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Licensing is a widely used technique applied to impose regulations. Firms inducing harm must hold a license issued by a regulatory agency on a case-by-case basis. A firm may also be subject to liability. This paper studies the implications on social welfare of combining licensing with strict liability. Contributions include the study of a joint use and related administrative costs. The latter include costs pertaining to litigation and the issuing and enforcing of licenses. It is established when a joint use is motivated. Regulatory compliance should protect from liability in order to decrease litigation and enforcement costs and associated distortions.  相似文献   

伊舟 《政法学刊》2021,(1):83-91
为解决纷繁复杂的执行问题,我国间接强制执行措施经历了由少到多、由简到繁的发展趋势,但间接强制执行在实践中依然存在适用混乱以及功能异化的问题.解决当前问题的关键在于厘清执行程序中各项措施的内在逻辑关联.对妨害执行的强制措施、执行保障措施与间接强制执行措施三者的功能、定位进行比较分析,区分各项措施之间的适用条件,明确我国间...  相似文献   

财产保全制度是为保障民事私权的实现而设置的,其所适用的案件类型应界定为金钱请求的案件,法院无权依职权采取且只需做形式审查。其申请的理由仅是无法执行或者难以执行的担心即可。在宽泛的申请背后,为保护债务人的利益应确立担保为一般原则,但也有例外。  相似文献   

建设服务型政府与行政执法改革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
服务型政府是现代民主国家政府追求的价值目标 ,也是社会主义国家人民政府应有的基本品质。针对目前行政执法实践中存在的问题 ,我国必须从转变执法观念、重塑执法职能、改革执法体制、提升执法人员素质、建立健全执法责任制及完善执法矫正机制等方面进行行政执法改革 ,建设服务型政府。  相似文献   

行政法上的不停止执行原则是行政救济制度中的一项特有原则。从比较法上看,无论采取停止执行或不停止执行,域外制度设计一般认为其在性质上属一种暂时权利保护措施,以达到救济的有效性。我国确立不停止执行原则的基础在于维护公共利益,缺乏救济过程中对个人权益的保护。我国立法需因应现实,修正确立基础,明确行政救济对个人权益保护的有效性;在此基础上,针对立法问题予以修正,确立复议或诉讼期间行政行为停止执行原则,构建法院和行政机关的停止执行程序。  相似文献   

马家曦 《法学家》2020,(3):126-140,195
申请执行的非实体权利归属主体构成执行程序的形式当事人,但执行当事人适格的判断,既涉及执行力的形式外观,也涉及实体正当性,需要结合适用类型予以限定,以避免对债务人双重执行。参照大陆法系"执行担当"的学说、判例以及我国实务情况,可以根据当事人、主文两项执行依据的记载要素加以判断:诉讼担当人申请执行原则上合法,股东代表诉讼的股东虽然可以启动执行,但无权受领给付;代表人诉讼的当事人执行被代表人利益目前并不适宜;对于让与未构成诉讼担当时的当事人申请执行,则可能丧失实体适格,但可以通过与受让人约定保留"收取"权能以补正。在"执行担当"与"承继执行"形成债权竞争关系时,须限定受让人举证权的同时完善诉讼救济。  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous detection and identification of the blood in stains on material evidence has been tried. Previously these two procedures were carried out in succession and took 2 days, while the new method takes 2-10 min. The method is highly sensitive and specific. Positive results were obtained only with human blood. The method is recommended for practice, specifically, for investigation of complex blood traces (washed and old) on material evidence.  相似文献   

张中 《证据科学》2015,(1):57-70
刑事司法程序是本次中国司法文明指数体系的一个的重要一级指标,我们选取了6项二级指标进行了评估,通过问卷调查和数据分析,可以得出以下结论 :刑事司法程序没有全面贯彻无罪推定原则,侦查行为的合法性和有效性亟待提升,审查起诉活动需要严格规范,刑事审判的公正性缺乏保障,刑事执行存在违规保外就医、不当减刑等问题,刑事司法缺少有效的诉讼救济途径。  相似文献   

杜乾举 《行政与法》2007,1(2):29-32
警察执法不仅是实施法律的过程,而且也是实现道德价值的过程。忽视警察执法的道德追问,必然造成警察执法的道德缺失。警察执法应是法治化与道德化的统合。提高警察的道德素质,才能从根本上保证警察执法正当目的的确立和警察执法手段的正当行使。在依法治警的同时切实以德治警,加强对警察自由裁量权的道德约束,让“立警为公,执法为民”的道德价值理念照耀警察执法过程。  相似文献   

试论执行和解制度在行政强制执行中的确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统行政法学从防止行政权滥用的角度出发 ,强调公权力不可处分。但是 ,从公权力的本原是私权、行使的目的是为实现公共利益、行政裁量权的存在及其行使来看 ,公权力是可以处分的。因此 ,从更好地维护和实现公共利益出发 ,执行和解具备理论上可突破的空间。而且 ,执行和解与行政行为的效力理论之间并不存在矛盾 ,它是执行和解制度建立的另一前提。  相似文献   

我国植物新品种行政执法制度中,存在行政裁决和行政处罚糅杂不清、假种子行政处罚代替品种权行政处罚的现象,影响品种权行政执法功能的发挥。从制度发展的总体走向来看,品种权行政裁决的功能在逐步弱化,而行政处罚日益成为执法重心。理清行政裁决和行政处罚的关系,强化品种权行政处罚制度,明确行政权介入的公共利益门槛,着重打击假冒、套牌等严重损害种业创新和市场秩序的行为,能使行政执法在种业知识产权保护上发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

民事执行当事人变化的主体范围由生效法律文书执行力扩张的主观范围决定,一般应当包括生效法律文书没有载明的五种主体。民事执行当事人变化程序应当依申请而启动,执行机关不得依职权启动该程序,债务人也不得申请变更或者追加其他主体为执行债务人。对于民事执行当事人变化事由,应当通过言词辩论的方式,由合议庭进行审查并作出裁判。应当完善执行当事人变化的事后救济机制,建立异议之诉和许可执行之诉,确保民事执行当事人变化的程序正当性。  相似文献   

追索流失文化遗产的国际实践由来已久,其中通过诉讼的途径进行追索,但通常的诉讼途径为原文化财产来源国在文化市场国内对个人或团体提起诉讼,而在查巴德(Chabad)案中,俄罗斯作为文化财产的来源国却被迫参与到诉讼中,而其所依据的国有化法案却成为文化财产返还的障碍.诉讼结束后,俄罗斯拒绝对法院的判决予以执行,直接导致了两国在文化和外交上的冷战.本文以查巴德案为视角,分析在跨国追索流失文物案件中最突出的两个问题——国家的管辖权与判决的执行问题,并对诉讼以外的其他追索途径进行述评,以期为我国境外文物追索提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Copyright protection is becoming more challenging by the day in the digital era. In line with its political policy, China has established a copyright regime with particular characteristics. While the public interest in access is highlighted, the public interest in authorship has also been imposed and taken further. It also provides for public, non-criminal enforcement - copyright administrative enforcement. Could the Chinese model possibly be a solution for effective copyright protection? This will be explored in the light of an up-to-date case analysis in both actual and virtual environments.  相似文献   

行政协议约定内容的设定没有受到立法程序中关于公众参与程序和立法机关备案审查程序的控制,也往往没有协议内容公开和相关程序的要求。相较于行政决定(由行政协议转化而来的除外)作为非诉执行依据的情形,行政协议作为非诉执行依据时更难以解决行政法上的代理人问题,即行政协议中行政主体一方更难以全面地代表公共利益。从现行行政协议非诉执行制度的执行名义、申请程序、审查程序和标准来看,应进一步加强对行政主体一方应代表的公共利益的全面考量和保护,并提出如何完善相关制度的建议。  相似文献   

One of the proposed alternatives to Kyoto’s cap-and-trade approach is a regime based on an internationally harmonized carbon tax. In this paper, we consider and compare the enforcement problems associated with a tax regime and a cap-and-trade regime, respectively. The paper tries to convey two main points. First, both types of regime require an. effective enforcement mechanism. However, such a mechanism is unlikely to be adopted as part of a regime with full participation, because the political process leading up to its adoption tends to water down the enforcement mechanism to a point where it no longer has much bite. And even if this is somehow avoided, countries expecting compliance to be difficult or costly will almost certainly decline to sign—not to mention ratify—the resulting agreement. Second, the implications of non-compliance in a tax regime differ in important ways from the corresponding implications in a cap-and-trade regime. In a cap-and-trade regime emissions trading can make inaction legitimate for buyers of emission permits. In particular, overselling of permits by one (or a few) permit exporting countries might completely undermine the regime’s environmental effect. In a tax regime, by contrast, one country’s non-compliance can not make inaction by other countries legitimate. It follows that an agreement based on a harmonized carbon tax will always have some effect, provided that at least one country complies.  相似文献   

行政执法不严是行政执法主体“经济人”特性的表现:边际成本小于边际收益是行政执法不严的直接动因,“寻租”是行政执法不严的外在推动力,“激励”的贫乏是执法不严的内在驱动力,自由裁量权在一定程度上为行政执法人员与行政相对人之间的非法“博弈”提供了空间。  相似文献   

“皮筋”变“钢尺”:对规范行政处罚自由裁量权的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张代伟 《行政与法》2010,(11):27-29
在行政执法中如何克服随意性,正确行使自由裁量权,增强行政处罚透明度,提高行政执法效能,是所有行政机关一直深入研讨的课题。现实的自由裁量权是"皮筋",期望中的自由裁量权是"钢尺","皮筋"变为"钢尺"的过程,是漫长的,需要立法监督、司法监督、行政自身监督、舆论监督等的共同努力,从而最大限度地制约、压缩执法人员手中的"弹性空间"来实现的。  相似文献   


The research seeks to identify the most common problem areas and associated treatment needs of incarcerated and recently released offenders, to determine the importance of prison-based treatment and to assess the motivation of offenders towards treatment. Interviews were scheduled with representatives of three participant categories: drug-involved incarcerated offenders (n=18), recently released prisoners (n=15) and treatment staff members (n=18), resulting in 1971 statements. Using the qualitative software package WinMAX98, these expressions were categorized in a tree structure, after a codification process of the raw material. The results suggest that there is a difference in opinion between offenders and service providers with regard to the most important problems related to incarceration and re-entry. The findings further indicate that released offenders struggle more often than incarcerated offenders with problems concerning their psychological status. Therefore, the need for continuous through-care and aftercare is apparent, as is the necessity to assess the participants’ support expectancies and their individual needs. Motivating offenders to take part in (prison-based) treatment initiatives and aftercare is a major challenge, which can be accomplished by cooperation and partnerships between the criminal justice system and community-based treatment providers.  相似文献   

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