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Editor's note:The Chinese nationality is a generous nationality, due to her culture and history. From ancient times to modern times, many foreigners with different complexions, languages, and religions have come to China, where they were never treated with discrimination or persecution. On the contrary, foreigners have received a more than welcoming attitude from the Chinese people. Among those foreigners were Muslims from central and western Asia who came  相似文献   

<正>The first China-Arab States Summit ushered in a new era for the relationship between China and the Arab world.CHINA and the Arab world, though geographically far apart, have enjoyed friendship that goes back millennia. The Silk Road and the maritime Spice Route have witnessed the two ancient civilizations learn from each other and inspire each other, jointly promoting the prosperity of human society. In modern times,  相似文献   

Ihave subscribed to China Todaysince 1989, and I am always delighted to read your articles, which are very interesting. Your magazine covers different subjects, such as the Olympics, tourism and the lives of Chinese people. I have had occasion to visit China seven times. I have been to Beijing and Lhasa and noticed the inhabitants are living in good harmony, They can travel everywhere and they have great freedom to go where they desire, I find Chinese people very kind and they like to talk with foreign tourists.  相似文献   

My relationship with China goes back more than 30 years.I have visited China eight times and saw some beautiful places.In 1997,I received an invitation from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.During that visit I was able to fulfi ll a childhood dream and see the Great Wall of China,one of the Seven Wonders of the World.It is the longest man-made structure  相似文献   

The Book Bridge     
<正>The boom of Chinese books in Arab countries chimes with the Belt and Road Initiative The ancient Silk Road,explored more than 2,000 years ago,used to link China and the Arab world together.Now a group of people are endeavoring to unveil the modern picture to each other.  相似文献   

LUO HAOCAI 《人权》2008,(5):2-7
I am happy to attend this symposium at the invitation of the Tokyo Consortium. China and Japan are close neighbors, separated only bya narrow strip of sea. Exchanges have been frequent between the Chinese and Japanese peoples since ancient times. In striving for modernization,  相似文献   

The first China-Arab Friendship Conference sponsored by the China-Arab Friendship Association(CAFA) and the League of Arab States(LAS),supported by the foreign ministries of China and Arab countries and organized by the Sudanese Council for International People's Friendship was held in Khartoum,capital of Sudan from November 28 to 29,2006.Being the first gathering of the Chinese and Arab friendship organizations,the Conference is of great significance and a new milestone in the history of the friendly people-to-people exchanges between China and Arab countries.  相似文献   

OVER 2,000 years ago, the Old Silk Road linked the Chinese civilization and the Arab civilization. The ancient transcontinental road, once echoing with the clanking of the bells of camels carrying bolts of silk and other goods, began the history of trade and cultural exchange between China and the Arab world. Now, the China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum has established a new platform for exchanges between the two sides and accelerated Ningxia’s opening to the countries west of it.  相似文献   

The financial crisis that started in the United States is spreading worldwide, and its impact on China's economy is increasing daily. Difficulties and problems that accumulated in China's long period of fast economic growth have gradually become apparent Both the Chinese government and enterprises are considering how to transform and upgrade China's economy through changing development mode and adjusting the industrial structure, while coping with the tinancial crisis. Therefore. guaranteeing economic growth, expanding domestic demand and making structural adjustments have become China 's important economic goals for 2009.  相似文献   

正AT the opening ceremony of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum last June,President Xi Jinping mentioned a Jordanian businessman who settled in Yiwu,a coastal city in Zhejiang Province."The rapid development of relations between China and Arab countries drew their peoples together,"Xi remarked."There is a Jordanian,Muhannad,in Yiwu where Arabic businesspeople congregate.He set up an Arabic restaurant,and prospered along with the city.He has since married a Chinese woman and settled in China.An ordinary young Arab,weav-  相似文献   

正Everybody who has traveled to China,as I have done many times, must agree that the specific version of socialism that guides the Communist Party of China (CPC)—socialism with Chinese characteristics, as it is known—has transformed China in an incredible way from a country torn by imperial aggression, war and poverty into an enormous success story. The  相似文献   

“When are you going to buy car?“is a question frequently heard these days. Over the past few years,automobiles have become a feature of Chinese households.China‘s first automobile manufacturing base was 50 years ago in Changchun, Jilin Provice. For three decades, produciton was limited to old-style lorries, and a limited number of Red-flag brand carrs for government use. Technology as outdated and output capacity low. The few family cars on Chinese roads were imported.In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping,pioneer of China‘s reform and opening policy, decided to develop China‘s national automobile industry in order that the Chinese people might drive Chinesemade rathe than foreign cars.In the following two decades,with the estabishment of joint ventures,the Chinese automobile industry boomed.By 1998 China had become one of the top the automobile manufacturing countries in the world. Now,in 2003,with an estimated annual production volume of 4 million vehicles,China ranks fourth in the world. The developement of the automobile industry has brought an enormous change to he Chinese people. The development of the automobile industry has brought an enormous change to the Chinese people. The increasing number of family cars enriches their lives, stimulates the tourism industry, and keeps business at car repair firms and driving schools brisk. Since China put it self on wheels, an increasing number of leading world automobile companies have focused on its market.  相似文献   

The legitimate owner of the Golan Heights.An indispensable factor in Middle East peace.A strong advocate of Arab unity. The largest importer of Chinese cars. Syrian Ambassador to China, Mohamed Kheir al Wadi, defined his country with these compelling selling points, among others, in a recent interview with Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei. With President Bashar al Assad gearing up for a second term, Syria appears poised to dra-matically improve its relations with other countries, from its Arab peers to China and the United States.  相似文献   

正China lays out its vision for increased cooperation in the regionOn January 13,China published its first Arab policy paper,reaffirming the strategic significance that it attaches to the region.The release of this important document and the recent state visits of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Saudi Arabia,Egypt and Iran coincided with the 60th anniversary of Sino-Arab diplomatic relations and present the role that  相似文献   

正A visit by Arab representatives to China promotes mutual understanding By Yu LintaoEgypt's former Prime Minister Essam Sharaf said that deepened exchanges between China and the Arab world will help promote the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.Sharaf was among a delegation of politicians and scholars from 16 Arab countries.The delegation attended a dialogue session with  相似文献   

CHINA has long had a close relationship with Africa, and in recent years economic and political ties have grown even stronger. Both the Chinese government and private enterprises have significant investments on the African continent. Last November a 20-member governmental delegation came to Beijing from the central-east African nation of Uganda, to talk to Chinese political and business leaders about fostering economic and cultural links between the two countries. Shortly after the delegation's visit, two China Today reporters met with the Ugandan Ambassador, Mr. Charles Madibo Wagidoso, to discuss what was achieved, the ambassador's impressions of China and the upcoming Beijing Olympics.  相似文献   

正CHINA and Denmark have maintained highlevel contacts in 2014.In April,at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping,Queen Margrethe Ⅱ of Denmark paid her second visit to China as the head of state.In September,Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt visited China along with Danish Climate and Energy Minister  相似文献   

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). as Party General Secretary hu Jintao said, for the past 90 years, under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have accomplished the three missions of new Democratic Revolution, the Socialist Revolution and reform and opening-up. During the process, the Party and the people have opened a new path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as established a system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

Social Networking Service (SNS) sites have exploded onto China's Internet scene with such a force that many companies have blocked access to the sites during office hours - leaving employees anxiously counting down the minutes till they can get home and reconnect with their Iriends. And while Kaixin001 is the undisputed king of the Chinese 5NS arena, others like Hainei and Xiaonei are signing new subscribers in their millions. More recently, some of the top web portals in the country fike Sina and Yahoo got in on the act, too.  相似文献   

Building onFaith     
<正>Ningxia is China’s bridge to the Muslim world with its mosques,halal food and Arab trade tiesTwo years ago,when Abdou Lahad came to Ningxia to study Chinese language and culture on a government scholarship,he had no clue about this autonomous region in northwest China that is home to the Hui ethnic group,China’s largest Muslim group.  相似文献   

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