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This study was undertaken to test the theory that there is a natural occurrence of petrol on the carpet or carpet mats of motor vehicles that would interfere with the potential determination of arson residues. Part of this study was also to determine what levels of background interference due to the carpet matrix are likely to be encountered in the general population of motor vehicles. The study was conducted in three parts.
  • 1.A persistence study was conducted to determine the evaporation and persistence of unleaded petrol on carpet. The results indicate that small volumes of petrol (less than 100 μl) are unlikely to be detected on carpet after a 24 h period. Larger volumes will be detected after this period, but will generally not be detectable after 1 week.
  • 2.A known history study was conducted by the insertion of carpet mats, for varying lengths of time, into the driver area of separate vehicles, with subsequent analysis for the presence of petrol. A ‘history’ sheet was completed by the occupants of the vehicles during the insertion periods to record the frequency of contact with petrol, and general usage of the vehicles. The results indicate that petrol will not normally be found on previously uncontaminated carpet mats after a 6-week period of use in a vehicle, however, the occupation and behaviour of the occupants can affect the types of compounds deposited onto the carpet.
  • 3.An unknown history study was conducted via the collection of carpet or carpet mat samples from vehicles with an unknown history, and subsequent analysis for the presence of petrol. Six of the 150 samples examined contained petrol. These results indicate that only a small proportion of motor vehicles will exhibit the presence of petrol on carpet or carpet mats, and then only as evaporated petrol.
All of the above findings increase the evidential value of finding significant volumes of fresh or slightly evaporated petrol on carpet products in motor vehicles.  相似文献   

Plastics including adhesive tapes, cable ties, and packaging are common evidence types encountered in forensic investigations and casework. Traditional examination techniques such as Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy lack specificity and are unable to discern differences within the same polymer structures leaving the analyst with a generic identification. High quality manufacturing methods further amplify the limitations in detecting variability between samples. Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) has been shown to be a valuable technique in further discriminating plastics. Discrimination is achieved by analysing the relative abundances of stable isotopes within a sample, with differences detected in isotope ratios possibly attributed to the source of raw materials and fractionation during the manufacturing process. A survey of cling wraps and re-sealable zipper storage bags collected in the Australian Capital Territory was undertaken to assess the variability in carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios of different brands and samples. The results of this research are discussed, particularly with respect to within and between brand trends, and a case study is presented as an example of the value of including IRMS in a casework context.  相似文献   

In Part 3 of this series the authors have tried to evaluate the representativity of the Catalogue Data Base. At present this is only possible by comparing the fibre percentages obtained with figures from World Textile Production, with those of a more regional character, with existing data from alternative collections and with that from other enquiries. It is apparent that a true test for the representativity of the Catalogue Data Base is not possible. Figures which would be directly comparable do not exist. Nevertheless, it is possible to show that the most common fibre types and colours and their rank orders are the same in the different collections and production figures. The forensic value of common fibres when they appear in certain garments or combinations is presented and also the value of fibres which rarely appear in the CDB. The authors give an outlook on further activities to validate the data in the Catalogue Data Base and discuss the combination of the CDB data with that from alternative collections. Theoretical examples are presented.  相似文献   

This paper looks at EU banks' use of public cloud computing services. It is based primarily on anonymised interviews with banks, cloud providers, advisers, and financial services regulators. The findings are presented in three parts. Part 1 explored the extent to which banks operating in the EU, including global banks, use public cloud computing services.Part 2 of this paper covers the main legal and regulatory issues that may affect banks' use of cloud services. It sets out how EU banking regulators have approached banks' use of cloud services and considers regulators' lack of cloud computing knowledge. The paper further considers how the regulation of outsourcing applies to banks' use of cloud services, including whether cloud computing constitutes “outsourcing”. It analyses the contentious issue of contractual audit rights for regulators as well as legal and practical issues around risk assessments, security, business continuity, concentration risk, bank resolution, and banking secrecy laws.Part 3 looks at the key contractual issues that arise between banks and cloud service providers, including data protection requirements, termination, service changes, and liability.All three parts of the paper can be accessed via Computer Law and Security Review's page on ScienceDirect at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02673649?sdc=2. The full list of sources is available via the same link and will be printed alongside the third part of the article.  相似文献   

全国各地土地征收实践中大量纠纷和冲突的不断发生,迫切要求深化土地征收制度改革.而且,公平与效率作为衡量法律制度优劣的重要尺度,也切实要求深化土地征收制度改革.基于市场化改革的理论共识,结合实践经验和政策指引以及国外制度建设的启示,深化土地征收制度改革就是突破现有的制度障碍,遵循公平与效率双重价值目标,区分公益性和非公益性用地,构建农村集体土地征购和出让制度,进一步完善我国现有的农村土地征收法律制度体系.  相似文献   

Police agencies in the U.S. are currently facing a major legitimacy crisis resulting from a spate of high-profile use of force incidents, many involving minority citizens. Recent headlines emphasize that there is now a “war on cops” and that police officers are facing increasing levels of hostility and violence fueled by a growing anti-police sentiment. In the aftermath of events in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014, some commentators claim that the number of police officers feloniously assaulted and killed in the line of duty has increased sharply. Using time series analysis of data from the Officer Down Memorial Page, we test whether events in Ferguson were associated with an increase in the number of police officers murdered in the line of duty. Our results provide no evidence for a “Ferguson Effect” on the number of U.S. police officers murdered in the line of duty as of March 2016.  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse cases present Children’s Courts with distinctive challenges. The highly conflictual nature of child sexual abuse cases means they do not lend themselves to the usual adversarial court processes that characterise the conduct of Magistrate Court matters in Australia. With this in mind, the Children’s Court in Victoria established for 12 months in 2013 a pilot specialised judicial list (known as the ‘D’ List) which offered an intensive Magistrate-led case management approach to child sexual abuse cases in the Family (child protection) Division of the Court. The operation of the List was evaluated to assess the suitability and effectiveness of this approach, and to investigate the challenges associated with managing and deciding this class of cases. The findings confirmed that the List provided better management of cases and reduced delay. Given this, the Court is continuing the judicially proactive intensive case management approach and dedicated list for child sexual abuse matters and extending it to regional courts; believing it to be a more effective approach to managing and deciding this complex class of cases.  相似文献   

The interrogation and lengthy detention of the accused by Japan's police and prosecutors without access to legal counsel has generated many forced confessions in Japan's criminal court. As results, past research estimated that a large number of innocent people have been falsely convicted, and some of them were even executed for crimes they have not committed. Since almost all of indicted cases result in convictions in Japan's criminal court, allegations of wrongful convictions have raised serious human rights issues, and the use of forced confessions in criminal proceedings has long been criticized by families of the accused, their attorneys, legal scholars, citizen activists, and international human rights groups. This paper examines whether or not the 2009 introduction of the Saiban-in Saiban (the quasi-jury trial), where ordinary citizens deliberate together with Japan's bureaucratic judges, helps prevent instances of wrongful convictions. As Japan's high conviction rate has substantiated that the Japanese court may be another bureaucratic system that is more interested in preserving its own authority and maintaining the status quo, the infusion of non-bureaucratic legal participants into the traditional judicial process may create the potential to alter the nature of trial processes, the quality of deliberations, and thus ultimate outcomes of criminal trials. Based on interviews and survey responses from Japan's grand jury (i.e., Kensatsu Shinsa-kai, or prosecutorial review commission (PRC)) participants and American citizens who served in jury trials, the paper explores the ways in which civic participation in criminal processes may affect the quality of legal decision making in Japan's criminal court.  相似文献   

As a body decomposes in an outdoor environment, numerous taphonomic agents can act on the process of human decomposition. It is important to understand the impact of these agents as they can vary the rate of soft and hard tissue loss which may alter postmortem interval estimations. One taphonomic factor which has not been extensively investigated in many regions of the world, including Canada, are vertebrate scavengers. The current study aimed to identify scavenger guilds in the peri-urban and rural regions of two major cities in Alberta (Calgary and Edmonton) where human remains are frequently located. Vertebrate scavenger activity was recorded continuously using cellular and noncellular trail cameras. Images were analyzed to determine how the scavenging profiles (i.e., scavenger species, arrival time, and feeding behavior) impacted the loss of soft and hard tissue. We identified a range of mammalian and avian scavengers and found that coyote and black-billed magpie were the predominant scavengers recorded at the Edmonton peri-urban and rural sites, and the Calgary peri-urban sites. In contrast, when a site was within bear territory such as the Calgary rural sites, black and grizzly bears were the predominant scavengers. At all sites, the large mammalian scavengers were responsible for most soft tissue loss and subsequent hard tissue dispersal. None of the scavengers demonstrated a clear preference for open versus closed sites. This taphonomic information is important to consider when searching for human remains at these locations or in other North American regions with comparable scavenger guilds.  相似文献   

School is regarded as a central arena for crime prevention. This study analyses the effects of student perceptions of school contextual aspects on self-reported offending, using logistic regression with control for clustering effects. The data comprise a census of pupils in year nine in comprehensive school (15 year olds) and in year two of upper secondary school (17 year olds) in the City of Stockholm in 2006, 2008 and 2010 (n = 25,850 of which 47% are boys and 53% are girls). Besides showing that several aspects of students’ perceptions of the school setting have direct protective effects on offending, the study shows that perceiving schoolwork as meaningful appears to moderate the effect of adverse home conditions on delinquency for boys. The only aspect of school investigated in this study that was not significantly related to offending was the perception of classroom order, indicating that emotional support from teachers is more important for crime preventive implications than maintaining order in the classroom. Controlling for clustering effects shows differences in offending between classes and schools that are not produced by differences between the students.  相似文献   

The recent controversy over the age relationship with criminal behavior can be traced to Hirschi and Gottfredson's (Am. J. Sociol. 89, 552–584, 1983) failure to define invariance. In this paper, I distinguish two types of invariance—parametric andmathematical form— that explains both the pattern of stability claimed by Hirschi and Gottfredson and the pattern of variability observed in more recent research. I then directly test for each type of invariance using age-specific arrest data for index offenses in the United States from 1952 to 1987. The results are largely consistent with recent research showing variability in the characteristics (i.e., parameters) of the age distribution of crime, but at the same time, the results provide evidence for a persistent, underlying mathematical form to the age distribution of crime, regardless of year or offense type.  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Philosophy - This article, divided into two parts, traces and discusses two pairs of analogies invoked in Sanskrit(ic) literature to articulate the paradox of God’s oneness...  相似文献   


Preschoolers’ abilities to recognize former caregivers were examined. Participants were 35 children from three preschool classes. Caregivers volunteered in the classes over a 7-week period. At an initial assessment, children were asked to select former caregivers from a line-up of five photographs, and to rank-order the caregivers by personal preference. Recognition was assessed again after 3 months. Although older toddlers performed at chance levels, clear age-related increases in recognition performance were observed, with older preschoolers recognizing 86% of the volunteers at time 2. Younger children responded less consistently over time than older children. Preference for individual caregivers affected recognition performance among younger, but not older, preschoolers. Implications for children's eyewitness testimony are considered.  相似文献   

The assumption that research findings provide the basis for spin-off projects at universities has been found up to now in literature and the practice. Supported by the theory of knowledge, the empirical study presented here shows that this idea is too limited. Only 45 % of spin-offs use codified research findings from the university, while 55 % use tacit knowledge that was acquired at the university. These spin-offs use knowledge beyond research findings, starting companies in the shadow of publications by academic institutions and drawing from the realm of tacit knowledge at universities. Tacit start-up knowledge is present in all scientific disciplines of universities; even the exploitation- and patent-oriented engineering sciences account for almost half of the start-ups. Start-ups based on tacit knowledge lead to both technology-oriented and service companies. They also do not differ from codified knowledge-based start-ups in the number of jobs that they create. The discovery of the tacit knowledge spin-offs as a phenomenon has an entire series of implications for the practice and research. The tacit start-up potential was not considered previously in the university promotion instruments and start-up consultancies. Furthermore, we can assume that tacit knowledge-based start-ups are only an initial indication of the innovation potential within the tacit realm of knowledge for universities and research institutes.  相似文献   

The proposal for a fundamental reform of the European data protection law, published by the EU Commission on 25 January 2012 is composed of two elements. Apart from a General Data Protection Regulation, the Commission proposes a second regulatory instrument, namely a Directive with regard to data processing by police and criminal justice authorities that shall supersede the Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA. This paper seeks to analyse the draft Directive in the context of the entire reform approach and scrutinizes a number of specific issues in regard to the scope, the requirements of data processing, notification duties and data transfer to third countries.  相似文献   

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