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论身份权请求权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
段厚省 《法学研究》2006,28(5):17-29
身份权应当包括配偶权、亲权、亲属权和监护权四个方面的内容。法律对身份权的保护历史悠久,对身份权的民法保护包括赋予身份权人请求权、确认诉权和形成诉权三种方式。身份权并非典型的绝对权,其在对外的关系上具有绝对权的性质,在对内的关系上具有相对权的性质,故身份权人的请求权只能向身份义务人主张。因此身份权请求权应当分为两种,一种是针对身份义务人的请求权,一种是针对身份关系之外的第三人的请求权。  相似文献   

人身权从其客体进行分类,即是依权利主体本身利益而享有的权利,还是依他人人身利益而享有的权利,可将人身权分为人格权和身份权。人格权是民事权利主体所固有的、为保持法律上的独立人格所必需的权利;而身份权是因一定的地位、资格发生的为保持某种身份所必需的权利。人格权和身份权有以下区别: (1)产生的前提不同。人格权是法律一概平等地赋予公民的,只要有出生的事实,公民就可享有人格权,不须再为一定的民事法律行为。身份权的产生要基于特定民事法律行为或特定民事法律事实。这是两种权利法律特征的主要区别。  相似文献   

论身份权请求权   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
身份权请求权是民事权利保护的请求权体系中的一种。现代身份权完全区别于历史上的身份权,具有现代的特质。基于身份权的现代特质,身份权请求权具有独特而必要的法律地位。身份权请求权包括妨害预防请求权、妨害排除请求权和违反身份权相对效力而产生的身份权请求权,而确定身份权的请求权不属于身份权请求权的内容。身份权请求权在诉讼上表现为给付之诉。  相似文献   

《民法典》第1001条关于亲属身份权参照适用人格权编的规范有利于完善对亲属身份权的保护。基于参照适用这一立法技术在法律适用过程中所体现的法定类推特色,需要对参照适用的可能空间以及参照适用的方式、对象和效果等具体规则进行法解释学层面的厘清。亲属身份权与人格权的牵连及差异分别为“适用”的可能和“参照”的限制提供了理论基础,因此对侵害亲属身份权中配偶权、亲权和亲属权的行为进行规制即为参照适用的可能空间,兜底性适用和适度性适用则是参照适用的妥善方式。经由规范意旨、相似性和体系性标准的考量,人格权编的规定对于亲属身份权的保护存在可以参照适用、部分参照适用和不能参照适用三种区分。通过参照适用,将产生身份权请求权的法律适用效果。基于亲属身份权的绝对权属性和更好地保护身份法益的需求,身份权请求权并不受限于诉讼时效。  相似文献   

排污权的法律透析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观我国的环境管理法规,我国的法律并没有为排污权交易提供必要的法律支持。到目前为止,"排污权"还没有正式写进我国的法律,为我国法律所承认。当前,对排污权的法律性质的探讨主要有两种说法:一种说法认为排污权属于特殊的用益物权,另一种说法认为排污权应归入准物权的范畴。从排污权的客体出发,两种说法都存在一定的缺陷:把排污权的客体认定为环境容量欠缺科学性,而以环境资源作为排污权的客体,即把排污权作为环境资源所有权的一项权能更恰当。  相似文献   

姓名权本质变革论   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
袁雪石 《法律科学》2005,23(2):44-51
单纯认定姓名权是人格权观点存在的缺陷。姓名的社会功能决定了姓名权的本质。等级社会中的姓名具有表明等级关系的功能 ,姓名可以成为身份权的客体。在市场经济条件下 ,姓名用于体现社会评价和指代特殊事物 ,姓名因此分别成为人格权和财产权的客体。先占理论、功利主义理论和人格理论可以成为作为财产权的姓名权的理论基础  相似文献   

有一类权利客体,如荣誉、作为著作身份权客体之作品、人身遗存、人体可逆性分离部分、效果意思等,既非财产,也非人身,而是主体专属之“身外之物”,应专门归类。对具体主体而言,专属“身外之物”具有固有性、专属性,准用对人身的规定,似可称“准人身”。  相似文献   

我国现行著作权法中规定的"署名权,即表明作者身份,在作品上署名的权利"与我国著作权法第三次修订草案送审稿中曾拟定的"署名权,即决定是否表明作者身份以及如何表明作者身份的权利"的表述,都以偏概全,名不副实。其实署名权是表明作者身份权的下位概念,表明作者身份权又是保护作者身份权的下位概念。建议在我国著作权法第三次修改中,将"署名权"改为"主张作者身份和反对损害作者身份的权利"的保护作者身份权。我国著作权法中的著作人身权应当由保护作者身份权、保护作品完整权与发表权共同构成。  相似文献   

实践中发生的生育权纠纷引发了学界对其本质的讨论,人权说、宪法权利说、人格权说和身份权说占据主导。主张生育权为人权或宪法权利的观点,仅在表明生育权是应然性权利,其目的是延续后代;主张生育权为人格权或身份权的观点,固然表明生育权的实体性,却忽略了对生育权客体的分析。生育权可以从两个层次界定:作为应然性权利,其本质是人人都享有的延续后代的权利;作为实体性权利,其本质是怀孕女性享有的生育和不生育的人格自由权。  相似文献   

黄霞 《法制与社会》2011,(3):286-287
生育权是人格权,而非身份权,但是学界对于它的认识存在诸多误解。谨此,本文以对通行观点的评介为切入点,重新对生育权的内涵、性质、主体、客体、权能、侵权表现和救济方式作一下梳理、界定和认识。  相似文献   

以《德国民法典》为代表的采总则——分则结构的各国民法典中,民法总则的内容大同小异。在借鉴国外立法经验、吸收当代民法研究成果的基础上,我国民法典总则的内容应包括:(1)一般规定;(2)权利主体;(3)权利客体;(4)法律事实;(5)权利保护。在民法典总则中,不宜设取得时效和民事责任的一般规定。  相似文献   

Increasingly hard-line and restrictive asylum policies and practicesof many governments call into question the scope of protectionsoffered by the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.Has the focus on the 1951 Convention been to the detriment andsubordination of other rights and standards of treatment owedto refugees and asylum-seekers under international human rightslaw? Which standard applies in the event that there is a clashor inconsistency between the two bodies of law? In analysingthe interface between international refugee law and internationalhuman rights law, this article looks at the right to familylife and the right to work. Through this examination, contentand meaning is offered to the almost forgotten component ofthe right ‘to enjoy’ asylum in Article 14(1) ofthe Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.  相似文献   

This paper examines the legal status of juveniles in Cameroon. It defines a juvenile as a “human being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier” (Article 1 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)). It treats the historical development of the rights of children and discusses their protection under the Cameroon Penal Code (CPC), the Civil Status Registration Ordinance (CSRO), Family Law (FL) and International Instruments (II) ratified by the country. Existing gaps in the protective measures are indicated and recommendations provided.  相似文献   

金可可 《河北法学》2005,23(5):133-135
邓恩伯格将私法权利主要分为财产权与关于人的权利;其中财产权包括了债权与物权,而继承权虽然并非财产权,但也是财产移转的方式,因此也在此论述;关于人的权利则包括人格权与亲属权。与此相应,其私法体系由总则、物权法、债法、人法———亲属法、继承法五部分组成。他还将债权与物权的区分主要建立在客体的不同之上。可以看出,邓恩伯格比较忠实地继承了萨维尼所构造的体系。  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1971,34(6):696-708
Separated Spouses. By O. R. McGregor, L. Blom Cooper and C. Gibson. [London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. 1970. xvii and 277 pp. £8.00.] Law relating to Owners and Occupiers of Land. By A. J. Hawkins. Le Régime Juridique des Titres de Sociétés en Europe et aux Etats-Unis: The Legal Status of Securities in Europe and the United States. Institut d'Etudes Europeennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Les Emissions de Titres de Société en Europe et aux Etats-Unis: Corporate Securities Markets in Europe and the United States. Prison Before Trial: A study of remand decisions in Magistrates' Courts. By A. Keith Bottomley. Occasional Papers in Social Administration, Number 39. Key Issues in Criminology. By Roger Hood and Richard Sparks. [London: World University Library, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. International Law. By D. P. O'Connell. Second Edition. Essays on Human Rights. Edited by K. J. Keith. UN Protection of Civil and Political Rights. By John Carey. Basic Documents on Human Rights. Edited by Ian Brownlie. The Law of Treaties. A Guide to the Legislative History of the Vienna Convention. By Shabtai Rosenne. European Law Libraries Guide. Edited by Elizabeth M. Moys. Sources of International Uniform Law. Vol. 1: Private and Commercial Law. Edited by Konrad Zweigert and Jan Kropholler.  相似文献   

沈建峰 《北方法学》2011,5(3):59-66
为了表达法律人(Person)承担权利的资格这种属性,实现法律概念的精确化,德国学者提出了权利能力的概念。然而,由于权利的意志之力本质和无意志者的权利能力之间的矛盾以及权利能力平等和权利能力限制之间的矛盾,权利能力概念的内涵处于不断变化之中。总体来看,权利能力概念的形成使得法律人的概念解体了,人的要素分化为人格、权利能力等个别的制度。而权利能力在本质上仅仅是法律人在实证法上的一种属性。  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the impact of the Human Rights Act on the House of Lords. Drawing on a database of judgments from 1994 to 2007, changes in judgment‐giving behaviour are identified by charting patterns of agreement and dissent across different categories of case. Voting records are also examined in order to identify whether significant differences exist between individual Law Lords in their approach to human rights cases.  相似文献   

On the 2nd of October 2000, The Human Rights Act 1998 came into full force, signalling the incorporation of The European Convention on Human Rights into U.K. law. Areas of law believed to be inconsistent with the Convention may now be challenged in both The European Court of Human Rights and domestic courts. This article considers whether existing laws on the regulation of access to infertility services, in particular surrogacy, will be deemed incompatible with the ECHR. Human rights as enshrined within Articles 8 and 12 will be examined in light of recent suggestions that there may arise legal challenges by those who have had access to reproductive services restricted or denied. It will be shown that, although existing and potential future controls may arguably infringe these rights, it is nevertheless unlikely that they will be held to be in contravention of The Human Rights Act 1998.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and especially Article 6 entitled Right to a Fair and Public Hearing , all now fully incorporated into the UK via the Human Rights Act (HRA, 1997). This article discusses the implications for UK education institutions and the potential conflict with the exclusive jurisdiction of the Visitor in English chartered universities and colleges. Also discussed are UK schools, colleges and universities as 'public authorities' and 'emanations of the state', the creation of a Higher Education Ombudsman as a 'Super-Visitor' or 'HERO' (Higher Education Regulatory Office), the impact of HRA and ECHR less dramatic for schools than for universities (or at least for the Visitor function within them), and finally the coming three decades of legal uncertainty and fees for lawyers.  相似文献   

The Human Rights Act 1998 came fully into force on 2 October 2000, enabling the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to be relied on directly in our domestic courts.1 The Act lacked provision for a Human Rights Commission to advise and assist alleged victims in bringing proceedings for breaches of Convention rights, to research, intervene in court proceedings, and promote a culture of human rights, although such a Commission had been created for Northern Ireland. A White Paper has now been issued outlining plans for a Commission for Equality and Human Rights. This paper considers the future role and potential impact of the Commission and highlights opportunities that have been missed since October 2000 in its absence. We focus on its human rights aspects and summarize key conditions for the new Commission's success.  相似文献   

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