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Using Patent Data to Assess the Value of Pharmaceutical Innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Though many more patents emerge from industry sources, drug-related patents generated in the non-profit setting appear to have greater importance than patents arising from the commercial sector, which helps demonstrate the value non-profit research institutions can have in driving drug development.  相似文献   

This research examines the extent to which visual cues influence a person’s decision to burglarize. Participants in this study (n?=?65) viewed ten houses through an eye tracking device and were asked whether or not they thought each house was vulnerable to burglary. The eye tracking device recorded where a person looked and for how long they looked (in milliseconds). Our findings showed that windows and doors were two of the most important visual stimuli. Results from our follow-up questionnaire revealed that stimuli such as fencing, beware of pet signs, cars in driveways, and alarm systems are also considered. There are a number of implications for future research and policy.  相似文献   

目的以视神经损伤为研究对象,分析视野与Goggle-VEP相关性,探讨法医临床学视野的客观评定问题。方法以被检查者健眼作对照,行双眼电视野检查及Goggle-VEP检查;应用SPSS软件分析两者数据的相关性。结果80例视神经损伤眼均表现为不同程度的视野改变,其中41例为视神经完全损伤,Goggle-VEP均无波型诱出;39例为不完全视神经损伤,Goggle-VEP表现为仅诱出切迹波或者潜伏期延长、波幅降低;80例健眼,视野正常,Goggle-VEP均正常。分析视野与Goggle-VEP结果两者的相关性,R=0.911(P<0.01,n=80)。结论视神经损伤时,视野缺损程度与Goggle-VEP异常程度有较为良好的相关性,Goggle-VEP可作为视神经损伤后客观评定视野缺损的指标。  相似文献   

王旭 《证据科学》2008,16(3):343-346,342
目的以视神经损伤为研究对象,分析视野与Goggle—VEP相关性,探讨法医临床学视野的客观评定问题。方法以被检查者健眼作对照,行双眼电视野检查及Goggle—VEP检查;应用SPSS软件分析两者数据的相关性。结果80例视神经损伤眼均表现为不同程度的视野改变.其中41例为视神经完全损伤,Goggle—VEP均无波型诱出;39例为不完全视神经损伤,Goggle—VEP表现为仅诱出切迹波或者潜伏期延长、波幅降低;80例健眼,视野正常,Goggle—VEP均正常。分析视野与Goggle—VEP结果两者的相关性,R=0.911(P〈0.01,n=80)。结论视神经损伤时,视野缺损程度与Goggle—VEP异常程度有较为良好的相关性,Goggle—VEP可作为视神经损伤后客观评定视野缺损的指标。  相似文献   

The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS; Meyer et al. 2011) is a new system for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Rorschach Inkblot Test that is designed to make the best possible use of currently available scientific and clinical evidence. Many features of R-PAS are well-suited to forensic evaluation generally and to psychological evaluations in psychological injury cases in particular. Among them, R-PAS: (a) offers an alternative to self-report methods that adds incremental validity, (b) provides a useful check against exaggerated or minimized symptom presentation, (d) generates evidence concerning implicit traits and behavioral tendencies, (e) offers techniques for adjusting for abnormal response sets, (f) uses internationally applicable reference data that do not exaggerate or minimize pathology, (g) organizes results according to the strength of the evidence, and (h) presents results on which are interpretations are based in a manner easy for the intelligent layperson to grasp. Despite its recent formal introduction to the professional assessment community, R-PAS takes advantage of decades of research in peer-reviewed publications (including the insights of Rorschach critics) and builds on established validity and general acceptance for most of its procedures and features. The article describes the standards and criteria applying to expert psychological testimony in U.S. federal and state courts and applies them to Rorschach-based testimony in general and R-PAS-based testimony specifically. It is argued that when the system is properly used and applied and when such testimony is appropriately formulated, it should be found admissible in both state and federal courtrooms  相似文献   

知识产权的评估和变现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王清丽 《知识产权》2003,13(4):47-49
在知识经济和知本经济的新形势下,知识产权是企业的重要经济来源,是维持企业生存和发展的重要支柱,也是保证企业获得利润乃至超额利润的必要源泉。知识产权的评估和变现一直是无形资产学中最重要和最有实际操作价值意义的一部分,在当前形势下,传统经济学和无形资产理论受到空前挑战和严峻的考验,这一问题受到了当今国内外知识产权专家、知识产权拥有者、企业家及金融家们的关注。 一、知识产权的评估目前国际上常用的关于知识产权的评估方法主要有三种:成本法、收益法和市场法。我国财政部在2001年7月23日发布了《资产评估准则——无形资产…  相似文献   

Positive administrative control uses social exchange theory to explain how management impacts institutional rates of inmate disorder. This study proffers that prison managers can use their relationship with staff to influence them to act in accordance with agency desires, which in turn affects institutional disorder rates. Using data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the model demonstrates an indirect connection exists between management/staff relationships and disorder. However, two of the scales used to explain positive administrative controls’ sway—the leader-member exchange (LMX) and perceived organizational support (POS)-had opposing effects. Increases in the quality of the leader-member exchange (LMX) was associated with decreases in misconduct rates, while increases in perceived organizational support (POS) was associated with increases in misconduct rates.  相似文献   

The present study examined the psychometric properties of a shortened and simplified version of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire (IEQ). The instructional set of the original IEQ was modified to make it better suited to the context of debilitating health and mental health conditions that do not necessarily arise as a result of injury. The number of items was reduced from 12 to 5, and the response scale was simplified. The Injustice Experiences Questionnaire – Short Form (IEQ-SF) was administered to individuals diagnosed with a chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) condition (N?=?88) or major depressive disorder (MDD) (N?=?87). The internal consistency of the IEQ-SF was acceptable. The IEQ-SF was significantly correlated with measures of pain severity, depressive symptom severity and disability in both samples. Individuals with MDD scored higher on the IEQ-SF than individuals with MSK. The IEQ-SF was shown to be sensitive to treatment-related reductions in perceived injustice. Preliminary analyses suggest that the IEQ-SF is a reliable and valid measure of disability-related injustice perceptions associated with debilitating health and mental health conditions.  相似文献   

This article presents a logical and empirical argument for the necessity of a multi-method approach to psychological assessment. Both in clinical and forensic psychology, self-report methods such as questionnaires and interviews are popular. The Rorschach is presented in this article as an additional test method. The article describes recent meta-analyses that evaluate the construct validity of individual Rorschach scales and that serve as major guideposts in the development of a new Rorschach system (Rorschach Performance Assessment System). The combination of self-report and Rorschach methods is used to discuss the importance of multi-method assessment in the context of incremental validity and dissimulation. Practically speaking, the assessor should consider the test method as an indispensable part of the formula when choosing tests, writing reports, and generally understanding the client.  相似文献   

In this essay, I address some of the concerns raised by contributors to the Symposium on Invitation to Law & Society: An Introduction to the Study of Real Law. I argue that law and society scholarship focusing on race increasingly offers some of our field's best empirical analyses of the interpenetration of law and society; I emphasize the importance of the methodological and theoretical diversity that characterizes our fragmented field, arguing that our pluralism is one of our greatest strengths; I clarify my intended meaning of the term “real law” as I use it in the book's subtitle, as a way to underscore the socially constituted quality of all law; I attempt to rescue the reputation of dialectics from charges of “relativism”; and I reiterate my appreciation for our field's engagement with questions of social justice that has characterized it since its inception. In the second half of the essay, I briefly describe my current prison research and offer some thoughts for the future of our field.  相似文献   

Intraobserver error (INTRA‐OE) is the difference between repeated measurements of the same variable made by the same observer. The objective of this work was to evaluate INTRA‐OE from 3D landmarks registered with a Microscribe, in different datasets: (A) the 3D coordinates, (B) linear measurements calculated from A, and (C) the six‐first principal component axes. INTRA‐OE was analyzed by digitizing 42 landmarks from 23 skulls in three events two weeks apart from each other. Systematic error was tested through repeated measures ANOVA (ANOVA‐RM), while random error through intraclass correlation coefficient. Results showed that the largest differences between the three observations were found in the first dataset. Some anatomical points like nasion, ectoconchion, temporosphenoparietal, asterion, and temporomandibular presented the highest INTRA‐OE. In the second dataset, local distances had higher INTRA‐OE than global distances while the third dataset showed the lowest INTRA‐OE.  相似文献   



The present study examines how individuals’ sanction risk perceptions are shaped by neighborhood context.


Using structural equation modeling on data from waves 6 and 7 of the National Youth Survey, we assess the direct and indirect relationships between adverse neighborhood conditions and two dimensions of sanction risk perceptions: the certainty of punishment and perceived shame. In addition, the role of shame as a mediator between neighborhood context and certainty of punishment is also investigated.


The results indicate that adverse neighborhood conditions indirectly affect both forms of sanction risk perceptions, and additional results show that perceived shame fully mediates the effect of neighborhood conditions on perceptions of the certainty of punishment.


The perceptual deterrence/rational choice perspective will need to be revised to accommodate more explicitly the role of neighborhood context in shaping sanction risk perceptions.  相似文献   

The decomposition of some drugs containing ester or amide functional groups has been demonstrated under the conditions usually employed for the enzymic hydrolysis of tissues using the enzyme subtilisin Carlsberg (pH10·3 at 55°C for one hour). Decomposition was greatly reduced by using a pH of 7·4 rather than 10·3, but drug release from tissue was almost the same at both pH values. The enzymic digestion procedure is not particularly suitable for those drugs attacked by proteolytic enzymes (such as indomethacin) nor for those which are heat labile (such as cocaine).  相似文献   

National-Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) information for 1993 iscompared with two other sets of homicide data to assess the acuracy ofprocedures for estimating age-, sex-, and race-specific arrest counts fromtraditional Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data. The simultaneous age, race, andsex characteristics of offenders provided in the NIBRS arrest and offender segmentsare compared with estimates of the same characteristics derived from summaryUCR arrest data. The results suggest that using UCR marginal totals toestimate arrest counts by race and sex produces reasonably accurateestimates of the number of black and nonblack male arrests for murder andother offenses. Estimates of arrests of females by race and sex are lessaccurate, probably because of the relatively small number of arrests ofwomen and girls. Estimating male arrest counts for specific age groups alsoproduces reasonably accurate estimates. The results suggest that previousresearch employing such estimates may have been misleading in the estimatesof female arrests by race but accurate in the estimates of male arrests byrace. Although the use of summary UCR-based estimates in futurecross-sectional research will become increasingly unnecessary as the NIBRSreplaces the current UCR program, time series research designs on arrest andcrime trends will continue to require estimates.  相似文献   

Understanding what it means toconsent is of considerable importance sincesignificant moral issues depend on how this actis defined. For instance, determining whetherconsent has occurred is the deciding factor insexual assault cases; its proper occurrence isa necessary condition for federally fundedhuman subject research. Even though mosttheorists recognize the legal and moralimportance of consent, there is still littleagreement concerning how consent should bedefined, or whether different domains involvingconsent demand context-specific definitions.Understanding what it means to consent isfurther complicated by the fact that currentlegal conceptions are not necessarily groundedin argument; they typically depend on appealsto authority and precedent. The purpose ofthis paper is to use speech act theory toprovide a theoretically grounded conception ofconsent; such a conception can aid in the justresolution of legal and moral disputes thathinge on whether an act of consent occurred.  相似文献   

按照刑法第239条绑架罪条文逻辑,实践中出现的"行为人利用事前非索财意图支配下的行为造成的人身控制状态向被控制者的亲属勒赎的行为"显然不构成绑架罪。但此类行为与绑架罪具有实质上的等价性。同时,此类行为既不符合抢劫罪"侵害对象的单一性"特点,又超出了非法拘禁罪和敲诈勒索罪的规制范围。于是似乎出现了一个规范漏洞。解决这一问题的方法是重新解释绑架罪中的"绑架"行为,从以"实力性"为中心转变为以"实质性"为中心,从而将"利用事前状态控制他人人身自由"容纳到"绑架"这一类型化行为当中,这就是利用事前状态型绑架罪。此种绑架罪类型与事前的犯罪行为之间,罪质均为侵害人身自由的应当按前者吸收后者的原则处理;罪质相异的应当按并罚数罪处理。  相似文献   

恐怖活动古已有之,恐怖活动犯罪严重威胁国家安全、公共安全,严重扰乱社会秩序,严重侵犯公民人身、财产权利。2001年震惊世界的美国9.11事件后,国际社会加强了对恐怖主义犯罪的打击与防范,联合国安理会于2001年9月28日通过了针对恐怖主义犯罪的1373号决议,呼吁各国在防止和制止恐怖主义行为方面进行紧急合作,并对联合国各成员国的刑事立法提出要求。  相似文献   

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