlfriends. A review of relevant literature shows that social support theory may be useful for understanding this problem. The purpose of this paper is to describe this social psychological theory's potential contribution to the study of woman abuse in dating relationships.  相似文献   

A random sample of students at a large Midwestern University was selected in order to examine whether and how physical and sexual abuse were related to each other for men and women, whether abuse in one relationship was independent of abuse in other relationships, and how victims responded to abusive incidents. The results revealed several important patterns. When comparing the frequency of physical and sexual abuse for men and women, it was found that sexual abuse was more common than physical abuse, but only for women. Additionally, women experienced more sexual abuse than men. While men and women did not experience physical abuse in other relationships at more than chance levels, women who sustained sexual abuse in one relationship were more likely to sustain sexual abuse in other relationships. Furthermore, while sustaining physical and sexual abuse were not associated with one another for men, there was a weak association for women. Finally, victims of abuse were more likely to tell their friends they had been abused than report it to criminal justice authorities.Paper presented at the 1987 American Society of Criminology Meetings.  相似文献   

As part of a larger ecological analysis of woman battering in Israel, this study examined the combined ability of selected cognitive and interpersonal measures to differentiate among couples in which women were battered and those in which they were not. The ability of these variables to predict men's physical violence and verbal abuse and women's verbal abuse was also executed. Results indicate that a combination of low marital adjustment, high levels of conflict over children, and more perceived self-control over one's life characterized violent men; low marital adjustment and high conflict over child rearing characterized battered women. Both men's and women's verbal abuse was moderately predicted by lower marital adjustment while men's physical violence was predicted by increased levels of conflicts with his partner over child rearing. These findings suggest the importance of marital relationship factors in domestic violence and highlight the need for further study of the interaction between perceived control and marital relationship problems in relationships where men physically abuse women.  相似文献   

This study determines the relationships between shame, anger, and men's perpetration of psychological abuse in dating relationships. The authors hypothesize the connection between shame proneness and men's use of psychological abuse with a dating partner, with anger's mediating in this relationship. In addition, the authors hypothesize that affect regulation would moderate the relationship between anger and men's use of psychological abuse. Results indicate that shame proneness and use of psychological abuse are significantly related and that anger mediates the relationship. However, affect regulation does not moderate the effects of anger on men's use of psychological abuse. These findings are consistent with theoretical conceptualizations of shame and have implications for intervention and treatment programs for perpetrators of psychological abuse in dating relationships.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, researchers and policy makers have begun to devote more attention to the problem of elder abuse. Still, compared to studies on other types of family violence, research on elder abuse is scarce. To better understand how elder abuse is portrayed in the media and using “newsmaking criminology” as a theoretical framework, this study considers how 11 newspapers describe the phenomenon. In all, 530 articles about elder abuse were content analyzed using standard rules of content analysis. Results suggest that certain types of elder abuse are excluded from the press. In addition, the press tends to define elder abuse as a crime, but not as a domestic violence offense. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

Research suggests that among college students, physical and sexual abuse in intimate relationships are associated with posttraumatic stress. Psychological abuse occurs in intimate relationships among college students, and though there is evidence that such abuse has a negative emotional impact, posttraumatic stress has not been extensively researched as an outcome in this population. The purpose of this study is to determine the associations of past-year psychological abuse with posttraumatic stress symptoms while controlling for other types of past-year relationship abuse and lifetime trauma history. The sample consists of 191 college men and women (81.7% women and 89.5% White). Linear regression analyses demonstrate that trauma history, but not past year relationship violence, is a significant predictor of PTSD symptom severity for women, and neither set of variables significantly predicts PTSD symptom severity for men. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is not as simple as one partner physically harming another. Instead, it consists of a complex range of controlling behaviors including physical, emotional, sexual, and economic maltreatment as well as isolation, male privilege, blaming, intimidation, threats, and minimizing/denying behaviors. In addition to the controlling behaviors reported by women seeking shelter from violent relationships, a growing body of research indicates some individuals who abuse their intimate partner also abuse their pets. This study explores these connections using reports of 1,283 female pet owners seeking refuge from their male batterer in a domestic violence shelter. Findings indicate that batterers who also abuse their pet (a) use more forms of violence and (b) demonstrate greater use of controlling behaviors than batterers who do not abuse their pets. Likewise, positive correlations are found between specific controlling behaviors and cruelty to pets. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: This study retrospectively examined the daily-level associations between youth alcohol use and dating abuse (DA) victimization and perpetration for a 6-month period. Method: Timeline Followback (TLFB) interview data were collected from 397 urban emergency department patients, ages 17 to 21 years. Patients were eligible if they reported past month alcohol use and past year dating. Generalized estimating equation (GEE) analyses estimated the likelihood of DA on a given day as a function of alcohol use or heavy use (≥4 drinks per day for women, ≥5 drinks per day for men), as compared with nonuse. Results: Approximately 52% of men and 61% of women participants reported experiencing DA victimization ≥1 times during the past 6 months, and 45% of men and 55% of women reported perpetrating DA ≥1 times. For both men and women, DA perpetration was more likely on a drinking day as opposed to a nondrinking day (ORs = 1.70 and ORs = 1.69, respectively). DA victimization was also more likely on a drinking day as opposed to a nondrinking day for both men and women (ORs = 1.23 and ORs = 1.34, respectively). DA perpetration and DA victimization were both more likely on heavy drinking days as opposed to nondrinking days (2.04 and 2.03 for men's and women's perpetration, respectively, and 1.41 and 1.43 for men's and women's victimization, respectively). Conclusions: This study found that alcohol use was associated with increased risk for same day DA perpetration and victimization, for both male and female youth. We conclude that for youth who use alcohol, alcohol use is a potential risk factor for DA victimization and perpetration.  相似文献   


FRIDMAN ON TORTS. By G. H. L. Fridman. [Waterlow Publishers. First edition. 607 pp. incl. index. £85.00 (hardback).]

TEXTBOOK ON LABOUR LAW. By John Bowers and Simon Honeyball [Blackstone Press. 385 + 52 pp. £17.95.]

EMPLOYMENT LAW. By Tom Harrison. [Business Education Publishers Limited. 1990. 373 pp. £13.95 (paperback).]

BUSINESS LAW. By Denis Keenan and Sarah Riches. [Pitman. 1990. Second edition, xviiv &; 391 pp. (paperback).]

SMITH AND KEENAN'S COMPANY LAW. By Denis Keenan. [Pitman. 1990. Eighth edition, xx &; 460 pp. £14.99 (paperback).]

COMPANY LAW. By Mayson French and Ryan. [Blackstone Press. 1990. Seventh edition, lxxviii and 639 pp. £21.95 (paperback).]

THE LAW OF CORPORATE INSOLVENCY. By Ian Snaith. [Waterlow. 1990. First edition. 783 pp. £70.00 (hardback).]

CRIMINAL LAW: REVISION WORKBOOK. Editor F. R. Sampson. [H.L.T. Publications. 1990. First edition. 221 pp. £9.95 (paperback).]

CRIMINAL EVIDENCE STATUTES AND MATERIALS. By J. A. Andrews. [Waterlow Publishers. 1990. 223 pp. incl. index. £19.95 (paperback).]

EDUCATION AND THE LAW. Edited by Auson Wolfg Arteh Geoffrey Bennett and John Dunford. [Longmans. £30 per annum.]

CHILDREN AND THE LAW. By D. Freestone (Editor). [Hull University Press. 332 pp. incl. index, (hardback).]

TEXTBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL LAW. By Martin Dixon. [Blackstone. 1990. First edition. 248 pp. incl. index. £14.95 (paperback).]

PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW. By Ian Brownlie. [Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1990. Fourth edition. 748 pp. incl. index. £55.00 (hardback), £25.00 (paperback).]  相似文献   

Prior research has established that violence in dating relationships is a serious social problem among adolescents and young adults. Exposure to violence during childhood has been linked to dating violence victimization and perpetration. Also known as the intergenerational transmission of violence, the link between violence during childhood and dating violence has traditionally focused on physical violence. This research examines the relationship between experiencing and perpetrating dating violence and exposure to violence in the family of origin. Specifically, the current research examines gender differences in the relationship between exposure to violence during childhood and physical and psychological abuse perpetration and victimization. Data were collected from a sample of approximately 2,500 college students at two southeastern universities. Findings indicate that childhood exposure to violence is a consistent predictor of involvement in relationships characterized by violence for males and females. The implications of the current research on policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes an empirical study of the differences in industry interaction of US tenure and tenure-track academics that are funded by civilian and military funding agencies. Significant differences in industry interaction as manifested in a range of different interaction types can be observed between academics funded by Department of Defense (DoD) resources and those enjoying other non-military means of support. The policy implications of these divergent patterns of behavior in university–industry interactions will be analyzed and discussed. Furthermore, a qualitative assessment of changes in university–industry relationships in response to more stringent DoD contracting practices reveals that several types of industry interaction will be adversely affected.   相似文献   

Expert testimony regarding the battered woman syndrome is often presented at trial on behalf of women charged with killing their batterers. Where courts have admitted such testimony into evidence, they have done so on the theory that the testimony is needed to dispel common myths regarding battered women—e.g., erroneous beliefs that battered women are masochists, who are somehow responsible for the battering they suffer and could avoid being battered by simply leaving their batterers. To date, however, there is no published empirical evidence that either jurors or members of the public at large hold such erroneous beliefs. The results of this study provide empirical support for the judicial hypothesis. These results suggest that many members of the general public eligible for jury duty do, in fact, hold erroneous, stereotyped beliefs about battered women.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between a self-reported history of child physical and sexual abuse and chronic pain among women (N = 3,381) in a provincewide community sample. Chronic pain was significantly associated with physical abuse, education, and age of the respondents and was unrelated to child sexual abuse alone or in combination with physical abuse, mental disorder (anxiety, depression, or substance abuse), or low income. Number of health problems and mental health disorders did not mediate the relationship between physical abuse and chronic pain. Despite considerable evidence from the clinical literature linking exposure to child maltreatment and chronic pain in adulthood, this may well be the first population-based study to investigate this relationship for child physical and sexual abuse independently. The significant association between childhood history of physical abuse and pain in adulthood calls for a greater awareness of the potential for chronic pain problems associated with this type of maltreatment. Further research is needed to understand the mechanism for this complex relationship.  相似文献   

In line with the cognitive-contextual framework proposed by Grych and Fincham (1990), evidence suggests that children exposed to interparental conflict (IPC) are at risk for experiencing conflict within their own intimate relationships. The mediating role of adolescent appraisal in the relation between IPC and adolescent dating behavior was examined in the current study. Specifically, it was hypothesized that self-blame and threat appraisals would mediate the relation between IPC and adolescent maladaptive dating behaviors. To examine the potential mediating role of appraisal, 169 high school students completed the Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict (Grych, Seid, & Fincham, 1992) and Child and Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (Wolfe, Scott, Reitzel-Jaffe, Wekerle, Grasley, & Straatman, 2004). Findings suggest that self-blame appraisal partially mediated the relation between IPC and adolescent sexual aggression, and between IPC and adolescent threatening behavior. In addition, perceived threat appraisal partially mediated the relation between IPC and adolescent sexual aggression. Implications for the current findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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