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THE mountain road spiraled up and down along the Wumeng range, revealing a rolling expanse of vibrant green. Parcels of flat land lay interspersed between lush hills, where vegetables, tobacco, medicinal herbs, flowers, fir trees and potatoes grow.  相似文献   

W HEN the Chinese gov- ernment adjusted its policy on liquor con- sumption tax last year, many in the nation’s liquor industry had their own sorrows to drown. The move pushed a number of the smaller players among China’s 38,000 spirits producers towards bank- ruptcy, and forced many others to merge or regroup. In the struggle for survival in ever-fi ercer competition, some state- owned distilleries went private in a bid to boost stagnant growth. This tide of privatization reached its heigh…  相似文献   

QINGDAO is situated on the Yellow Sea coast against a picturesque background of green mountains in southeast Shandong Province. It is a popular seaside tourist destination for people living on China's east coast. Qingdao has abundant cultural relics and famous historical sites, and is best known for its stunning seaside scenery and German architecture, built by colonizers during the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).  相似文献   

THE beautiful garden city of Sanming in southwest Fujian Province covers an area of 22,900 sq km and has a population of 2.68 million. Regarded as an ecological paradise, Sanming's location and 76.8 percent forest coverage make it an ideal area for wood industry cooperation between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland.  相似文献   

On June 25, 2004 the State Postal Bureau issued a set of four special stamps entitled “Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun Villages.” The stamps depict two ancient villages in Yixian County, southern Anhui Province, which UNESCO added to the World Heritage List on November 30, 2000.  相似文献   

As the 2008 Olympic Games draw near, Beijing, a dynamic modern city undergirded by 3,000 years of history, is throwing open its celebrated nine gates to the world.  相似文献   

AS a world-famous-metropolis, Shanghai has everything - the air is thick with nostalgia and at the .same time bubbling with new trends; sobering civilization and the sprightly avant-garde all have a say here. Everyone will find a face they like in Shanghai, a city instrumental in establishing the very meaning of "modem city." What better place to explore the theme of the 2010 Expo, Better City Better Life.  相似文献   

Harbin is cold. Temperatures in the capital of Heilongjiang, northernmost province in China, rival those in the most frigid regions of Siberia. Minus 35 degrees Celsius is not uncommon during any of the winter months. But Harbin’s climate plays to its advantage. The city is rich in ice and snow. This may not seem to equate with wealth, but savvy city management has managed to turn the white stu into a lucrative economic asset.  相似文献   

WHILE China's eastern seaboard has been experiencing rapid development for close to two decades, the Chinese government has recently been taking steps to try and foster similar progress in other parts of the country. Chongzuo City, near Vietnam in China's far south, is an example of a previously obscure area that has started to undergo the kind of dazzling changes that cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing have been experiencing for many years.  相似文献   

The famous painting,Along the River During Qingming Festival,impresses visitors at the China Pavilion not iust because of the animated figures in the electronic version of the painting but because it shows a prosperous view of Kaifeng,capital of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).It also showcases the wisdom of city planning in ancient China.  相似文献   

AT a distance of 280 km from Beijing, Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, is the nearest provincial capital to the seat of the national government. The region around Shijiazhuang has a long history of developed civilization. Archeological discoveries show that human activities had already begun in this area between 6,000 and 7,000 years ago.  相似文献   

<正>Su Embroidery has prospered for more than 2,000 years Suzhou, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, a city dubbed Heaven on Earth and the Venice of the East, has long been a major producer of silk due to its mild climate and prosperous sericultural industry. Therefore, the embroi- dery industry is quite advanced there.  相似文献   

Known as the gateway to Guangxi, Wuzhou has long been a significant trade hub in southern China. It became a trade port in 1897 and a customs office was built in the same year. Over the next half-century, it became known as a "mini Hong Kong." During the 1930s the Encyclopedia Britannia defined it: "Wuzhou, the largest commercial city in Guangxi."  相似文献   

THE Minyue Kingdom city is35 kilometers north of theWuyi Mountains in FujianProvince, and has a history ofmore than 2,300 years. Constructedon the summits of a few foothills,the city faces the magnificent WuyiMountains to the west, and hills andmounds to its north and south. Agurgling crystalline stream originating in the Wuyi Mountains flowsfrom the west to the city and thengoes past it from north to south. Itsvast stretches of alluvial plains inthe east and north give this ancientcity a…  相似文献   

HIGH-SPEED? What’s that, a boat? asks a puzzled Wu Gendi, a shopkeeper in Tangqi Town of Yuhang District, Hangzhou. Actually, local shopkeepers are not particularly interested in the imminent opening of Yuhang  相似文献   

Baishan:AnAncient"Forbidden"CityOpensUpByLIMINGEVERYCHINESEknowstheancientstocyof"TheFoolishOldMan"who,withhissonsandgrandsons,...  相似文献   

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