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阳光原则指WTO的成员方应公布并以统一公正合理的方式实施与贸易有关的法律、行政法规和政策措施 ,以期国际贸易交往的可预见性的立法行政行为规则。本文从WTO的阳光原则的含义入手 ,论述了其在部分WTO协定中的体现、其存在的法理基础及其意义。任何一项法律原则都有深刻的法学哲学基础。法学哲学多维度地阐述某项法律原则存在的必要性和合理性。阳光原则作为重要的法律原则亦是如此。对WTO阳光原则的法学哲学思考 ,就是为了揭示其存在的必要性、合理性和可能性。  相似文献   

The international trade regime has seen an explosion of challenges to government support for renewable energy in recent years, yet fossil fuel subsidies, which dwarf renewable energy subsidies, have remained unchallenged. Existing explanations for this puzzling discrepancy have focused on four rationales: major fossil fuel exporters have not historically been members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (WTO); WTO subsidies rules are inadequate to deal with the specifics of the fossil fuel trade; nations have developed separate institutions to govern energy; and all states have fossil fuel subsidies, so a challenge to one country’s subsidies will prompt a reciprocal challenge. This article makes two contributions. First, it uses a survey of existing renewable energy trade disputes to critique the existing explanations. Most importantly, the article shows that the threat of reciprocal litigation exists in the renewable energy sector, and that WTO subsidies rules are rarely used to challenge renewable energy subsidies. Hence, neither the threat of reciprocal litigation nor the relative ease of applying WTO subsidies rules explains the discrepancy in the number of disputes. Second, the article hypothesizes that the economic diversification of energy-producing countries is correlated with and may drive whether energy-producing countries face WTO challenges to their energy support policies. Most major fossil fuel producers lack significant non-fossil fuel exports that could be restricted in order to induce them to reform their fossil fuel policies, the usual mechanism for enforcing a WTO judgment. States may also be more likely to challenge new, rather than long-standing, trade restrictions. This suggests that trade challenges will arise more frequently where innovation leads to competition and a demand for new trade restrictions (as in renewable energy), as opposed to in mature sectors of the economy (i.e., the fossil fuel industry). Economic diversification, in turn, is a good predictor of innovation.  相似文献   

The World Trade Organization (‘WTO’) is the principalinternational institution for the management and regulationof the process of economic globalization. Its effectivenessin fulfilling this important task, however, leaves much to bedesired. On 4 and 5 February 2005, the Faculty of Law of MaastrichtUniversity organized an international research conference entitled‘In Search of Effective Global Economic Governance: TheCase of the World Trade Organization’. This conferencebrought together academics, WTO officials, government diplomats,national trade officials, representatives of business associationsand NGOs to discuss a wide range of issues, including: possibleimprovements to and alternatives for consensus decision-makingin the WTO; issues of transparency, democratic legitimacy andthe participation of civil society in WTO decision-making; secondarylaw-making by WTO bodies; and an expanded role for the WTO Secretariat.It is important that legal and political science scholars focustheir research efforts on the reforms needed to transform theWTO into an instrument of effective global economic governance.The main objective of the conference was, therefore, to definea comprehensive agenda for research into the institutional reformof the WTO. This article is, above all, a report of the conferenceand summarizes the main arguments made by the participants.  相似文献   

This article draws upon the law-in-action, repeat players, and motive to understand how legal actors construct the "good case" in dispute settlement systems. The construction of "good cases" is examined at the World Trade Organization (WTO), a relatively new and unexplored site for the study of dispute settlement. Findings show that the good case encompasses flexible sets of motives including economic, political, and symbolic characteristics of trade grievances to mobilize WTO law. The flexibility is due to uncertainties associated with litigation, which are manifestations of four features of the WTO: the newness of the system, the organizational and legal structure of the dispute system, the context of the WTO as an intergovernmental agreement, and the persistence of inequality between states. Six variations of the good case are identified.  相似文献   

《贸易便利化协定》作为"多哈回合"谈判早期收获的成果,其法律地位的确认对于正确认识《贸易便利化协定》有着重要的理论和实践意义。通过分析《贸易便利化协定》在WTO法律体系中的法律地位及其与世界贸易组织相关法律规则的适用关系,笔者认为《贸易便利化协定》属于"多哈回合"法律文件的一部分,而不是"乌拉圭回合"法律文件的升级版。由于《贸易便利化协定》是各国利益妥协的产物,其法律用语包含了大量软性用语并且直接或间接地规定了应当优先适用其他WTO法律规则的规定。这些都为《贸易便利化协定》在未来适用以及解释上提出了挑战。笔者通过逐条分析《贸易便利化协定》的有关条款内容,对于可能存在的法律适用和解释上的难题进行了梳理,希望能为后续的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

Good governance lies at the heart of both the effectivenessand legitimacy of collective decision-making. In this essay,Professor Esty argues that, if the World Trade Organization(WTO) is to be successful in its designated role of promotingtrade liberalization and helping to manage international economicinterdependence, it needs a deeper commitment to good governance,advanced through a more refined structure of administrativerules and procedures. He identifies 14 core elements of goodgovernance and traces how administrative law might promote eachone in the WTO context. While acknowledging the difficulty ofbringing administrative law to the supranational level, Estyconcludes that there exists an emerging consensus around manyof the underpinnings of good governance—and thereforeplaces value in trying to build these elements in to the WTOpolicy-making process.  相似文献   

This mixed-method analysis examines the effects of repeat participation on disputing at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Differences between disputants in terms of their experience with WTO disputing processes affect the likelihood of a dispute transitioning to a panel review in distinct ways, depending upon the configuration of the parties. More experienced complainants tend to achieve settlements, while more experienced respondents tend to refuse conciliation. Strategies of experienced respondents are derived from the expertise generated from repeated direct participation and the normalcy of disputing for repeat players as well as the benefits accruing from a reputation for being unlikely to settle. Repeat players also seek to avoid disputes expected to produce unfavorable jurisprudence but do not actively try to create new case law through the selection of disputes. This research demonstrates a dynamic learning process in how parties use international legal forums and thus extends sociolegal scholarship beyond the nation-state.  相似文献   

世界版权集体管理组织在数字环境下的新发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘可静  张敏 《知识产权》2004,14(6):57-61
我国音乐版权集体管理组织与某些音乐作品的传播和使用者的案件纠纷,引起了国内诸多学者、相关业界人士和广大用户对版权集体管理组织的关注,人们开始对版权集体管理组织的垄断地位、标准的制定以及版权集体管理组织是否应尽版权信息传播与检索的义务等问题展开争论与思考1.在笔者看来,这些争论的焦点实际上还是在版权集体管理制度下,如何实现版权平衡的问题.  相似文献   

The Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization reservesthe right to adopt ‘authoritative interpretations’of the multilateral trade agreements to the Ministerial Conferenceand the General Council. Given that, to date, this instrumenthas not been used, the present article intends to highlightits structural importance for the balance of powers within thelegal system of the World Trade Organization. It identifiesthe use that could and should be made of it and reviews thepractice so far. The article attempts to explain the reasonsfor the present lack of authoritative interpretations in theWorld Trade Organization and presents several options for thefuture. At the outset, this article explores the parametersthat are relevant for this discussion, notably the possiblescope and legal effects of an authoritative interpretation.Important questions are whether an authoritative interpretationis legally binding on all WTO Members, whether it may modifythe existing law or whether the rules of treaty interpretationare relevant in the formulation of an authoritative interpretation,and whether its validity can be challenged in dispute settlement.  相似文献   

1 缘起与目的 台湾在展览资源的大量需求下,为能收容更多的人数,建筑物已朝向大面积、大规模且大跨距发展,使用机能亦趋复合化,尤其各类供公众使用之特殊用途建筑物如:展览场、大型卖场等等,为确保其内部使用人员生命之安全,避难标示之设置尤为重要,又各类型展览因其配置与平面分割规划需求的差异,其内部所配置的避难标示亦会产生不同的辨识状况,所以在规划不同的大型展览之际,须对避难标示之使用配置进行个案评估与检测,进而才能有效的达到避难标示设置的根本立义。  相似文献   

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