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This year, China has been hit by abnormal weather-spring seems re-luctant to arrive as north China is plagued by low temperatures and strong winds and the south is drenched in lasting rainfall. In spite of the climate, the pulse of spring is vibrant at the Expo site.  相似文献   

THE maiden flight on March 14, 2006 of an airplane bearing the 2010 Shanghai World Expo emblem from Beijing Capital International Airport signaled the onset of preparations for this major event. Since China won its bid to hold the Expo, Shanghai Municipality has expedited detailed plans to ensure that everything goes ahead smoothly.  相似文献   

Atroupe of tiny dancers acted as corps de ballet to artists performing at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Shanghai Expo. Dressed in the national costumes of various Asian countries, the children swirled colorful streamers, flourished the blue Haibao Shanghai Expo mascot, danced to the beat of Japanese singer Shinji Tanimura and provided a colorful background to the aria sung by Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli.  相似文献   

The virtual Shanghai World Expo will be distinguished by the fact it will be a 3-D space, in which visitors can enter any of the exhibition halls with the click of a mouse and view the full range of items on display.  相似文献   

After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people are looking forward to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo with the same fervency.The World Expo, started in London in 1851, is the world’s top-level ex-position, known as the "Olympics of human intelligence." For one and a half centuries, the World Expo has recorded every bit of progress made in science and technology, and explored major issues faced by humankind.The 2010 Shanghai World Expo is the fi rst such event held in China and in a developing country...  相似文献   

It is no secret that Shanghai's drive to hold a successful World Expo in 2010 has been generously backed with human resources and money by the Central Government. But it might come as a surprise to  相似文献   

温家宝 《北京周报(英文版)》2010,53(1):后插4-后插8
President Jean-Pierre Lafon,Secretary General Vicente Gonzales Loscertales,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It is truly a pleasure for me to attend the Seventh World Expo International Forum. On behalf of the Chinese Government, I warmly welcome all the guests to the forum and sincerely wish the forum a complete success. The series of World Expo International Forums are important events to promote the ideal of the World Expo and expand its influence. Participants to this forum will have extensive and in-depthdiscussions under the theme of shaping urban future with global wisdom. This is of major importance in substantiating the content of theWorld Expo 2010 in Shanghai and making it a big success.  相似文献   

A five-part documentary Expo’s Meaning, Shanghai’s Mission will air on China Central Television (CCTV)’s news channel during prime time on August 10-14,representing a major step for the channel toward international co-production.  相似文献   

日前,"上海世博会和产业转型"研讨会在上海社科会堂举行,来自上海理论界和有关部门的专家学者,通过评析上海市经济管理干部学院余长国、朱林兴两位教授领衔的<2010年中国上海世博会对上海第二产业的推动作用>课题组提供的后续研究成果,从多角度对如何以世博会为契机,促进上海产业转型的问题展开了研讨.  相似文献   

Individual tickets for the 2010 World Expo Shanghai go on sale Dong Aizhen, a senior citizen living in Pudong of Shanghai, stood in front of a post office at 5:30 am. on July 1, the first day tickets for the  相似文献   

WU JIANMIN is an experienced diplomat who served as China's Ambassador to the Netherlands and to France, and a former president of China Foreign Affairs University. He was elected chairman of the International Exhibition Bureau in 2003 and vice president of the European Academy of Sciences in 2007.  相似文献   

WHAT does it mean to visit the Shanghai Expo? Every person will give you a different answer.  相似文献   

正When the China International Import Expo(CIIE),the first expo of its kind in the country,opens in Shanghai on November 5,the spotlight will be on hi-tech products and new technology.From industrial robots and aviation electronics to machine tools and radiation therapy equipment.overseas firms are rushing to bring their latest technology to the CIUE to tap into an expanding market amid  相似文献   

A good variety of industrial, agricultural and handicraft products from China appeared at the first World Expo in London in 1851. Silk sent by a Guangdong merchant Living in Shanghai won both the gold and silver prizes. The man. Xu Rongcun. got news of the expo from British diplomats and businesspeople in Shanghai, and shipped 12 packages of Yung Kee silk from his store. Due to the coarse packaging, the fine material was neglected for several months, but was immediately loved once opened. The queen personally handed the gold and silver medals and certificates to Xu Rongeun. Orders from both home and abroad soon flooded into his store.  相似文献   

●申博胜利是民族形象成功的展示●应当提升到对中国、长三角和上海的现代化推进10年的高度来认识举办世博会的意义●信息化地球村时代办博面临的重大挑战●成功的世博会应留下隽永的精神遗产  相似文献   

申博成功后,会为上海这座城市带来什么变化?目前的经济晴雨表上反映的是房价在一夜之间上涨了,随之而来的是不少评论提醒人们,上海的房价可能会象北京申奥成功后的房价,隔一段时日马上回落。笔者认为,申博成功给上海这座城市带来的意义,远不是这一点表面的经济现象,它所带来的变化,是巨大而深刻的,某种意义上说,是一座城市的美学风格的重塑。首先,上海的天际轮廓线将要被改变。不同的时代有它不同的城市标志性建筑,如雅典卫城的神殿和诸神雕塑,罗马竞技场和供水渠道工程,埃及的金字塔和古巴比伦国的遗址等。而巴黎埃非尔铁塔…  相似文献   

WE spent a year and half deliberating on the theme of the 2010 World Expo. We went through all the previous themes and thought that all we wanted to say had been said. leaving nothing for us to present. retags Doctor Ji Lude, head of the Theme Development Department of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination Bureau. This is the tenth year that Doctor Ji has worked for the World Expo 2010 Shanghai. In May 1999. when he was a university professor. Shanghai decided to bid for the 2010 World Expo, and Doctor Ji got involved in developing a theme. He has stuck with the project ever  相似文献   

CEMENT, telephones, camera film, steam engines, and electric motors. A slew of innovative new inventions have been displayed at World Expos since the fair's inception in 1851. It has always been a showcase for the envelope-pushers in science and technology. This year's Shanghai World Expo, which opens on May 1,2010, will have plenty of the next generation of gadgets to impress and amaze.  相似文献   

世博会不仅是现代科技展示的盛会,也是现代文明交流与沟通的国际舞台.2010年世博会将成为上海城市社会发展的重要契机,集中表现为城市服务和管理水平的促进,区域经济、社会融合度的提高,更体现在社会动员的推动以及市民素质的提升.  相似文献   

After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,the Chinese people are looking forward to the 2010 Shanghai World Exop with the same fervency.  相似文献   

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