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Corruption is a universal phenomenon of public institutions. It is markedly more pervasive in developing and transitional societies. China, with rapid economic growth for two decades, has been deeply troubled by the problem of official corruption at all levels in the public sector. The paper reviews the literature in the last 15 years which examines Chinese corruption from either a theoretical or empirical approach, by qualitative or quantitative methods in observation. Based on more than 30 studies with a focus on the related topic, the review covers issues of Chinese corruption data and statistics, theoretical explanations and China’s strategies of fighting corruption as well as critique.
Olivia YuEmail:


Finland is usually considered a country where corruption is rare, and this impression is reinforced by the good results that it has achieved in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The present study describes and assesses Finnish bribery legislation, as well as a number of recent judgments handed down by Finnish courts. The legislation is quite fragmented, consisting of some nine sections in three different chapters of the Criminal Code. The bribery cases heard by the Supreme Court mainly deal with quite small-scale bribery, such as where a public official has accepted restaurant services, trips or other benefits from private companies. However, in the last few years, the courts have also had to consider some larger-scale instances of bribery, where persons working for Finnish companies have been suspected of bribing foreign public officials. The article also takes up match-fixing and election funding and their connections to bribery.  相似文献   

This study is based on interviews with 37 persons fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for kleptomania recruited through newspaper advertisements, and on 50 shoplifters interviewed directly after apprehension. Our hypothesis was that there are no absolute borders between ‘pure’ kleptomania according to DSM-IV and other forms of shoplifting. When asked about the latest case of shoplifting, one fifth of the shoplifters reported not having stolen the item for personal use and had later discarded it. A quarter of the kleptomaniacs reported ambivalence when asked if they needed the item in question. The degree of reported impulsivity and a feeling of not being oneself at the time of the theft was the same in the two groups. The two groups also estimated their degree of impulsivity, planning, thrill, relief, vengeance, need, pleasure on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) as well as the degree of psychiatric imbalance on the latest theft occasion. These estimates showed that there were no differences between the groups concerning the degree of planning, psychological imbalance and the need for the stolen item in question. The kleptomaniacs rated a feeling of inner tension before the theft higher than the shoplifters. The same was true concerning a feeling of relief during the theft and impulsivity. However, the shoplifters also rated high on all these items. Altogether, these findings support our hypothesis that many shoplifters, even if they do not fulfill all DSM criteria for kleptomania, may constitute a significant medical problem and should be offered support and treatment. Anti-depressants as well as the educational programmes developed by the Shoplifters Alternatives may be effective not only in cases of kleptomania but also for more unselected groups of non-professional shoplifters.  相似文献   

There are many factors, both empirical and theoretical, which indicate that drug abuse can play an important role in explaining the links between criminality and life chances when viewed from a life-course perspective. In this article, we examine the links between crime and drug abuse and social inclusion and exclusion in adult life, and look at whether there are gender-specific patterns in these regards. The Stockholm Birth Cohort database allows us to follow a birth cohort born in 1953 to age 56. The results show that drug abuse is central both to processes of continuity in and desistance from crime and to life chances in adulthood. For the adult outcomes that relate to work and health, we also note a tendency towards polarization; the size of both the relative and the absolute differences between the comparison group and offenders with registered drug abuse increases over time. The same general pattern can be seen for males and females.  相似文献   

This paper describes a recent researcher–practitioner partnership designed to address the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies when implementing crime control and prevention strategies. Using an action research methodology, the project embedded a group of trained students within the law enforcement community to assist with local crime problems and supplement existing crime analysis and research capabilities in six agency units. Results of this case study offer several implications for future researcher–practitioner partnerships focused on crime analysis and present an enhanced set of metrics for evaluating success.  相似文献   

Based on several studies, the aim of the article is to compare trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation to trafficking in drugs. Women are recruited and drugs are bought in other countries and transported to Sweden. What are the similarities and differences between the recruitment phase (women) and the purchases (drugs)? Both sexual services and drugs are sold in local markets. This requires marketing, contacts and access to customers. Women need accommodation and often a place to sell the services, drugs must be stored somewhere and prepared for sale. Procurement, trafficking and the purchase of sexual services are illegal and in the case of drugs even consumption and possession for personal use is illegal and prosecuted. Facilitators often play an important role in connecting customers and providers. This article will further describe what kind of organizational structure is needed to arrange these logistics and some different strategies used by organizers and distributors.  相似文献   

This article examines marriage patterns among immigrants and their children as a way to analyze the interplay of primary social networks and local conditions in the social adaptation of two communities of Portuguese immigrants in Argentina. Its main focus is on the factors involved in marriages within the same ethnic group and their evolution over time from a comparative perspective. The analysis considers aspects of marital selection in the main places of origin of the immigrants in the Algarve, southern Portugal, and their influence in the places of settlement; the factors that influenced the selection of spouses in both communities by gender and over time; and the changes from the first to the second generation. Factors, such as gender, the nature and rhythm of immigration, and the occupation of the immigrants and their families, proved very important in marital selection. Environmental factors were also significant. Oil production dominated Comodoro Rivadavia, while intensive family farming in a suburban setting characterized Villa Elisa. Through the comparative analysis of these two contrasting, receiving societies, the article examines the interplay between primary social networks based on national and ethnic origin and socioeconomic local conditions.  相似文献   

This article advocates for ethnographic and historical study of the political roots of corruption. Focusing on informal economies of Belarusian universities, it reexamines two theoretical propositions about corruption in autocracies. The first proposition is that authoritarianism breeds bureaucratic corruption; the second is that autocrats grant disloyal subjects corruption opportunities in exchange for political compliance. Using qualitative data, the author finds that autocracies can generate favorable as well as unfavorable preconditions for bureaucratic corruption. The author argues that lenient autocratic governance, characterized by organizational decoupling, creates favorable conditions for bureaucratic corruption. In contrast, consolidated autocracy, defined by rigid organizational controls, is unfavorable to such corruption. The author also concludes that in autocracies, disloyal populations may be cut off from rather than granted opportunities for bureaucratic corruption. These findings suggest that the relationship between autocratic governance and corruption is more complex than current studies are able to reveal due to their methodological limitations.  相似文献   

The 1920s were a golden period for smuggling in Nordic waters, as systems of prohibition were established in Finland, Norway and Iceland, while in Sweden an intricate system of rationing was implemented in 1917. A comparative study of the illegal liquor trade in Stockholm and New Orleans shows that the actual methods of smuggling were similar in the two cities. Mother ships brought the cargo to a point outside territorial waters, where it was shifted to smaller boats. These brought the liquor in through the archipelago of Stockholm or the bayous of the Mississippi delta. The relative lack of corruption in Sweden did not limit the extent of the black market. According to contemporary estimates, the amount of smuggled liquor was about the same in the two cities. The kind of alcohol that was brought in was different, however, and the value of the trade higher in New Orleans. Also, the organization of the trade differed, in terms of ownership and distribution. In neither city did the illegal entrepreneurs appear to be very violent. The fact that the rate of violence was much higher in New Orleans, than in Stockholm, did not seem to affect their business methods.  相似文献   

Forensic scientists use genetic individualization markers to include or exclude persons of interest in investigations. However, when there are no suspects due to absence of database matches or eye-witness information, prediction of biogeographical ancestry can be a valuable investigative tool. The SNPforID 34-plex uses 34 autosomal markers to predict ancestry from three geographic regions, Africa, Europe and East Asia. However, its ability to identify levels of admixture within individuals is unclear. We tested the 34-plex assay in 56 individuals from 15 families with varying levels of self-declared Asian/European admixed ancestry. STRUCTURE 2.3.4 was used for population structure analysis and cluster information provided inferences on levels of admixture. Chi-square tests were performed to evaluate the ability of the SNPforID 34-plex to predict level of admixture. The average/SD Asian and European contribution for individuals self-declared as first generation since admixture was 0.46/0.13 and 0.54/0.13, respectively. As expected, the average European contribution increased for individuals of 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 Asian/European ancestries – 0.78/0.13, 0.89/0.05 and 0.91/0.03, respectively. There were no significant differences between observed and expected average contribution from each ancestry. However, individual outliers were observed, which could have been misclassified if analyzed separately. These results suggest the 34-plex can be a reliable tool to predict levels of admixture; however caution is required when an individual sample is investigated. A larger number of markers, combined with increased sample sizes comprising varying levels of admixture of different biogeographical ancestries, are required to enhance the ability to predict an individual's level of biogeographical ancestry.  相似文献   

足球比赛中“黑哨”现象的存在,使《体育法》所预期的一些社会效果没有得到实现。从分析中国足协的性质入手, 说明了足协和裁判的权力来源,认为对足协和裁判的权力未进行有效的规制,司法监督的缺失和内部管理的弱化,是“黑哨”现象形成的重要原因。要消灭“黑哨”现象,必须加强法律和规章的建设,对足协和裁判的权力实行有效的规制,使制造不公平者,受到公平的制裁。  相似文献   

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in forensic inpatient beds are both complex and understudied. Previous studies have been limited and largely based on smaller clinical samples. We used data from a population-based cohort of Ontario adults with IDD (H-CARDD cohort, n?=?66,000) to describe their prevalence in forensic inpatient beds during 2005–2015 and compare their demographic and clinical profiles with non-IDD forensic patients. Results show that forensic patients with IDD and without IDD have similar profiles, with the exception that patients with IDD are more likely to have a psychiatric disorder and to be younger, rural, and have high or very high morbidity. Strong support was found for disproportionate admission: individuals with IDD are 12.2% of forensic inpatients but only 0.8% of the general population (d?=?1.57). Support for disproportionate utilization was less dramatic and mixed. Little difference was found in terms of the per cent of longer-stay (treatment) admissions or multiple forensic admissions; however, patients with IDD did have longer number of bed days over 10 years (averaging 220.6 days more, d?=?0.28). A better understanding of the barriers to discharge for individuals with IDD will support implementation of appropriate pathways out of the hospital.  相似文献   

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research - There is consensus that intimate partner homicide (IPH) is a gender crime and that it is one of the most extreme forms of violence. This study...  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as in most other Western European countries, the growing emphasis in victimology during the last 15 years has led to several legal schemes for victim compensation. The German Victim Compensation Act of 1976 provides compensation for violent acts within the framework of a social security system with periodic payments, while most of the other West-European countries grant lump sums from a special compensation fund. The German legislation, however, has given the victim a relatively weak position. The problems are aggravated because of the restrictive, and concerning the Federal states—different, application of the law. Victim compensation as a restitutional sanction within the penal law doesn't play an important role. Furthermore, the financial situation of most offenders is so bad, that the civil claims of the victim for damages cannot be compensated. In Germany, however, remarkable efforts are made by the debt relief programs for offenders, which allow victim compensation on the one hand and offender rehabilitation on the other. This balancing of victim-offender interests seems very important for criminal policy in general. An extension of the legal provisions for victim compensation is considered necessary as is the wider application of restitutional sanctions whether instead of or combined with penal sanctions. Furthermore, help for victims should include social and psychological assistance programs, which are not yet developed in Europe to any great extent.  相似文献   

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