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Bayesian empirical approaches appear frequently in fields suchas egineering, computer science, political science and medicine,but almost never in law. This article illustrates how such approachesmight be very useful in empirical legal studies. In particular,Bayesian approaches enable a much more natural connection betweenthe normative or positive issues that typically motivate suchstudies and the empirical results.  相似文献   

本文从比较法角度,对我国实现法官独立应必须具备的三个基本要素进行了阐述。通过考察国外的通常做法,对比我国的不足和缺陷,提出了一些修正和改进意见,意图借助司法体制改革的东风,实现法官的真正独立。  相似文献   

The loss of farmland each year due to development in New York State is astounding. Yet, agriculture remains an important part of the local economy and is essential in providing local food to New York residents. Many land-use protective measures that have been put in place such as large minimal lot-size zoning and agricultural districts have failed to slow down the rate of farmland lost each year. Conservation easements are a vital protective tool, but they require lots of private and public funding. This funding is necessary in order to ensure farmland for future generations. Before it is too late, New York needs to follow the lead of states such as Pennsylvania, which has shown an overwhelming commitment to protecting vital farmland.  相似文献   

李军 《人民司法》2021,(9):96-100
作为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年的开年大戏《山海情》,为我们讲述了上世纪90年代以来,宁夏西海固人民在党和国家扶贫政策的引导下,在福建的对口帮扶下,通过奋斗获得美好生活的故事.2021年2月25日上午,在全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会上。  相似文献   

奥林匹克体育仲裁制度及我国之借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育仲裁是解决体育纠纷的重要方式,国际体育仲裁委员会(ICAS)及体育仲裁院(CAS)是国际上著名的体育仲裁机构。体育仲裁对我国体育事业和仲裁法律制度来讲,是一项重要的制度创新。通过借鉴奥林匹克体育仲裁制度的成功实践,本文对体育仲裁的理论和实际操作进行全面的考察,进而就我国建立体育仲裁制度提出一己之见,希望对2008年北京奥运会有所参考。  相似文献   

卡拉能否继续OK--卡拉OK收费法律问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自三月份以来,全国二十多个省自治区直辖市范围内的卡拉OK经营者,陆续收到律师函。律师函要求卡拉OK经营者停止其擅自使用中外权利人的音乐电视/MTV、音乐录影/MV、卡拉OK作品的侵权行为并支付赔偿金。同时北京、上海等地一些有影响的卡拉OK经营者被告上了法庭。一石激起千层浪,此举在娱乐行业引起了轩然大波,一些地方的娱乐行业协会也紧急召集商议对策。笔者认为,对此事件应当理性的对待,大可不必惊慌,笔者拟根据《著作权法》及其有关规定对此类案件进行剖析: 一、直面收费性质 在唱片公司的委托代理律师发出的律师函件中称:音乐电视/MTV、音乐录影/MV和卡拉OK曲目是一种以类似电影的方法创作的视听作品,凝聚了编剧、导演、摄影、演员、剪辑、合成等的独创性劳动,依据中国  相似文献   

郑戈 《河北法学》2007,25(10):24-27
在柏拉图的《理想国》中,有一个著名的"洞穴"比喻:长期困于洞穴之中的"囚徒",借助火光在石壁上造成的影像来形成自己关于这个世界的观念.  相似文献   

张晶 《中国司法》2011,(5):32-35
党的十六届四中全会提出要"加强社会建设和管理,推进社会管理体制创新"。党的十七大提出要"健全党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与的社会管理格局"。  相似文献   

论传媒与司法的博弈及平衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传媒具有客观性、主动性和动态反映性特点.在联系案例的基础上研究司法与传媒的博弈关系,认为传媒与司法之间可能存在冲突.因此需要平衡,同时二者之间的共同点又是平衡的基础.我们的正确选择是如何实现二者之间的动态平衡关系.  相似文献   

双重可诉规则:进退之际   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋晓 《法律科学》2009,27(1):103-112
双重可诉规则的演变是侵权冲突法理论发展的枢纽所在。双重可诉规则试图融合侵权行为地法和法院地法这两个系属公式的优点,但不利于平等保护双方当事人的利益,而且有悖于现代侵权法的基本职能。放弃双重可诉规则,强化侵权行为地法的作用,是侵权冲突法发展和我国法律改革的方向,但对于涉外诽谤侵权和损害赔偿限额等问题,双重可诉规则仍有局部保留的价值。  相似文献   

司法鉴定制度改革应走创新之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行司法鉴定体制已经初步呈现鉴定人、专家辅助人和专家证人三足鼎立之势。各种相互冲突的制度并存的状况,一方面反映了改革进路抉择之艰难,另一方面也是制度优势互补的一种尝试。然而,简单的制度叠加难以摆脱中国司法鉴定的困境,司法鉴定制度改革应走创新之路。  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of the corporate "social license," which governs the extent to which a corporation is constrained to meet societal expectations and avoid activities that societies (or influential elements within them) deem unacceptable, whether or not those expectations are embodied in law. It examines the social license empirically, as it relates to one social problem–environmental protection–and as it relates to one particular industry: pulp and paper manufacturing. It shows try the social license is important, the circumstances in which it may encourage companies to go "beyond compliance" with regulation, how its terms are monitored and enforced, and how it interacts with what we term the regulatory and economic licenses. Overall, this research demonstrates that corporate environmental behavior cannot be explained purely in terms of instrumental threats and moral obligations to comply with the law, and that the increasing incidence of "beyond compliance" corporate behavior can be better explained in terms of the interplay between social pressures and economic constraints.  相似文献   

胡健 《中国法律》2014,(2):44-48,108-111
正2014年3月9日上午,張德江委員長在全國人大常委會工作報告中鄭重指出:「堅持把立法決策與改革決策更好結合起來,抓緊制定和修改同全面深化改革相關的法律,從法律制度上推動和落實改革舉措,充分發揮立法在引領、推動和保障改革方面的重要作用」。這與習近平總書記所強調的「凡屬重大改革都要於法有據、先立後破、有序進行」前後呼應、一脈相承,進一步展示了執政黨堅持依法執政、建設法治  相似文献   

The health of the economy of Ghana is inextricably linked with the responsiveness of its company law to the realities of business companies. Ghana’s once much lauded Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) is now in need of updating, as a result principally of the changing dynamics of Ghana’s emerging free market economy. It is now time for us to rethink what should be the proper role of company law in Ghana’s economy and reform Ghana’s Companies Code accordingly. Such well thought out reforms should make Ghana’s company law globally competitive and enhance Ghana’s attractiveness as a destination for investors coming to sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

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