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Kantrowitz B 《Newsweek》2006,147(9):59-60

Writing the Body     
Cartographies: Poststructuralism and the mapping of bodies and spaces, edited by Rosalyn Diprose and Robyn Ferrell, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1991.  相似文献   

Begley S  Carmichael M 《Newsweek》2007,149(12):52-58

The development of regulations in health is much more than a purely technical procedure. Rather, it involves decisionmaking and bargaining processes that engage a wide range of individuals and organizations with diverse interests and varied resources. Attempts at statutory precision and goal clarification may improve, but will not fundamentally alter the regulation writing experience. The dynamics of regulations development are revealed in three cases. The primary case, The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, suggests that despite the efforts of the regulations writers themselves, there are limits to the extent to which basic interest conflicts and questions of health policy can be resolved in the process. Other cases examined are the Professional Standards Review Organization Act of 1972 and the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974.  相似文献   

杨秀华 《学理论》2009,(4):126-129
本文从“每日练笔”的实践出发进行理性思考,探究如何让学生用自己的语言写作,自然地表达出自己在生活中真实的感受。引导学生投入地观察、积极地构思、不断地创新。激励学生找回童心童趣,强调保护好学生的童心,让他们敢说真话,说好真话,并且在讲真话中享受写作的乐趣,减轻写作负担。  相似文献   

《狐火》是乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨创作的一部史诗性女性成长小说,延续了她一贯的暴力书写风格。文章在简单梳理欧茨暴力书写特征的基础上,以《狐火》为批评文本,探讨她如何从暴力的角度透视美国底层阶级女性的成长之路,以及使用恰当的美学策略,在实现暴力美学的同时表达了其女性主义立场。  相似文献   

如何进一步提高写作教学的质量和效果,这是困扰公安写作学科多年而一直未能很好解决的一个难题.对此,本文提出,重提阅读的意义,重新审视阅读对于写作教学的作用,给阅读以应有的重视和地位,是很有必要的.文章强调,阅读是学习写作的前提和基础,把阅读引进写作教学,围绕写作展开阅读,通过阅读提高教学效果和写作能力.如此,写作教学便如有了源头活水,就会变得富有生机和活力.  相似文献   

撰写毕业论文,对于培养学生从事科研能力具有十分重要的意义。一篇高质量的毕业论文必须具有创新性、科学性、规范性和可读性。写好一篇毕业论文应有一个有正确的科研工作步骤和选择一个好的课题。  相似文献   

China has been a major power for far longer than is typically acknowledged in the West. This paper seeks to redress established discourse of China as a 'rising' power which now enjoys common usage within Western policy-making, academic and popular circles, particularly within the United States; China can more accurately be conceived of as a 'recovering power'. A tendency by successive Washington administrations to view the world in realist terms has forced the label of 'rising' power onto China along with the negative connotations that inevitably follow. We should acknowledge the folly in utilising a theoretical approach largely devoid of any appreciation for the social and human dimensions of international relations as well as the importance of social discourse in the field. Finally, policy-makers in Washington must reconsider their realist stance and, with a fuller appreciation of world history, recognise that American hegemony was always destined to be short-lived.  相似文献   

宋礼慧 《学理论》2012,(18):222-223
学习评价是教学过程的一个重要环节。传统的评价方式是以教师出题考学生的方式进行,以教师的打分作为评价依据。随着以学生为中心的教学模式的开展,自我评估的模式受到许多专家学者的推崇,但是对于大学英语写作中指导学生进行自我评估的研究较少,试图通过实证研究分析自我评估对于大学英语写作的促进作用。  相似文献   


This article attempts to formulate a paradigm for textual features that are embodied in mystical writing. By using T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets as an example, this paper demonstrates that five distinctive textual strategies are operative in mystical writing: (1) negation as a heuristic means of spiritual ascent; (2) parallelism and paradox: an iconic correlation; (3) the matrix of a journey; (4) the generic sentence as a highlighted voice; and (5) metaphor of depersonalization. It will be argued that the five textual strategies contribute to forming a poetics of mystical writing. The argument also exemplifies an alternative to the religio-philosophical and traditional literary interpretations of Four Quartets : this poetic work embodies a condensed, crystallized poetics of mystical writing.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):19-27

Jewish and non‐Jewish French intellectuals have tried to prove that antisemitism has no firm roots in France. In fact, much current research shows quite the opposite. Biblical Israel was a source of inspiration; modern Jewry is often seen as an unacceptable anomaly.  相似文献   


Building effective states is crucial to global stability and prosperity, but this priority has yet to be translated into a consistent approach embraced by a community of practice. Various factors have constrained the emergence of such a community, including a lack of consensus on the range of functions that states should perform. Peace agreements are implicitly exercises in statecraft but have not been systematically analysed as such. Systematic analysis of peace agreements reveals seven foci of statecraft. This analysis in turn reveals seven key building-blocks that peace agreements, as exercises in statecraft, must address in laying the foundations for a durable, inclusive political, social and economic order.  相似文献   

王斌 《各界》2008,(10)
本文从写作课程开设的现状出发,根据民办高职院校开设《应用写作》课程的实践体会,对该课程的教学方面提出一些浅见,同时结合学生学习分析得出一些学习方法。  相似文献   

The article links Blanchot’s philosophical and political ideas. Embarking from his recurrent dialogue with Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, it traces the development of Blanchot’s “dissident” version of modernism and his notion of “writing”, alongside his post-war political involvement and writing. I argue that Blanchot never relinquished the purist modernist idea of the privilege of writing and with it the privilege of his own self-identification primarily as a writer. It is my contention that this emphasis sometimes obfuscated his vision, both conceptually and politically. I exemplify my claim by appealing to Blanchot’s unconditional support of Israel and Zionism.  相似文献   

对百姓苦难的真切呈现——新时期"底层写作"述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温长青 《理论导刊》2007,(8):120-122
近年来,社会底层百姓的严酷恶劣的生活境遇、命若悬丝的生存状态,引起了越来越多的有着朴素的人道主义情怀的作家的深切关注。那些与底层百姓血肉相连、息息相关的作家们,以饱蘸血泪的文字,直面底层百姓生活的艰难与不幸,在或理性冷静或激情难抑的真切叙写中,为我们展示了一幅幅不无酸楚、凄切的生活画面,具有振聋发聩、撼人心魄的省世意义。  相似文献   

刘洪明 《各界》2008,17(12)
This paper introduces the purpose of our English teaching briefly and a few points for attention in the standards of English writing evaluation. On the basis of this, it discusses the relationship between English writing and cohesion in order to try to find an appropriate method for our English writing.  相似文献   

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