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Enhancing current explanations of domestic violence exposure effects on child cognitive and behavioral functioning was the purpose of this investigation. Participants were 31 domestic violence exposed and 31 non-exposed children ages 3 to 5 years and their single-parent household mothers. Child-mother pairs were matched for child’s age, gender, and ethnicity, mother’s age and education, and annual family income. Child cognitive and behavioral functioning was assessed via psychological assessment and parent report. The presence of mental health difficulties in mothers was assessed using self-report and clinician-administered instruments. Exposed children showed lower verbal functioning and higher internalizing behaviors than did their non-exposed peers. Exposed mothers displayed greater psychological difficulties than did their counterparts.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):297-316
Using domestic violence incidence and arrest data from Maryland (1991–1997), this research examines whether the proportion of incidents that result in arrest increased due to a legislative initiative implemented in 1994 and, if so, whether this change is uniform across different types of offenders (race and gender) and offense characteristics. Using interrupted time‐series analysis (ARIMA), we observe an increase in both the number of incidents reported to police and the percent of reported cases resulting in arrest. The legislative intervention has a significant positive impact on arrest likelihood above and beyond the increase over time for the state as a whole. While arrest probabilities increased across the board for males and females, African American and Whites, the ARIMA models do not suggest that the legislation differentially impacted arrest probabilities for these groups.  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(3-4):33-58

This article examines the effect of criminal justice intervention in domestic violence on stalking in that relationship. Almost two hundred female victims of misdemeanor domestic violence in three jurisdictions were interviewed three times after their cases had closed. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a subsample of 21 victims who had experience with stalking. Specific court outcomes in domestic violence cases and whether or not the victim cooperated with the prosecution do not impact whether or not a domestic violence victim experiences subsequent stalking. Women who experienced stalking in addition to domestic violence were more likely to use the system in the future than women who just experienced domestic violence. The qualitative interviews revealed additional findings regarding victims' opinions of the criminal justice response to stalking in the context of domestic violence.  相似文献   

The Department of Defense has taken steps in recent years to improve outcomes for victims of domestic violence who reside on military installations. In 2000, the Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence was established, a military‐civilian group of experts charged with improving the military's effectiveness in addressing domestic violence in the Armed Forces in a variety of areas including offender accountability, coordination between military and civilian communities, and changing the military climate around domestic violence. This article will provide an overview of the Task Force, its work during the past three years, and its recommendations.  相似文献   

This study examines the applicability of theories related to the intergenerational transmission of violence. Studies of the impact of violence in the family of origin on the propensity to engage in domestic violence as an adult have commonly focused on boys as potential perpetrators. This study examined the impact of previous violent victimization on males and females charged with domestic violence perpetration, finding previous violence significantly related to increased fear and hyper-vigilance to threat in adult relationships. In addition, the study explored the theoretical assertion that those who use violence in their homes are not also generally violent and found that the majority of individuals using violence, both males and females, were not violent outside the home.  相似文献   

李洪祥 《法学论坛》2020,(2):141-152
鉴于家庭自治的局限性和私权与公共利益保护的迫切需要,国家干预家庭暴力有其必要性和正当性。目前国家干预家庭暴力的态度积极,但是部分干预方式差强人意。国家干预家庭暴力必须保证婚姻家庭内部规则的有效运行,应当秉承切忌法律万能论、尊重家庭自治和适当注意的基本原则,其具体干预方式包括但不限于维持家庭内部秩序、建立家庭自治的约束机制和适当增加强制性措施等。作为国家干预家庭暴力的典型例证,《反家庭暴力法》必须尊重家庭内部规则,建立家庭自治的约束机制,确保国家干预家庭暴力的适时性和有限性,这是《反家庭暴力法》有效运行的基本途径。  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(2-3):95-120

Critiques of behavioral inventories, qualitative studies of battered women's experiences, and communications research all suggest that women's accounts of violence contain information and a more complex structure than is captured by checklist measures that focus on types of abuse. We conducted a quantitative thematic analysis of 162 women's accounts of domestic violence to assess structure and content. Most women presented domestic violence as a “story” with an introduction, body and a conclusion: 59% presented a “complete story” and 33% a “near story.” Background information and problem statements were the most prevalent content statements in the “introduction,” and relationship issues and explanations were most common in the “conclusion.” Bivariate analyses revealed that accounts did not vary by socio-demographic factors and severity of the incident. Men were less likely to present complete stories, had far briefer narratives, and never discussed relationship issues. Knowledge of the structure and content of women's accounts provides greater understanding of women's responses to violence.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the rationales that have been given for extending domestic violence legislation to associated persons. I argue that the empirical and principled rationales are unfounded and that the ideological rationale is reactionary. With regard to the empirical rationale, the extent of violence that the aggregate of associated persons suffers is not high enough to justify privileging associated persons over other citizens with regard to protection from violence. In relation to the principled rationale, the impetus for domestic violence legislation was based on isolation and inequality, which are not experienced in particular by the category of associated persons when taken as a whole. With regard to the ideological rationale, it is worrying that intimacy and equality are emerging as the touchstones of a newer rationale for domestic violence legislation, which rightly has more to do with isolation and inequality than intimacy and equality.  相似文献   

Most studies regarding DV focused mainly on female victims. To gain more insight into the problems male victims encounter, this study investigated the characteristics of this group in the Netherlands. Adult male victims of DV filled out an online questionnaire regarding the characteristics of the abuse (N?=?372). When men are victims of DV, they are physically as well as psychologically abused with the female (ex)-partners often being their perpetrator. The most important reason for men not to report the abuse is the belief the police would not take any action. Our findings suggest society should be aware that men are also victims of DV and feel the need to talk about it and desire support.  相似文献   

论反家庭暴力的立法缺失   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金眉 《法学家》2006,(2):132-137
本文作者认为,鉴于现代人权理论和婚姻家庭关系的特点,我国法律有关家庭暴力的主体范围有待扩大,不应局限于法律婚家庭的范围,而应扩大至事实婚家庭乃至所有的同居家庭.精神暴力应成为独立的一类家庭暴力,但其伤害后果的认定应由法律作出明确的规定;鉴于相当多的家庭暴力因伤害程度达不到<刑法>和<治安管理处罚条例>规定的标准而得不到制止和处理,作者提出对于非犯罪性的家庭暴力,其身体伤害程度的认定可以根据是否存在抓痕、红肿、淤伤等来判断;也不应孤立地看待某一暴力行为,而应关联地看待不同的暴力行为所导致的相互增强危害性的效果.至于法律救济,作者主张对现行司法解释进行修正,允许婚内赔偿,由法律为当事人提供可待赔偿财产.此外,救济方式的丰富和细化也应在法律修订的考试范围之内.  相似文献   

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Women's Employment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Susan Lloyd 《Law & policy》1997,19(2):139-167
This article presents some results of a random household survey that examined the effects of domestic violence on the labor force participation of 824 women living in a low‐income neighborhood. It also uses data from twenty‐four long interviews.
Eighteen percent of the respondents reported having experienced physical aggression in the past twelve months, and 11.9% reported more severe physical violence. Women who reported abuse were more likely to have experienced unemployment and held more jobs and to report more health problems. They also had lower personal incomes, and were significantly more likely to receive public assistance. At the same time, women who reported abuse were employed in roughly the same numbers as those who did not. Thus, it appears that domestic violence may depress women's socioeconomic and occupational status attainment over time, but does not affect employment status per se.  The article concludes with comments about the implications of the findings for the redesign of public assistance and job training programs.  相似文献   


Summary. This study compares the rates and correlates associated with an arrest response when police respond to domestic assault calls in one jurisdiction at one point in time through two different methodological approachespolice self-report and case record analysis. While police self-reported a high likelihood to arrest (approximately a 60% rate of arrest), police reports indicated a much lower rate of arrest (20%). However, the two methodologies showed greater similarities in terms of correlates associated with this arrest response. Specifically, both indicated the predominance of situational factors over officer, offender or victim characteristics.  相似文献   

不放弃追诉政策--国家介入家庭暴力的价值选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文针对国家是否应该介入家庭暴力案件进行探讨 ,并通过了解美国在家庭暴力方面有关的立法和司法的改革与发展过程 ,以及围绕着对著名的“不放弃追诉”政策的争论 ,提出在我国国家司法机关介入家庭暴力 ,虽然存在一定的缺陷 ,但总体上是利大于弊 ,具有正当性和可行性。  相似文献   

加拿大家庭暴力项目的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在消除对妇女的歧视方面 ,从性别 (sex)到社会性别 (gender)的术语上的转变拓展了政府的人权义务 ,各国政府有法定义务须纠正历史建构的男女两性之间的结构性不平等。随着 2 0世纪 90年代期间国际社会在优先事项上的改变 ,对妇女的暴力成为国际日程的重要议题。由于对妇女的暴力是个结构性问题 ,因而要求国家承担预防针对女性的暴力并改变结构不平等的义务 ,后者使妇女的屈从地位永久化 ,使妇女更易于遭受暴力的侵犯。根据消除对妇女歧视委员会 1 989年发布的第 1 2号一般性建议 ,《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第 2、第 4、第 1 1、第 1 2…  相似文献   

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