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FOR the first time in over a century, following the international financial crisis, the U.S. has been displaced as the world's largest industrial producer - this position now being taken by China. This period also witnessed the greatest shift in the balance of global industrial production in such a short period in world economic history.  相似文献   

LIKE Prison Break's Michael Scofield in the United States, the character Xu San-duo has become something of a household name in China since the top-rating Chinese drama Soldier's Sortie debuted in 2007. The 30-episode series follows Xu's travails as an ordinary soldier from rural China. In 2007, an average of 40 episodes of TV drama were produced per day in the country. "China has become the world's largest producer and broadcaster of drama for television," said Hu Zhanfan, deputy director general of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.  相似文献   

The latest national innovation index report by the Chi- nese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED) shows that China's innovative capability ranked 19th among 40 major countries in the world in 2013, one spot higher than the previous year. China's sci & tech re- search funding of RMB 1.o2984 trillion is the world's third largest, accounting for 11.7 percent of the global total bud- get compared with 1.7 percent in 2000, and also boasts the world's largest sci & tech worker pool - 3.247 million, or 29.2 percent of the global total.  相似文献   

U.S. medical device producer Medtronic raises its stake in China amid the country’s intensified efforts to reform healthcare A s China becomes one of the world’s fastest growing healthcare markets, investors and foreign companies are flocking to the promising sector. Medtronic, one of the world’s largest medical device makers, is no exception.  相似文献   

正China’s Energy Consumption Growth Slows Down The 2014 BP Statistical Review of World Energy shows that in 2013 China led the world in energy consumption.China used 22.4 percent of the world total,growing by4.7 percent,well below the 8.6percent average of the past decade.Meanwhile,China is also the world’s largest energy producer,providing 18.9 percent of global supply.Its No.1energy source is coal,which accounts for 47.4 percent of the global output.In line with the dip in consumption growth,growth in China’s energy production also fell to2.3 percent last year,far below the 7.4 percent average over the past 10 years.  相似文献   

THE recent publication of America's second quarter GDP data, following that for China, makes it possible to accurately compare the recent performance of the world's two largest economies and the results are extremely striking. In the last year the slowdown in the U.S. economy has been far more serious than in China. Therefore while both economies are being adversely affected by current negative trends in the world economy, China is dealing with these much more successfully than the U.S. In light of media discussion about China's economic "slowdown" it is equally important that attention is paid to understanding why the U.S.'s own economic slowdown is much worse than China's when confronted with similar global economic trends.  相似文献   

正CHINA and Britain have potentially one of the world’s most fruitful international economic relationships.Not only do they account for 16 percent of world GDP,but their two economies are mutually complementary rather than competitive.China is now the world’s largest industrial producer,  相似文献   

Feast or Famine     
China is the largest potato producer in the world, but still saddled with acute shortages for downstream products of potato processing  相似文献   

TOGETHER with Dalian and 'Chengdu, the city of Nanjing is a major producer of computer software in China.People may wonder what in the world has made Nanjing, a city known for its cultural and historical heritage, a leader in China's software industry. And how did this seem to happen overnight? In spite of its relatively low profile, Nanjing has a few tricks up its sleeve the other cities don't.  相似文献   

ARRIVING in Shanghai by sea, you see Shanghai Port, like other busy world ports, teeming with containers, hoists, and large cargo ships from all corners of the earth. Shanghai Port has the world's largest cargo handling capacity and the second largest container handling capacity, and what's more, leads globally in energy-efficiency of port logistics.  相似文献   

YANGJIANG inGuangdong Province can be summed up by the superlative "largest." The city is the largestfruit jelly producer in Southeast Asia, the largest knife producer and exporter, and the largest shark fin producer in China. It is also the hometown of kites and has recently emerged as a popular lourisl city.  相似文献   

正Overcapacity should not be blamed for the EU steel industry's decline China,the world’s largest steel producer,is now confronting a predicament en route to going global.Following the decision in late July to place duties ranging from 18.4to 22.5 percent on imports of Chinese-made deformed steel bars,the European Union(EU)  相似文献   

OPINION Shuanghui’s Dilemma in Overseas Acquisition Smithfield Foods, Inc., the world’s largest pork producer, has accepted a proposed acquisition by Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd. (The acquisition is now subject to a national security review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.)  相似文献   

The year 2010 concludes with several fresh entries in China's book of honor: the Shanghai World Expo set a record of 70 million visitors; China overtook Japan as runner up for the world's largest GDP, second only to the U.S.; and the World Bank escalated China's voting clout to 4.42 percent, the third largest in the organization. Amid the cheers and plaudits for these achievements are complaints and grumblings that can't be overlooked.  相似文献   

I was extremely gratified to read in the Sci-tech Info feature of January 2008 is- sue that so many people are joining in the effort toward sustainable development, China is the world's biggest developing country with the largest population, But its per capita resources are far from sufficient, China's fast economic growth emphasizes the conflict between de- velopment and the need to conserve the environment. Under current circumstances it is imperative that all of society takes precautionary measures. Transforming the pattern of economic growth is a fundamental matter of extreme urgency. We must deal appropriately with the relationships among economic and population growth, resource utilization and protection of the ecological environment, Building a harmonious society is a major issue of common concern that has direct bearing on the national economy and people's livelihood,  相似文献   

China’s telecom giant won’t give up on the U.S. market,but a strategic shift is underway Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Chinese telecom giant Huawei, was recently chosen as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine.Ironically enough, his company Huawei, the world’s second largest telecoms equipment maker and third largest smartphone vendor, is less recognized in the United States, the world’s largest telecom market. What about the U.S.market? A more pragmatic approach  相似文献   

正Capacity Reduction By the end of September,China had accomplished more than 80 percent of its goals for steel and coal production cuts,the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)said on October 25.China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of steel and coal.But the two industries have long been plagued by overcapacity and have become a major drag on China’s growth in recent years.The Chinese Government has vowed to cut steel capacity by 100  相似文献   

正China becomes the world’s largest producer of animated films, but raising quality remains a challenge For those who grew up in China during the 1980s, domestic animated films from that era are precious and irreplaceable memories of their childhood.A number of homegrown cartoons, such as Stories of Avanti, and Adventures of Shuke  相似文献   

CHINA has overtaken the United States to become the world's largest goods trading na- tion. Indeed, since the beginning of the inter- national financial crisis, increases in China'sforeign trade have been larger than those of the Unit- ed States, EU and Japan combined.  相似文献   

正Apparel manufacturers innovate to meet the needs of changing times China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 and the abolition of restrictions under the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing in 2005 marked the end of an era for the apparel industry across developed economies. Manufacturers in those countries ceased almost all production activity in favor of low-cost sourcing from emerging countries, including China. By 2020, China had become the world’s largest producer and exporter of textiles and apparel, with an export value of nearly $291 billion.  相似文献   

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