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While most research on workplace grievance resolution focuses on hierarchical settings, this study examines grievance resolution in a worker cooperative, a workplace mutually owned and democratically managed. Drawing on data from in-depth interviews and observations, this research explores how workers' perceptions of procedural justice influence their anticipated grievance strategies. Despite working side by side in the same organization, both men and women had very different experiences regarding procedural justice and dispute resolution. For men, working at a cooperative meant informal dispute resolution strategies, while the women cited the cooperative identity as empowering them to use formal grievance procedures.  相似文献   

知识产权案件的裁判,应当体现意思自治的民法基本原则、稳定交易秩序的司法导向、平衡相关方利益的价值取向。对于行为人的真实意思,应当通过行为外观探求其内心真意。著作权许可使用合同的法律性质应综合合同条款文义、著作权人之行为、代理人之权限、出版合同及其履约过程进行判断。对于代理人在著作权人授权范围之内签署的许可使用合同,其法律后果应直接归属于作为被代理人的著作权人,而不应认定为转委托。著作权人死亡后,在对其作品著作财产权归属发生争议的情况下,被许可人暂缓支付著作权许可使用费,不存在拒不支付之主观过错,因此不应认定其构成侵权。对于权利人通过合同关系行使处分权已经构建的稳定交易结构及交易秩序,应予以尊重。  相似文献   

The importance of the institutional framework for economic development is widely accepted today and it is duly stressed in the economic literature. The protection of property rights, the enforcement of contracts and an efficient legal system are the pillars of the contemporary rule of law. However, formal institutions cannot function without being internalized by the citizens and without the strong backing of social norms. Morality and social norms are the major elements of the informal institutional structure, the social capital, which is also critical for social welfare and economic development. In this paper we will discuss both the formal and the informal institutional framework of Ancient Athens, which was a free market society with economic problems similar to contemporary market societies. Athenians developed a highly sophisticated legal framework for the protection of private property, the enforcement of contracts and the efficient resolution of disputes. Such an institutional framework functioned effectively, cultivating trust and protecting the security of transactions. This entire system however was based on social norms such as reciprocity, the value of reputation and widely accepted business ethics. Conformity to social norms as well as moral behavior was fostered by social sanction mechanisms (such as stigma) and moral education. The Athenian example is a further proof of the importance of morality and social norms as transaction cost-saving devices even in quite sophisticated legal systems. Their absence or decline leads inevitably to the need for more regulation and litigation and to a growing preference for clear-cut rules instead of discretionary standards. Athenian law was pioneering in the development of rules and institutional mechanisms suitable for the reduction of transaction costs, many of them surviving in the most complex contemporary legal systems.  相似文献   

网络服务合同是确立网络运营商与用户双方权利义务的协议,是用户行使及保护其虚拟财产权的重要依托。实务中由于网络服务合同缺乏完善的法律规范,导致其中存在大量不公平的争议条款,当法律纠纷出现时,严重不利于用户对其虚拟财产权的保护与行使。如何在法律上对网络服务合同进行规制以及在司法实践中如何认定部分争议类型条款的有效性将是保护网络虚拟财产的重中之重。正基于此,在分析网络服务合同与虚拟财产权保护的主要矛盾,探讨网络服务合同中部分争议类型条款之后,对网络服务合同的法律规范提出相关建议。  相似文献   

论和解合同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和解合同是当事人约定相互让步,以终止争执或排除法律关系不明确之状态的合同。构成和解合同,第一须有争执或法律关系不明确的状态的存在;第二须有终止争执或排除法律关系不明确状态的意思;第三须有相互让步。和解合同不必定为债权合同,而是有可能为物权合同或准物权合同;和解合同不必定为双务合同;和解合同为不要式合同。和解合同的典型内容为确定效力。  相似文献   

Few studies have responded to the calls by sociolegal scholars to explore how disputes evolve. This article takes up the challenge by examining how intermediaries in socialist Asia resolve land‐taking disputes that are intractable for administrative appeals and courts. Exploring alternatives to state‐based dispute resolution is a pressing issue for conflicts that pit citizens against authoritarian regimes. Using in‐depth interviews, this article investigates how intermediaries such as retired state officials navigate in and around authoritarian regimes, flattening power asymmetries between citizens and land officials. This analysis draws from, links, and advances three literatures that examine dispute resolution in different ways: the sociolegal “naming, blaming, and claiming” literature examines the trajectory of disputes, regulatory studies use legitimacy expectations to analyze how disputants evaluate and prioritize competing regulatory frameworks, and the collective identity literature analyzes how communities respond to disputes. This article contributes to the literature by developing a theoretical framework that explains how intermediaries circumvent conceptual differences and transform disputes. The findings compel researchers to consider the use of intermediaries as an alternative to state‐sponsored dispute resolution in authoritarian settings.  相似文献   

This paper has three aims. First, it describes the ideologies of six organizations that have been and continue to be prominent in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) movement in the United States. These organizations all feature the use of mediation as a central component of their work and as a solution to larger social problems.
Second, it elaborates some points of similarity and difference in these ideologies in light of a debate that emerged in the late 1970's between "community" and "agency" models of mediation, that is, between programs that chose to closely affiliate with the formal justice system and those that chose not to. Several years after the start of this debate, we believe there are important points of convergence and divergence that have not received enough attention by those who advocate for or against alternative dispute processing.
Finally, the authors wish to use the opportunity this study provides to speculate more openly on the contemporary meaning of legal informalism and the ways in which formal and informal legal structures now seem to be linked.  相似文献   

王铁雄 《河北法学》2020,38(1):20-42
《农村土地承包法修正案》将“三权分置”政策内容上升为法律规定,确立承包地三权分置制度。对解决承包地流转闭锁抵押难行等问题意义重大。却因将承包经营权本集体经济组织内封闭流转以法律固化,新设土地经营权性质不清、类型混合、流转不济,无益承包地债权性与物权性并可市场化开放性流转之“三权分置”目标实现。受其影响,《民法典分编(草案)》亦存同样问题。亟待农村承包地三权分置制度进一步入典完善。在实地调研基础上,遵循《民法总则》落实集体土地所有权前提下,于《民法典分编(草案)》完善中,基于英美地产权客体权益分离理论与大陆法系二次权能分离理论具兼创债权性与物权性经营权功能的地权二次分离理论,在保持土地承包经营权规定不变上,从其客体权益中分离出二元化土地经营权,并分别于合同编增设农地租赁经营合同具体规范债权性经营权、于物权编构造“农用地使用权”科学规范物权性经营权。以利能以债权性经营权顺农地灵活经营实践、物权性经营权应农地抵押及长期经营所需的二元化路径,促现行承包经营权本集体经济组织内封闭流转向派生出的土地经营权市场化开放性流转发展,以实现农村承包地三权分置制度入典达成“三权分置”、“放活土地经营权”之政策目标。  相似文献   

In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls considers neither the position of women nor the organization of the family in the just society. My paper discusses the extent to which his social contract can be extended to include justice to women in spite of this omission. Feminists have accused Rawls of creating a theory of justice for white middle class males. I argue that this is not a logical consequence of the basic elements of his theory, namely his definition of the original situation and of the veil of ignorance. The limitations of Rawls's theory arise because he deliberately constrains the social contract to the rights and duties of citizens in relation to the government while he also defines the family as being outside the sphere of citizenship and government. If this constraint is removed, the social contract must of necessity be extended to the family. I also argue that unless organization of the care and nurture of children are included in the social contract, the position of women in society is not resolved.  相似文献   

新型农业经营体系下农地产权结构的法律逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高圣平 《法学研究》2014,36(4):76-91
新型农业经营体系的构建以厘清农地产权的结构为前提。在我国实行土地公有制不变的前提下,农地产权的结构以集体土地所有权为基础。在新型农业经营体系中对农地的利用关系在法律上应当表达为物权关系,以达到"稳定农村土地承包关系并保持长久不变"的目标,主流学说所谓土地承包经营权的二元化构造即应破除。经济学界提出的以土地所有权、土地承包权、土地经营权"三权分离"学说为基础构建农地产权的观点,曲解了稳定土地承包关系与土地承包经营权流转之间的关系,不符合他物权设立的基本法理,无法在法律上得以表达,也与下一步农地制度改革的方向相悖。如果农地的流转仅仅具有债法上的效果,或产生移转物权的效果,则方式自由;如果农地的流转具有创设物权的效果,则方式强制。实定法上就农地转让的条件限制缺乏正当性,应予修正。  相似文献   

In recent decades, alternative dispute resolution processes have gained worldwide recognition, a growing role in legal practice, and increasing academic attention. Despite their professed advantages, they have also faced fierce opposition. In a seminal article, Owen Fiss argued that ADR exacerbates imbalances of power between the parties. But while the theoretical argument has been widely developed, empirical evidence has remained scant. This article empirically examines the impact of representation patterns and dispute resolution methods on case outcomes. Arguably, professional representation of weaker parties may reduce the effects of inequality, whereas less formal, transparent, and adjudicatory processes may exacerbate them. The article focuses on small claims settlement conferences, using the Israeli labor courts system as a test case. The main findings are that representation increases the probability of a successful settlement conference, and that the more formal the process, the greater the ratio between the sum obtained by the plaintiff and the sum claimed.  相似文献   

王发强 《时代法学》2005,3(1):76-80
房地产开发项目停工后 ,商品房无法交付 ,按揭银行先起诉购房户要求提前收回贷款本息 ,购房户后起诉房地产商和按揭银行要求解除商品房买卖合同和商品房贷款合同。两案应否合并审理 ,司法解释未明确规定。笔者认为 ,两案应合并审理或中止商品房贷款合同案诉讼。不合并审理或中止诉讼 ,直接剥夺了司法解释赋予购房人要求房地产开发商直接返还购房贷款的权利。将导致两案判决发生直接冲突。合并审理或中止诉讼能提高审判效率 ,减轻当事人诉累。符合“商品房买卖司法解释”惩罚过错方并保护弱势群体购房户合法权益的宗旨和目的。  相似文献   

随着纳税人权利意识的增强,税务争议呈多发趋势。而解决各种税务争议多着眼于传统的途径即税务行政复议和税务行政诉讼,使得在税务争议解决实务中已存在的调解、和解、仲裁等替代性税务争议解决方式没有可靠的理论支撑和法律依据。因此,对税务争议替代性解决机制进行研究,以有效解决各种税务争议,成为税法理论界及实务界十分关注的课题。笔者从税法适用的角度,对引入税务争议ADR的法理合法性与现实合理性进行分析,并尝试研究国外税务争议ADR的成因、背景和运作状况,以借鉴其规则或惯例,为我国引进并完善税务争议ADR提出构想。  相似文献   

A psychological tax contract goes beyond the traditional deterrence model and explains tax morale as a complicated interaction between taxpayers and the government. As a contractual relationship implies duties and rights for each contract party, tax compliance is increased by sticking to the fiscal exchange paradigm between citizens and the state. Citizens are willing to honestly declare income even if they do not receive a full public good equivalent to tax payments as long as the political process is perceived to be fair and legitimate. Moreover, friendly treatment of taxpayers by the tax office in auditing processes increases tax compliance.  相似文献   

城市供热与人们的生活息息相关。在供热合同的履行过程中,经常会出现纠纷。除了供热合同纠纷外,侵权纠纷也占据供暖合同履行过程中纠纷的大部分。经常出现的侵权纠纷主要集中在供暖前暖气试水、供热过程中的暖气漏水以及供热管网的维修过程中。通常在确认责任承担问题上对供热设施产权界定非常重要,它直接涉及到承担责任主体。因此,本文力图通...  相似文献   

当ADR裹挟着"和解文化"席卷全球,世界各国的司法系统均遭到巨大冲击,正式性司法一头独大的局面被改写。随着国家干预纠纷的手段由暴力强制转向和平协商,司法职能亦由裁判走向和解。无论基于结构性原因抑或传统及意识形态,ADR及其和解理念已经进入各国的司法领域,导致审判的衰落与和解的增长以及法官角色的更新与法院性质的嬗变。和解在司法领域的兴起虽具有政治、社会及法律职业等方面的正当性,但司法裁判的价值仍旧不容忽视。可以说,司法职能从来不是一成不变的,从正式性司法与非正式性司法相互渗透的历史发展中只能得出这样的结论:司法系统正在从单纯的公力救济领域变成公私合作的场合。  相似文献   

调职作为企业人事管理的方法之一经常被采用。由于调职后的工作内容与工作场所可能发生较大变动,导致因调职而引发的劳动争议并不少见。司法裁判是解决调职争议的重要途径,对于调职司法裁判进行多元视角分析,有利于更为深入、系统地研究调职法律问题。  相似文献   

施立栋 《财经法学》2021,(2):135-149
行政争议的中立评估机制是指由具备专门解纷知识的中立评估员对纠纷进入行政复议、行政诉讼等渠道的审理前景进行预测的一种制度。它能在降低当事人过高的解纷期望、促成当事人之间达成和解、克服评估式调解的弊端等方面发挥积极作用,亟待引入我国行政争议解决领域之中。中立评估机制处于合意型行政争议解决机制与决定型行政争议解决机制的连接点...  相似文献   

The Demand for Land Title Registration: Theory with Evidence from Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the role of title registration in providingsecurity of property rights for landowners. A simple model isdeveloped to examine the trade-off between increased securityof registering title against the administrative costs of accessingthe system. The model predicts that the demand for registrationshould be increasing in the value of the land, the educationof the landowner, and proximity to the central government (thelatter two being measures of the cost of accessing the system).Evidence on land registration in Kenya provides support forthe model.  相似文献   


This study assessed the role of alternative dispute resolution options in the complaints management systems of the eight policing jurisdictions in Australia and the single jurisdiction of New Zealand. The available literature shows that a large proportion of complainants would like to participate in mediation, and that both complainants and police who experience mediation report much higher rates of satisfaction than those experiencing traditional adversarial investigative and adjudicative processes. Experiences with informal dispute resolution or ‘conciliation’ options are more mixed, and they are susceptible to tokenism and misuse as a convenient administrative means of disposing of complaints. Despite this situation, the data obtained from police and oversight agency sources in this study showed that options were limited to informal resolution conducted by senior officers, with an ostensible focus on behavioral improvement but with no meaningful publicly available data on outcomes. The paper concludes by advocating for a best practice complaints management system that includes mediation within a consultative framework focused on behavioral improvement.  相似文献   

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