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耿卓 《当代法学》2011,(5):10-17
地役权是《物权法》新规定的用益物权类型,有必要进行深入研究。乡村地役权作为中观层次的地役权类型,对极其概括、不确定的地役权内容的具体化、类型化具有重要意义。地役权的特点与我国的现实国情,以及地役权的发展史、我国的继受法传统与世界范围内的法律一体化决定了从比较法角度研究乡村地役权的必要性。大陆法系国家和地区的相关立法各有其借鉴意义。从我国的立法及其实践来看,乡村地役权在我国的发展实践深深烙上了社会主义体制的印迹,并在新农村建设中呈现出新的特点和趋向。为此,有必要对《物权法》的相关规定加以修订,并积极宣传、普及,以实现人民群众运用法律、发挥法律作用的法政策目标。  相似文献   

<正> 1990年,法学基础理论学科认真贯彻党的“双百”方针,就法理学中许多基本理论问题进行了深入地探讨和研究.特别是不少学者发表了一些具有一定理论深度的阐述马克思主义法律观的文章,有的学者还根据新的要求编写了马克思主义法理学的纲要和教材。这对于在法学领域坚持以马克思主义为指导,正本清源,推动我国法学理论的繁荣和发展,无疑具有十分重要的意义。现就主要不同学术观点综述如下: 一、对法律规范结构的不同认识  相似文献   

地役权是一种古老的用益物权,从罗马法到现代大陆法系各国民法甚至英美法系国家的财产法对之都有规定,我国现行民事立法没有地役权的明确规定。在我国物权法的制定中,是否应当规定地役权,学者们仍未有一致的意见。本文对地役权的基本制度作些比较,并就我国地役权的立法问题谈些看法。一、地役权的法律特性地役权起源甚早,大低自人类进入畜牧时代,即有其继形。《自罗马法正式确认为他物权形式以后,其概念基本稳定、一致。罗马法上,地役权是“为一块被称作需役地的土地”而利用他入土地的权利。e《法国民法典》第637条规定:“役权系…  相似文献   

论民事推定证据制度的完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民事推定是“谁主张谁举证”这一基本证据制度的补充,其实质是法官自由裁量权的重要内容,它免除了原告对推定事实的举证责任。国外法学对推定的研究比较成熟,而我国虽然有些立法推定,但是法学理论界未能深入探讨,导致司法审判实践的混乱。本文审视了当今民事推定的发展趋势,揭示了我国民事推定证据制度存在的问题后,对民事推定的基本概念、法律意义、法哲学基础、构成要件及其适用作全面的分析、归纳,并提出自己尝试性的观点,以期进一步完善我国的证据制度,推动民事经济审判中证据制度的改革走向深入。  相似文献   

陈思 《法制与社会》2010,(20):262-263
本文拟在分析国外关于地役权的成熟立法经验的基础上,对我国地役权立法提出相关思考。  相似文献   

自1861年德国法学家耶林在《耶林法学年 报》第4卷发表了《缔约上过失,契约无效 与未臻完全之时之损害赔偿》一文之后,有关缔约过失责任的理论研究及立法实践并不断被推向深入。我国学者在借鉴大量的国外研究成果的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,亦对此理论进行了广泛的研究,无论这些研究的成效如何,其对推动我国的立法及正确理论的产生无疑具有一定的积极意义。本文力求从法律概念间内在的逻辑联系来阐述缔约过失责任,通过分析我国立法实践的现状来说明我国有关缔约过失责任立法的不足。 一、缔约过失责任的概念及其性质 虽然法学…  相似文献   

辛一科 《法制与社会》2014,(12):22-23,27
将托马斯·库恩的范式理论引入我国民族法学理论研究视野,以建构民族法学的基本假设、基础范畴、基本方法等一列基础性理论框架。这一全新的研究进路,为拓宽民族法学研究视野、深化民族法学理论品质、完善民族法学理论框架、指导民族法学立法和指引民族司法实践具有积极意义。  相似文献   

就我国目前的情况而言,法学研究常用的方法有规范分析、比较研究和实证研究三种,这三种方法在刑事诉讼法学研究中也得到普遍使用,并且对于法学界创新法学理论、推动司法进步、培养专门人才、参与国际交流等起到了积极作用,但也存在不少问题,值得认真反思,积极改进。要在刑诉法学研究方面推陈出新,必须在研究方法的选择和运用上下足功夫。  相似文献   

破产犯罪的比较研究─—兼谈我国破产犯罪的立法完善问题郝守才在商品经济日益发达的现代社会,破产犯罪案发之频繁、危害之严重是众所周知的。因此,国外和某些地区对于破产犯罪的立法和理论研究都非常重视。令人遗憾的是,我国立法界和法学理论界对破产犯罪尚未进行深入...  相似文献   

改革开放30年的刑事诉讼法学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十一届三中全会以来,我国刑事诉讼法学在理论研究、立法服务、组织建设、人才培养等多方面都取得了令人鼓舞的成就。在回顾、盘点我国刑事诉讼法学研究取得成绩的同时,总结其间的经验得失,有利确定今后几年我国刑事诉讼法学研究的重点。  相似文献   

心理学研究方法是心理学研究中的重要问题.长期以来,心理学家一直关注和强调心理学研究方法的工具属性,仅仅将其视为达成心理学研究的工具或者手段,这严重地窄化和局限了对心理学研究方法的理解和认识,也会影响和局限到对心理学的认识.事实上,在心理学研究方法与文化传统和社会现实之间,还存在着更深层次的关联和互动.心理学研究方法除了具有作为技术支撑的工具属性以外,其文化品质还应该从与文化传统和社会现实的关联和互动中,获得对研究方法全面而又深刻的认识和理解.  相似文献   

药品回扣是市场经济发展过程中的不和谐因素,它的产生有着多方面的原因,在发达的资本主义国家同样存在,它在中国的泛滥不能单从中国医生的职业道德上来探讨。药品回扣产生于市场经济社会中,因而它的产生有其深层次的经济性原因。人的私欲是人性之一,药品回扣的利益瓜分就是这种私欲的最直接的表现。医疗的公益性决定了药品回扣的消除只能以利治利,加大公共财政投入。同时,健全相应的医疗制度,在法律规制下铲除药品回扣这一社会毒瘤。  相似文献   

徇私枉法罪客观方面疑难问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马松建 《河北法学》2004,22(7):39-42
徇私枉法罪的客观方面表现为,行为人在刑事司法活动中实施了徇私枉法、徇情枉法的行为。在刑法理论和司法实践中,本罪客观方面存在一些疑难问题,争议较大,如枉法的具体含义、枉法行为的对象、故重故轻追诉、利用职务上的便利是否为本罪所必备等。这些问题直接影响到本罪的正确认定,需要作深入探讨。  相似文献   


The current research investigated whether the opportunity to review reduced note takers' vulnerability to the influence of stereotypes when making decisions. Participants were presented with a trial in which a man or a woman had been charged with a stereotypically masculine crime. Results revealed that note takers who did not review were more likely to find a man guilty than a woman, and attributed a higher degree of offender relevant traits to a man than to a woman. Non-note takers and note takers who reviewed did not engage in stereotype-based processing. It was concluded that the provision of dedicated review periods reduced the extent to which note takers were influenced by stereotypes during decision making. Future research may consider investigating whether the benefit of dedicated review periods remains when jurors are presented with longer trials and when they are required to engage in deliberation.  相似文献   

In this article, we provide an introduction to child eyewitness memory issues that are frequently discussed and debated, both within the research and practice communities. We review several of the central areas of research on child eyewitness memory and some of the most promising protocols aimed at standardizing and improving child forensic interviews. We focus primarily on memory in young children, because they pose particular challenges. Research on the use of props and external cues to prompt young children's memory is discussed. We also review research on professionals' knowledge and attitudes about children as witnesses. It is concluded that we must guard against overly negative or overly optimistic views of children's abilities.  相似文献   

Educational research is increasingly subject to legal restrictions designed for the protection of human subjects of research. In this article the author discusses legal restrictions–both in the courts and under HEW regulations–on educational research, comparing these restrictions with those on biomedical research. He finds that although educational research in particular instances may give rise to suits for damages for invasion of privacy or intentional infliction of psychological distress, the legal issues relating to educational research will most often be resolved in proceedings before institutional review boards charged by HEW with the responsibility for passing upon proposals to conduct research on human subjects. He argues that the interests protected in proceedings before institutional review boards are not limited to those that have received judicial recognition in suits for damages. The author finds that the requirement that the informed consent of subjects be obtained presents difficult issues for educational research. He notes in particular the problems presented by research proposals that as an element of the research design contemplate the observation of subjects without their knowledge and the use of children as research subjects.  相似文献   

杜文曌 《政法学刊》2004,21(4):46-47
医疗事故罪的主体除卫生技术人员外,还包括医疗机构中其他负有保障就诊人生命健康权而实施某种特定行为义务的人 员。主观方面表现为过失,不包括间接故意。侵犯的主要客体是就诊人的生命健康权。客观方面实施了严重不负责任的行为,并造成了 二级以上医疗事故或导致3人以上人身损害后果。  相似文献   


Do the results of research on the relationship between crime and immigration status differ depending on the type of data examined? This question is posed and answered affirmatively in a paper based on a systematic review of ten Danish studies published between 2008 and 2017. The current review is motivated by the seemingly widespread perception that immigrants/descendants are at greater risk for committing crime than others even after adjusting for systematic differences between these groups. Using five criteria of relevance, a systematic search resulted in the identification of ten pertinent studies. The ten studies are reviewed in the current paper and form the basis of the conclusion that research results differ markedly depending on the type of data examined. This implies that public perceptions about crime and immigration status may rest on shaky ground. Five potential explanations are suggested to explain the inconsistencies found in the studies reviewed. Finally, five recommendations for future research are suggested in order move research forward.  相似文献   


Judicial review is widely understood to be a remedy of last resort, but there remains little research on the extent to which the process can achieve meaningful redress. This article applies the results of a study into ombudsman judicial review to chart the outputs of the various stages of the process at which an outcome can be secured. The claim is made that ombudsman judicial review does secure a small level of success for claimants both in and out of court but that the rate of such success is lower for citizen claimants than the norm in all judicial review cases. The explanation provided for this pattern is that organisationally ombudsman schemes have learnt lessons from being repeat players in judicial review and are better equipped to integrate rule of law values than many other public bodies. Citizen claimants, by contrast, include a high proportion of inexperienced litigants-in-person for which the judicial review process is ill-designed to facilitate.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse is now a major form of child maltreatment; however, the causes of such exploitation are obscure. A review of official reports and other research indicate that the circumstances surrounding sexual abuse are inadequately specified to allow specific causal interpretations. The role of pornography in contributing to such abuse is explored by reviewing laboratory studies and the circumstances of child sexual abuse. An assessment of the research literature suggests that pornography is a minor and indirect influence on child sexual maltreatment.  相似文献   

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