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潘菽教授认为西方心理学体系存在“知/意”不平衡的问题。潘菽教授提出的心理过程的“知/意二分”理论,对未来的心理学科学体系提出了“知/意”平衡的要求。另外,人与动物的心理差距源于根本不同的遗传基因,人与人之间的心理差异则主要是由各自不同的对象关系及由此形成的不同文化所造成的。西方文化偏重于人对物的关系,发展出以认知为研究主线的心理过程体系;中国文化则相反,偏重于人对人的关系,形成以意向为研究主线的心理过程思想。要建立知意平衡的心理学科学体系,就必须在以认知过程为研究主线的西方心理学的理论成果基础上,重视并加强对以意向过程为思考重点的中国传统心理学思想的研究。  相似文献   

退休是成年后期生活中的主要生命历程转折之一。以往的退休研究主要关注退休者的社会人口学特征及其健康和经济状况对退休行为的影响,然而,越来越多的研究表明,个体退休后所面临的健康和经济问题与退休的内在心理机制有着直接的联系,退休因而成为心理学重要的研究领域。从心理学视野看,退休是始于个体实际退出劳动力市场之前的规划与决策、直至实际退出劳动力市场后需历经数年的调适才能完成的过程。退休机制的心理学研究主要探讨退休规划、退休决策以及退休转折与调适,以探索退休心理与行为的前因后果与退休过程的心理机制。发展心理学、工业与组织心理学、临床与咨询心理学、职业心理学等心理学相关子学科为退休心理机制的研究提供了独特的视角。随着社会、组织与文化情境的巨大变化,退休概念与过程正在发生快速的变化与转型,心理学视野的退休机制研究更有助于理解与把握退休不断变化着的本质特征。  相似文献   

集体记忆研究是社会学、历史学、文化人类学的一个重要课题.而近几年来,研究者不断强调人类记忆的社会性特征,重视吸收来自于社会学的记忆研究成果;深刻反思个体心理学对于记忆研究的弊端,积极促进记忆研究的文化转向;主张采纳后现代心理学思想的建构与叙事性观点,勇于借鉴后现代式的研究路径,这些做法促使集体记忆成为心理学界不可忽略的研究主题.目前,在心理学领域内,与集体记忆相关的诸多研究已经逐渐展开,但心理学研究集体记忆也存在着概念解释、方法选择以及具体操作等多方面的挑战.  相似文献   

对普通心理学概念体系的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现行普通心理学概念体系存在如下问题:(1)心理过程与个体心理特征对应关系不全面;(2)心理过程与个性心理特征的混淆;(3)概念体系对新概念同化力的弱化。因此,有必要对普通心理学的旧有体系进行调整甚至重建。我们可以从以下两个维度来设想它的框架:(1)包含着知、情、意系统的反映维;(2)包含心理活动(过程)与个性心理特征两方面的形态维。当然,这个框架还需进一步的论证和完善  相似文献   

联结主义、建构主义和行为范式认知心理学是在符号主义认知心理学的基础上发展起来的认知心理学新取向,它们之间既存在着一定的联系和相同点,也有一定的差异.联结主义和行为范式认知心理学继承和发展科学主义心理学的基本原则,而建构主义认知心理学则汲取了后现代思想.三者在基本假设、方法论、研究目的、对象与内容方面各有侧重,但相互间也有共同之处.  相似文献   

近30年前出版的中国心理学史教材,舍人文主义而取科学主义的研究范式,使得中国古代心理学史的研究形成了前所未有的悖论:一方面中国古代心理学思想源自完全与西方科学文化异质的伦理文化,另一方面却坚持科学主义心理学的研究模型.潘菽教授避开了科学主义心理学的研究困境,提出了判断中国古代心理学思想是否具有科学性的方法——“一致性原则”,即检验该思想是否合乎人的心理实际.西方心理学一向重视研究认知,而不重视情感的研究.现代西方心理学开始大力研究以情感为核心的精神心理活动,这个转向为解决中西方心理学体系结合的对象问题提供了很好的契机.  相似文献   

在心理学史上皮亚杰与维果茨基曾经围绕儿童自我中心言语问题展开过一场著名的争论 ,他们在儿童自我中心主义概念、心理发展观和儿童社会化等问题上存在着根本对立的观点。不过从思维与语言发展过程中个体与社会辩证统一关系的角度看 ,皮亚杰和维果茨基各自观点中合理的因素是可以综合的。在这一问题上 ,既要看到历史文化因素和社会实践活动对个体的思维和语言发展的制约作用 ,又要看到个体的思维和语言发展对个体社会交往能力发展的制约作用 ,儿童心理就是在个体与社会交互作用过程中发展的。  相似文献   

米契尔等人在认知-情感人格系统理论中提出了认知-情感单元,认为个体在单元的长期可通达性和单元之间关系的结构上存在差异,这是个体独特性的基础.该理论假设,当个体在不同时间,遇到不同情境时,人格系统会产生具有独特的正面图和情境-行为剖面图.这一理论重新界定了人格系统、状态、特质与动力等概念,在一定程度上调和了人格心理学领域的矛盾,为人格心理学提供了一种整合途径.  相似文献   

中国现代心理学本是"舶来品",很多人又相信心理学具有文化普适性,再加上西方心理学一向处于强势地位,大陆在文化心理学领域又缺少领军人才,结果,中国现代心理学在发展过程中逐渐形成了缺少自觉关注本土文化传统的传统,致使中国文化无法为当代中国心理学的发展提供思想源泉、灵感和根基,导致一些研究成果缺少文化生态效度、灵魂、宏观视野和原创性。破解之道是要做胸怀中国文化的心理学研究者。为了更好地担负起时代使命,中国心理学家须从四个方面加以努力:(1)具备较扎实的国学功底;(2)妥善将中国文化放进自己的理论架构、实验/问卷设计以及分析与讨论中;(3)建构吻合文化传统的心理学理论或观点;(4)探索吻合文化传统的心理学研究范式、技术和方法。  相似文献   

激励是一个多学科概念,对公务员激励问题可以从不同学科来进行研究。本文以心理学为基础,对激励进行了研究,心理学认为,激励主要是持续激发人的动机的心理过程,它受诸多因素的影响。只有完整理解了激励的心理学理论,才能在公务员管理实践中自觉遵循并利用心理规律,取得公务员激励的好效果.  相似文献   

心理学的化转向犹如平行于认知革命的一场化革命,对心理学的发展产生了全面而深刻的影响。从化视角透视人的心理,拓宽了心理学的研究视野;以化为主线贯穿心理学的研究领域,开辟了心理学研究的新航向;倡导多种心理化的差别共存,为心理学的繁荣友展及最终的多样性统一提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Mention Nigeria to most people in the world and the retort is likely to be some reference to how corrupt the country is. Institutions, rules, and norms of behaviour have adapted toward the ultimate goal of predatory gain. When corruption becomes institutionalised in a society, it infiltrates the value-system, and it becomes a norm, part and parcel of culture. Nonetheless, one complicating and seemingly contradictory factor in this notion of the culture of corruption is that the majority of people in Nigeria do not internalise corruption as something morally acceptable. On the contrary, even if they have to take part in corrupt practices to get by or even to survive, they usually consider the practices as morally wrong. This work identifies, discusses, and analyses the weakness of institutions and the use and abuse of cultural norms as the primary reasons for endemic corruption in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Scholars, practitioners, and observers typically portray committee influence as rooted in traditional congressional processes and practices, which are thought to provide committees with powerful opportunities to block and shape legislative proposals. The erosion of regular order processes suggests these traditional processes cannot underlie committee power in the contemporary Congress. Drawing on a mixed‐methods approach of interviews with congressional staff and an original data set of every amendment offered on the floor of the House of Representatives from 2005 to 2008, I find that absent these traditional process norms, committees in the contemporary Congress can rely on their specialized knowledge and expertise to influence the behavior of their colleagues and shape the legislation that passes.  相似文献   

本文从政治文化的视角 ,重新审视了 2 0世纪 2 0年代新文学发生期的文学革命 ,认为她由历史深层的思想启蒙、语言体式的变更、人的文学的确立 ,构成了一条内在整合的政治文化理路。五四文学革命充分揭示了个体文学家的创作心理与群体社会政治文化行为的一致性 ,同时 ,又反映出文学作为文化的载体 ,二者构成一种复杂的互动过程。  相似文献   

The article examines contemporary controversies over the rights of Muslim women to wear various forms of the veil, in both France and the United Kingdom and argues that despite their apparent differences as political ideologies, both multiculturalism and secularism are deployed as techniques to govern difference. It traces a common philosophical lineage of these two ideologies, and their shared genealogical relationship to the subject of Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment thought. Drawing on Marx and Hegel, it argues that at the core of secularism and multiculturalism there lies the germ of a subject and law formed through a concept of culture that was to a great degree indivisible from religion. While secularism ostensibly decouples culture from religion to produce a common political culture, and multiculturalism purports to accommodate a diverse range of cultural and religious practices, both fail to accommodate difference that stretches the bounds of a citizen-subject defined according to Anglo-European norms of culture, which implicitly includes Christianity.  相似文献   

This article examines the rules and practices of waiting in line as a system of informal order, showing that despite its reputation for drudgery, the queue offers rich insights about social norms and the psychology of cooperation. The article begins by investigating the implicit customs of physical waiting in line, uncovering the surprisingly complex unwritten rules (and exceptions) that give queues stability even in the absence of legal governance or state enforcement. Yet the prevailing norms literature typically explains informal order by reference to close‐knit groups that can impose sanctions on violators of extralegal rules. This raises a puzzle: Why do queue norms repeatedly produce informal, yet reliable, order among total strangers unlikely to interact again? This article answers this question by looking to social‐psychological research showing that people tend to be strong reciprocators rather than selfish utility maximizers. This model makes sense of both our tendency to defer to line norms as well as the disproportionate sanctions with which defectors from these norms meet.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have found a strong relationship between offending and victimization risk, the etiology of this relationship is not well understood. Largely absent from this research is an explicit focus on neighborhood processes. However, theoretical work found in the subculture of violence literature implies that neighborhood street culture may help to account for the etiology of this phenomenon. Specifically, we should expect the magnitude of the victim–offender overlap to vary closely with neighborhood‐based violent conduct norms. This research uses waves 1 and 2 of the Family and Community Health Study (FACHS) to test the empirical validity of these notions. Our results show that the victim–offender overlap is not generalizeable across neighborhood contexts; in fact, it is especially strong in neighborhoods where the street culture predominates, whereas it is significantly weaker in areas where this culture is less prominent. These results indicate that neighborhood‐level cultural processes help to explain the victim–offender overlap, and they may cause this phenomenon to be context specific.  相似文献   

西方心理学的人性误区源于西方科学对人性的分裂 ,西方科学又是西方文化的产物 ,因此 ,西方心理学自己无力解决其人性论问题。能够与西方文化互补的唯有中国文化。中国文化所蕴涵的丰富的人性论将有助于纠正西方心理学对人性的误读 ,从而提高现代心理学的科学性和理论性  相似文献   

Abstract:  Forensic science aims to serve society by advancing justice. It is accepted that some actions taken by the state in the interests of advancing justice, such as postmortem examinations, may impinge on values held by members of groups within society. Such actions have the potential to cause cultural offense. It is important that forensic scientists are aware of these issues and that as a profession we should take actions, where possible, to reduce any potential offense and consequently reduce unnecessary distress. This paper examines the impact of these issues on forensic practice in New Zealand, and, in particular, in relation to the cultural values of Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. Interviews and workshops were used to identify forensic practices involving a risk of cultural offense. Particular issues were identified in regard to crime scene attendance and examination, postmortem attendance and sample storage, disposal, and return. This paper describes the response developed by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited (ESR) to address these issues, including a cultural awareness training package and reference brochure.  相似文献   

Forensic science aims to serve society by advancing justice. It is accepted that some actions taken by the state in the interests of advancing justice, such as postmortem examinations, may impinge on values held by members of groups within society. Such actions have the potential to cause cultural offense. It is important that forensic scientists are aware of these issues and that as a profession we should take actions, where possible, to reduce any potential offense and consequently reduce unnecessary distress. This paper examines the impact of these issues on forensic practice in New Zealand, and, in particular, in relation to the cultural values of Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. Interviews and workshops were used to identify forensic practices involving a risk of cultural offense. Particular issues were identified in regard to crime scene attendance and examination, postmortem attendance and sample storage, disposal, and return. This paper describes the response developed by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited (ESR) to address these issues, including a cultural awareness training package and reference brochure.  相似文献   

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