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中共中央政治局集体学习制度是一项重大的制度创新.本文剖析了新一届中央政治局从首次集体学习到最近一次集体学习以来23次学习的主要内容,论述了中央政治局集体学习制度的特点和伟大意义.  相似文献   

The Corporate Affairs Survey 2004 confirms that companies with representation in Brussels continue to increase their communications expenditure. This confirms a trend already identified by the European Centre for Public Affairs in various publications1 during the 1990s. Realising the importance of public opinion in policy making, the majority of companies are increasing the size of their Brussels staff, with a deliberate emphasis on communication and further resources in public affairs. As most companies recognise the special skill sets of consultants, many plan to continue relying on the latter, particularly in the area of public relations. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

行政责任在本质上是对行政权力的约束,保证行政权力在预先设定的轨道内有序地运行。因此,行政责任的明细化是行政责任对行政权力进行有效约束的必然要求和基本前提。含糊不清的行政责任规定实际上等于没有责任约束,更糟糕的是它助长某些公务人员目无法纪的风气。行政责任模糊形成的原因主要是传统文化和部门利益的影响。它的危害主要是:导致行政权力的无限扩张;导致行政组织混乱和低效;使行政权力无法被监督;导致国家、社会边界模糊,国家与社会之间的关系失调。建立明确清晰的责任制度,界定各种权力运行的范围,有利于减少权力之间的相互冲突摩擦,提高行政效率。  相似文献   

公民的公共事务协商权,是被代议民主理论长期忽视而被协商民主理论发现的一项公民基本权利.当代协商民主与选举民主相互补充,共同构成宪政民主架构的主干部分,因此,公民的公共事务协商权应当成为各国公民的一项基本权利,并将其纳入宪法权利范畴,构建更加广阔的公民宪法权利体系.正视公民公共事务协商权的研究,对于补正代议制理论的缺憾,解决代议制民主形式不能满足人民主权宪政目标的矛盾,拓宽广大公民民主参与的现实途径,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

文章回顾了近几十年来西方发达国家城市公共安全战略所经历的由街面控制为主转向社区治安为主的变化过程,阐述了城市公共安全管理发展的基本趋势,分析了推行警务社区化的主要目的,探讨了社区警务管理新体制.  相似文献   

Inside venture philanthropy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peter Frumkin 《Society》2003,40(4):7-15

警务公开是公安体制改革的一项重要内容,在新的公安执法环境中推进我国的警务公开化进程,必须从具体策略上注意解决以下几个问题:一是树立正确的行政观念(包括树立服务行政的观念,树立警务公开是公安机关的义务而不是恩赐的观念,树立警务公开是达到行政公平、公正前提的观念),二是必须使警务公开制度化与法制化,三是必须要有方便灵活的程序与手段,四是必须充分重视互联网对警察行政公开的革命性意义。  相似文献   

Collaboration Processes: Inside the Black Box   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Social science research contains a wealth of knowledge for people seeking to understand collaboration processes. The authors argue that public managers should look inside the "black box" of collaboration processes. Inside, they will find a complex construct of five variable dimensions: governance, administration, organizational autonomy, mutuality, and norms. Public managers must know these five dimensions and manage them intentionally in order to collaborate effectively.  相似文献   

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is getting smaller. Total nondefense staffing in the federal government has declined by about 3 percent over the past fifteen years. Within this total, a number of agencies have absorbed reductions of over 17 percent, including USDA. This article begins with a brief history of USDA Next, it describes the distinction between the downsizing efforts of the 1980s and those that have occurred in the 1990s with respect to what has turned out to be a drastically different programmatic and political climate.  相似文献   

实施社区警务的几点探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区警务在我国的推广,不仅是一种警务学说的实践,更是直接涉及我国公安工作在新时期可持续发展的重大战略问题。坚持一切从实际出发,结合科学原理以及我国警务工作发展需要探讨适用于我国国情并具有中国特色的社区警务模式,正视和解决社区警务工作中遇到的实际困难,进一步深化认识,统一行动;充分利用和整合各种警力资源、社会资源,构筑社会治安防控体系;建立与新型社区管理体制、新农村建设相适应的社区和农村警务机制,实现社区警务工作高度信息化等一系列有益实践探索,不仅是促使我国警务战略创新性转变的途径,也是在新形势下全面推进社区警务战略,进一步发展和完善我国社区警务工作,构建和谐社会的必然要求。  相似文献   

Dickey C 《Newsweek》2002,139(15):26-32

A recurring challenge in politics is to convince actors to take cooperative actions against their self‐interest. This is especially challenging for executives conducting covert activities, as infractions are unobservable and institutional reforms often require the executive's consent. We develop a model based in the auditing literature to investigate when executives agree to reforms that credibly constrain their behaviors. If the revelation cost falls in a high range, the risk of whistleblowing convinces executives to restrain themselves. Executives cannot credibly commit to this when the costs are low, resulting in inefficient investigations from watchdog groups that tax executive resources. We show that executives are sometimes better off in the first case than the second, which results in executives endogenously reforming institutions to achieve this outcome. We illustrate the mechanism with a case study of Gerald Ford's executive reforms to the intelligence community in the 1970s.  相似文献   

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