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In this article, we use a random sample of urban community development corporations (CDCs) to determine whether distinct types exist and, if so, to estimate their prevalence in the industry. The typical urban CDC has a diversified portfolio of economic and social development activities, including community organizing, and is likely to have a housing development program, although not necessarily a large one because relatively few are high producers.

Large‐scale housing producers, defined in the study as having produced at least 500 units during the previous 10 years, comprise 18 percent of CDCs. A large organizational capacity, an affiliation with national intermediaries, the training of staff and the adoption of computers, the length of executive directors’ tenure, and the share of funding devoted to housing programs are the most important factors increasing the odds that a CDC will belong to the group of high producers.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(2):128-153

‘If you say “Handsworth”’, the novelist Salman Rushdie remarked in 1986, ‘what do you see? Most people would see fire, riots, looted shops … and helmeted cops … a front page story.’ In the 1980s, ‘front page’ images of violence and disorder had come to define areas of black settlement such as Handsworth. However, for both Stuart Hall and Paul Gilroy, photography has the potential of unearthing alternative histories of black people in Britain. Connell explores how this might work in practice by taking Handsworth, an inner-city area of Birmingham, as its case study. Following the Handsworth riots in 1985, a photograph of the ‘black bomber’ appeared on the front page of every national tabloid newspaper, and Handsworth became conceptualized by the media as ‘Frontline Britain’. At the same time, there are numerous examples of photographs from within Handsworth that attempt to present a different view of the community: images taken at high-street portraiture studios, community photography projects and the documentary work of the professional photographers Vanley Burke and Pogus Caesar. What such images offer the historian, it will be shown, is not clear cut. Photographs from within Handsworth are suggestive of possible themes in any alternative history of race in Britain, particularly in their emphasis on everyday life. However, Connell shows that it is also necessary to understand what is often the unacknowledged politics behind these images, something that makes them—in differing ways—as problematic as the stereotypical narratives presented on the front pages of tabloid newspapers.  相似文献   

Colin Ward 《Society》1978,15(4):84-91

Tyre P  Skipp C 《Newsweek》2004,144(15):44-45

Lane R 《Society》1980,17(2):74-82


One of the measures of the cultural, if not political, success of sustained Aboriginal activism on the issue of the forced removal of children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, leading up to the instigation of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's inquiry into the issue and the widely disseminated publication of its findings in 1997, is that it now appears nearly impossible to tell the story of indigenous child removal in terms other than those provided by the powerful Aboriginalised tropes and narrative modes that have come to shape both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal understandings of issue. I do not wish to take issue with the long-overdue emergence of Aboriginal voices and an Aboriginal discourse on this issue. However, as the older ways of understanding the meaning of removing indigenous children from their communities ‘for their own good’ (Link-Up & Wilson 1997) have lost their provenance and are replaced by Aboriginal stories with the critically revised meanings of cultural loss, ethnocide, grief and harm, which are expressed in a wide range of discourses (see, for example, Ward 1988; Edwards & Read 1989; Roach 1990; Huggins & Huggins 1994; Smallacombe 1996; Harrison 1997), it becomes apparent that there are still more stories to be told about how Australian's high assimilationist policies of forced child removal and placement played out on the lives of the men, women and children of the nation. From a (non-Aboriginal) feminist perspective, a particular case in point is the stories of the non-Aboriginal women who, both knowingly and unknowingly, came to adopt and foster these children, raising them as their own?a task in which many have been engaged for upwards of 30 or 40 years. These women, who must on any estimate number in their thousands across the nation, remain all but invisible in both the former and now discredited accounts of indigenous child removal and placement, and in more recent Aboriginal revisions of this appalling history. This paper presents preliminary analysis of research undertaken with a small group of these women in 1997 and 1998.  相似文献   

优先发展城市的公共交通,不仅是缓解城市交通拥堵问题的有效措施,更是改善城市居住环境,促进城市可持续发展的必然要求.实施公交优先战略,有利于调整交通结构,实现资源优化配置;有利于减少环境污染造成的经济损失,提高人民生活质量.为此,要结合当前国外公交优先发展进程中的先进经验,通过优化交通建设规划、提高公交从业人员的管理水平、加强基础设施建设、强化体制建设等措施,创造性地在大中型城市中真正落实国家的公交优先发展战略,为我国大中型城市的经济社会发展提供坚实的交通保障.  相似文献   

程国平  薛昇旗 《学理论》2009,(14):30-31
2007年内蒙古已探明煤炭资源储量居全国第一,煤炭产量居全国第二,但煤炭资源开采方式简单粗放、煤炭产业结构不合理。本文主要是考虑煤炭开采水平对于环境、资源承载力在宏观上的影响,列出了“环境、资源承载力”,“环境影响系数”等一系列影响因素,构建煤炭资源开采的系统动力学模型。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制的不断完善和发展,对政府的职能作用也不断提出新的要求。地(市)政权作为我国权力体系当中的一环,起着承上启下的作用,其存与撤一直是一个富于争论的课题,本文通过对地(市)政权现状分析,指出了其现在存在的问题,并就此提出了建构设想。  相似文献   

He is the author or editor of eight books and more than 50 articles on housing and city development. He has served as Chairman of the Faculty at M.I.T. and as director of the M.I.T.-Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies. His most recent book, written with Lynne Sagalyn, is Downtown, Inc.: How America Rebuilds Cities,from which this article is extracted.  相似文献   

孙列兵 《学理论》2010,(19):8-10
<正>中共哈尔滨市委十二届八次全会确定了"超越自我、再塑形象、奋起追赶、努力晋位,把哈尔滨建设成为现代大都市"的发展目标和"北跃、南拓、中兴、强县"的发展战略,提出了以松花江为城市规划建设总纲,打造"北国水城、工业大城、科技新城、文化名城、商贸都城",明确了哈尔滨在  相似文献   

“党内民主”是“党的生命”。然而,深厚的特权和专制土壤、“臣属文化”以及党的组织结构和权力结构中“硬集中”与“软民主化”问题影响和制约了党内民主的发展。要发展党内民主,根本路径是发展社会主义市场经济、改革和完善党内现行的权力结构和建设与营造党内民主文化,关键在于党内所有成员一律平等化、党员民主主体“硬”常态化以及党内民主的规制化和党规党“法”保障化诸方面要有创新和突破。  相似文献   

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