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It was raining in Nanjing on December 2,2009.On the morning of this cold winter day,I was shocked to learn that Mr.Ikuo Hirayama had passed away in Tokyo at the age of 79.He was an outstanding cultural envoy as well as a world-renowned artist.For more than half a century, following the footsteps of Xuan Zang (the 7th Century Chinese Buddhist monk,scholar and traveler who journeyed to India in search of knowledge) and overcoming many hard-  相似文献   

Mr. Junnosuke Ishimoto, our respected Japanese friend, passed away on February 16. He was born in Dalian and spent 12 years in the city. Having lived in Japan for several decades, his feelings for his birthplace never changed. He cared about the city’s development and donated to the city’s education, and showed people what China-Japan friendship meant with his deeds.  相似文献   

A wakened by the ringing of the telephone in the smallhours of May 17,Ipicked up thereceiver in haste.I had not ex-pected to bear the sad news fromSuzhou.Yuan Mindao,who accompanied President Ikuma Danof the Japan-China Cultural Ex-change Association(JCCEA)and  相似文献   

Nearly one year has gone by since Mr. Igor Alexeyevich Rogachev, former Russian ambassador to China, passed away and the memory of my acquaintance with him is still vivid in my heart. I remembered the founding of  相似文献   

In 1997,Helen Foster Snow passed away at the age of 90 in Connecticut,the United States. HELEN spent some 12 years in China, mostly in the 1930s.She first arrived in Shanghai in August 1931.The city,then the fifth largest port in the world,was to have been the first stop in her travels around the world in search of adventure and gather- ing materials for a book.She had already read Pearl Buck's classic Pulitzer Prize-winning  相似文献   

沈君山先生集学者,才子,政坛高手于一身,海外华人中,几乎无人不知沈君山.我出国不久,也听到了沈君山的大名.一次在印度尼西亚召开的国际会议上,使我邂逅了沈君山.  相似文献   

晚晴 《北京观察》2005,(1):14-19
一 日前,收到舒乙老师一函,心上一阵喜悦,又像得到一件宝贝似的.  相似文献   

IN the vocabulary of the Chinese, "Bethune" is the ultimate synonym for the noble figure.Norman Bethune's reputation was made in the anti-Japanese war period when the Canadian physician trudged the frontiers under heavy gunfire to treat the great many Chi- nese wounded. Adding virtual martyrdom to his heroic qualities, Bethune eventually died in the anti-fascist battlefield, from exhaustion and complications contracted from surgery. "What kind of spirit is this," asked Mao Zedong in his famous 1939 article "In memory of Norman Bethune," "that makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the cause of the Chinese people's liberation as his own?"  相似文献   

慎刑作为中国古代法文化中的重要组成部分,对缓和社会矛盾、促进经济发展和减少冤狱起到了一定作用。但慎刑主要针对的是死刑及笞杖罪以上的判罚,由于受各种因素制约,实际操作中很难达到预想效果。慎刑与恤刑有着本质不同,而且明代的厂卫制度也并非对慎刑的监督,而是司法审判制度的一种弊政。  相似文献   

<正>What can’t you do with a potato?Very little,it seems French fries,chips,mashed potato,barbecued potato,curry—if culinary uses for potatoes seem endless,it’s because they probably are.Zhang Aiguo,a chef in Beijing,can make  相似文献   

对马克思的文本作出“成熟的”或“不成熟”的取舍和区分 ,割裂了马克思思想发展的内在联系。马克思主义的发展过程贯穿着“非马克思主义”与“马克思主义”对立统一的矛盾运动 ,对任一发展阶段的马克思思想都不能做非此即彼的分割。马克思主义不是纯粹的理论问题 ,而是改变世界的实践批判学说 ,必须在“革命的”“实践批判的”活动中理解和发展马克思主义  相似文献   

《探索与争鸣》2003年第9期、第12期和2004年第3期分别刊登了徐勇教授关于新民本主义的一篇文章和周一平教授关于新民本主义的二篇文章。徐勇教授首倡“走向新民本主义”,认为“从新权威主义到新民本主义的转变”使“中国的改革发展和执政理念都进入到一个新的阶段”;周一平教授对此表示赞同,并觉意犹未尽,先对徐文没有谈到的新民本主义的“实质”及“走向”作“试论”,又对“新民本社会主义观”进行“初探”。二位先生大作的气派不能不使人惊讶,但对他们的基本观点及大多论述我不敢苟同。现简叙如下,以期引起争鸣。新权威主义决非世纪之交…  相似文献   

在日常生活中,人们总是习惯于接受和认同权威(专家)的意见。但实际上专家决策、权威结论也要受到诸多主客观条件限制,加之现代社会发展的复杂性,专家决策不等于科学决策,权威发布的不一定就是真理。在新农村建设问题上,权威的观点有时并不那么可靠。  相似文献   

空间理论探究近年来成为学术界关注的热点,但从不同流派的空间认知中,可以发现他们对空间的认知或者基于空间理论展开的其他研究,都不同程度地存在着脱离对空间本体及基本属性认知的局限,因而从空间本体论、空间属性、空间方位、空间与时间关系角度全面深入地对其展开探究,是科学准确地把握空间基础理论的关键,也是进一步展开空间理论其他研究的前提。  相似文献   

用发展的开放的定位中国特色社会主义理论体系,提供了一个从多维角度理解中国特色社会主义理论体系的巨大空间."发展的开放的"概括了中国特色社会主义理论体系体现的"三个统一",即历史、现实和未来的统一,内与外的统一,下与上的统一.从多维角度理解和把握中国特色社会主义理论体系,有利于形成对理论的共识,有利于以发展的开放的广阔视野推进这一理论体系的发展深化,以及把理论转化为建设中国特色社会主义事业的行动.  相似文献   

张舜徽幼承庭教,少年负笈求学,自学成才,成为一代国学大师.本文通过探讨他读书学习历程,研究其学习态度、方法、途径等学习思想.这些丰富的学习思想,给后学者提供宝贵经验.  相似文献   

侯仁之先生和他的北京情结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱祖希 《北京观察》2006,(11):60-64
12月6日,侯仁之先生将迎来他第95个生日. 95年的风雨沧桑,把我心目中一向崇敬的老师雕琢得像大理石一般瑰丽宁静.但是,从和他的谈话中,却让人感到,在他的内心里仍在缓缓地燃烧着他对祖国、对北京、对历史地理学那炽热而深情的爱……  相似文献   

<正>Shaped by the weather and the landscape of northern China,Mongolian culture is always accompanied by a touch of coldness and masculinity,qualities that  相似文献   

王晓 《公安学刊》2001,(6):18-23
随着高新技术的发展 ,计算机犯罪特别是网络犯罪发展尤为迅速。传统刑法理论已远远不能适应现实的需要 ,由此产生的巨大反差与冲突 ,亟须我们从理论上进行反思和立法上加以回应 ,以构建一个较为系统的计算机犯罪立法体系 ,从而完善计算机犯罪的控制机制。  相似文献   

以往中国历史研究常常忽视对转型期历史的研究.其实转型期的历史是历史发展全过程中最富内涵,最值得着眼的重点.研究和编写转型期历史,为史学研究与编写开辟了一条新的宽阔大道.  相似文献   

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